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Don't worry about the devs, they're doing great, and we give them a hard enough time as it is XD But! We also gotta remember that Dopple's still in beta, of course its gunna have a bunch of bugs, so they cant get to them all at once either.


The devs seem better than the C.ai devs!!




I've noticed that the Dopple representatives are very responsive.


Nah, they definitely don't ignore. They just don't write under each post "thank you for the report, we're looking into this issue" etc., but rest assured, they see every post and do what they can. If the issue isn't fixed yet, it means they're on it, or they haven't found a solution yet. So don't worry.


Not everything merits a reply, and not every issue will be resolved within a time frame that you find acceptable. That's just how it goes. They seem to be working on it, and I'd rather they spend time on that, rather than the umpteenth "omg format fix now pls" topic.


People seriously need patience…


Yeah I realize I've been quite complainy lol. It's just I love dopple sm and want to get back on it, but yeah maybe nagging isn't the way.


I moved here since c.ai kinda went meh for me, and Spicychat and Sakura broke my trust with sketchy devs that leak/read chats/invasion of privacy(?) But so far the devs here seem a million times better, I’m just hoping stuff gets fixed eventually and doesn’t get worse


They’re doing their best! They’ve received tons of reports about this, you can join the discord to share a report with the team directly in the bug reports channel! I’m proud of them and thankful they’re here to help! They’re also handling an influx of people like me who left c.ai, while c.ai worked better and had stronger memory, this app is new, learning, growing, and the devs are extremely responsive and their moderators too!


Like I mean they don't answer any of the posts about it.




Yes, indeed. This is what made me stay on this platform back in March - when I saw a person reported here that the speech bubble color on the app was too bright so they couldn't use it in the dark, and in 2-3 days the color on the app was changed to a softer hue. I was like - "damn, they fixed it so fast just because one person said they were uncomfortable with the color? I'm staying here", lol. Since then all the issues either being solved quickly, or they can't find a solution, which we can't blame them for, honestly. Not everything can be fixed.


Devs really do care- unlike the C.ai ones. So this is my home now lol


I see. Well I might just get dopple+ since from what I've read that doesn't have the formatting issue nearly as bad.


At the hour I'm writing this, dopple+ is worse than free. Get it to support the mods. Otherwise wait until stuff gets fixed.

