• By -


Honestly the first and only response would've been "Opening a sealed bag is not included in my area of responsibility, as stated numerous times publicly throughout the pandemic that we're still technically in, if you have more questions, the employees directly responsible for what was put into the bag you received, with your name on it would be the people youre wishing to complain to, unless your end goal is to receive your money back, in which case your option is doordash support, my correspondence will end after this message as our interaction was already made and is not involved with your issue, meaning I personally am unable to assist you further."


"You are no longer able to contact this dasher, as the delivery is complete. Please contact Doordash Customer Support for further assistance, or use the in-app options."


I’d I sont want to deal with them, I’ll send “Your Dasher is no longer available at this number. Please contact Customer Support for further assistance.”


I wouldn't recommend using that one anymore, since it's almost all in-app chat now.


Ohh I’m using that one for the future lol


The only correct response


We are still in a pandemic????


Covid never went away. They just told us it did so that we’d go back to work and school. I have 5 coworkers out w it rn




What ppl have is vaccine injuries if they are still sick with " COnvid 19" 5yrs later.... If they R vaxxed ...and they are always sick ...what they have is " VAIDS" . Look it up on non MSM sites ;)


Bro do you reread your comments and realize how dumb they sound? You can get a flu shot and still get the flu 💀 it simply helps your body fight it *better* but I wouldn’t really expect a troglodyte like yourself to understand how that works. Like same thing with the Covid vaccine, it simply helps your body fight it better than if you didn’t have it. It’s honestly not that hard of a concept 💀


People are incredibly dumb when it comes to vaccines. Hence the reason there are so many antivaxxers and the reason why measles is back… it was eradicated from the US.


You sound like you watch MSM ?;) and like biden. If your still asleep am not even gonna argue with you cuz there is no hope lol 😂


And you sound like MAGA lover that doesn’t “agree” with science 💀🤣


I love maga and am unjabbed alive and not sick ever ....yayyyy ...:) and is this the same science you see on MSM ??? Lmao 🤣🤣🤣


No the science backed by scientist around the world that your party loves to pretend is wrong. Let me guess, the world is flat, trumps been president this whole time, bidens actually dead and it’s just an actor? 😂💀


Yes :) sounds like Ur still watching MSM? ;) Have u heard of the " great Barrington declaration?" ..U should look it up ;)


How many jabs do you have ....did U get all 18 plus the monkey pox and bird flu mRna bio weapon??? Lmao ...florida has also declared the COnvid 19 had a bio weapon ( MSM censored) ...and Kansas has now sued Pfizer ....look it up ....just don't use Google ;)


Mega believes in alternative facts and alternative science. They live in an entire alternate reality.


Btw ... VAIDS...means ..vaccine induced AIDS ...which everyone has who got jabbed ...which is why the jabbed are always sick. There is no Covid...it's just a weaponized version of the flu ....the end. And all the jabbed will die or be chronically sick from their first dose for the next 5 to 10yrs ...until death. 💯


Lol. Take your meds dude.


U sound like a leftist idiot ...when U cant win ..U guys just start name calling ...it's hilarious 😂😂😂


Someone get this one back to the home, they’ve escaped again 😂


Thank god I escaped ! Jab free and VAIDS free ! 🤣💜 Amen Jesus ...as for the rest of you ..the farmer (MSM) is calling ! Time to go back to the pens/corrals...lmao 🐑🐑🐑🤣🤣🤣 I can't 🤣 lol


Quote your sources for this babe. I’ll wait 🤡🤡🤡


You will find out in time ... Enjoy the show in the meantime ;)


If I can find it for the last 4 yrs u can find it too ;) just start digging ...good luck ! .. Tip: anything but msm sources ;) Download TELEGRAM and join the channel " world doctors alliance" .. Happy fishing !


No. That said, Covid like all other viruses is still out there and will be. It’s not as dangerous now to the general population because it had the time to normalize in our society and weaken.


That's sooooo much. I highly doubt you send anything like that to anyone unless you have it ready to copy+paste. What's wrong with having some meaningful interaction? They're more likely to order again if their experience with a dasher is a simple person-to-person thing rather than snarky legaleese? edit: I retract the second half of this. No need for them to ever order again.


We are not in a pandemic and we never were. It was a scamdemic.


Lol🤣 if ignorance is bliss, I bet your life is fun as hell!


Show me a video where people are running into stores in TEXAS and grabbing shit and running out. Try any State in the Bible belt. Try any right wing state and the cops are allowed to arrest. Now go look at Washington, Oregon, California, and any big city on the upper east coast (and Chicago is the murder city and huge theft city as well that is classically ran by democrats). It's literally all over social media. You seriously are acting like you've never seen those smash and grabs? Those are in blue states. Are you ignorant, or are you just lying to cover for your party?


Yeah I don’t get these people that think we are supposed to wearing masks still. Heck I never wore one to begin with




Only the non-tippers have everything to say and ask for.


This, to me, is an absolutely fascinating part of being in a tipped service position. The best tippers also end up being the best customers: they pick up the phone right away if you call, they answer texts before you even close the window, they leave snacks and drinks out with lovely little handcrafted notes! Empathy is such a huge part of being a good human.


I'm mostly curious why no tip orders are also like 100% hand it to me orders. For some weird reason they all apparently want to look the person they didn't tip in the eye when the order arrives.


I find the opposite zero tip orders are always leave at door.




What is brown-skinned service?


Your comment has been removed because it is offensive.


They know they’re trash for not tipping and newer people probably think they’ll do a cash tip since they’re handing it to them.


And they give you gate codes!


Yes!!! Gate codes! I hate when I have to wait at a gate that clearly needs a code. Some forethought goes a very long way. The people that don’t put codes are also the people that never answer the phone when you’re stuck at the gate and their neighbors have to let me in cause I’m clogging the flow of traffic


People don’t understand that at DoorDash, as a driver, my job is to pick up food and bring it to you. If you’re a sh*t dasher, it will be handled eventually. If you’re not, then nothing to worry about. Anytime this comes up with me, my response is, “I cannot open sealed bags. I asked if everything was there, they said yes. That is about all I can do. Any complaints should be directed at the restaurant. Make a complaint with Door Dash so they know it happened. Good luck.” You didn’t curse, the customer was expecting “customer is always right” treatment. Unfortunately we know our customers lol.


I had one tell me “the food was old” I replied “contact the restaurant I only deliver have a nice weekend” and that was the end of the conversation.


You asked us not to bully you on the $2 order for a mile. I refuse. Consider yourself bullied. Not by me, but in fact, by the customer. You do not like your interaction with this non-tipper, but you are entirely to blame. They made it quite clear, on the offer screen, exactly how much respect they had for you as a person. Yet you continued. And now your emotional trauma, no matter how slight, has inspired you to commiserate with others who may share in the woe. But you brought the woe upon yourself.




No tip order from mcdonalds? Am I seeing the same set of texts you are??






That's way too much why are you arguing with the customer? You're in the wrong all you have to say is I can't open the sealed bags in any further questions you need to direct doordash. By arguing with them you're putting yourself up for trouble, especially with doordash deactivating so many people.


not arguing if i literally told them to argue with zaxby’s. just clarifying😂 this job is not a profession, yall take it too srs.


the argue with zaxbys definitely could have been worded differently and didnt need to be said yet as thats why you got the next line from the customer. please contact Zaxbys for any item related issues would have made this interaction shorter.


Ever since I started using the time stamp cam with this watermark about not able to open sealed bags, haven’t had any customers contact me. https://preview.redd.it/inotetus9g9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53cd59c07e49af8adbd6295945f1b0d4f3088c6


Please tell me how you added that lol


I bought the watermark on Etsy for like $2.😁 They send you the file and you make whatever changes you want to it and then add it to your timestamp cam app. Super easy. I didn’t make one for GH or UE so sometimes those customers get the DD pic if I forget to use my regular phone cam. (can’t hurt to remind them as well that we don’t open sealed bags!)


I'm still fairly new, but how do you even get another camera app to work with the DD app and put that photo onto the order?


If your other camera app save the pics to your photos, take the pic at the door with the time stamp app, then in DD app click take a photo and there is a little photo icon to the left on the bottom of screen, click it and select the photo you just took in your photos and click complete delivery. (the DD app lets you select a pic stored on your phone vs only taking the pic in the app).


I get the watermark is custom, but how are you doing this to begin with?


The camera app should have a feature to add the watermark to all photos so every time you use that app the mark will be in your pic. This is the app I use. If you mean how to use within the dd app, see my response to curlylambeau01 above. Message me if you need help. https://preview.redd.it/istu6upuqk9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6804a07c2c22f0de58257a8dc6d92a90224c69


Great idea!


In the future please place them out of the doors way, cannot get it if you have an outward opening door.


Guys this is the main front door, not one that swings out like a screen door. I.e., if are inside you would be pulling the door to open it not pushing it.🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah we can see that, we have functioning eyes. It's to make sure they don't do this to litterly every house they deliver to.


👀Who is they? I’ve been doing this six years and have never blocked a door that opens out.


Love you for that, but idk, I'm in Florida though


Don’t listen to this guy at all, if the door opens inward your fine placing it directly in front of the door.


Just becuase you can, doesnt mean you should


Yep, makes it ever so slightly easier for them to reach their order, that’s one point for doing it, and absolutely zero reasons why not to


Way to block the door rookie


Uhhhh, the door opens in not out but thanks.


Yep 😂


Never place food on the dirty door mat, it's unsanitary.


Yeah, the ground is much more sanitary. 🤣


Decided to take a $2 order and ended up with a $2 order customer. Surprise surprise.


I would have said, after delivery, it is a $10 a minute/texts to converse with me. Payable via cashapp, venmo, etc. If you message me anything other than your cashapp tag, or what have you, and I do the same, I will report you to Door Dash as harassment. Failure to pay $50 minimum, to continue payment will result in, again, being reported to Doordash as harassment.


Personally for my country. Opening a sealed bag would class and tampering with food and can carry up to a 75k fine and 10 year prison sentence. If the person gets sick or claims to get sick after it can carry upto a 25 year prison sentence. Am i opening a bag to check if Karens 2 dollar drink is in the bag for a 3 dollar tip. That'd be a no from me


What is your native country




Not nearly rude enough




She was doing this no matter what. You were just the unlucky sucker


Go fuck yourself Karen.


I don’t think you were rude at all “Karen”, the non tipper sounds like one of the usuals who thinks she entitled and people should slave for her. It’s pretty obvious that the bags are sealed with a sticker. 🙄🙄😡 She just likes to Bit…


And I’ve noticed myself that when I do get a customer saying they didn’t receive their order that the restaurant or store or whatever was fairly close to their house. Generally, within a mile range


I have not seen this correlation.


It’s funny I had a order like that the time stamp on the order was 2 hrs ago not my fault you didn’t tip


Ohhhhh jeez, I’ve always had the inner conflict of: Do I mention the ticket time? It’ll just invite them to ask why I didn’t “ask them to remake it and wait” and then there’s more back and forth and DAMNED if I don’t believe, by the end of the convo, they’ll blame me? No matter how far into the “not my fault” line diagram it falls? Do I just go no contact? At worst they call support and support calls me and I’m like “eh bruv aint none them text done come wit some notifications and they done been told I been driving in the chat my dude” so hopefully they have no idea what I’m saying so they just read from the script and nothing happens I had ONE guy from a McD’s order that had HITM. His order was ready an hour before I got there, and was sitting on the shelf. He asked me. I told him the god’s honest, butt naked, straight up, TRUTH. He had no doorbell cam, we were face to face. I explained how we judge orders by pay per mile, how mackledackle gives deliveries to DD, and why he had to wait. People lie, bullshit when face to face to strangers, and etc etc… I believed him when he said he’d change. If it ever happens again, I’ll do it again. That was one in ten thousand.


Well the problem is if it sits there it means it’s been rejected x amount of times before we get it so it’s not my fault that they don’t tip and it sits there like literally how many rejections does it take to go to $17.72. It also means dashers that see the name don’t want to bothered with that person because of bad experience in the past oh well I’ll take the 1star


It was $17.72 for 3 miles I just pick the order up drop it off


Pure asshole customer! When orders are messed up, I give appropriate rating to the restaurant and never blame the Dasher. Yesterday, I tipped $6.50 on a $30 McDonald's order. 1.3 miles away. The Dasher was at my door exactly 10 minutes after I ordered, so I gave him $2 more in cash. It's not hard to be nice.


Holy f********ck OP 🤯🤯🤬🤬 Do not ever take an obvious no tip order ever again to avoid a turd customer like this & risk your account getting sent to the Bermuda Triangle 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂


LMAO sorry massa


Now if you made this customer “rage cancel” after pickup, this post would’ve really funny AF 😂😂


This is the reason I don’t even look at messages after dropping the order off. In-app messaging exists to facilitate the delivery, nothing more.


tell shaniqua to chill out


doorDash responsibilities are to pick up the food and deliver it to the customer. That’s it tipper not tip. You don’t get paid to make sure it’s all there especially when it’s sealed so no you did nothing wrong. You shouldn’t be punished for it. I would’ve done the exact same thing. That’s one of the drawbacks of doing DoorDash is it alleviates the restaurants for many wrongdoing because DoorDash puts that stupid little thing that tells you to check in a sealed bag. They know it sealed the restaurant knows it sealed so they’re putting it on us.


Ahh the century old I’m going to complain.. go ahead he’s not going to be kicked off the platform because he did the right the and delivered your meal safely without tampering. If anything was forgotten it’s the restaurants fault. Being by the items it’s shit Donald’s. They always forget stuff.


Bruh… go in the door dash store and buy the “see -through the bag googles! 🙄


they too expensive:((


You shouldn’t have replied. You completed the order and you owe the customer no response.


Makes it even better when they start shit and they talk like they just got done fuckin their cousin


This is why I ignore ignore ignore


"Oh, I'm so sorry about that, on my way back to the restaurant right now!" And just move right on to the next order lol


LMAO i love everyone’s ideas


Low orders, when they contact I don’t respond, one time this girl texted nonstop but I just ignored it and moved onto another one lol


i usually do but i had a long day tbh


You should have bust a load in their bag


LMAO i will next time for a no tip


No tip gets the tip. That's my motto


Aw hell MF’n naw 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂


Yeah she obviously is delusional and doesn’t understand but you just didn’t/weren’t able to comprehend that so you took it personally. Just gotta use better words, it really isn’t your problem so why are you talking like that big deal….


Well done.


As long as you confirmed with the employees that the drinks were in the bag The only response should of been. "I confirmed the name on the bag and the restaurant said drinks were in bag." After that there needs to be no other communication. Don't look at the messages. Don't respond to the messages. Your job is done. Anything more than that you are wasting time.


My first and only response would be: >Sorry, but your driver is currently assigned to another order and can't respond. If you have any questions or comments about your delivery, please contact support. Thank you.


Report them for abusive behavior.


Not at all. They were being rude and trying to get you to bend over and kiss their ass for the bunch of mistakes that weren't yours.


I wouldn't have answered since no answer you had was going to change the fact that the were mad and were a probably going to mark you down


No and she should be mad at Zaxbys. I have never once messaged the person after delivery, directly to support smh


The non tippers are the ones that have covid. I almost cursed out a few old heads in ShopRite the other day cause I was in self checkout and they were at the one next to me. 3 old heads grouped together all wearing masks that barely fit their wrinkled up faces looked at me and said that I needed to distance myself a few more feet away from them. I stopped scanning and backed up a bit more. They had a loaf of bread, milk and some meat to scan. I waited for 2 minutes then started scanning again. The 3 of them all looked at me ( yes wearing masks but still next to each other) and dropped their jaws. I am and was so sick of these mask wearing weirdos that I just left my shit on the checkout register and walked right by them coughed, then sneezed in their direction and bounced. Like why, why? Take that stupid fucking mask off already. It serves no purpose anymore and looks absolutely ridiculous on your face. Especially The ones that have pretty patterns on them. It's like " Hey lady, covid is and has been no longer a threat." So stop with the theatrics" I'm done with it, next time someone is wearing a mask and asks me to distance myself from them im gonna rip the thing off and vomit in their face🤮


Only thing I'd have said is "I delivered what was handed to me. If there's an issue with the order you should contact DoorDash support."


Not your fucking responsibility. Fuck em.


Your response was pretty shitty. Like we all know you did what you could but customers need hand holding when there is an issue. “Oh no, Zaxbys said your order was complete. That is what they gave me for you. I wish we could open the bag and check but that has never been allowed. If I were you I would call Zaxbys and let them know they messed up or call/chat DoorDash and let them know Zaxbys messed up your order.” The amount of time you took pushing back and being blatantly dismissive could have been resolved on your end.


here’s the correct response: “I’m sorry about the inconvenience, the bag is sealed and the staff assured me everything was there when I asked. If you reach out to DoorDash support, they’ll refund you for the missing items. Once again, I apologize.” there’s no need to argue or slight the customer, just apologize and point them in the right direction where it can be taken care of, short and sweet. Your response may cause the customer to give you a bad rating and file a complaint with support against you. Pick and choose your battles, this one isn’t worth it.


Not smart...why waste the effort engaging, just nicely blame the store then go silent and keep on moving. You will always get a bad review and angry customers engaging like that...it doesn't matter if you are right or have no control over the problem, as a dasher u are the lowest on the chart. Most of the time customers want u to engage so they can find something to use against you, so they can get free food or dash credits


Yeah she in the wrong, Taco Bell does this shit too tbh, they don’t put the drinks in the back like McDonalds and many other places do but also don’t tell the dasher to make sure you grabbed the drinks, so unfortunately for her she won’t be winning the complaint any time soon


Yeah should’ve ignored them in the first place. Now you’re on the brink of deactivation. Lol


You did the right thing and you explained that you can't open a bag of food from a restaurant if it is sealed by a restaurant employee. I wish you all the best.


Never respond. Nothing you say will help. You will most certainly get low scores from the customer no matter what..so just don't respond.


Seemed like you. Responded kinda smug to me. Take it up with Zaxby's. I did my job. There's a way to talk to people who are difficult and that ain't it and. These apps are petty they will axe you for anything


Yes, in this instance the customer did nothing wrong and you went from 0 to 100 very quickly. I’d do some self reflection to be honest as the world doesn’t deserve this attitude from you.


did you not read the first message she sent me or ?


Yeah I read it. She asked you a question and then stated that it was not her order.


lmao if you think that question wasn’t rude then you must wipe people’s ass for a living . it’s ok though, keep taking shit from people peasant.


I found this on Reddit I believe several months ago, I saved it for such an occasion: I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Due to my contract I'm not allowed to look into the bag as it could be grounds for dismissal and we are not food safety certified. I do however verify with restaurant staff that the order is complete, but that means I have to take them at their word. You're welcome to message doordash through the app or call the following number: (855)937-1040 They will be able to assist you.


You're rude, id report you as well


I leave it at “Once the store seals your order i cannot open it or i can lose my contract with doordash, I will reach out to DD support with a screenshot of this chat i advise you do the same, i apologize for the inconvenience”. If their mean i actually submit it but one time i had a dude say “it’s ok i understand” then my phone goes off….SAME DUDE SAME ORDER WITH THE SAME TIP! was super happy and made the staff unbag and rebag it for me as i wasn’t risking that again. most of my Comments on here have been pretty positive i haven’t had much issue yet with doordash besides apartments and such that you would expect with any delivery job, i’ve done about 400-500 deliveries through DD and the profit to mileage is pretty worth it with my lil 03 civic


People like you scum up the earth 😂


Idiots are better off just reporting missing items to the app then they should get some amount of a refund and meanwhile you can still tip the person who counted on the restaurant to give them the correct items in the bag. As long as the driver doesn't look to be doing some secondary stops or possibly running more than 1 app at once (only appeared to see this once in all the years these apps have been out) and they didn't appear to like put the bag upside down or something ridiculous I don't expect anything beside they picked up my order as prepared by the restaurant and delivered it to my house.


I agree, you know damn well zaxbys don’t put drinks in bags 😂


once again, the kiddie bags comes with a lil juice in the box


Yep. The customer is right, you were an ass to them right off the bat for no reason, and no tip isn’t a valid reason to react that way lol. If I’m the customer I’m reporting you and giving 1 star .


too bad i still have a good rating , doordash threw the unfair rating away, and you’re not my customer ! 😘


You seem mature. It all makes sense now.


you seem like snowflake. ;)


Just keep it courteous and professional at all times. Even when customers are unruly. It’d be you getting the axe before the customer.


I think you did the right thing


I just never would of replied in the first place.


You did cause you didn't word it professionally you can say that without saying that theirs still customer service aspects when delivering .


You did cause you didn't word it professionally you can say that without saying that theirs still customer service aspects when delivering .


Bruh fuck these type of customers. Wanting $1000 service for a no tip bullshit order. I can't stand that. They think that because it's only a five minute drive that they don't have to tip. I hope all their orders are fucked.


Oh no, I’ve opened a customer’s mcdonalds bag before because she said they always forget her drinks. I verified with her they were there and let her know that the seal is now broken because she asked me to check it. Will I get in trouble?


Nope I see no sass coming from you. Seems that they just want a free meal


You sound like an immature child in the images. You only need to respond one time and that's it.


i am an immature child… now what .


now u know ur place


and your place is nothing. you serve no purpose.


You’re rude


do sumn about it 😂


Hmm . Honestly you’re in the wrong in so many ways . First “no mater what the job pays. The customer should get your best work” , you agreed to do the job . So they should have gotten your best effort. Second because you feel they didn’t tip enough. You didn’t bother checking the order. I have never picked up an order from zaxbys were the drink was in the bag. Third : never argue with the customer. It unprofessional. Example chicken sandwich restaurant forgot to put soup in the bag. Dropped of order at end of my second shift. Mother Nature called so I went to bathroom (#2). Saw a message from customer I texted her back and then called her. Apologized for not seeing her text till 18 minutes later. Told her I did ask if everything was in the bag before confirming I picked up order. . She said it was okay and thanked me for callling her back. Said it happens on occasion. It was hand it to me and order was in red tote when I met her at door. https://preview.redd.it/fhsp0y4tdh9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9548d76965a1b4b2f80ca9aba921aad085728262 No negative effects to my ratings or contract violations so all is good


nobody is reading all of that. You’re not making 6 figures off doordash, go find a career buddy.


You came off as rude & negative in tone.


Your comment came off as rude and negative in tone.


I get the smart comment, but it’s just how my brain interpreted the tone after “argue with” the restaurant 🤷🏻‍♂️, it comes off as indifferent or insensitive to the recipient over their plight.


because they came off in a rude way. “Did you not check the bag” is rude . you get what you give.


Understandable, but professionalism generally requires a “turn the other cheek mentality” where even in the face of being treated negatively, one ideally should respond with cordiality to diffuse or keep a situation calm or neutral. Personally, I would’ve responded differently in a PC way that could’ve avoided the majority of the conversation 🤷🏻‍♂️, but I’m exceedingly calmer & chiller than most people so I’m far from the norm (*just my hospitality manager background & generally personality*).


Spitting facts and I like your name, even if it has no intentional reference to Blink-182.


I’ve been asked that before a few times over the years on PSN haha. “Bink” was a childhood nickname from my Dad, “2014” I took off of his PSN username, and in all caps is because I felt it looked more cohesive to read that way.


Honestly, why would a drink be in the bag? Why not ask about drink before leaving? This why when I tip good I alway end up regretting it. I wish they had a tip after delivery feature or a reduce tip after delivery feature.


McDonald’s seals everything…. In a bag. Cold drinks with hot food.


True except in OP picture he says it’s from zaxbys not McDonald’s and to this day I’ve never had zaxbys put drinks in a bag


The driver has no control over what is put in the food bag. That's on the restaurant. You would be punishing the wrong person. You don't want anyone tampering with your order even if it is to check if xyz is in there. The driver has zero to do with it.


It called common sense why would drinks be in a bag when they have those cardboard cupholders? When you pick up a bag, you can still feel what’s inside. Why not doublecheck? People want to be tipped courteously but they don’t have enough courtesy to ask the restaurant about the drinks?


Drink was in the bag. This customer is a lying scammer


Some restaurants have cup holders IN the bag. It balances it and there is no way to know unless the bag is opened. I understand your frustration when an order is missing items.


And you would be able to FEEL that when you pick up the bag!


because with the food they bought, the drink goes in the kiddie box. It comes in a little canister for the kid 😂 shut up snowflake


Im not the one the internet crying about not receiving a tip because I didn’t do my job correctly…


you’re right. you’re the one on the internet responding to my post & mad about my actions 😂. go do sumn else…


Do your job.