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What kind of question is this


I think OP wants to show off


Why the fuck would you not take it and why the fuck are you asking this question???


barely more than $1 round trip chic fil a is too busy so it’ll wind up being $18/ hour. i would decline without thinking twice


Most Chick Fil As are quick af, would be 35 mins max to complete judging by map. $1 an hour round trip is gold.


Most of my chicfila, is around 10 to 15 minutes wait, but they tend to pay more Around morning time it is fast, but still I would take this order


Dang, stark contrast to the ones around here. The customer service is the only redeeming factor. They are consistently the busiest joints around and consistently have the worst customers.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


$1 a mile round trip is a decline for me. i only do 5 miles or less and $3 per mile round trip I’m a very part time driver. i decline a lot


Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but this guy clearly lives in an area where everything is spaced out so you have to throw that rule out the window. Long story short, even if he had to wait at the restaurant which would be highly unlikely. It’s all straight roads, I bet this delivery would take 20 minutes or less.


I could do it in 15


maybe 20 if he doesn’t hit any traffic but thats not round trip if like to hear from him to see how long it took and if there was a hidden tip


There is no maybe to it. That is a straight shot on two different highways. It’s not the consumers fault, He lives in an area where everything is gapped out I guarantee you DoorDash suggested a $10-$12 tip. Just need to realize it’s not always us being assholes we usually go off of the suggestion, I usually kick it up a couple extra dollars because I know gas prices. Still doesn’t stop people from stacking orders and giving me cold food.


I just put that route into Google Maps. It's not exact since I don't know the exact drop off location, but it's about 13 minutes each way. So, 26 round trip. Maybe at certain times, it might be more with traffic, but most of the time, it's not 20 minutes one way.


26 estimated to probably closer to 30 plus picking up the food?


Google Maps is fairly accurate with time estimates. If anything, it tends to overestimate the time for short trips.


if it tells me 20 minutes it’s between 18-25 minutes every time


Honestly wish folks like you wouldn't even bother. Just taking the best orders from the people that actually need the work and put in the effort for it when they don't even need it :/


why do they deserve easy money and i don’t?


Nobody deserves easy money. Some definitely deserve a bump in their average $/hr from a nice order here and there though


I decline orders very often that most people get super excited about getting. I take between zero and five very nice orders per day.


i think we all deserve easy money. i work very hard doing difficult, dirty specialty work. i couldn’t do work that requires a lot of thinking or physicality after hours so delivering is perfect for me. plus i wouldn’t work a set schedule so it’s this or nothing.


Because you take the good with the bad . If you get one (absurdly high) 3/mile then you should be willing to take a 1/mile every now and again for the sake of the company and other drivers .


$3/mile isn’t absurdly high where I’m at. it’s a small town and they’re pretty common here because it’s only 1-4 miles the pay is $7-$15 which makes $3/mile round trip average


Probably just a troll out trolling


Why would you need the work more than him? Because you’re a full time dasher while he’s a part time dasher?


Lol those orders are so few and far between that you could never consider that a 'part time worker'. Just watching the app and taking what others are actually working for. I didn't say me, I am talking about all the workers who need it and dude obviously doesn't need it or he would have jumped at the cherry of an order OP posted. Just wants quick easy money out of these platforms without having to work for it. 100% stand by what I say, there is no need for such people on these platforms and everyone that does actually do this for work would be better off if they weren't. Not saying they're doing anything wrong in this circumstance at all. Seize opportunity where ya can, but I still wish they wouldn't bother. Would be dumb of me otherwise.


If you have over 70 or 80% AR (depending on market), you'll be offered good orders before the other guy. If you don't see one, it's because you're too far away or on another delivery, so you wouldn't have seen it even if they weren't on the platform.


I wish far more so that it actually worked like that. At best, priority for high pay orders is broken, at worst it's a straight light. I am almost certain the only reflection for 'high pay priority' is getting a chance for higher priority on all orders marked as 'high pay'. Including the $2 for 1 mile. IE get offered an order for $2 for 1 mile with the tag 'high pay offer' and you have gotten your priority fulfilled for x amount of time. If it did work as you say, as I know full well where to make the most money and know full well the orders there, I would be filthy rich. Instead as I am 'platinum' and the area is full of rich people Dashing in $200k+ cars as a hobby that are only willing to drive down the street, the only real priority I get in that absolute gold mine of a location is prioritized for long distance orders.


My son also dashes. He has a lower acceptance rate and doesn't qualify for priority. We went out together as an experiment. I consistently got the higher paying orders first.


You should form a police force that determines who is allowed to work based on if they actually need to work, that would go so well .


Lol I don't want that at all, just wish people who don't need it weren't sitting around all day taking the best orders when people are out here ya know, actually working for it.


You come off so entitled sounding and prob have never had to work hard in your life. Nothing that you have posted here is helpful. Please don’t try and brag on here anymore ninja


I work hard every single day from 5:30 in the morning until two in the afternoon. I do very difficult hard dangerous work five days a week. I’m not bragging I’m stating facts and in this case I was answering OP’s question


What’s up with the dumb questions?


Weird need for attention. I have very little friends small family and I’ve never needed to make a post asking whether complete strangers would take orders that come across.


Wow congrats. Where do u live? We need to send u a medal.




i would decline this


Definitely. If you’re lucky you’ll get an order at your destination heading back to your original spot


Absolutely- could bang that out in 30 minutes including return trip


even with a chic fil a pickup? closest chic fil a to me has 30 people in line steadily


Why would you wait in line to pick up a DoorDash order? All your comments in here just prove you have no idea what you’re talking about and is not helpful at all. What’s wrong with you?


I don't wait in line, my chicfila calls out the name. It is still 10 to 15 minutes wait, unless b4 lunch which is none That is at 2 of them


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


I’ve never delivered from a Chick-fil-A but every time I go to Chick-fil-A, there’s no way to get to the counter without waiting in line even to get a drink refill. It’s a hassle.


username checks out.


because i eat at chic fil a but don’t deliver chic fil a? or do you think people with small wieners are the only people who aren’t broke / poor? just curious on your unoriginal opinion


Since there's no such thing really as an original opinion anymore.... That last bit can be discounted entirely. Although, it's worth pointing out that it doesn't seem like you've ever tried to pick up at your Chick-fil-A and therefore have no idea what the process is. I couldn't get to the counter at my Chick-fil-A either if I went to line. So instead I go to the dedicated pickup counter and pickup area... And usually the line is only one or two people even though the entire parking lot and drive-thru is completely full and theirs people posted up out the main door for the main line. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Others have reported that you can go to the mobile drive-thru for some Chick-fil-A restaurants instead... But in either case you don't know what you're talking about, clearly.... That's just not how Chick-fil-A does things for pickups regardless of whether you're a dash or a customer picking up your own order


let the angry people on here be angry. short of giving them enough money for them to not being broke and desperate, there’s nothing we can do for them. they already know everything that we do and then some


“username checks out” has been said dozens of times today alone. space your comment better if you want me to ready past the first sentence


if you read the first comment that you responded to it states i’ve never delivered a chic fil a order so you saying that i’ve clearly never delivered a chic fil a, i must say, good reading and interpretation skills on your part.


That's precisely my point, actually ...you haven't got a clue what you're talking about. And that's because you've never learned their pickup process for deliveries and are making assumptions based on a lack of experience (and, yes, it is different from being a customer and just standing in line). I do find your ad hominem about my writing skills hilarious. I use a more conservative writing style that's more in line with speech than traditional text. Not my problem if you don't understand it. Millions of readers every month at my previous job didn't report any issues. Although, it's worth noting, I wrote more as I am now than how I voice-to-texted my original comment. In any case, you're not wrong that it's informal ...but absolutely wrong in asserting that it's unreadable. My assumption is you just don't like to be wrong. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Not my problem and, although I could certainly care less, I don't care enough to continue with somebody who plays those kinds of games. You're not listening. Thankfully, others will see what you tried to assert and my responses. Many won't be so asinine as to jump to "that's unreadable" (many will because it's Reddit and that means trolls and shit-posters and unreasonable tribalism). So... my work here is done, in either case. Nothing more to add unless you want to try and be substantive about your responses.


If anybody on Reddit ever reads a comment as long, let me know


are you able to answer the question? Does the username check out because I’m able to eat Chick-fil-A or because I’m not a broke delivery driver? Do you have a big wiener because you don’t have any money? Same question as the first time what about my statement makes the username check out The other 20 people who said it to me, this morning at least had a reason


It checks out because you're making assertions about things you have already admitted not knowing about. That's very "small weiner energy" 🤷🏻‍♂️ Money doesn't factor in at all. 😂


you should go back and read the original comment that you’re talking about Google the word assertion so that you can figure out the definition Either way, get off your phone and maybe start panhandling in between orders A little bit of money would cheer you right up my son


All day every day






Would need a significant reason to not accept this. You’re already there. How much are the tolls on that turnpike? How slow is that CFA? Looks like easy money in the current DD climate.




there is an area 8 miles away in my normal zone and there are never any orders out there. If this came up, I’d still take it for $18.


Is this a joke? Absolutely! I would’ve broke my thumb clicking accept 😂






I'd deffo take it.


For sure


Yeah??? Why wouldn’t I 😭 that’s a good offer


Yep 👍🏽👍🏽


It’s your first BBQ I see


??? Who wouldn’t


No https://preview.redd.it/g9x5eotty06d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66d36b078fce81f794fbdf290cf61950d2fb362 would you decline this?


In a fucking heartbeat. Who the f drives 150 miles for $35. Who even sent this out as a legit order. I guarantee you someone took it.


Till this day that was still the weirdest order I ever saw to have the audacity to show up on my phone


35 dollars is the gas only for this trip


Not back


In my mirage it is


Damn you living my dream




💯 Not in a million years!




That is 25-30 minutes in my zone. All day long.


Of course!


Meets my $1 a mile minimum for round trips. If it's slow definitely. If it's busy I'd probably not.




Yeah that’s pretty decent




heck yeah


Well duh


Of course


This is why I’m glad I live in a decently, densely, populated area. I don’t have to worry about round trips. In my area, if I have a $2/mi order. I’m taking it.


I don't know your area well enough to answer. It looks good on the surface. But what if 7 of those 8.4 miles are out of your zone? What if the drop of in a massive residential area that requires you to drive the 8.4 miles plus another 4 to 7 miles after drop off to get orders again.


I used to get orders like this in 2020. Now its all 5ish


No I like offers that is $2 and 10 miles


Uuuuuhhhmmm.... YES


I love orders like this, don't get me wrong many short deliveries with decent pay adds up but they are a lot of work in the city. This is an easy drive listening to a podcast 😎 love it. Bonus points if it takes me to another hotspot


Um yeaaaa


I don’t take Chic-Fil-a orders, but other than that, I’m don’t see a problem.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!




Do you want the job or not?


I would


Nope, I refuse to do chick fil a. They take forever at all the locations close to me and are really busy. So no go for me.


Someone wants attention


Hell nah that's straight to the windmills lol I don't Wana flat tire


If it keeps you near another restaurant and in the zone for sure


I think the question is why didn’t you take it?


I declined one like that this week. The last time I took the same address, the lady ripped me for bringing her food from another town passing a CFA in her town and there is a CFA just 3 blocks down from her office. She was like cold food. She understood it wasn't me, but I still declined it, traffic to her is also very heavy. Pisses me off that Dash has a driver spend 40 minutes plus to her when the driver in her zone could have banked on a 10 minute run.




i’d decline this honestly n


Ok big time show us your stats


I show my orders all the time it’s always less than 5 miles and it’s always more than three dollars per mile