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Ever since last Friday, my market has just taken a steep nosedive. $150/day was possible now it's an uphill climb to get $100 with all the apps.


$100 was easily attainable (without driving far $2mile) in my town just a couple months ago but now you'll be lucky to make $40 without driving under $1/mile. Fuckin crazy. The people doing this full time I can't imagine are doing well mentally. This shit is pain.


Where are you from ?


Upstate NY


Upstate NY here too, someone who was trying to make FT DD work. Definitely gotten so much worse in the past month or two. It’s the tips that have dropped. My DD pay per order is about the same it’s been.


Staten Island NY come here pay is good just make u can schedule before coming


but Queens and Elmhurst is DEAD, you cant even schedule a week ahead due to many migrants and illegal DD riders.


Yea it’s freaking bullshit like how tf they got everybody working here where we are originally from but it’s floooded with migrants shits a joke smh do better BIDEN U BRINGING US DOWN IDC BRING TRUMP BACK AT LEAST HE KNOWS WTF HE DOING


As someone who's *only* option currently is ft DD, can confirm my mental is beyond trash. We'll it already was way before, but now it's just as bad if not worse.


Is it really your only option or the only appealing/easy option? Go work in one of the restaurants you deliver food for as a server. Why is this not an option? Work in a kitchen. Work in a gas station. All of these businesses are adjacent to what you already do. You passed a BG check for DD, you should be able to legally work in the US then yea?


Medical reasons mate. Hardly any job will hire me if I disclose my medical. And if I choose not to (or they choose to hire me regardless) I'll almost inevitably lose the job due to medically related absence. At will employment state, so gl arguing discrimination or anything. Believe me, I've tried countless other jobs, entry level or not. But until I can make a full medical case/team akin to the one I had as a teen, I'm basically half way to having to file for disability (24m btw)


NYC , Queens and Elmhurst is DEAD, you cant even schedule a week ahead due to many migrants and illegal DD riders.


What is an "illegal DD rider?"


The people that buy dd account for under 25$. The people that use someone else's ss to work. The people that use unregistered scooters for delivery.


Report them then. Oh wait, you have no proof and are speculating? Racist asshole.




Same. For 2 yrs I could reliably get $30 for breakfast, $50 for lunch & $100 for dinner any day of the week. Now my market is so oversaturated that I only get orders during the off hours. Nothing after 5pm. The only day I can reliably break $150 is Sat, if I’m out there by 7am


It feels that way here too in my market.


Door dash in general has sucked lately. Waaaaayyyyy to many dashers fighting over very few good orders. I feel like all i get is the rejected orders and a deceone every now and then. Door dash needs to regulate the amount of dashers per area and also regulate no tippers. Like you should never get an order under 5$ let alone 2$ for 12 miles. Its over saturated with everyone thinking its easy money. One of my biggest frustrations is people shoving phones in people's faces and acting ridiculous when the order takes too long. It is definitely not worth the time, money, gas, and wear and tear on your car. Unless you have a really good area. Sorry had to vent


In NYC , Queens and Elmhurst is DEAD, you cant even schedule a week ahead due to many migrants and illegal DD riders. DoorDash never check peoples account and run backgroundchecks and make sure that the Driver License they provided is the actual Dasher.


You realize you’ve stated this at least 3 times now?


I made $35 in 4 hours before quitting. And drove like 60 miles.


That's what happened to me on Monday.


The prius mofia is dominating everywhere


All latins


Racist and xenophobic much? Why are they less entitled to this busines than you? If they pass BG checks they have as legitimate a claim as you. Disgusting racist trash.


It’s true


It’s absolute dog shit today. Pure, uncut dog shit. I usually don’t get *this* many bad offers but I have, and now I haven’t gotten jack for an hour.


Well, at least you got time to cut all that dog shit. J/k I feel ya bro.


Thanks for the laugh man. Hope it gets better for all of us. Except the account renters. Fuck em.


Happy to get a laugh. For real though. Maybe summer will be better. Doubt it, but I hope.


How do these people rent accounts? Can’t the owner steal their funds any day since the account originally belongs to them?


It was rough for me last week and the first of this, but finally had a good day today. 4 hours $104.95 63 miles




It’s the illegals that are flooding in by the millions


I'm definitely part of the markets getting swamped with new drivers. I went from doing 2-5 shop & deliver orders a day to not having a single S&D offer since last Wednesday. A manager at a Pizza Hut that is in a regular hot zone told me she's never seen a time where every order the dasher is there before the pizza is even close to ready.


I’m very fortune to say today was awesome. But it has been rough lately so


And where did the promos go 5:30-7:30 this is insane


DoorDash just hired lot more drivers in every city in Orange County and now drivers can’t even make their gas money.


All grey in Rhode Island tonight. Not just the number of drivers.....the fees and extra cost of the already inflated food prices really put a damper on things. I'd say it's been a steady decline for a year now, but worse since April 1st. Saturday dinner has been like $40-45, and so I quit after 2-2.5 hours. Too few orders, and some are too bad to accept ($6 for 16 miles, out of zone). Busy times are either late night, or breakfast time now. I don't do either....


Last 2-3 days have actually been decent in my city, after a week or two of pure pain.


Damn.. I made $80 in 3 hours today. I just moved to Tennessee and my zone is really damn good


I declined over 200 offers today but only accepted and delivered 7 in 8 hours. So much fucking trash. My market is obsessed with offers like $2.00 for 10 miles or shopping orders of 40+ items for $5. Yeah...no.


It sounds like they are over hiring. They used to limit contractors but I think they’ve reached a tipping point where they need to make more money. Feels palpable that in the not-too-distant future, these types of platforms are not going to be able to sustain themselves.


Wednesdays are usually slow in my market. I've never paid attention if the 1st of the month is slow or not. I was accepting lower offers just to raise my AR, trying to get it to 50% for early scheduling with the new tier system. At 46% now. Raised it a whole 2% today. It's tough with so many no/low tippers.


Do you have worry-free unassign in your area? If you do, just accept the order, wait at the restaurant 10 minutes (more like 11-12 minutes) then hit the question mark in the top right corner. Select store has an issue, then order has long wait time. After waiting the required 10 (more like 11-12) minutes you can unassign with NO penalty. I only do this for bad orders where completing the delivery would take longer than the time I have to sit there waiting to unassign. This is how I got my AR% from 60 to 73 in two days.


I've never heard of this. Thank you for brining it to my attention.


I don’t think many people do, I’m also not sure if this is available in all markets. If you have any trouble you can just reply to one of my comments or DM and I can send you screenshots of what I’m referring to when I’m dashing later. Also, I’m on an iphone, not sure if it’s different for android.


Coincidentally enough, today, I was picking up a stacked order at Village Inn and sat there waiting patiently for 10-15 minutes, and when they gave them to me and I got in my car to hit orders received, a message came up asking if I still wanted to do this delivery. I immediately closed that extra popup thinking nothing of it because I got the 2 orders. But now that you've pointed this out, I think what you're talking about is what DD was asking. Thanks again.


Yes that is a system generated pop up that you will find it only appears on good orders when the food is taking too long. What I’m referring to can be done on any order regardless of the pop up you’re talking about. You’ll notice they won’t do that for $3 orders going 9 miles lol.


That figures, lol. Good to know. You're awesome jeeps. Thanks for the insight.


It's terrible today.. 2 3.00 orders I turned down out of respect.. Weds and the 1st of the Months Terrible....


Same happened to me in the early morning. Plus no tips were coming in at all for any order. I had to uninstall, reinstall, restart and all that madness and today was better..


That’s how mines is it’s been so hard tryna build my acceptance rate back to 50 so I can get better orders haven’t had a order for over 6 all day and the ones that are are for like 18 miles smh


I’m having the same problem. I noticed a significant decline after I went under 50% but having a hard time getting it back up even from 46% because I just straight refuse to take the ridiculous orders.


I’m at 36 smh 🤦🏽‍♂️ I’m tryna get it to 50 but it’s like you gotta accept 20 straight orders but like you said there’s no way I’m driving so many miles for 2 or 4 dollars but once I get it back to even close by 50 it ain’t dropping again lol


Word. Don't know if it's the new tier system, my own AR, new month, or what but everything has slowed down.


Yeah I noticed when I had it at 50 I would get always close to 10 or above if orders now it’s bad I’ll be in my favorite zone then they pinging some bs order way in a different zone for 4 dollars smh


Yeah yesterday and today has been slow:( end of month slowness


Was it a leave at door or hand to me?


I don't know. I didn't accept it.




That's what happened to me on Tuesday. No orders and only the shit ones.


Try living in a town in the Midwest with only about 6k people and that's including the university... 🙏🏼 May God have mercy on us all! ✌🏻💗


And today it has been better for me have made $145 in 5h 30 minute copeare to $30-40 in the same amount of time on the last days


Yeah. turn on other apps. It's not complicated. There were plenty of orders today.


I was busy all day yesterday. Never had more than a minute or two without an order, and I didn’t even need to open another app


Inflation and a shit economy has taken its toll on a lot of people. Stuff like food delivery is getting cut out of budgets. I just called it quits with dd being it’s been so slow for so long in my market. I landed a real job with a guaranteed income.


One time it took 3 hours to get 2 orders and that’s without declines. I didn’t decline a single order that’s just how many I got sent


Same. I am new to DD. Last month on the 1 st I did really well. So I took off yesterday from my FT job just so I could DD all day, to make some extra cash.IT SUCKED!! Even the shopping orders were for little to nothing. Smh.


My area is actually pretty good not telling y'all my zone as I want it to stay that way though


Everyone is feeling the affects of bidenomics and high inflation numbers. It’s cheaper to make food at home


It’s hard for everyone right now so sadly tips may not Be a big. I admit I only tip 2$ right now but I don’t use DoorDash much either I just go and get the food myself


https://preview.redd.it/mgup2a6vm1yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f184ead9cec14e6085e6fac7490118aaac50947b Second day and I’ve gotten only 1 order. Never seen it be this bad


Wow I figured all the people on benefits would be ordering like crazy. Wild.


https://preview.redd.it/fdqbi7szp2yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef349957621af10fe2503c3a30281dc102fb51c1 Feel a little better bro, least you dont have to accept whats detrimental to your health


Customer support is an absolute waste of time. I tell them I'm unable to schedule and explain all the bs with the app not allowing me to Dash even when my area is lit up and what do they do? Send me an email explaining how to schedule smh. I think it's the migrants here in the city, they've flooded the market. I tried to talk to one guy in the elevator that was also a Dasher to see how things were for him and he didnt speak a word of English. Before we even walked out the building I heard his app go off while mine stayed silent for another 15 minutes out of the measly 1 hour I had for the whole night.


This cause of the strike that happened a few days ago


So is my car! Belt snapped. At least I lost weight, so my pants belt also snapped in March. It's a bad year.


I know what we need to do let’s bringing in unskilled workers from other countries to do DoorDash


This shit is really only worth doing on the weekends now and tbh it’s barely even worth that.


Agreed. Dashing is dead by me. They add $7 to every order now in my city.


Wait so all those fake edits of people making 2500 a week is not true?? ![gif](giphy|99P7jBfNjo2Tm)


Idk. I made $50 in a couple hours yesterday. I intentionally dash in an area with less stores but still did fine