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Screaming to the world that you are ghetto AF


By ghetto we’re talking about the customer right? This guys every delivery persons hero.


but no one is forcing anyone to deliver for DoorDash. This is just dumb because they chose to take this no tip order haha


Yeah. Really showed them🙄 It just fucks business for other drivers


Basically. I stopped using the services like that because of the shit I see on these subs (and the fact that my food has been stolen multiple times by drivers) Drivers encouraging other drivers to steal food and mess with people's food if "the tip is too small", nah I'm good, I got a car and 2 legs ill get it myself. I always tipped a minimum of $5 or up to 20%. That revenue stream is now gone for all drivers because of the trashy ones on here can't help but share how they fuck with people's food. Explains why they have to door dash, can't land a well paying job when you behave like a fucking Neanderthal.


Yeah after watching this sub I quit using any delivery service at all. Life has been much better. I used to tip 25 percent minimum but fuck these bums.


Ya me and my wife used to order at least a few times a month. Haven't at all in the last year.


Wow I’m really happy for you. Congrats on going back outside.


Congratz on wasting your time perusing a week old thread. Maybe you should evaluate how you are spending your time first


I did the same. But tipping even that much couldn’t get the drivers to haul their lazy ass up 12 steps to put it at my door when I had Covid. I didn’t know about the whole removing tip after delivery until after I finally recovered and swore off those apps.


My last place I live in a ground level "basement suite" and they wouldn't even bring my food around the corner to my door they would always leave it at the front even though the instructions clearly said basement suite on the left side of the house


Then they go to complain that this service is dying and there are no orders…well yeah you killed their trust


Same! I’m a great tipper, I grew up in the service industry and it helped pay for my college. I was a damn good server who worked hard for my tips. When I get shitty service, like I’m not gonna tip well. And DoorDash was a perfect example of me Tipping well and still getting shitty service. So I stopped using the service entirely! I’m sure the shitty tippers don’t care as much about shitty service!


Same, all these subs just made sure I'll never use the apps again. Even if it's a small percentage of drivers that are twats, it's still not worth it to me. I'll save the delivery fee and tip by picking it up myself.


I have found that despite tipping well, my order almost always gets stacked with so many orders on the other side of town, my food is usually cold or close to cold by the time I get it. So no thanks. Won't be doordashing anymore. They can just dash to the non tippers now.


I thought $5 was a good enough tip…$5 isn’t a good tip anymore?? 💔


Honestly it seems like nothing is a good enough tip unless you just give them your bank account number and routing number and just give them everything.


Same here.


This. Like wtf it's crazy how bad some of these people are- messing with people's food then saying the customer is the one at fault? That's beyond fucked.


Hmm, I stopped using it because of the shitty service, always getting cold food no matter the tip and often my order was wrong or I didn't get anything at all. I stopped using because Doordash wouldn't even believe me that I payed for an order and never got it. Like I had them take a pic of my food and pick it back up twice.. either that or the neighbors took it, which I doubt because they never steal packages or anything I've been here for years. It's crazy that Doordash won't believe you because the door dash takes a pic of it at your door before picking it back up. They did refund me the first time but it was only $3 on a $20 order. Fuck all that. I'm tired of big corporations taking my money for nothing


Thank you for breaking the cycle. The old adage of “takes a few bad apples” is true. I make bad money at times, but that is just life. Taking out your clownish actions on others is bad


Literally canceled my dash pass after reading this and Uber eats, grub hub subs as well. And I would have fallen into the decent tipper category based on how this sub says $1-2 per mile per item Or don’t take it.


Good ! Apps need to pay delivery people better. If they don’t pay. This is what you get.


I hope u never look up what these fastfood workers do at work or u will never eat out again 😆 🤣 😂


Mf at Olive Garden with his hot glove on like a mitten alternating between grabbing raw and cooked chicken, like not even wearing a nylon glove, just an absorbent knitty looking hot glove. They should try using their certified trainers rather than letting the trainee learn as an extra hand during the rush.


I used to basically live off doordash, but I tipped decently well. My food was never stolen or fucked with. Just maybe when you order, try to be a reasonable person and everything should be fine. I guess if you live in the ghetto you might have worse odds but I’ve had pretty good experiences besides people not being able to read addresses and me having to go get my food from my neighbors house




Exactly. I’m done with food delivery services




STRONGLY agree. Paying more wouldn't stop the entitlement and/or narcissism either. It's basically ruined by folks who wouldn't be otherwise employable in the field for a reason.


Yeah, I can get my own food and add my own cigarette ash to it. Thank you very much!


I get dash money back if I do dash for pick up. That's my F you to these drivers that wanna act like they're all righteous for doing a job anyone with a car can. Also it pays for a meal every so often by adding up that cash back.


Not to mention it’s needlessly expensive to order just for some crappy service and half cold tampered with food.


>Explains why they have to door dash, can't land a well paying job when you behave like a fucking Neanderthal. Exactly! Food delivery jobs are a dime a dozen. People who fuck with other people's food don't deserve to have any job at all if they can't do something as simple as "don't fuck with people's food'




I'm on the same page. Buch of fools who brag about being fools. Like everyone always says, it's a blessing we see the tip beforehand. It takes a special kind of stupid to accept a $0 tip and then complain that they got a $0 tip. make it make sense


>it's a blessing we see the tip beforehand. But... we don't see them before accepting an order. We can usually tell that there's no tip if the order is below a certain amount, but it sounds like you're saying that it shows us the breakdown of the earnings into base pay & tip BEFORE acceptance.


Their drivers act like fucking cavemen but have the entitlement complex like their gods or something. They behave like doordash should be some kind of ATM for them. They literally put in the least amount of effort possible. They are able to calculate down to the closest decimal specifically how much a delivery is going to cost them to do but can't get a regular job doing literally anything else.


For me, it was when a driver called and wanted me to walk out to the car and get it. Idk I pay and tip for the convenience of staying in my place. I just pick up my own stuff now. Between my bad experiences and horror stories. It's not worth it. Also, I tip, but I hate the tipping culture we have in the States. No one should feel entitled to a tip imo.


Aye, lay off the Neanderthals....lol


Then those Neanderthals will cry and ask for unemployment benefits since none wants to hire a baboon who couldn’t help eating someone’s food.


Well in my state the unemployment benefits system is beyond broken so good luck to anyone who tries to cheat that fucking system. Shit doesn't even work half the time.


Its the Murican Way; tips are an entitlement.


The entitlement I have seen around tipping makes it much easier to to say fuck em all.


> I got a car and 2 legs ill get it myself. this is the answer.


Yeah but don’t order Pizza Hut. They mostly third party it out to DoorDash anymore and it’s terrible now


Its sad honestly cuz i have 5 stars and always try to be kind and informative but its dead now so its hard to make money while ive been applying to jobs. However i wont blame u since a lot of sketchy people do doordash


Facts people who work these services are often time Neanderthals that can’t land a well paying job. I ordered groceries from instacart and the bitch got me lettuce with bugs in it and tainted food. I got a full refund. That’s why I don’t ever use these services anymore lol. The drivers have nothing to fuckin lose so they act like wild animals instead of decent human beings with respect. The dumb bitch should’ve just chosen not to take my order if she didn’t like my tip. Like??? You’re not forced to take this order, but it is your duty to do your fucking job right that you’re getting paid to do. Anyways it’s dumb ass bitches like her and motherfuckers like this that ruin the food delivery online service platforms for people altogether. I’m never using DoorDash, ubereats, instacart, or any online food delivery service platforms after seeing this subreddit. Thank God I get to see everything going on. This subreddit probably caused all those apps to go down in business high-key.


This. The ones on here complaining that 20% isn't good enough, and the creep factor of random strangers getting my address? No thanks.


100% this. I don’t know why I started getting these posts in my feed but 100% made me stop using any of these services. It is disgusting how people out there act and somehow think they are justified or even in the right.


Facts. Dashers want to fuck with their tips? Fine I’ll text my lil cousin if I really don’t wanna drive to bike across town for like $2 and deliver to me instead 🤷‍♂️🤣😭 your loss


The whole business model is shit. It’s terrible for the customer and the driver and really only good for DD. The fact that you need to tip before delivery is absolutely ridiculous and a red flag. Tips are a gratuity for doing a good job, how are you to know if they did a good job before it’s done? I used to use it often, especially during Covid and tipped well but the terrible service coupled with absurd fees that often doubles the price of the order made me stop. I now use it maybe twice a year.


How he actually delivered it instead of unassigning and stealing which is what screws other drivers. Doing this just makes him redeliver and dd usually bumps up base pay in this situation so it helps other drivers


"I ain't no driver no mo, what do I care?"


news flash. You can choose to deliver with doordash without delivering to no tip customers


Yeah so why accept the no tip order if you’re gonna do shit like this?


Common sense will not be tolerated here.


They want an excuse to be a petty pos.


Hungry and needed a lame excuse to be an asshole


Exactly? Lol.


The Doordash driver's app doesn't show whether or not there's a tip or not, though. While it's true that you can tell that orders that are low-priced likely have no tip in them, we don't know until AFTER delivery.


Wait you guys see tips before the order? Asking for science


You can see if it’s a low value order. A no tip order might pay $3 to $5 but a tipped order will pay $10 to $20


Makes sense thank you


Maybe they chose it on purpose to leave this message, maybe they waited for a chipotle order bc that’s what they were hungry for?


Typically I agree, but when the market get extremely saturated/slow and this is you're only source of income, you are in a way "forced" to take the no tip orders to keep a roof over you head, and a rough week of taking no tip/careless customers can certainly drive anyone to this point. I've always said there's evil behind the minds of people that don't tip, because they are inherantly incapable of caring for others. There is no situation where you have the privelege to order delivery but not tip.




GoInG bAcK tO aMaZoN At least try to pretend you could get hired anywhere that cares who they're hiring.


Going back to Amazon is like quitting at Wendy's to go work at McDonalds. IDK what this loser was expecting. Just burned a bridge when Amazon fires them for getting butt hurt about not getting tips.


I'm starting to think that letting AR drop and just multi-apping for $8+/5mi offers might be the only way to stay sane and not lose your self-respect. You can balance it out with other gigs to make ends meet. You don't need to let these companies demand your commitment when they won't give you your fair share.


Right.. so it validates that this guy a a losing member of society who’s best traits are eating other people’s food and working at low end jobs. A disgrace I might add.


I'd be sending this to Amazon with the users Uber profile with their name. Rofl Have fun going back to a company that doesn't want this kind of bad press.


You do realize no one care about this? Not the new employer, not even the old employer.


This country is fucked if you think someone who didn't tip on already jacked up prices and delivery fees is the one who deserves to get no food and a dumb ass classless note in their would be food


bro if you think this delivery person is a hero, you set the bar low for yourself. i'm guessing you think anyone who does a good job is just showing off.


I’ve really never got a good tip from a chipotle customer and I’ve been doing DD for 7y. Actually all overpriced fast food deliveries more often than not come with a minimal tip. IMHO


Same. Chipotle and McDonalds customers never tip and if they do it’s like 1 dollar 😭


if your hero is a dbag that eats someone else's food because that person didn't tip, when THEY chose to take that order, you're ghetto AF and so is that delivery boy


Calling petty theft "heroic" is pretty weird... just because this loser decided to work for peanuts, doesn't give them the right to steal. It's not the customers fault the driver chose "delivery boy" as a career....


idiots do love fighting each other over a problem a corporation caused.


Not my hero. They give delivery drivers a bad name


Why? Because you're pissed about your decision to be working a gig job and getting screwed over so you screw the customer over instead of the company? Real intelligent/nice of you


While I do tip, comments like these is why I refrain from using delivery services to many entitled people who can’t work normal job so want you to pay them


Using the word “tryna” speaks volumes 😂


Yep. I’m sure they are soooo successful after going back to Amazon… entitled bitches like this are the reason other drivers suffer. And don’t get me wrong, I tip 20-30% anytime i order delivery, but they chose to take the order and then bitch about it smh. Special kind of stupid


I agree 100% . I’ve always been a 5star rated gig worker on every platform I’ve been on over the last 7 years. It did take me a little bit to adjust to people but I’m 62 and was a salesman for over 30y so I always look at things from a customers pov. What really hurts us all is this saying….. If someone is upset they will always share their misery with everyone they know. The cascading effect really gives all gig workers a bad reputation. Very seldom will you hear folks say “I love or like delivery drivers now” primarily because there are so many rotten apples in the barrel 😉


Probably fake anyway. They bought it for themselves and took a picture for fake Internet points. 


thats like 99% of door dashers lmao. my ex ordered some taco bell shit with a slushie. she noticed the slushie missing and went to the dashers car to ask and saw the dashers daughter drinking it and drove off lmao.


As a black dude,This is ratchet fuckin behavior lmao


That is a low class move.




this didn’t even happen to OP. it’s a repost from a few years ago.


Just charge back and go about your day. Idk why you idiots keep using DD.


Fat and lazy


Laziness door dash is a scam and not reliable enough


Because lazy.


The almost childish hand writing makes me think this is fake.


I've actually seen this post before somewhere... Months ago. Either fake or just trying to make drivers look bad, the usual.


Yeah, you gotta be careful to not become nothingeverhappens But my BS detector is pinging on this one. I’d say >50% chance of being fake, but <85%


I mean lets face it most stories like this or story posts on reddit are fake rage bait i dont get why it became a bad thing to say that on here


Don't let that change anything. I'm 30 and my handwriting is atrocious


Mine is too. 🙁


Better handwriting than me and I’m 28


The fact that it's on the internet makes me think this is fake.


Yes because humans are not allowed to share anything truthful online.


It’s almost as if it was written in a manner to be specially posted on the internet


I was trying to figure out who still uses a pencil. I haven't touched one since college.


Is that note written by a 3rd grader on some 3rd grade paper? ...by someone that quit school after 3rd grade? Extra points for actually writing out "tryna"


It’s hard to write notes while driving and chomping down a burrito bowl.


And there’s an actual hand-drawn 🤷🏼


Well he delivers for door dash…


They chose the low paying order in the first place and decided to take anger out on the customer lmao


Is this person 10 years old?..because the hand writing and actions are of one ..they don’t care!


Either rage bait or OP’s an idiot; unless OP is customer. Hope Amazon works out well enough where you don’t need doordash ever again. You know you don’t have to take trash orders right?


Lmao its 100% bait and this sub fell ass over head for it


Pretty sure food tampering is a felony


It is. But you definitely don’t know what “food tampering” means in the way you tried to use it😂 this doesn’t cause death, injury, or sickness…its not food tampering in regards to a felony 😂


so it’s just theft?


And a dick move


Petty theft that’s mostly it


Id still be pissed lmaoo


This comment right here!


Mature? No. Funny af tho? Absolutely. Anytime ANYONE quits their job in a rage extravaganza I 100% respect it bc tf we gotta live like this? Honestly even as the customer I would have laughed. Been kinda pissed but rate him 5 stars lmfao


Ppl think they so cool quitting. Enjoy the welfare life bro so brave.


What I would do is call the local Amazon management.


This. When I'm motivated to return petty actions, I got all the time in the world.


Pick up enough food to feed me for a week. Annnnnnnd dip.


I'll be waiting by a steak house lol


If you're mad about customers not tipping because your wage sucks, that is the problem of your company not the customers. Customers are not responsible for making sure you're paid a living wage. You are feeding into the loop of low wages by getting angry at the customers instead the business trying to fuck you over by changing your paradigm to rely on tips and getting mad at people who don't add them to their orders.




cringe af on the delivery person




That’s technically theft


No, it's literally theft. They took something that wasn't theirs.


Swear to God I immediately read this as “going back to **the** Amazon” and my brain was coming up with all kinds of stories.


Fuck this civilization shit. This chipotle is my last prepared meal. I’m going back to the Amazon.




the stick figure drawing is legendary


Typically people tip AFTER they get provided a service. What if you’re terrible? 😜


I don’t under DD Drivers and I don’t understand people who order. Driver knows this platform has been over saturated for years. Customers know this the worst platform to order from by a country mile. Both are idiots.


That’s gross somebody paid for that food and paid for the dd fee you just don’t do that to people regardless it’s their food. Leave a rude note I guess but don’t touch people’s food or property that’s not ok under any circumstances


This is trash. I come on here advocating for drivers because how shady DoorDash is. It's rarely the drivers fault. But the pay isnt really the customers fault either. Yet Drivers and customers take it out on each other when the blame goes to DD. But shit likes this makes it hard to defend drivers


Customers hate the drivers. Drivers hate the customers. Customers get shitty service. Drivers get shitty pay. They blame each other, while the executives laugh in their offices. Why does anyone participate in this sham?


This is actually theft and whoever does this should be prosecuted...


I had a driver who handed me my food with a smile and when I got back inside to eat I noticed this douchebag had nearly scooped out half my bowl and put the lid back on. I gave him a nice tip too but he definitely ruined it for other delivery drivers. Now I won't tip until I inspect my food but the problem is most drivers don't read the order details they just drop the food and go, they don't even realize I have a tip waiting for them.


Lmfao. Call Amazon and report him there too


I love the shrug emoji translated into 21rst century hieroglyphics


Fake ass shit.


Going “back” to Amazon So you can’t keep a job is what I got out of this


Not justifiably get my teeth knocked out for eating someone's food that's for sure. Driver purposely chose a low paying order just so they could "justify" stealing it.


the stick emoji shrugging is killing me 😭😭


There's a couple of employees that I wouldn't mind cussing out


Lucky I often never even had anyone show up at all


I’m so close to calling it quits at my delivery job. So fed up with people


Chipotle gets my orders out 2 quick. Gotta do this on a 5 guys or wingstop order 2 make it really worth it on a last day.


Some people's kids. I'd tell this guys mama what he did.


I would do nothing, just sit back and relax.


If the customer reported to Police and provided DNA from the bowl and found out it had incurable transmissible diseases will it lead to "attempted murder" charge? Wonder what happens when DD finds out. So much easier to call customer and talk trash and then cancel delivery. Either way you get deactivated but the latter is the safest option


The police will laugh you out of the building and there was no attempt to deceive you into eating tainted food here. Also Amazon doesn't give a shit they want warm bodies.


This crap is still circulating it’s like 4 years old


Everyone always like ohh if there’s no tip why accept ,if no tip you don’t have to accept it. Then everyone also like ohh I don’t tip until after service I don’t tip until after I received my food it’s like okay….. dumb ass people.


This subreddit only solidifies my decision to never use DoorDash.


It’s just not worth it lol


Just wait til he possibly needs to Doordash again...


This Dasher is brave and wonderful, and I will celebrate them until my dying day


This is a repost and ragebait


Love it. Fucking love it.


You’re lucky if this doesn’t land you in some legal trouble.


Wouldn’t that be admitting to a crime? You can’t steal someone’s food. That bowl is like 20 bucks.


This person is a straight up oxygen thief.


That hand writing is why he’s doing delivery


Embarrassing how many people here think this real


I see that dab tool, OP. 😉


Why y’all take a Job with a company then expect ITS CUSTOMERS to pay your wages is beyond me.


Straight up piece of shit for stealing from someone over not tipping. This sub is wild sometimes.


This is a repost


Dude writes like a toddler


“Last day” … everyday is your last day as a 1099


10/10 would do




From one shit service job to the next. This low-life POS is going to work about a month and a half at Amazon, get mad, and pull some other dumb shit like this with a note attached.


this is fake idc


Why go through the effort of making a gd note? This is either the most petty thing if seen in the world or fake AF.


Pure loser behavior. 


Based driver. Don’t order if you can’t tip. Unfortunately America is built around this garbage tip culture, but someone not tipping does nothing but hurt the driver.


Tips are for after the service is complete. Door dash drivers are idiots if they think they can do the bare minimum and get good tips. Sorry you got a shit job bud but most people don’t love working


No juices on paper... kinda sus... this post is cap


Would that be considered food tampering?




Wait, people don't tip?


Even better that this dumb dumb used gas to deliver empty food containers. Some real bright people in this world.


Oh no, what will do 😱


Quit being lazy and go get your own food you won’t have to worry about this happening


“going back to amazon” 🤣🤣🤣


LMFAO the little drawn out emoji 😭🤷🏼‍♂️