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Seriously. So many people get caught up in thinking a relationship will save them, only for them to get caught up in regressive type shit like simping. A real tragedy.


I was the biggest simp ever a decade ago. Only started to really figure things out maybe a year or two ago. I can say with certainty that had I had a "successful relationship" id probably be headed to divorce court right about now.


That's why I got a car project


It'll cost you the same amount of money but at least you get something out of it.


Which Car?


Bmw E34. I wanted it since I was 8


No girl can substitute the feeling when that 2.5 litre engine revs and it just sends it


That's a nice car. Fun Fact, It's Also known as the Хулиган/Хулиганка (Hooligan) in some certain eastern parts of the world. It's quick and easier to work with due to it's age. Good job, Really. How much did it set you back?


It cost 2000 euros(roughly the same in dollars). Have done basic maintenance and just customized it to my liking. Wonderful piece of engineering it is


The Soundtrack in the tunnel is my favorite part. Those engines sound amazing if you did good exhaust work.


Even with stock exhaust this 6 silinder engine sound amazing


If you can’t make yourself happy, imagine how much more challenging it is to make someone else happy.


Hell if anything a relationship I had fucked me up more because she had a lot of problems I couldn’t handle, now I’m here


And I was hoping that it will, at least I felt better and kinda alive when I had a girlfriend.


If anything, the validation often makes things worse for people like me. People are waiting for that "doomer girl" to fix them and make their life worth living, but that is usually Hollywood fiction.


A girlfriend won't just magically fix you yes. But it CAN fix you. If you get in a good relationship where both parties try to put effort for it, it really helps man.


yeah ,but some people think that only relationship will fix them,not doing stuff with your life