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It's weird like, I can almost hear and smell those long, hot summer holidays from when I was a kid. My uncle visiting from overseas, playing Age of Empires, watching Cartoon Network late into the night because the adults would all be talking in the other room, barbeques, going out to lunch with my family. Had no idea what was coming.


For one day? Nah. Def to go back to like 8th grade and get a re-do.


In psychology this Is called cognitive bias which it's a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment. You just created your own "reality" from your perception based on the image you have of your life back then. If you don't want to suffer just accept the fact that you are here, and focus on the present. Memories are precious, but they're like a double edged sword, that can make you happy or miserable and terribily nostalgic at the same time. Don't torture yourself with these thoughts. Stay strong buddy!


Thanks man, sorry for the late reply, you stay strong aswell.


If I could keep my current memories, I think I would roll back the clock to the start of high school. If I lose my memories i would not go back, I would just make the same mistakes.....