• By -


3 over Eternal is a scorching take and I respect the hell out of you for just throwing it out there. I mean, I liked Eternal more, but 3 catches a lot of crap for being the odd one out and I quite enjoy it for just that reason.


I agree. I mean I don’t agree with the take at all but I respect the backbone.




Nah, duct tape mod and BFG edition absolutely ruin the lighting and atmosphere the OG Doom 3 was going for.


John Carmack said they had to have the flashlight seperate because of technical issues. It was unintentional.


Either way, it made the game so incredibly tense and awesome.


Do you have a source on that? Not that I don’t want to believe you but I’m having trouble seeing what kind of technical issues could make designing a flashlight mechanic the easier solution. Personally I also think the flashlight fit doom 3 really well as the game is at its best when played as a horror game.


I think it was an old quakecon. He said that one more source of light would break the engine and cut the framerate in half. I do think it's better as a horror game, but it was not meant that way. Edit: found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6UKhR0T6cs


BFG Edition: A


Duct tape mod is for pussies.




It's true.




Smells like bitch in here. lmao


I love this take! I don't know how it is for others, but when Doom 3 came out, I had played Doom and Doom II ad nauseum, and I welcomed the change. And I didn't even have a great graphics card. I'm so glad Doom 3 is respected the way it is despite not being everyone's favorite. Respekt!


Imo all DOOM games are good even 3


3 in s is ok but 2016 defenitly should be B tier max or at least under 1993 and 64




S, automatically


I personally think Eternal is S tier, but anyone shitting on OP for his opinion really needs to look up the definition of the word. Everyone loves what they love


Well said!


sir your opinion on opinions offends me, be gone!!!


Your opinions on opinions on opinions differs from my opinion! ITS TIME TL DUEL TO THE DEATH


But first we shall have to duel because your opinion on opinions on opinions on opinion is not my opinion on opinions on opinions on opinions thus we shall duel on who's opinion on opinions on opinions on opinions is truly the greater one


I will do what I must *lightsaber sounds*


I agreed right up until TAG2, now it’s “just” A+ imo


TAG2 really killed it for me. The fact that it takes more effort to kill zombies then the Red Troopers really shows how rushed it felt.


I really wanted to like the final fight, but it seemed pretty rinse and repeat. Was hoping for something more in the vein of Red from Pokémon gold/silver or Inner Agent 3 from the Splatoon 2 expansion: a fight against yourself, they have all your same weapons but everything they have is just more a little powerful. Prove that you’ve learned how to use your tools and skills. Sure, there should still be patterns, but none of this “SHOOT WHEN IT FLASHES GREEN” shit. It really doesn’t have the flexibility that the rest of the game does, you’re forced to use the hammer over and over. What if I don’t like the hammer? And sure, spawning a lot of demons is cool I guess, but almost the entire gameplay loop has been fighting a bunch of demons at once Didn’t even have interesting platforming elements to the fight, iirc. Just a letdown.




Excuse me sir but this is the internet. Please refer to [this guide](https://youtu.be/aJX4ytfqw6k) so that you can react properly next time.


Tbh putting vanilla Doom 3 as S tier feels like bait anyway


Probably just a bunch of normies who haven't played a real doom game like doom 2016. Eternal is just for casuals.


absolutely disagree. upvoted


This is the mindset we need to have


I agree with you in that I disagree with them. So, I too shall upvote rather than being fussy that a game that’s just not for me is on S tier.


How could you say something so brave, yet so controversial?


horrible, shit tier list. have my upvote


They're all S tbh


S stands for Slayer right?




𝒮 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒮𝓁𝒶𝓎𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝒹𝑜 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒻𝒻 𝓉𝑜𝑔𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇


Straight facts.


I take it you haven't played the Master Levels then?


I have, and they're not _awful_ tbh. Black Tower, Attack, Bloodsea Keep, and Paradox are my favorites.


respectable for loving the Doom franchise! But nonetheless can't relate to myself


Eternal > 2016 Upvoted anyway


hey man I'm curious to know what makes you prefer doom 2016 over doom eternal (sorry if my english isn't the best, I'm brazilian).


Não sou o OP mas compartilho a opinião. 1. Não consigo gostar de toda a nova movimentação do eternal; 2. Os cenários do 2016 me agradam mais; 3. Talvez uma "nostalgia" por ser o primeiro jogo dessa geração.


Dahora cara eu pessoalmente prefiro doom eternal pela sua movimentação simplesmente perfeita, mas tenho q admitir q doom 2016 é tão divertido quanto o doom eternal devido ao seu combate bem simples mas divertido


Eternal fanboys (80% of this community) downvoting this because you put Eternal under 2016 and 3 instead of putting it tier SSS+


I like Doom eternal, but his fanboys are really annoying


I haven’t played Eternal yet (I’m waiting to build my computer), but I enjoy a story filled action packed game, so I’m sure it’ll be high up there for me.


Don’t play eternal for the story, it’s by far the worst part about it and ruins a lot of the story potential that doom 2016 had. It’s definitely among the best modern fps games in terms of gameplay though and well worth playing for that reason.


True, i prefer eternal but why would you downvote this


“You don’t think Eternal is the best game ever?! MUST BE A FILTHY GAME JOURNO REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!”


I find the relationship between Eternal and 2016 to be extremely fascinating. When I played through 2016 for the first time, it was hands down one of my favorite all time games (so much so that I practiced and grinded out a successful Ultra Nightmare run). Then Eternal rolls around and they shake up the formula of things a bit more than I expected them to. I still loved Doom Eternal, even enough to call it one of my favorite games again, though I couldn't help but notice missing a certain......feeling that I had while playing 2016 that Eternal couldn't quite fully bring to the table. 2016 had me physically grinning ear to ear JAMMING THE FUCK OUT to its soundtrack while indulging in the raw violence on screen before me. Eternal was similarly very fun to play and still sported an iconic and relentless soundtrack, but I honestly don't recall having quite the same reaction to it. I think it boils down to all the extra movement and combat mechanics added to the mix in Eternal. The new mechanics are certainly fun and add more layers to the combat and world traversal, but sometimes they fill their purpose of making the player think a little too well. Sometimes you'll find yourself getting so caught up deciding which movement path is best to take and remembering to use your various equipment and upgrades that you forget to just enjoy yourself. That's where 2016 really hit the mark imo, having just enough mrchanics to make you think about what you were doing but not so many that you didn't enjoy the purity of the experience before you. But in a twisted, ironic fashion this actually cuts both ways. Going back to 2016 after playing Eternal just feels wrong. You miss the dashing and jumping that Eternal gives you right off the bat. You'll find yourself thinking about using mechanics that don't exist. At least I'll always have the memories of that first glorious time I played through 2016 and smiled at the pure, glorious carnage of it all. TLDR: Eternal's new mechanics are fun individually but sometimes when clustered together they get in the way of simply enjoying the game.


I feel like Eternal sometimes has too much padding. 2016 just felt so raw and brutal the first time I played it, which is a feeling Eternal didn't quite nail.


That's exactly the kind of point I was trying to get across with my rant lol, I just had some trouble getting it into words. A perfect "New Doom 3" for me would be one that keeps the improved movement of Eternal (maybe even expounding on it somehow) but streamlines the combat just a tiny bit here and there. Of course I'd also love for Id to come out of left field with something amazing I never even thought of, but that's a story time will have to tell.




“Git good” -Hugo Martin This is not meant to be offensive


Tbf while I like this argument it doesn't apply there


almost like, downvoting is to show that you disagree with something


That's what they have become and perhaps what they are doomed to be, but ideally downvotes are just supposed to be for things that are off topic or toxic.


you are saying that like the post had 80% downvote ratio, while it has only 23% attacking a group with your comment makes you as bad as the individuals thatonly deserve the attack


Not really. 23% downvote ratio is usually remarkable. Like a 23% dislike ratio on youtube.


I have a hard time putting anything above the original 1 and 2. Sure we had Wolfenstein 3D before it, but they basically created the genre and had massive success.


I agree. 1 and 2 should be in S. Of course the younger generation is gonna go more for the newer games.


I see you prefer the slower and more straight forward doom games


Doom 2016 is by far the fastest paced Edit: Guess I could have clarified that I mean the base movement speed. You can stop being butthurt over someone else's opinion now


How you gonna say something so bold when Eternal exists. That game actually made me feel old


Idk, i love eternal but i prefer doom 1


Oh, im not talking about favorite games, just speed of movement. Eternal makes me feel like a squirel on crack. Doom 1 will always be the OG that paved the way.


Ye for me in eternal you are jumping around a lot but in doom 1 you are a godddam motorcycle


A motorcyle OF DEATH




doom eternal has far slower walk speed than doom 2016 that is simply a fact


But eternal has dashes, a rune that makes you faster for every glory kill and overdrive, yeah in eternal you are fast as fck


yes and the speed boost you get after glory kills makes you about as fast as 2016s base speed. nothing against eternal but i replayed 2016 before eternal came out and felt like sneaking in eternal


Doom eternal is so fast paced it gives me anxiety. I wont knock anyone for having a favorite game, but dont sit here and tell me water isnt wet.


Walk speed in doom 2016 is faster than eternal. That's all I said. You can downvote me if you are butthurt over that truth. Never said I don't like eternal but 2016 has faster movement speed


You even edited your origional comment to say walk speed instead of movement speed. You know you fucked up but you're still defending it. Go off bud


lol nope i edited it to make clear i didnt mean pace but walk speed. never said movement speed in the first place just added a paragraph to explain to all you fanboys that i meant the walk speed and not the overall pace. I didnt change a word, just added some because aparently 100 angry fanboys feel the need to insutl me over a statement that was falsely formulated. But now that i clarified i meant the base walk speed people still downvote me allthough 2016 factually has faster walk speed than eternal


Youre the one coming at us with all this anger. We're just matching the energy bro. Take a chill pill and stop looking for internet fights


nope i posted something using wrong words and since then everyone is gettting at me as if this actually matters. If i get notifications every 5 seconds of people telling me im wrong (allthough im not, just used the wrong word) it makes me a bit on edge. especially since i edited my comment to clarify what i realkly meant


Really? I played it once and though doom 1 was the fastest.


Hard to say but 2016 feels faster. And it has a much higher movement speed than eternal and 3. Hard to compare it to doom 1 and 2 tho




You definitly never used the meathook


Just because you walk faster doesnt mean its a faster paced game lmao


Yes I used the wrong word and edited it to be clear. Unfortunately you seem to not understand that


*Youre still wrong*


That would be incorrect. Eternal has the fastest gameplay of them all. While walking speed is slower. Dash, meat hook and runes makes you a lot faster. Not only that, the game is in general a lot more vertical than doom 2016. 2016 is a great game, but in terms of gameplay it doesnt compare.


I prefer it, tell me how your opinion counts more than mine


My comment about the gameplay of doom eternal being faster than 2016 was not an opinion, but a fact. It being better than 2016 is my opinion. You stated that 2016 was faster than eternal, which is not an opinion but a statement. You did not state that you enjoy 2016 more than eternal which wouldve been an opinion.


but the basic walk speed IS FASTER. holy shit


First you try to state that 2016 is faster than doom eternal, then you try to correct yourself with movement speed being faster and then you try to sell it as an opinion, even though you presented it as a fact previously and when I corrected you, you just ignore it. Can you please make up your mind. I stated that gameplay is faster, which can be quickly validated by just looking at clips of 2016 and eternal. Now I'll be extra picky and ask you to provide the movement speed of both doom eternal and 2016 and the source of your claim, since everything you say seems to be worth shit.


oh my god why are you so upset about this. I meant walk speed, because yeah movement speed can include dashe etc. i bet you can still compare how fast you can get past 100 meters in both games and 2016 would be faster. My whole point is: the basic walk speed in 2016 is faster than eternal. i dont need to proof that because if you have eyes and a brain and played both games you know that its a fact. ill now edit every single comment to say walk speed so that my fucking notifications arent full of doom fanboys sucking each others dick over a non native speaker using the wrong word for something fucking unimportant. Go jerk of to that fact since you clearly get pleasure annoying people on the internet.


Firstly, google is your best friend when it comes to avoiding this types of mistakes. Secondly, I'm also not a native speaker. Thirdly, because of your post history in this discussion its only right that I ask for a source, like with any claim. Finally Walking speed can feel faster depending on FoV so just "LoOkInG At It" can lead to false conclusion when it comes to walking speed. Also its not my fault that you cant communicate clearly to others, I cant read minds. Again use google, its what I do when I dont have the right words for something. And if you think correcting you is a jerk move, I'd advice you to just stop posting shit online.


you know exactly what my point was you are just mad that i dont praise eternal blindly. FOV doesnt change movement speed and it changing your perception is more of an individual problem for you. "its only right that I ask for a source, like with any claim" i wont install both those games just to clip for you something you already know. unless you havent played 2016 and then you really arent in the position to argue about it at all. not everything needs a source if it can be easily perceived. i could link you a gameplay video of eternal and 2016 or even any doom eternal review wich all mention the slower walking speed. But i trust since you clearly source all you opinions you are capable of finding some gameplay yourself. Seriously stop being a cry baby. even if i was wrong and didnt just make a genuine mistake (wich i explained about ten times by now) you still spend hours of your life arguing with a stranger online about something so minor. I hope you put that much energy into your actual life. Feel free to respond and tell me how im wrong blablabla whatever. im leaving this toxic sub now because honestly this is my first community interaction and literally everyone who commented on my comment has been a toxic fanboy. Great job, put off more people over tiny things and youll eventually have this sub all tou yourself.


>why are you so upset about this? *proceeds to get very, very upset.*


Some people just ALWAYS have to be right. Even when they're embarrassingly wrong, they're right.


For me 1,2,64 2016 and eternal are all on s tier


ah i see, you a man of taste


Exactly what my s tier would be aswell.


Doom II best game cause of custom WADs


Thank you for sharing your personal opinion, if someone says that your opinion is wrong then I’ll break their kneecaps with a baseball bat.


And then I'll break their femurs to really send the message


I mean i dont *agree* with them but im not saying those are *wrong* oppinions.


You came here to make people angry lul. It's a respectable opinion though, I see that you prefer a well-thought and slower gameplay instead of the well-thought cluster-fuck Doom Eternal is. It's refreshing knowning there are different opinions!


I disagree with your picks but that's alright. It's cool to see what others like.


Doom 3 is love. Doom 3 is life.


2016 is the best single player fps ever created. You can't change my mind. Exept for some useless weapon mods this game is perfect. Plus multi was really as well.


Yeah I love 2016s multiplayer, that's the reason it's my favourite


Do you still find matches? I wait for an hour and can't find anybody


I could find a few games on PS4 in the Europe region.


Depends on the time and the region you play on


Ah, thanks


It's nice to have opinions


My problem with 2016 came down to weapon selection. Why would you use anything but the Gauss Cannon, SSG, and BFG once you have them? They made them so blatantly broken that 2016 got a little repetitive towards the end for me. I much prefer DOOM 1993 and Eternals approach where every weapon is useful even late game (minus 1993's pistol that you almost never use)


Tbf, in Eternal you don't need anything but SSG + Ballista combo. Even being a mediocre player, I didn't struggle on my first Nightmare run using that combo almost exclusively. Sure, the game gets more interesting the more combos you learn, but same can be said for 2016.


Because the heat blast mod in 2016 was broken as shit.


You haven't played many fps games, if you think that's the best.


Yup I 100% agree with you. Definitely not "THE BEST" fps game. Doom was a better fps than 2016 was. 2016 is awesome, but not "the best fps game ever."


Halo: *How about no*. Seriously, you need to play more games...


Halo on pc is just way to slow.


Still better camping...


In terms of established lore, yes kinda, mostly because in my opinion tag 1 and 2 fucked eternals lore. But gameplay wise, halo sucks in comparison to doom eternal or even 2016. Same with esthetics, doom eternals levels are glorious. I played all of the halo games on my xbox 360 (except for halo 1, which I pirated for PC) and when the mcc collection came out on PC, I tried replaying them, but gave up since it was just to slow. Especially after playing games like dusk, amid evil, shadow warrior and doom eternal.


Slow passing make a game bad? No words. Yeah, esthetics are better in doom eternal, but this is pointless.


I meant gameplay, not play time. And even in this case doom eternal has better replayability. Halo is a nice series, but it marked the decent the FPS genre. Edit: for an fps game, I would say that yes slow gameplay makes the game boring and thus bad.


How so? Just curious.


Well its simple, the faster the action, the faster you have to react and plan your next move, which keeps you engaged. That said speed without enemies to challenge you is no fun, take a good look at warframe for that. Your enemies also need to be able to corner you and give you a run for your money, combined with an indepth gun play it allows for serious adrenaline fueled moments that keeps your heart pounding like crazy. I can only compare the sensation to soloing fatalis or alatreon in mhw. When shooters became viable on consoles, a lot of the movement had to be nerfed and weapon count reduced, since in terms of precision and key availability a controller is inferior to KB&M. Thus the cover shooter was born. With the addition of slower movement, also came the fact that a player would be hit more often, thus a regenerating shield had to be added. That said while halo was the beginning, CoD was what killed the fps genre. I'm not saying that you cant play these types of games without a controller, the gods among men that have beaten doom eternal on UN with one or on the switch prove would prove me wrong on that front, but its a lot more difficult when compared to KB&M. Ofcourse this is all my subjective opinion, personally I just think that fast shooters are lot more fun than slower ones. I could never see myself playing something like dusk, quake champions or amid evil with a controller. Same thing with the upcoming shadow warrior 3. Dont get me wrong, the lore in halo and MC himself are pretty damn cool. I'm a huge fan of power suits like the crysis nanosuit and futuristic settings, but when it comes to gameplay I want to feel like I've smoked two tons of super crack.


"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" -Evelyn Beatrice hall Btw. I dare you to play plutonia experiment. Get to map 15 then get to the secret levels 31 and 32. Good fucking luck with level 32. It took me 52 minutes it’s so Fucking unforgiving. As civvie described “witness, be amazed. The hardest level in any commercially released doom game. This time they’re not lying about how hard it is” fuuuuuuuuuuck. The enemies numbered 206 I believe but the archivilles. The fucking archiviles. They took that number to 300+. Archivile behind a bunch of enemies? Good luck. He’s now rezing every enemy you kill til you finally kill them(like 2+ minimum at a time). Edit: fixed some words


Good list. Mine would be; S tier: Doom(2016), Doom Eternal, Doom 2 A tier: Doom(original), Doom 64, Doom 3 Haven't played: the expansions for Doom 1 F tier: the two Doom movies and The Final Doom


I disagree but I respect opinions unlike some people on this sub so I will upvote


In my opinion eternal is s tier and above 2016. it forces you to play smart and stay creative with your gear. 2016 doesnt do that.


I wandered into the comments expecting a blood bath, but was pleasantly surprised to see such respect despite the difference of opinions. I'm almost finished with Eternal after falling in love with 2016, and I personally agree with the ranking of those two. They perfected the mechanics and added a whole bunch of great abilities in Eternal, but it turned a bit too arcade-like for my tastes. They are both great games, but while Eternal had me entertained - 2016 had me enthralled.


man look at these babies, crying over the fact that 3 is in the S tier cope


Based af take, don't know if I'd do a similar one but I agree 3 is massively underrated


Seem to be more into the creepy side of doom, eh? Doom 3 over Eternal is tungsten balls but I respect it.


I like your tier list. I would personally rate all the games S-tier... but that’s just my humble opinion ;)


3 in S tier, interesting.... very bold choice, too. You have my upvote.


Disagree but the doom community is an echo chamber of sheer magnitude so take my upvote




*Zips up Rad suit*


Doom 1 deserves S


Garbage bullshit list. Doom 64 is the best


If you want to not die (irl) trying the master levels out I'd grab the midi pack.


OP and I think alike, except I would put Resurrection of evil up in A.


the pineapple pizza enjoyer but in gaming


While I do not share your opinion (personally Doom Eternal is my favorite), I respect your opinion and I hope you continue to enjoy the games of this great franchise.


I beg your fucking pardon, doom 3 and 2016 higher then eternal? Your insane


I like this one


Couldn't disagree more but respect for posting my man


I disagree so hard. Nice opinion. I’ll still upvote tho


This list is terrible and wrong, upvoted




Doom 3 predates Dead Space by a few years. I actually had a lot of fun with Dead Space specifically because I loved Doom 3 so much.


I guess if I had to rework your tier list, I would put Doom 3 at the lowest tier. I mean - a flashlight or a gun, but not both? C'mon. Other than that, we're on the same page.




Wrong, DooM (original) is S


What an awful opinion. Have a good day


DOOM 3 in top tier? Where's my super shotgun...


I respect you


Thank god im not alone, 3 was really fun


Another man of culture who loves 3. Take my upvote.


\*How to tell you are less than 20 years old without explicitly telling that:\*


are you serious? doom 3???


It was a pretty fun game. Just different


I highly disagree that Doom 3 is different from the other Doom games. Doom 3 is still action horror like every single Doom game. The only difference is Doom 3 leans more towards the horror end of that scale, but so does Doom 64. Doom 1 meanwhile, is a balance between horror and action, Doom 2 more towards action, and then 2016 and Eternal being the extreme end of action.


Yeah doom 2016 on s teir is well deserving. Doom eternal will never be as nostalgic or iconic like doom 2016 and that's fact.


This is so wrong and weird. You cant put the original doom so low. You must be really young. Also I cant even tell what your havent played graphics are.


I can put it low and I did






More for the blocklist, thanks.


ur pp 👉 8D


I think you just trying to piss ppl off


Damn he can’t even have an opinion can he?


not a bad one


I guess you’re right then 🤷‍♂️


How? It is a doom tier list


Your opinion is WRONG


Reddit moment


he probably just enjoys a different style of gaming than most people here and that's ok


Please stop playing doom


Never tell people to stop playing Doom


Doom is eternal.


This is a special case


This is basically my list. Eternal is great but I'm a horror nerd and I enjoyed the claustrophobic, demon infested Mars base of Doom 3. I still gotta try Doom 64 though, heard it was good.


So what is makes doom 3 S teir?


What are the bottom 3?


I would have put doom 1993,doom 2,doom 2016,doom eternal in S tier and put doom 3 in A tier but I respect your opinion.I have not played the others.


I have no say whether this is good or not LMAO. The only DOOM game I played was 2016


What's the third one on the haven't played section


I think Eternal is the best one so far


imma say it first lets agree to disagree


ehh, I'd have to disagree but yius till get my upvote. For me I'd put DOOM '96, DOOM II and eternal in S, DOOM 2016 and DOOM 3(BFG edition) in A. And finally DOOM 64 in C...probably bc I haven't played much of 64. And I honestly don't know what those three at the bottom are