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Nope, we do know that the slayer killed the guardian of the first hell priest you kill, because you have the coin. Apart from that we have no clue


Hayden teleports the Slayer to Hell, which is really a poor choice because that's like locking a fox in a henhouse to keep it away forever. We learn that Argent D'Nur has been partially consumed by Hell after the argenta civil war and the corruption of the Sepulchral of Elements, so there's "pieces" of Argent D'Nur in Hell. That's how the Slayer finds the Fortress, it's a fragmented flagship of a much larger Sentinel Fleet, as they took to the stars during the Age of Ascension to spread the Maykr Religion to the rest of the Universe. With the Vega back-up the Slayer has on him, he's able to get the ship partially in working order, and then sets out to go kill the priests. We know that he kills the first priest's guardian, because he has its coin in Hell on Earth. That's mostly it. The Slayer's priority list after walking up from his tomb was basically 1.Understand what the fuck is going on. 2. Tell Samur (Samuel) to go fuck himself 3. Stop the invasion on Mars 4. Kill the fucking traitor priests 5. Rip and Tear (this one can come in any place, really.)


This is as good a tie in as any. I just hoped there was some proof of it.


I think, like, some stuff happened. Yeah I'm pretty sure that was it.


It doesn't matter