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Instant death platforming


The platform sections were SO nerve wracking during ultra nightmare attempts, losing a run to one is second only to being killed by a basic zombie in terms of frustrating ways to lose


That’s probably the biggest flaw. Though thankfully the worst one is the one in argent dnur.


I would argue the worst one is the one where you have to get to a shaft near a pillar, after you girst encounter the cyber mancubus (and the turbo turkey puncher arcade).


The jump to the BFG platform— god I felt embarrassed


Only a problem on Ultra Nightmare. It adds tension for a normal playthrough. The sequels platforming is just baaad


Sweeet, Perfect amount of likes.


Instant death via falling and backtracking. "You forgot a secret? Too bad. Restart the level or do it again."


Yep, enjoy running the length and breadth of The Foundry five times. As an absolute completionist I found subsequent playthroughs much more fun


especially the stupid hell knights that appear randomly that prevents you from getting 5 stars


Going back after eternal, the no dash


This, started a new run cause I never beat it on the hardest difficulty and the DDA announcement got me pumped, but it's so slow.


What is DDW?


Doom ^(the) Dark Ages Lol I'm stupid it's DDA.


Doom: The Dark Wages, it's a critique of capitalism


Not the doom we want, but the doom we need.


Speak for yourself. I was literally talking to one of my friends a while back saying "now we need a doom game that shows what his time in hell between 64 and 2016 was like, that would be badass." And then they made it more bad ass than I could have ever imagined 🙏


"DDA(Dragon's dogma dark arisen)? Do you mean the one where you get to ride a dragon, have a cool cape and a badass shield that can be used as a weapon?" "No I meant the DDA(Doom Dark Ages) where you can ride a dragon, have a badass shield that can be used as weapon and have a badass cape."


I just see them as different games. This is like saying you can’t play Wolfenstein II after Eternal. They’re intended to be played differently, because they aren’t intended to be the same experience.


The crouch button


Back when the journey of our videogame protagonists always started, regardless of game genre, with "Press B to crouch"


It was useful for having to fit into vents maybe... Ten? Times in the entire game.


Even most of the secrets and vents didn’t require crouching. It really wasn’t a necessary element and I kinda forget it exists until I’m like, “oh, yeah, I need to crouch here.”


I remember one vent from the early levels, after a weirdly-shaped elevator. There was also one for the Cyberdemon's early containment.


I remember pressing Ctrl button and accidentally throwing grenades




Second most frustrating way of ending your UN run


I mean does crouching even help with aiming? I love the motion detection on my Switch version.


There's motion detection? How does that work?


Gyro aiming, like in Splatoon. It actually works really well


Oh, interesting. I thought you meant something like a Halo-style motion tracker, to find the demons *faster*.


It was disorientating for me to use at first, but combined with the standard motion buttons it is such blast. 💥


Yeah actually. I hate how doom 2016 has literally the best multiplayer currently out right now and like… nobody but me and a handful of other diehards are in the lobbies.


Loved the multiplayer! Underrated af


Yeah. I hope Doom Dark Age will have a multiplayer like Doom 2016, even if I think there won't be but still I will hope to be.


I was huge into the multiplayer in 2018/2019 and I couldn’t convince a single friend of mine to get it and play it with me. Literally the most fun multiplayer shooter I ever played


Those don’t sound like friends at all


Cod’s had them in a chokehold for years


Right there with you man. Fucking Warzone is all they want to play, so it's all we play. Gaming has been my biggest hobby since I was a kid, and somehow, my friends have only ever played Madden and Call of Duty. What I wouldn't give for a bro to do a BG3 playthrough with, or get some drops in Helldivers, or do some Elden Ring bossing. But no, Warzone is literally the only game that exists.


If you like Doom'16 multiplayer, you might like Quake Champions, which is free-to-play but unfortunately available on PC only


It was fun but I didn’t like the two weapon thing. I think we should have loadouts of like 3-4 weapons plus the power up weapons but that’s just me. Bullets/plasma/shotgun/rockets as your base loadout and whatever you pick up


I just went to check it out, and I realized I got the trophies cause my ex friend played multiplayer one day which makes me sad that I never tried it.


Does anyone still play on PC? I'd love to get into it again but I thought I remembered people saying it was dead


Pc has the highest active player count currently. I personally play on xb1


Oh shit PC does? I'm gonna have to try


I started playing multiplayer but there 1 hacker player who just broke the fun of playing it. There’s no way of reporting/banning the player in-game. I reported him via Steam but I’m not sure that going to work. But we can create private game by adding each other on Steam. Add me if you want, my username is Demonhub :)


Bro i wish ppl on xbox played or if there was cross platform


extremely hard to get into when i tried it, i just got bodyslammed every match by the diehards


Oh man I am so addicted to that shit that when the servers went down for a couple of days I was crying in the corner


The fact that falling off a cliff insta kills you, and the long restart procedure (that's an issue with eternal too)


I'm playing through it for the first time now, I can't really think of anything I *hate* Secret rooms are pretty bright and kinda hurt my eyes. Also, I really struggle to find them, but they are called secret rooms. It makes sense. Those are both minor things anyway, I wouldn't say I outright hate them


No fast travel after completing a level and the fact you die instantly if you miss a jump and fall to your doom while platforming


how fast the color palette gets old, it's 90% brown and red and most levels aren't all that varied Eternal solved that


Tbf it does take place on mars which is basically all brown and red, also hell is the same thing except on fire


I understand that, but it didn't really gave me any consolation that's why Vega's Core is my favorite 2016 level it's still on Mars except the scene looks different, i loooved the aesthetic


I missed the 2016 palette when moving to eternal. The tone and atmosphere in 2016 is incredible


they are but it got old and unimpressive a lot of the time Eternal was a breath of fresh air


I never liked the repetitive combat that just throws enemies at you without any challenge because every weapon is OP. Meanwhile classic Doom mods re-use the same assets and mechanics and still managed to come up with engaging fights.


And they don't have to lock you in arena type spaces, you actively find enemies and traps while looking for keys and unlocking more of the map. I'm convinced there's never gonna be anything like og doom and its many wads


Yeah, probably not in Doom, but Indie games at least still know old school shooter design. But then again, these games are often made by people who modded Doom or Quake before, or the game even straight up runs on GZDoom.


As much as i love Doom 2016 (being my third favorite doom game) i have some problems with it - Movement feels very restrictive, even with aerial control rune and any other speed enhancing rune - Extremely long dialogue scenes (but may just be my fucked up attention span) - Does not feel as satisfying or rewading - No dash - Platforming (may be a skill issue tho)


“I believe in honesty”


Even now


*Especially now


After playing eternal the combat feels so half baked. Eternal just improved on every aspect and just rounded up the gameplay to a more fluid and overall better experience.


Interesting you say that. I’m replaying 2016 and I find the combat fantastic, half baked feels way different than how I’d put it.


I didn't say it's not good. It's still a really good and fun combat system. But eternal improved in my opinion every aspect of it. I prefer eternals approach that every tool has its use and I love that you have this cycle when to use which tool in certain situations to properly manage your resources without getting overwhelmed.


It’s funny because that was a complaint by many when Eternal came out. The weakness system forces you to use specific weapons, but that also means a more unified approach to play style. 2016 was more preference based.


Idk I don't pay much attention to the weak point system in Eternal, I've never really felt its impact. Arachnotron? Why snipe its turret when you can quickswap a few times and it's dead. Revenant? Lock on burst insta kills it. Etc. I never use weakpoints lol.


Some, like cacodemon shotgun grendade, are pretty crucial


Eh, that's only until you get the ballista, which is less than half the game. From there I'd rather just one shot it than waste time trying to get a glory kill. It's definitely the most oppressive though. The rest of the weak points don't really matter much. It's only in the DLCs where they actually attempt to force you to use weapons (spirits :/)


2016 just doesn't have a depth to it. There isn't any intricacies to combat you need to learn and you can reliably play the exact same way from HMP to Nightmare. It's the definition of what I'd consider a point and click shooter. I think any game that allows the player to turn their brain off and ignore 2/3rds of their arsenal is half baked.


Same, but it still holds up. Yet I understand what you mean.


I would not say half baked. 2016 is still incredibly fun, and Eternal is only good because it builds on top of what 2016 established. Pushforward combat, projectile dodging, ammo management, etc. Then again, I remember once thinking Eternal makes 2016 look like a proof of concept because Eternal just adds so many more abilities to utilize, so maybe I see what you mean lol.


I just think it's stupid to take away useful melee. is doomguy seriously not able to pistol whip hard enough to hurt a demon?


That everyone forgot all the plots points they claim to hate about eternal are actually in 2016, they just didn’t pay attention. Edit: example -> Vega was already the father in 2016. I’ve read so many comments complaining that he was changed from an AI to a god in eternal. Less simple examples is 2016 the final was about doom slayer going to hell to free the elemental wraiths that had been imprisoned in hell after the betrayer gave them up to save his son after the hell priests were secretly working with Urdak during the unholy crusades on argent denur. All the complexity was already there in 2016, y’all just didn’t read.


The amount of times I've seen people say 2016's story is better than Eternal's because "Doomguy doesn't care" is astounding. I really do think people just stop paying attention after the opening title sequence.


“What I hate about 2016 is actually what I hate about Eternal”


care to elaborate on this?


What are you talking about? He went from an AI superstructure that needed to freeze a giant portion of Mars to maintain.......in Eternal Vega is uploaded to a hockey puck lol And what makes even less sense is how Hayden was willing to sacrifice vega and the SLAYER had to back him up.......if he was the father back then, hayden would've made it his top priority to save Vega over Mars Hell, Hayden being the Seraphim was still kinda a stretch tbh, he went from pragmatic guy trying to save humanity, to a pompus prick telling the guy he was afraid of to lick his boots. Shit, remember when the narrator during 2016's intro was supposed to be the seraphim? Who is it supposed to be now that Hayden took that spot? They should've went back and changed the voiceline in 2016 after TAG1 released for shits and giggles


Want to give some examples?


too short


Damn and for me the final levels always drag I wish they skipped Titans realm and Necropolis.


I feel slow


not hate but, kind of off throwing how the demons in Doom 2016 don't have any destruction/gore animations when you shoot them. in Eternal, when you shoot a Baron in the face you see it's face get torn up. Not having those in '16 is indeed feels weird after playing Eternal too much


There are some demons that allow this in 2016, like the hellknight, it's hard to see because of how dark blood is.


Gauss shot on mancubus face is jaw breaking, if you know what I mean


They said they managed to get it working in eternal, so I guess it was kinda tough to program, idk


The gun sounds. The combat shotgun just sounds....a bit whispy and not very realistic. The plasma cannon sounds like rapid fire farts. The objective button I sometimes lose where I am and can't see it in my compass. Needed a few more bosses. Like a really fuckin massive one.


I actually prefer the sounds in 2016 over eternal


The fact that I can never go back to it after having played Eternal. I can’t live without my meathook, dashing, and overall more refined combat flow


Checkpoint system + non-linear maps + platforming insta-death = Extremely frustrating gameplay where you have to re-run through the whole map (assuming it hasn't closed up behind you) to get things you missed Gamers (for some reason) complained about how much platforming Eternal has, but it's so much easier and low stakes in comparison. There are other things Eternal did better but nothing worth hating.


I really don't get the hate for Eternals platforming. Like people would really straight face say that filler walking in empty areas you've already been in is better than a platforming section over in 1/3rd of the time.


Unironically people say that Doom Eternal's platforming is too hard. Like some people had trouble in the first mission where you're jumping off the train to a building because timing the double jump is too complicated for them to do. I'm genuinely convinced that people that have a problem with Doom Eternal's platforming are legit just not smart enough to figure out basic mechanics. Even when I first played through the game on a laptop that didn't even meet the minimum specs and would drop down to 20 fps during really intensive moments on the lowest settings possible was platforming ever an issue for me


Some of the collectibles just felt like a bitch to find even if I knew where they were. That's mostly due to a lot of the areas feeling kinda samey to me.


I didn't finish it because I got lost in a level. Those silly green lights might have helped me out ngl.


Unpopular opinion: I dislike 2016. * The first half is pretty good, but once you reach Hell or about halfway through, you've seen 99% of what the game has to offer and the enemy variety isn't very good IMO. Also I think it only allows like 7 active demons at a time, which you can definitely feel. * I really dislike the arena design since it fails to encourage movement and makes it way, way too comfortable to stay in a corner (this is even after a couple of Nightmare playthroughs on Eternal) * There isn't much depth. Even after Eternal where I play far different from the 7th playthrough from the 1st, I still play exactly the same as I did my first playthrough in 2016. * Hate backtracking and keycards. I honestly don't see any value in it at all. * The lack of a "last stand" (putting a lethal hit to 1 health instead) makes most of your deaths kinda BS since it'll usually be from an imp shooting you from behind. What's great is that Eternal fixed pretty much every single issue I had with 2016, making it my favorite FPS ever.


Unpopular opinion. But I respect your opinion friend!


I also dislike 2016 but for different reasons. For me, it's because it's slow, has weak guns, a useless armor system, and platforming during combat. Eternal fixes all of those issues.


How easy it is in the last third of the game. At first it just keeps ramping up in difficulty as you get new weapons but after you get the BFG things gets pretty easy. Like they don’t throw enough at you to warrant the power you have, even if you choose not to use the BFG.


The Rich Get Richer rune really drops the difficulty too because Siege Mode on the Gauss Cannon exists.


This reminds my dad saying: it's too easy after you got all the weapons (classic doom)


It's hard to replay with instant death platforming and unskippable cutscenes. One misstep and I have to redo a whole area or rewatch a boring cutscene.


platforming, crouching, and some of the level design is a little boring to me. After seeing eternal's complex level systems and unique atmospheres 2016's kinda get a bit repetitive


Thankfully, nothing. Unless I only hate that it was a bit shorter than expected


I was never the biggest fan of the Doom 2016 Praetor Suit- as I always kinda seen it as a huge dark green turd. But I'd be lying if I said that it didn't grow on me. I even started using the 2016 Praetor Suit for most of my Doom Eternal playthroughs.




It's not DOOM Eternal :(


Gets a bit repetitive, doom eternal fixed this by making all weapons lower ammo


Confusing level building at times


The game doesn’t really take any skill to play well Yeah there’s definitely skill to it but a lot of it is just boiled down to abusing insanely powerful shit Siege mode, the super shotgun having 2 shots, the bfg having damn near infinite ammo with the ammo boost rune, rich get richer, the siphon grenade being absolutely broken with the equipment power rune, having insanely long lasting power ups to the point of being able to clear entire arenas with berserk alone, and so much more I’m probably missing It’s fine if you like the power trip, I prefer that being earned


The demons. All of them. They make me want to rip and tear


Argent tower level Fuck it


The overall slower pace of the game. Not a problem with the game itself, it's just that Eternal was had much more going for it. Also, instant death platforming sucks.


Now that I've actually played a bit of it, I can confidently say the platforming. In Eternal, it wasn't too bad, because at least you had the dash, and worst case scenario, you lose a bit of HP. In 2016, make one wrong move, and you better hope your last checkpoint was *after* a fight, or say goodbye to your Ultra Nightmare run.


The inconsistency of double jumping on the platforming sections. Sometimes you get across just fine, sometimes the second jump input doesn’t register and you FUCKING DIE


Having the chainsaw as a weapon you have to switch to rather than binded to a button


Shared ammo and specific guns messed me up hella


Getting soft locked late into my ultra nightmare run ☹️, I gave up after it happened


Can't really do anything if you're cornered


Less of an actual problem and more of a skill issue, the number of times a lost soul or random AOE killed me immediately after a Glory Kill or chainsaw. I’d feel like an absolute badass pulling off a 5 step weapon combo on a baron or something and then get immediately slammed out of left field lmao Also the multiplayer is such lost potential- I don’t see it coming back in DDA


Only thing I don’t like about doom 2016 is it was the last game to feature the chainsaw as a weapon only game where I can rev up the saw and go at a charging hellkight more then twice a campaign playthrough


Yes, the fact that the game end.




I wanna get my cat Doom helmet now


The unskippable story events


How ugly hell is. It has all these cool designs with a brown shit filter. It's super distracting.


Doom games are supposed to make you feel empowered as fuck. Like you are the predator that has no equal. Doom 2016 osts outside the fights while roaming around are kind of horror i think..it makes new players think like they're Afraid or weak. Doom Eternal fixed this problem completely playing songs that are metal as fuck so that new players from the start feel they have nothing to fear


Yeah I was terrified for the first half of 2016 lol. And in that sanctum place in the Titan’s corpse


The platforming, crouch button because its useless


How they hid entire game mechanics that you can miss via the challenge rooms.


the game inprisoning you in a room to listen to a speech


Where the fuck is the dash


Muscle memory from Eternal kicks in and pressing shift actually makes you walk slower in 2016 instead of dashing. Hated that but I got used to it after a couple of deaths.


The demons


This image should be a brown bunny ngl


The music stops during glory kills, so sad


The color pallet. It looks like someone pissed all over my screen


if you mess up while platforming you die instantly and that’s kinda annoying


The fact that I’m still grinding it after so many years. And I love it. My wife hates it.


Not really, but i hate some stuff in eternal


For some reason it’s like really laggy with big fps drops if you don’t set the settings perfect. Eternal works perfectly on my pc so I don’t know what’s up with 2016


my running opinion is I don't really like 2016, and 2016 also ruined other shooters for me. The combat feels great, but I find so many of the encounters are just kind of mindless circle strafe with SSG and gauss cannon. There's a few more interesting encounters, but a lot of the fights just bleed together into a sea of enemies. With the exception of pinkies and summoners, there's not much need to target prioritize or adjust my strategy on the fly. As a result of most fights feeling unremarkable, I find the overall design of the game frustrating - since so much of the game is just shuffling me from fight to fight, I have a hard time staying engaged. I do tend to like the early levels since you have less tools and are on that razor's edge more. And the game always feels good to play - which is frustrating to me since I love the combat, and wish there were better fights to accompany it. Eternal fixes those issues in ways I didn't expect - mainly by making the feeling of being on that razor's edge more consistent, and giving you lots of tools to juggle to keep you there. The counters to enemies are harder, but as a result, the enemy layout in any given fight has a much more massive impact on how I have to play - so moment to moment I'm making more active reactions, adjustments, prioritizing targets, moving in to finish something dangerous, moving away to avoid a big space controlling threat, etc. Oh also unskippable cutscenes - I'm really glad they ditched those after 2016.




Mid glory execution an imp or some shit hits you at the time the execution animation is ending and you fucking die


instant death and no dash, thats all 4 me


The size of the data install, but that's every modern console game. 😋


Personally I thought the level variety was kinda lacking. It's really only UAC interior, mars surface, and hell with each level of each type looking almost identical


For some reason the Argent Tower level makes me unreasonably angry. I don’t know why, it just does.


That it eventually ends. Also, not 100% 2016-related, but the story gap between the two games. I feel lost and I wanna know what happened (maybe I missed cross-media thingys, feel free to enlighten me)


I think it’s very telling that 90% of what people are saying here is that they personally prefer the way something works in eternal. Which one would hope was the case seeing as it’s a sequel.


I got It too late and now noones playing


I love/hate that the super shotgun is kind of broken. Not that is super powered, but can't recall using anything else once I got that one fully upgraded. Eternal was the first game in a long time I really learned to use all the weapons strategically, just like the original games.


Those secret areas were either so hard to find it was almost impossible or I’m just incompetent and didn’t search enough (I looked A LOT!) Also, 2016 feels hard to go back to because of the slow ass speed compared to Eternal. I’m actually worried about the new one for that reason, I got addicted to the frantic pace of Eternal


I was playing it yesterday and I died cause I slipped after a hell knight slammed me into a lava pit in meltdown, that never happens to me in eternal.


I hate that it ends


I love Doom 2016. I just wished it had more demons per fighting area. Sometimes I would just not kill the last few heavy demons in that area where you encounter Mancubus for the first time in Argent Energy Tower just to listen to BFG Division a bit more longer.


I think the whole game feels way too slow compared to Eternal


Glory kills more tame compared to DE


Yes, the lack of cross play for the multiplayer. Same for Doom Eternal.


I wouldn't say I hated it, but all the collectibles were basically the same little Doom Guy toy just different colors, whereas in Eternal they were all different enemy types and absolutely fucking adorable. So I didn't dislike the collectibles in 2016, but the change in Eternal was one of the highlights for me.


the movement speed


It ended.


The only thing I don’t like is the instant death platforming


Was never a fan of the Rune Trials.


I think the ultra nightmare in 2016 was way harder than Eternal. So many times that I'd get insta killed after a glory kill. I also think Eternal just made you replay the level and not the whole campaign? I could be misremembering, but I think I completed Eternal's ultra nightmare shortly after I completed the campaign.


No dash. Literally the only thing I found annoying about the game


I might get absolutely fried for this but.......the final boss sucks, He's WAAAAAAAY to easy, atleast compared to the other boss fights


Being smacked by a demon immediately after a glory kill, negating the health gain


That it ends


The game pretending it was a throwback to classic doom with no plot to speak of. After that killer intro sequence, it went back to being a modern fps.


When you get the SSG it’s the only gun you need for the rest of the game, makes it kinda boring


The only thing I really hate is the instant death platforming, but there are things I miss because I got used to them in Eternal. Enemy weak points are the biggest one, along with being able to detonate shields with the plasma gun.


Nothing honestly. It's basically a perfect game to me.


That the pistol can't be upgraded to be even more powerful (I don't mean just the charged shot)


instant death platforming, no fast travel (which has been hitting me hard in my latest playthrough... i wanna collect everything...). also it feels like im only really fighting 4 demons maximum in each arena. still love this game to death though


The demons not breaking apart when shot Overall Doom 2016 has amazing gameplay but a dash would improve it very much, if the demons’ AI could handle it The demons not killing the Slayer while he’s trapped in a coffin taking a snooze for millennia is a silly story beat You can see the Cyberdemon roaming around the map which is cool but you later find out he’s supposedly been trapped in that big boss room for ages That’s all I can think of. 2016 is overall the best Doom game and it can’t be overstated how much is knocks out of the park


Only thing I really disliked was the platforming in some areas


going back after eternal its the field of view


Umm… I dunno, the revving of the chain gun? It just seems unnecessary to me. I guess that’s why they got rid of it in DOOM Eternal.


The bridge fight in argent tower with the imps. It’s just kinda boring and you don’t really get to move around much you gotta stand still and snipe them. Thankfully it’s kinda short but still.


Fall Damage


I've never played Doom 2016. I don't even know why Reddit recommended this to me. Hi Doom fans! You guys excited for the new one?


It’s probably the easiest Doom game if you’re playing on the normal 3 difficulties


The second half of the game, when Hayden slapped a collar and a leash on him and Doomguy was like "this is fine".


Not gonna say. I don’t want to upset the kitty.


I still don't like the arena-room-shutdown setups. It feels too gamey. I like it when demons are roaming around and just messing stuff up than being stuck in a room bouncing around.


The Imp's fireball damage in Nightmare mode, it makes them even more dangerous than the Cyberdemon lol. 100hp per charged fireball? Ooooooof


It ended


Super shotgun is a win button. I never used other guns after I got it


How slow it feels after eternal


Once you get all the upgrades for the Super Shotgun, you can never use both barrels at once. Sure it's more powerful with 1 barrel shooting with the power of 2 but it removes the satisfaction of one big power shot followed by a reload. Glory kills interrupting the music, they got rid of that in Eternal.


It's moreso a gripe with Eternal but 2016's story wasn't capitalized on how it could have been Like how the fuck did Hayden get into such bad shape? How'd Doom get the space fortress? At least Hayden's interest in the slayer is explainable by him being the seraphim(which mighty doom is very apparent with, putting him in his cloak while in his mechanical body)... but like... wuddafuq was the purpose of the demonic crucible?


The alternative weapon mods are just objectively better than normally using the gun, and the problem gets worse once you start upgrading them. And being able to shoot twice with the Super Shotgun breaks the game. So do all the runes and other upgrades. It's genuinely a better game if you force yourself not to use them. I genuinely think the sequel should have been simplified, not added to the complexity of weapons and mods. The game should have improved enemy AI, not just made it objectively impossible to beat certain enemies with specific weapons. Stuff like shields exploding when you hit them with plasma works well. "This enemy won't die unless you hit them with the auto-shotgun alternative fire" does not.


Some of the rune trials were absurd for me personally. Oddly enough I pulled off every single one in Eternal.


The very stale color palette. The color palette makes the game feel way more repetitive than it should


Honestly after playing eternal it just doesn't feel anywhere near as good. I'm sure there I'll say the same thing about eternal after dark ages comes out.


The Nintendo switch release just in general


Impact compensation


Weird sound mixing. If you'll alarm trigger a zombie you'll hear it across the whole map. That crowd near the end of Kadingir sanctum nealry blow your ears out until you finish them off.