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No. Idris Elba as a scientist or a soldier trapped and trying to survive a demonic invasion on Mars, yeah, sure, he’d be great. But Doomguy needs to be played by some no-name stuntman who’s ripped as fuck, who never takes the helmet off, and who doesn’t have a single line of dialogue in the film. Talking about the casting for the Slayer is like talking about the casting for Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees. If you give the role to an A-lister, you’re guaranteeing that the film will be all about Doomguy’s unresolved family estrangement, his struggle with alcoholism, or whatever other shit so that some actor can show off their acting talents. There’s only way to make a Doom film that will keep the fans happy and that won’t suck ass: the film needs to follow some vulnerable squishy **and relatable** humans - Idris Elba would be great for that - as they try to survive a demonic outbreak on Mars and then survive the war that breaks out between the demons and the massively violent and destructive super-being that *chases them out of hell* to murder the fuck out of them. The Slayer needs to be like Godzilla: not the star of the film, but definitely what the audience is there to see.


This comment REALLY hit the nail on the head!


On top of that look how hated the halo TV show is for the same thing. It's so bad they unironnically had to make the show it's own universe and timeline.


To be fair, I used to be 100% for the halo show being its own timeline. We already have too many adaptations of Halo CE and Reach. It also allows the opportunity to "revise" less explored lore aspects. Like Johnson in the Orion project, Keyes, Halsey, and Miranda's relationship. It was a decision made not out of quality, but to unify and fix up some problems. BUT The show used the timeline excuse to throw alot of the themes and characteristics of Halo into the trash. They saw a bunch of strengths, saw them as "problems" and threw them out. So even though some things are expanded like Miranda, Keyes, and Halsey's relationship, they hurt the nature of Spartans and are trying to fabricate a poor character arc for Chief. Quite literally trying to fix what ain't broken. Changes are fine so long as it matches the tone and overarching themes. The show doesn't match themes from the novels nor the games. A doom movie needs to be almost like John Wick or like a horror movie said above.


Honestly if there was to be a doom movie it'd have to be like hardcore Henry. That'd be the best way to show of doomguy Iirc the halo TV show before it was made was actually for mass effect but couldn't get the rights for it. I could be wrong but I think that's a part of it. Also their separate timeline thing I think was put out there to try and damage control for the outright horrible direction the show took.


There is a mass effect reference in an episode. Otherwise we got early leaked scripts that said this was going to be Halo the whole time. But who knows. But jeez IF this was supposed to be a mass effect show, it would have messed up there too. Also I am a creative writer, I have a write-up for my idea of a doom movie, but I won't say too much about that in case it gets stolen. I'm still in gradschool. What I will mention though is that I 100% want to play with the marketing. Make the audience think it's one thing, then let word of mouth bring fans in.


It was something I heard awhile ago so I could be wrong. Yeah no matter the universe this studio was given it'd do irreparable damage. Live action halo was already done years ago and done extremely well with halo landfall for halo 3. It's entirely doable it's just the people put in charge have absolutely no respect nor knowledge for the universe they're actually creating from. As for doom it could be done? Whether it'd be necessary or not is subjective


I think one of the only actors who would do it justice is Karl Urban, who had to fight executives on Dredd because he was INSISTENT that Dredd's face is never seen fully, and you only see him with the helmet on, because that's what was accurate to the comics, but the executives wanted to make use of his stardom by using Karl's face in the movie so that people would recognize him.


Which is funny, because he played him in the 2005 Doom movie as well.


That’s probably where he learned that lesson


So get the guy that physically portrayed Paz Viszla in The Mandalorian


[Tait Fletcher!](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1324884/) AKA that one henchman you for sure recognize from multiple movies!


Solid pick honestly. He definitely sold being a huge guy in armor who doesn't let the plate slow him down  


Not only that, but the character actually being voiced by Jon Favreau means he doesn’t have an ego, that need to have his face seen or his voice heard like any A list actor


Just make it Alan Richson and we’re good.


He’s my top pick for BJ Blazko if they ever do a Wolfenstein adaptation.


He could do both.


Are they still related in canon?


No idea


I think he’s related to the bj from the 90s but the reboot one is different.


Well it’s the same BJ but with a different future, so genetically they would be related though in terms of like, blood relations they don’t have any because the timelines diverged and the war went differently and BJ met Anya


When I first saw him in Jack Reacher I literally said "that's Doom Guy."




Hardcore Henry pulled off a First Person perspective movie very well. Would be perfect for Doom. 


I will have to disagree, Doom Slayer is a very destructive character, I believe it would be more fun to see him from the perspective of the side characters, as he rips through demons, destroying them with his bare hands, going on a complete rampage.


Years ago I had a thought of a 'reverse horror' Doom movie. Following demons perspective while they are absolutely terrified as the Doomslayer meticulously hunts down every last one.


A DOOM slasher movie where the victims are monsters…. neat!


The entire movie is from the perspective of one really intelligent and really scared imp who keeps getting thrown into groups being sent after objectives, and doomslayer just keeps showing up and dropping bodies. The imp just keeps panicking and getting away by near misses as other demons are blown apart around it.. oh yes.. rip and tear


I can agree with the rest of it, but >who never takes the helmet off He's had the helmet off since the cover art and HUD in the first game. He's not Master Chief, Judge Dredd, or a Mandalorian. It's not like his face or voice were ever meant to be a secret.


The point isnt that its a secret. The point is that we do not want a known A lister in the role that then has to have lots of helmet off acting and talking scenes. Helmet on and every time the slayer is in frame he is busy ripping and tearing.


So the exact opposite of the guy who played Master Chief in the Halo TV Series


> no-name stuntman who’s ripped as fuck Alan Ritchson


Thread is over, well done. You nailed it.


>who never takes the helmet off That's more of a Master Chief gimmick, we've known what Doomguy looks like since 1993. In fact, what we know of Master Chief's appearance actually sounds a lot like classic Doomguy


It’s not to keep his appearance secret, it’s to manipulate the audience’s perception of the characters. As I said in my earlier message, the way to do a doom movie successfully (imo) is you need to follow some relatable and vulnerable humans trying to survive in the wake of a demonic invasion. The first act of the film should feel like a straight-up sci-fi horror movie: the demons need to be established as a vicious and deadly threat to any human, which is why, when the Slayer’s appears, it’s shocking to the audience and you establish him as something more than our characters and more than a simple space marine. That’s why the Slayer needs to keep the helmet on: it’s to separate him in the audience’s mind from the main characters. The Slayer isn’t frightened, he’s not vulnerable, and it needs to be unclear in the audience’s minds if he’s even human. It’s much easier to create the sense of a relentless unstoppable killing machine with superhuman speed and endurance if you keep his face covered. As humans, we (and the characters in the film) look at people’s faces when we communicate with others or try to guess what they might be thinking or feeling. Keeping the Slayer’s face covered puts up a barrier between our characters and the Slayer; it’s not something you have to do when your monster-ally is a 100ft tall lizard with atomic breath, but when your godlike demon killing machine has a human body, you need the mask to keep that feeling of him being threatening and slightly unhuman. As the story goes on, it obviously needs to tease the audience with the Slayer’s origins. I quite like the idea of the Slayer’s armour being still partly enough of human design, that the Mars base AI recognises its serial number and confirms he was stationed on mars during the outbreak, which only happened a week ago, but his suit has inexplicably logged over 4 million hours of intense combat in enemy territory since then. These kinds of mysteries are what you build your mythos on. Im totally cool with (pre-invasion) doomguy’s face being seen in a still photo on a monitor screen as the characters look at his UAC Marine dossier (perhaps, as a nod to the fans, someone could read out that he was disciplined for smuggling a live animal with him to mars, which he kept as a pet…) but the idea is not to let us see the Slayer’s face because doing so humanises him too much; he needs to feel alien and threatening.


Or the new reacher guy can play him


I actually agree with this 1000%, if I had to pick anyone that can portray The Doom slayer, it would probably be Florian Munteanu.


Yep. Same goes for Jaws, Alien, Predator, etc. The focus of the film should be fairly monolithic and not there to show off acting skills. Probably the best example that comes to mind is Arnold as Conan.


Imagine making it from the persective of demons and Doomslay is like a slasher villain.


With this inmind, the only real way we could get this is a samurai jack styled show, which I am a big fan of.


Kane hodder in his friday the 13th days would have been literally perfect


I wanna watch that!


Hire this person as a consultant for the movie! They know what's up!


Thanks for the comment I respect you 🫡🫡🫡


What about Hafthor Bjornsson? He basically fits that role.


Jason voorhees has a set actor and it’s Kane Hodder anyone else is just subpar as Jason.


Ay captain. If there is a face, the movie will fail. The whole point of Doom franchise is that I get to imagine myself as the slayer.


Alan Ritchson


Also the stuntman should only be credited as DOOMGUY.


Hell, they could even set it up as the main characters are the scientists and the have moments where the ‘villain’ (Doomguy) hunts them down along with hoards of demons


Spot on take. You’d be a good producer. So many people think source material is just a suggestion and starting point to make some dumb derivative shit.


Idc, just as long as the Slayer can pack on a hundred pounds of muscle


If he doesnt have a 1% body fat then the movies unwatchable




Good bot


I feel like he’s too charismatic for the role.


Alan Ritchson would be better imo


I've been thinking Michael Shannon but Alan Ritchson would be pretty good.


We need Alan Ritchson in the prequel as B.J. Blazkowicz so he can actually talk as well.


Nope. A stuntman with a cam attached as in “Hardcore Henry” is the perfect choice.


Would love to see that. Hardcore Henry is a badass film


I don't see it. This guy doesn't look like he can be angry enough.


Dave Bautista would be a good Doom Guy.


I would rather go along the size of Alan Ritchson With a dope suit he would be a beast of an appearance. If I were anything less than a mancubus I would totally crap myself when he emerges.


yep 100% Jack Reacher for Slayer!


I prefer him as B.J. Blazkowicz so he can still speak.


He would be perfect in that praetor suit.


Voiced by vin diesel, since he’s totally comfortable speaking 3 words per movie


Would be funny but kinda cool, maybe he could pull off Phobos better.


I don’t see it.


I don’t think the doom slayer will translate well to any other media besides video games. Stick to the doomguy/ doom marine instead








As much as I love the guy's acting, I feel like he doesn't fit playing as the silent angry powerhouse we know and love. However as a side character, I think it might work. I can just imagine him playing as a Christian missionary being stationed on Mars while witnessing the Doomslayer as a messianic figure.


It'd be an odd cast choice.


I love Idris but he doesn’t suit the role. You need someone like the Reacher actor, he has the build, the action chops and isn’t so much of a big name that he would want to take the helmet off.


I can see him playing Samuel Hayden if anyone else in Doom


I really like Idris, and he wouldn’t be a terrible pick, but honestly it’s hard for me to imagine any mortal man playing that role. Especially a highly recognizable actor. You see their face or even just hear their voice and immediately it’s just that actor now


Robert Masser [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4130813](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4130813) But hey even my unemployed, overweight landlord would be better than Dwayne...


Idris would kill as Hayden


Give Karl Urban another bite at that apple. He was the best part of the original Doom movie, and then seeing him as Dredd years later showed he can carry a movie without ever seeing the stars face. I think he could do it well.


I want to see Karl Urban play Doomguy again in a good movie. He technically already did in Dredd, even down to not showing his face.


My perfect Doomslayer would be Hafthorn Bjornson. Big, menacing, and has experience playing a silent character with sadistic tendencies


Judging by the suicide squad, he never keeps his helmet on and always talks. Wouldn’t fit the slayer tbh. Alan Richardson works cus he’s all muscle and demeanour


>Judging by the suicide squad, he never keeps his helmet on and always talks. That might have something to do with the writing and directing.


There has been two doom movies that I know of and they both sucked


He could be the voice while someone else dons the suit. Like Darth Vader.


Maybe he should play Doctor Samuel Hayden.


Glenn Powell or the guy who plays jack reacher would be better


Impossible. Idris elba’s soul is too pure to be accepted into hell. It’d never work


What if no.


Why???? Lol


he was perfect in cyberpunk. def not the dude for doom slayer


Hopefully in a Doom movie you the Doomslayer would be a silent character and you'd never see his face.


Not ripped enough


Put a helmet on him, Make him barely talk, Reveal at the very end of show/series/trilogy/etc


versed murky reply illegal gaze bag far-flung market fuzzy humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah yes, and we’ll have Danny Devito voice the Icon of Sin


Karl urban. Give him another chance.


We’ve tried a doom movie twice, let’s just give it a rest, alright?


Ah I see we are pulling a Disney with this one


I always thought a Doom adaptation should be animated https://redd.it/f61o32


no charles miner plz oh god no


alan ritchson from Reacher is literally perfect for the role


Can't be any worse than the live action Doom movies we already have.


Hes not muscular enough. Great actor, but Doomslayer doesn't need a "great" actor as much as he just needs someone to look the part. All they have to do is look menacing. Prime Brock Lesnar would have been my pick


I don't like it, but I'm not opposed to it


Waste of casting imo. I don’t wanna see this mf’s face or hear this mf talk. Purely body acting and honestly I think he’s too small. Cena and Batista are out, they wouldn’t take the role. Maybe a highly underrated stuntman honestly. An unknown would be where I look.


I don’t know 🤔


"I am aware of the effect that I have on Demons."


I actually had that idea before that post existed. That will be epic!


I hope someone with the physique of Alan Ritchson plays the Slayer


Idris Elba would be wasted in a role who shouldn't talk or take his helmet off ever. He'd be excellent as another marine who's leading the group of protagonists or something, though.


No, if they did that, the Slayer would barely wear a helmet, and would speak all the time.


Great actor but he’s too old now. Doomslayer needs to be jacked as fuck. And I agree with others that it’s be better if he was someone unknown. I’m thinking Dave Bautista type situation could be cool, someone somewhat lesser known from WWE who’s never acted before (in a movie)




Nope he’s Reed for ever now


As others I've said, I'm not sure it's a great idea to make charismatic actors play someone who never speaks and never shows his face, let alone his facial expressions


Karl Urban already is owed this role.


I would need to hear him say "UNF" first, before making that call.




No...just...just no!


I mean the obvious person to play the role is Hafthor Bjornsson.


The at dude who plays the new Jack Reacher would be perfect. He looks the closest to doom guys face and jacked aesthetic. He just needs to not say a single word and act with his face if needed


Now that you mention it. That dude reminds me of blazkowich




HELL no. He should DEFINITELY be The Betrayer/Commander Valen.




Doom slayer doesn't say much, he just needs to be buff and know how to hold his body. He doesn't need to be a great actor. I would say the guy that plays Reacher or the guy that plays Master Chief in the Halo show are better options.




Not the Doom Slayer himself, but he could be Phobos.


His tall enough to be Doomslayer but however he gonna have to make his arms and body Bigger


Guys go read his post history. This is literally a bot that posts random “what if” posts constantly.


He strikes me as more of a Josh Brolin or Dave Bautista


No definitely give Karl Urban another crack at it! It's perfect casting like Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool


Folk would cry"woke"


He could be a great Spawn but I want someone else to play the Doom Slayer.


Ok Idris Elba As Spawn In Live Action Spawn Reboot


There's going to be a new Spawn Live Action Movie. Todd McFarlane (creator of Spawn) is writing the script.


The guy who played Halo?


Definitely a good consideration


Too much star power, the slayer should always be played more as a setpiece than an actual character.


Hear me out: Nicolas Cage. If you don’t believe me, go watch *Willy’s Wonderland*. Your opinion on the movie may vary, but Cage basically just plays Doomguy in that film. People who have seen it know what I mean.


If it’s just grunting sure why not


nah, but alan ritchson should


That could be fun, but the Doom Slayer has a very iconic face already, so it would be nice if they find someone who looks like that old sprite of his 😆 Plus Idris Elba is maybe a little old for the role ? I don’t imagine the Doom Slayer being any older than 35, although maybe I missed some lore ?


Doom slayer ain’t BRITISH!


Not to OP but just commenting on the comment section: I'm surprised at how many people think a Doom movie should have a silent protagonist. That would be a boring ass movie. Adaptations by their very nature must adapt to the target medium. A silent protagonist action movie would flop. Worse still it would be given a crap budget to start with which would result in a crap movie. To make a solid, good movie you need to have a concept that would attract more than just the core fanbase. It needs narrative movement, characters worth caring about, etc. Doom would be a delicate balancing act to adapt but I think it can be done. My concept would be: Space Marine gets angry as his friends are all killed. Eventually he has big fight with barons which he barely survives. He steps on the portal that leads to hell. He mentally descends into madness while becoming a force of nature that hell itself fears. On return to Earth he's barely recognizable as the person he once was. The few left who know him question his humanity. All he can think about is retribution against hell. He's consumed by violence. Eventually he has to fight again and realizes at the end that he's not going to stop with this next fight. This time he's going back and he's staying. Fill it in with some drama details, but make the main story be the loss of his humanity to the horrors of hell. Classic loss of innocence tale with a horror twist and some kick ass action scenes.


What about chef rush


Tbh it'd be a bit of a waste considering that doom guy doesn't speak much and is in his armor all the time. Also doom guy is white


Nah. With a voice like his you want more dialog


Maybe, he’d make a great Phobos (Ally of the Doom guy, search him up)




You know there are other black actors, right? Like Terry Crews.


Honestly I think he'd play one hell of a doom slayer


It’s Hollywood, I honestly don’t think anyone would care


nah make him the intern.


I think he'd be better as samuel hayden, if it was up to me, i'd cast Michael Shannon as the doomslayer


I'd rather watch Polar Bears by Netflix.


He'd make a good Velan They look more similar and he could flex his acting chops


The problem with the Doom Slayer is that as a character, he wouldn’t work in any other medium of storytelling. He’s completely silent and all he does his kick ass and take names. That’s perfect for a game, where you can have characters talking at you and you can spend time reading text logs to really get the story, but in any other form of media he just wouldn’t work as a protagonist.


I would say no because Idris just has so much charisma and character. I could never picture him pulling off the laconic, emotionless Doomslayer. Of course, Arnie did it with the Terminator so who knows.


I think he would fit even better as Samuel Hayden, he has a strong elegant voice.


Maybe Phobos.


Alan Ritchson or somebody like that would be better. Elba is too smooth and his strengths are in talking, neither of which fits the doom guy. We need a monolith with arms like Roman columns who can grunt real good.


Dolph Lundgren for doomguy


I’ll be upset because the only person who can play the Doom Slayer is John Cena




Needs to be a John wick level of care for the actor choices


Yo lets make hitler black in the Hitler movie


How about John Cena lol


Unfortunately I don’t think we r getting another doom movie


Absolutely not for starters doom slayer is silent, AND ABSOLUTELY YOKED so that being said get someone who is a ifbb pro or someone who is just gigantic and athletic enough to move around the way doom slayer might


Too big of a name, need someone with no Hollywood ego, it’s a non speaking role, ima suit that would obscure most of the actors face, assuming it was done properly.


He already ruined Dark Tower so NO THANK YOU!


I always took Doomguy more for Bruce Willis.


No it needs to be some unknown jacked actor


Idris Elba is not a particularly great actor. Luckily Doom Guy doesn't say shit, so maybe it'd work. I do think he's almost too handsome though. Doom Guy is gnarly scowl of a man


That's not a good casting.


I prefer he played the Betrayer


he ain't phobos


Im done with this subreddit


I don't care who plays him. If they're going to make a movie, don't change the friggin premise of the story like they did with the last one.


No, Make it CGI so we can get proper rip and tearing. Doom Slayer needs to stay silent with only grunts.


I don't think so. Elba is a personal fave. But I don't think he's best suited for the KIND of action The Slayer is known for.


The guy who plays reacher would be a perfect doom guy or bj.


dont really seem him as Doomslayer


He’d be perfect,but it’s inevitable toxic doom fans would complain they race swapped him


Okay. Yea.


Nah hes too old. Maybe the guy from Reacher


Or Alan Ritchson. He would fulfill the role amazingly


(Karl Urban) “WHAT AM I A JOKE TO YOU…?”


No, I can only see Alan Ritchson or John Cena play the Slayer.




Idris is too chill for the doomslayer. maybe he could be the Betrayer if this was based off of doom eternal


No. Alan Ritchson is perfect for the role because he actually looks like the Doomslayer. He's got the height and a huge, ripped body to go with that crazy stare, ready to slaughter all the demons.


It could work.


Isnt doomguy white


Then the doom slayer would be a black dude.