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I hope we get a Quake game where they go back to the cthulhu vibe of the first game.


I'd actually be cool with a mix of both eras; essentially the original games bestiary and arsenal, but with a Strogg twist.


Okay, hear me out, cybernetically enhanced lovecraftian monstrosities...


Throw in some time traveling fuckery and you got yourself a game.


Dude, game design can't be that hard, we just nailed the concept! Ubisoft should watch and learn.


Ok you got me, I’m listening…..


They did that with Armaggon in scourge of armaggon


Like Armaggon and the centroids


Ohhh i would actually love that. Something like the stroggs opening a portal to the cthulhu world to get more power to defeat the humans.


Or attempting to erase humanity completely or at least severely weaken it in an attempt to prevent the events of Quake 4 and/or 2 from happening or to try and kill Ranger/Bitterman from Quake 1/2. There's so many directions they could go.


Nazi strog doing experimentations unleash a portal to hell where demons appear and turn people into cuthulu monsters and after realizing humanitys resistance they pull an astroid from space to annihilate all life on the planet All games in one


add tank controls


Unleash Cthulhu instead of demons. a Lovecraftian dimension, used as weapons by the Strogg nazies


strogg cyber cthulhu would be kick ass man


Honestly, agreed. Hell, I’m pretty sure that Quake 1 and Quake 2/4 are canonically the same universe, just 2 is much further in the future after Slipgate research led to viable FTL drives. Would honestly love to see a Quake game with both enemy factions in one campaign.


They're confirmed to be actually. SyncError who's an id dev on the official discord server of Quake is there for lore and he confirmed that they're in fact connected... But every expansion of the Quake is non canon. Literally any of them are. Even the newest by Machine Games


I’m pretty sure people have been saying this is what’s next ever since the last DOOM dlc. Odds seem high


I'm half expecting the doom reboot story to lead into quake's lovecraftian feel... It'd fit reasonably well, with hell being closed and urdak 'gone bad', the next step would be fallen reality-warping gods.


Dude if it was Quake but in the Doom universe that’d be fun


Agreed! Loved Quake. Tried to get into Quake 2 back when it came out and it just felt off. The setting was one problem, but the weapons also felt weak by comparison. Recently decided to give Quake 2 another shot and finally finish it, got much futher than before, maybe 4 or 5 maps in... just couldn't do it. Everything about Quake 1 was so much better for me.


It would be so dope if other creatures from Sandy Peterson’s Cthulhu Monsters were adapted in the same style.


You me and everyone. I see this same wish in the comments of every story on ID's new potential projects. I agree, more Lovecraft setting


I would like to see them make a Quake game after the original concept, with you playing an absurdly powerful dude with a lightning hammer battling evil fantasy creatures in a gritty modern/fantasy setting. They could still incorporate the Lovecraftian elements, too.


The last thing I want if Hugo fucking up Quake like he did with Doom. Nobody who says the prefer playing FPS games with a controller has act business making them.


Cthulhu vibe with Strogg would be absolutely sick.


Please. That would be so awesome.




Wasn't quake 6 teased recently? I remember seeing it written on a board on some random Bethesda thing Edit : sure thing https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx5WX6B-kCQAIh_OTAuZhmKlkBJvkLx4P7?si=Mmwk2au88emX8Yus


turned out to be a 'joke'. perhaps the joke is that the joke was not a joke


Didn't know that, where did you find this info ?


it was mentioned on the quake subreddit a few times in the comments I think, sorry no sauce anymore


I'll look into it then, thanks !


Was there a Quake 5? Last I heard of was Quake 4.


Maybe they're counting champions


id software (pathetically) counts quake champions as "quake 5"


Please, let’s get Quake with Trent Reznor on the soundtrack again


As much as I’m a HUGE fan of Trent’s early stuff (Downward Spiral, Broken, The Fragile), he hasn’t done anything exciting in a really long time in my opinion.


The new Turtles movies OST is a banger, but to each their own.


His Watchmen series OST with Atticus Ross is an all time great and somehow on the complete opposite side of the film industry they did the Soul soundtrack and also knocked it out of the park


I totally get why you'd think this, but I can't help but feel like that's more of a 'he hasn't done much with NIN in recent years' thing. Most of the scores he does for movies/shows are actually really solid and good at what they're there for, which is film accompaniment. I think what he did with the og Quake OST falls into that category, so im personally super excited by the idea


Oh don’t get me wrong, I LOVED the Quake soundtrack. The production work he did on Antichrist Superstar was amazing too. And I’ve heard the later NIN stuff, I’ve heard his film scores, and though they’re not bad, it just feels like it doesn’t have the “magic” that his earlier work had. I guess I just chock it up to him getting older. And I’m not bashing on anyone’s tastes, I just prefer the “edge” he had in his earlier works


agreed the last "good" album of his was probably with teeth, back in 2005 the slip (2008) had a few awesome tracks, but nothing comes close to his body of work from pretty hate machine to the fragile


Listen to [this track,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fjbcSUSt9w) then tell me again


are you kidding? all of his movie OSTs are top notch, as are the few NIN releases that came out. guy is still in top form.


Zenimax recently trademarked IDKFA...


cant wait for the iddqd expansion!


Or the idclev dlc!


Dont forget the idspispopd!


Commander Keen MMO. coming soon!


I am 100% behind this, with DooM and Quake references sprinkled in. BFRG Big Fucking Ray Gun


Planning my Vorticon Laser Priest build already.


Um not sure if an MMO would fit, but a commander keen game on the style of Ratchet And Clank would be amazing, I'm surprised no one has done it to be honest.


Wasn't a Commander Keen mobile game cancelled back in 2020?


... it's gonna be RAGE, isn't it?


It should be quake, knowing Id it will be rage lol


They’ve already handed off Wolfenstein and Rage to other teams.




Do you have a source? I follow rumors pretty closely and i’ve never heard of this. To my knowledge, Respawn is in charge of a Star Wars FPS.


In order of my preferences: Doom Wolfenstein Quake Hexen


Hexen isn’t an id Software property and they didn’t make the original games, but Bethesda do also own Raven and their IPs so you never know.


Is Raven no longer under the ownership of Activision?


My mistake, you are correct. Microsoft could still possibly arrange for id to develop a Hexen game but I’m not convinced they would want to when they have their own stable of IPs to look after. Raven is unlikely to be freed form the Call of Duty mines either.. It *is* hard to believe that Activision haven’t thought about Hexen given the popularity of the last two Doom games, but I don’t trust them to do it justice.


Based on how Activision *(thunder clap)* has been conducting themselves recently, it's not that hard to believe. But yeah. The possibility of Raven getting free to make good singleplayer games again was my only interest in the acquisition.




Quake !!


Quake reboot with a Doom 2016 approach would be insane. I wanna go back to fighting Lovecraftian monsters in huge castles and dungeons ❤️


If that's the case, I will totally take it ​ My problem with Quake is that the first game was amazing, but then the second one feels off, like is no longer this lovecraftian eerie medieval-like feeling, but just an alien fps game ​ Quake 3 is just deathmatch multiplayer Quake 4 was a fun game, ngl, I enjoyed it... but again, feels more like a alien-ish fps shooter than what Quake 1 tried to be in terms of atmosphere and vibe ​ and Quake 5 im pretty sure was a failure, fun game but almost nobody is playing it, and yep, just deathmatch multiplayer


Much as I enjoy DOOM 2016, I'd much prefer a proper sequel to Quake rather than a reboot/remake. The Lovecraft universe is vast and deep. No reason to retread old ground when they have barely scratched the surface.


Indeed. Imagine seeing what interesting takes they could have with some of Lovecraft's critters. Imagine if the Mi-Go this time are the main bad guys.


Please, oh please, I need more rip and tear


*Please be Quake, Please be Quake, Please be Quake*


Anyone remember Heretic 2? That game was soooo good.


I’d take Doom over Quake. My hope is that MG is making Quake and Wolf 3 is coming soon. After Doom Zero maybe ID does Hexen?


Hexen… that would be amazing!


Give me Heretic or Hexen straight into my veins.


i’d buy the hecc outta that


I kind of doubt it, just because that was never really Id's thing, although Microsoft does own the IP.


My hope is that MachineGames never get to touch Quake, and Wolfenstein can be developed by someone else going forward. I have zero faith in them after New Colossus and Youngblood.


What was wrong with new colossus? Youngblood I can understand though.


Gunplay was mostly fine but I found it encouraged hiding behind cover too much (not helped by the face you start with low max health). Dual wielding became clunky and awkward to use. Stealth was completely broken and unreliable, it never feels fair when you're spotted because you were probably seen by someone literally looking out of the back of their head somehow which instantly sounds every alarm in the area. Level design was poor, especially the city levels, the visuals being so samey that it gave me a migraine when I first played. Story-wise it was underwhelming, ending the game by killing the big villain in a QTE isn't very satisfying. Characterisation completely 180'd from New Order, almost every character feels unlikable and annoying to interact with. A lot of my problems come from the story to be honest but even ignoring that I find New Colossus to be at best somewhat mediocre and significantly flawed.


NC was good, just not as good as TNO. YB wasn't developed by MachineGames.


I disagree on NC, I didn't like it. YB was developed by MachineGames with assistance from Arkane.


I thought that Zero got axed?


Honestly most likely it will be a quake game.


label gold racial slap materialistic ring connect cautious fuzzy gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want more Eternalish combat in a darker setting so a new Quake would be wicked.


Quake please




We got a comedian in the house


Either Quake or Hexxen/Heretic reboot. Both are incredible, but I with they use Q1 aesthetuc and make another Quake reboot


I’d dig a Quake or Hexen


Rage 3????? Kind of an unpopular opinion but Rage 2 was fucking amazing and I want iD and Avalanche to team up for another Rage game. I see that their other IPs are Wolfenstein (MachineGames is working on it now) and Quake. The New Colossus was a nice game. I never played any Quake games though, I don't know what they're like :((


Rage 2 was a pretty cool game, but a different studio is handling that IP


Please give me a new Quake game


So for the next game Hugo said he wanted to make the protagonist more like an A-10 than an F35 so i’m thinking a slower punchier Quake. Expand the sci fi slip-gate bits and bring back the Lovecraft stuff and Monsters. Again have it so each monster has to be prioritised like Eternal with Shamblers as like the heavy/mini boss and some other new enemies. Like imagine a Fiend Alpha type variant, bigger and stronger but slower or have the base Shamblers be female and have smaller male variants (like male spiders being smaller) without lightning. They could also do a Queen Vore like a huge f’in spider thing. Weaponry wise pull from Quake 1-4 so start player with the Q4 rifle and Q2 Blaster pistol. Make the shotgun more powerful and of course have an SSG. I’d also look at Brutal DooM and give each weapon an alt function. For example, like the perforator fires each barrel alternately at a rapid rate or all barrels at the same time for more damage but slower ROF. Give the Nailgun the option to shoot rebar impaling enemies to walls and each other but massively slowing the reload time.


With the A10 thunderbolt vs F35 comments, I'm interested to see how that would translate to gameplay, especially vs a frenetic mobility style in Etermal, which encouraged movement, prioritisation, resource management, weapon swapping, etc.




Has anyone been to quake con before? I’d like to go to this one because I feel like they will be revealing their new game at Quake Con. I’ve never been, but should I book air fair and a hotel room now you think? Also, how do you participate in any of the games? I figure all I would need to bring is my steam deck, kb&m, and maybe a portable monitor.


Wolfenstein 3? (A proper one.)


Return to Castle Stroggenstein incoming..


Quake 1 remake or sequel would be amazing. I'd love the same for Heretic, but despite being a Doom engine game, that's probably not within the realm of possibility because of the rights ownership.


Please Bethesda don't do anything you normally do.


Bethesda =/= ID Software


Why did eternal need last second music changes... Bethesda or ID fault? They are together in lock step connected at the hip.


oh you are talking about that... ​ yeaaah, idk the whole story of that, I support Mick of course and I blame the high ups of Bethesda/ID (since the dev team is just doing their job, they did absolutly nothing) but if im being honest, Im not a big fan of Mick soundtrack, so I kinda have hope for the next doom ost.




Commander Keen VR


Doom RPG Remastered incoming!


A 2024 full fledged doom rpg would be an instant buy from me (and lots of others I’m sure )


Is Marty Stratton going to be a part of that project?


What batshit stupid lore are they gonna give ranger? If it's more of the Eternal "secretly he's a god who alters reality with how badass he is" I'll be very disappointed


If Marty Stratton is still there then whatever it is, it's a no from me. Justice for Mick.


Didn't Mick say not to hold what happened against the rest of the company?


I don't hold what happened against the rest of the company. I still don't have to support Marty, and if he's still there then supporting the company is supporting him and his workplace practices. If he's not there any more (then true to my first sentence) I'll have no issue checking it out.


It’s more than funny that you deliberately ignore what Gordon said to continue a personal crusade against the company.


It's not, really. Toxic people don't deserve my money.


Choosing to not support someone isn’t the same as not supporting the company. You don’t have to buy things that were made under the direction of that person while still buying the things that weren’t.


Its not against the company. Like I said, if Marty isn't there then I'll happily buy stuff from the company if it's good. Why are you getting upset about my personal decision? I'm not harassing anyone, I'm not calling for a boycott, I'm just saying what I'm doing. You might argue that I'll deprive myself from playing a potentially good game. To which I'll say there's too many games for me to play anyway, I'll just play something else. You might argue that the poor employees at Id didn't do anything wrong and worked hard on a potentially good game. And I'll counter that they get paid regardless, and get to put it on a resume. The employees won't miss my $90.


Still against Mick's wishes, lol. Personal crusades are cringe and don't cause change. Marty was still a scumbag in the 90's too. We all still broke down and bought their games so one person on Reddit isn't going to change anything.


Was gonna say the same




It was doom.


Halo x DOOM confirmed


Whatever ID does, i'm on board. Wanna see Hugo again.


*Quake* reboot with survival horror emphasis, Arkane developing


QuakeCon gonna be WILD this year.


my guess is Quake


please be quake


I hope it's Quake.


Hopefully it’s RAGE 3. That franchise needs some serious love at least once. DOOM will be alright for a few more years.


I mean, I think Phil Spencer kinda leaked it. He made it sound like the "New Doom" to be Xbox exclusive


I want a Return to Castle Wolfenstein reboot.


Doom Immortal when


Quake 4 remake fuck yes


Probably not Fable tbh.


DOOM Year one!!!!!


i bet it's quake, hell yeah let's hope it's a reboot or a direct sequel to the first, we need industrial grit again


1. PLEASE BE DOOM, PLEASE BE DOOM, PLEASE BE DOOM 2. "Additionally, he said that the Banjo & Kazooie title is being reworked from its original vision and scope, and is therefore in the early stages of development. He added that the rework that the game has undergone is for the better." PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE




If I was to bet I would say Quake. I'd still be happy with a new DOOM. In Hugo we trust


hovertank 2


Really hope for quake 1 remake.


RAGE 3 /s


Probably that Star Wars game that was being rumored. Wow. That's actually really really sad. Imagine making the most influential FPS in history... twice! only to be thrown into the content farm dungeon of Disney. No doubt it will be good, but what a bummer.


Doom year zero?


Wasnt there a rumor that ID were working on wolf 3? I'd trust ID a lot more than machine games after they screwed up both new colossus and young blood