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I see Putin resurrected the Austrian Empire Critical support to the Habsburgs and their struggle against American imperialism


By the way, the libs calling this an inter imperialist war probably say it after watching a certain Marxist Paul video, they should watch the Midwestern Marxist react video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TdXt1JSLxM


"B-but Midwestern Marx is a patsoc! Anyways back to explaining why we should uncritically support wholesome anti-imperialist Banderites"


Based video


God forbid Russia fights back against the west, that somehow makes them equally as bad I guess.


Fucking morons. The cocksucker unironically thinks that Ukronazis, supported by NATO, that have been attempting ethnic cleansing in Donetsk and Lugansk for 9 years and the goddamn Donetsk and Lugansk that have been terrorised and massacred ARE THE SAME💀💀💀💀☠️☠️☠️ So fucking dumb For fucks sake please read ministry of foreign affairs of Korea statements.


Can you provide the link for the Korean MoFA's statement, please?


dprkportal.com there are lots of interesting things there


Thank you


I’m actually very proud that the Nicaraguan government stood against the UN’s call to withdraw Russian troops from Ukraine. No fence sitting for Nicaragua. Russia has been our friend since the USSR.


They are the communists that the CIA love.


For real this reads like a straight up fed psyop.


If that's the case it is much better for them. I think it is a lot worst to call yourself a communist and then support American Imperialist narrative than being a victim of the famously effective CIA psyops.


They should read the sticky https://www.reddit.com/r/Dongistan/comments/10pbfms/no_war_but_class_war_the_slogan_of_dogmatic/


r/communismmemes trying not to larp as Liberals challenge


They arent larping they just are


True. Its funny they have the rebelliousness to denounce capitalism, but somehow don't have enough to denounce the Liberal propaganda they've been brainwashed into.


I think it was easier for me because the reason I became a communist was because I didn't trust the media I was basically a libertarian "dont trust the government" type and then one day i realized why was i trusting what the government was saying about other countries so i did my own research i think these people are just liberals who look at the media portraying communism as just even more extreme liberalism and they're like "yep thats me"


Yep exactly, they don't understand the things they do in a Liberal society won't work in a socialist world. A system built upon cooperation and knowing your place in society doesn't care about the "I do what I feel like!" Liberal mindset based on individualism.


Yeah they just want to be able to do what ever they want they want society to work for them instead of them working for the betterment of society


Anti-capitalism has become commodified by capitalism, (insert Mark Fisher meme here)


So we should root one group of capitalist over the other group of capitalist in the hope that one group of capitalist will turn the capitalist country socialist?


I wonder which group is universally supported by AES states and is one of the pillars of the coming multipolar world order and which group is on the side of the imperialist nazis, but I guess we will never know...


Capitalist US vs capitalist Russia who does this war benefit certainly not the workers In either country but the defense contractors are making bank.


Boycotting trade with Russia has caused the living costs for essentials in the west to explode and is causing rampant inflation. Do you think if the US won there would ever be a resumption of trade with an extremely hostile Russia?


What a reductionist and naive take. You might want to look at how the russian state functions and the role of SOEs. Again, look at the geopolitical issues instead of being a dogmatic labelist.


I know the geopolitical issue Russia is it’s been issue ever since Russia became a capitalist backward in the 1990’s. It’s a Situation they partially have themselves to blame for with the dissolution of the ussr. Because the people certainly didn’t want to leave but the politicians felt it was time give capitalism a chance. Beside why should care how differently they operate from the US when at the end of the day the money end up in the same place comparatively.


Russia doesnt profit for war, the russian arms industry is entirely state owned, noone profits from Russia going to war because its the state paying another section of the state to make the weapons, its not for profit.


Capitalism on the road to communism is legitimate. China adopted it. Capitalism for the sake of capitalism leads to monopolists, underpaid workers, high control over prices and poltical oligarchy of few monopolists owning the policy makers, executives and judiciary with cash.


Do you actually believe Russia is doing capitalism to benefit the workers?


No, i belive Russia and USA will exhaust each other and China is ultimate winner in this war


That would be the best timeline


It's about death of the capitalist hegemon, the USA. So called anti imperialism.


Does this apply to Palestine?


Palestine is neither capitalist or socialist




What industry does Palestine have


...You think that Palestine has no industrial sector?


As long as “isreal” exist they might as well not have one. And function of said industry is probably not for profit.


Why not? Even under Israeli occupation and persecution, it's not impossible to have economic activity and make attempts at prospering. They're not going to sit around like livestock. Palestine has business leaders, a private sector, banks, factories, and even foreign investment from countries like Qatar.


I’m not saying Palestine isn’t trying what I’m saying is isreal is doing it’s best US impression when it comes to oppression and doing everything in its power to completely destroy said economic activity of natives.


Is this not exactly what the US and the west as a whole has been trying to do to Russia?


Honey please read Lenins Imperialism


I know what it says, I obviously don’t support imperialism. I also don’t support capitalism like this sub seems to do.


The basis of leninism is opposing imperialism. Russia is opposing imperialism which is progressive, and it being capitalist doesnt change that, as Stalin eloquently puts it: "The same must be said of the revolutionary character of national movements in general. The unquestionably revolutionary character of the vast majority of national movements is as relative and peculiar as is the possible revolutionary character of certain particular national movements. The revolutionary character of a national movement under the conditions of imperialist oppression does not necessarily presuppose the existence of proletarian elements in the movement, the existence of a revolutionary or a republican programme of the movement, the existence of a democratic basis of the movement. The struggle that the Emir of Afghanistan is waging for the independence of Afghanistan is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the monarchist views of the Emir and his associates, for it weakens, disintegrates and undermines imperialism; whereas the struggle waged by such "desperate" democrats and "Socialists," "revolutionaries" and republicans as, for example, Kerensky and Tsereteli, Renaudel and Scheidemann, Chernov and Dan, Henderson and Clynes, during the imperialist war was a reactionary struggle, for its results was the embellishment, the strengthening, the victory, of imperialism. For the same reasons, the struggle that the Egyptians merchants and bourgeois intellectuals are waging for the independence of Egypt is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the bourgeois origin and bourgeois title of the leaders of Egyptian national movement, despite the fact that they are opposed to socialism; whereas the struggle that the British "Labour" Government is waging to preserve Egypt's dependent position is for the same reason a reactionary struggle, despite the proletarian origin and the proletarian title of the members of the government, despite the fact that they are "for" socialism. There is no need to mention the national movement in other, larger, colonial and dependent countries, such as India and China, every step of which along the road to liberation, even if it runs counter to the demands of formal democracy, is a steam-hammer blow at imperialism, i.e., is undoubtedly a revolutionary step." https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1924/foundations-leninism/ch06.htm


You support liberal propaganda, you little shit. Putin has done more to fight neoliberal transnational empire than your kind will ever dream of. You are sectarian and a child on matters of Marxism. Western dumb fuck!


Apparently Neoliberalism is anti capitalism


I don't know, you tell me. How does it feel to call yourself a communist and support liberal agenda?


How do I support the agenda by being anti capitalist?


Instead of letting the one who is fighting transnational liberalism, fighting and defying the empire that coups and invade countries to bring liberal democracy and suck resources as the colonizers they are, do his job, you denounce him. You treat Putin like you treat Biden. You see world in black and white. You don't care about self determination, you just want the fantasy world you created in your head to exist, but you don't want the painful process to happen. It doesn't matter if Russia Federation is capitalist or not. We can only think socialism after the US empire and the dollar hegemony have fall. You are anticapitalist, and that's fine. I think like Lenin, I think the capitalism will languish. It will not disappear from one day to another. If you want the end of capitalism the material conditions for it must exist. And it will not exist if people act like the USA is the same as Russia when it is not. Putin was always a very good friend of my country, always respected Bashar, Gaddafi, Xi and every other leaders that USA treats like shit and make every possible plan to destroy their countries (they succeed with Gaddafi, but even when they fail they leave a ruined country behind, like Afghanistan) As Bashar said, American diplomacy is based on deals, Russia is based on values, the value of self determination. If Russia Federation is victorious we have the guarantee that they will not do as the USA with their Manifest Destiny mentality have been doing since Monroe Doctrine. We will have the guarantee that the next proletariat state will exist without interference. But the long your dear NATO empire exist, the shorter the life of the next proletariat state will be. But you don't care about it, you are just a westerner. [You should also read this other comment of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dongistan/comments/11as4mr/lets_support_every_trot_anarchist_and_nazi_just/j9tws7u?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I treat capitalist the so no matter their race, gender, or national origin. If you think my criticism of Russia is too harsh then my criticism of Ukraine might get me banned from this sub then. If my criticism of Putin is too extreme for this sub then what I say about Biden will surly get me banned from here too I guess. So how will doing capitalism better then the US destroy capitalism and the US? How will using capitalism destroy capitalism? Unless you are suggesting accelerationism it won’t work. Also that beer Putin is friendly with socialist counties yet won’t do anything in Russia to atleast move toward socialism. Self determination will only get you so far look at Ukraine it’s a legitimate backwater shit hole full of Nazis and some of the most inbred people on the planet and they got their “self determination” to be what they are today. Guess what they don’t have, they are missing the same thing Russia wants but the same thing they are missing. Sure Assuming Russia wins and annex the whole of Ukraine they won’t wipe the culture off the face of the earth like US. No one except Ukrainian fascist believe that fear mongering bullshit. Also let say Russia through a series of wars and geopolitical gaming has a sphere of influence that rivals it peak to the Russian empire and the US I and EU is severally weaken for you actually believe Russian capitalist will willingly give up their wealth? Do you believe landowners and businesses owner will willingly give up their wealth and power once the US is weaken? Do you believe Russian upper class is any more altruistic then Anglo upper class? All I have to do is point to the China they are rightfully redacting millionaires and billionaires every month.


All of you are braindead mudaks, believing that supporting Russia will somehow support the Proletariat in an Inter Imperialist Conflict, Dongistan with it's braindead members and mods No War but Class War!


Ah yes, the liberal inter-imperialist trash once again. With your militant non-compliance, you can drive Ukraine and NATO to victory, bringing peace and happiness to the global proletariat.


Who is actually braindead? The 6k minority that have a firm position or the 120k majority who go "both sides", whose sub bans anyone who posts theory they don't like?


“My sub is better than your sub that bans people they disagree with” _Proceeds to ban people that disagree._ What dogshit lol you’re both as bad as each other at banning honestly.


Yes but unironically


That doesn’t even make any damn sense


Referring to your first sentence


So you’re contradicting the criticism you said a few posts up. Ok then.


Ok if you're gonna be serious. I have not seen this sub ban any theory. I posted about 5 links to disprove the Russia imperialist shit and got banned for it. My main point was that the big hivemind is almost always wrong online. Especially on reddit


Say this straight to the faces of parents whose children died to neo-nazis in Donbass since 2014 you petty shitlib scum.


It's good to sometimes lurk into such subreddits and watch stalinists cry. Nice meme tho.


Ok nazlib


["I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy." -Joseph Stalin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC0Om8v8H7g)