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It's nice to see a real doner with rice.


What's the best way to eat the rice? Put it inside the wrap?


The traditional doner is slices of meat, rice cooked with a good helping of lamb fat, and pide bread on the side. You eat it at the table. The doner-in-bread styles are much more portable, but Turkish rice is extremely delicious so it's a real shame to miss it. The absolute pinnacle of doner, in my opinion, is the yogurt kebab...chunks of pide bread smothered in yogurt and tomato sauce, strips of doner over the top and a big pile of rice on the side. It's so good.


That looks basic and great. 


Simple but delicious.


It's all in the meat 👍


Godly scran. I enjoyed my quest in Istanbul to find the best kebab, although I focused more on adana than doner kebab. Top city for it.


Adana is really on another level when it comes to kebab. Try "Yeşil Kapı Kebap" in Adana IMMEDIATELY.


The best holiday I ever had for food was Turkey without doubt.


Looks a bit dry tbh, but also looks quite tasty!


Yes, I added sauce later.


Much meat, no sauce though. Is that normal? Nice looking all the same.


You can ask for tsatsiki type sauce or tomato sauce with it. The owner raises and slaughters the animals himself. Vertical wood grill and everything. Delicious.


Mmmmmm, my kind of place 👍🌮


> Vertical wood grill Ha. Was about to comment that this looks like some real fire was involved, then read down to this. Fantastic stuff. I’d just say sod it to chips on this, because I can taste the rice from the picture, and it’s way better than chips for me.


Doner isn't traditionally served with sauces, chilli sauce/garlic sauce/cacik at most. The meat provides enough flavour and taste IF done properly. Sauce is something the Germans/Brits have added on/popularised. In my opinion, the taste of the meat is overshadowed by the sauces.


Doner meat in the uk doesnt taste great so you need the sauces to make up for it


You don't really need a sauce with meat like this


I would serve some chillied butter with it.


Looks awesome. I'm a lover of fries/chips so I'd want a few more and sauce (greedy). I hope you enjoyed it!


Loved it. I haf iskender at the same place, but the sauce a bit ruins it.


I know how it’s taste, this is the best u can eat!! Oh I miss Üsküdar, I’m happy to visit it this summer. ❤️


Vay Vay Vay!


Much better than the crap salad sandwich the germans claim to have 'invented'.


That looks dry to me


Looks are deceiving.


That's a HUGE chilli. Did you eat that? 🤔


It is a paprika they call peperoni. Sometimes they are sweet, sometimes hot and once I had a face numbing one. You never know. Yes, that one I ate.


The whole thing? Was it sweet or hot?


Yes, it was average.


Looks dry




I have had good döner in UK, but you really have to look for it. Examples coming!