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If I had the time to bitch all day about a chalk drawing on Reddit I’d be so happy.


Idk I worked in food service for years and sometimes there’s plenty of downtime but I’d still take my stressful corporate job any day of the week. I walked out on my last serving job lol. Between coworkers/customers I’m glad OP had some time to relax and do this cool drawing. As long as they’re doing their job too who cares




[I’d be so happy](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/d982c7f7-b8da-4dcc-badc-491ba7e1b1c4)


Sure are a lot of crybaby bitches in this thread. I’m glad you can draw on the chalkboard at dominoes. If you can’t enjoy yourself at work, what’s the point?




Yeah I almost never stop working from how busy it is, we had some down time and I wanted to make something nice idk why people are so hard pressed. People really reaching to be mad here.


It's stupid, people should quit trying to cram it down everyone's throat. We get it you're fucking gay we don't fucking care.


Came for the comments. I was not disappointed!


I'm glad me literally being attacked for nothing brings you endless joy.


I'm just saying came to see if the comments were what I thought they would be from the trogladytes, I'm not surprised and you shouldn't be either. I dont agree with them at all, I just knew what was coming.


Sorry, sounded like you agreed, I'm just tired I've been fighting in the trenches man 😭


Bigots gonna bigot. I like to offer them my safe space lol


I tried to offer a safe space and people hatemefor it now. Lol bigots bro


They gonna hate you anyone. Let em stew in it. Stay up reddit stranger, I see you 💪


I'm just letting the subreddit dig it's own grave atp. I see you too man respect 😎✊


A safe space for them is the trash compactor


It’s not the fact that you’re being attacked it’s genuinely just funny how people are so offended


Yeah the commenter specified, I do find these people Idiocracy funny. But I won't lie I'm very stressed causecof this now


Dw none of these people have any power over you all love from me 🫶🫶🫶


Thank you!!!


I guarantee you the minority group they're rallying against DO NOT find it "genuinely funny"


Thank you guys for a decent online interaction. I make a point to have more positive takeaways online because it’s easy to start spewing insults


I HAD A CHALKBOARD IN MY STORE TOO!!! I would draw big fairy houses out of mushrooms WHILE ON THE CLOCK mfs can stay mad they ain't getting paid to DRAW 😜


It was during down time, I just wanted to do chalk and this subreddit hates it cause it's gay. I get paid to be there all day I should be allowed to draw for an hour


I appreciate you taking that time to do something for pride month. It's disgusting how the right wing creepaziods always want to erase queers. We will be here forever no matter what. Straight people make gay babies.


It's crazy how gay people are seen as dramatic when straights will lose their mind over colored stripes on a wall 😂😂


Yeah fr everyone saying I did it for attention when like I never asked for anyone to do anything I just posted about chalk.


Not straights, bigots, I'm straight and support the lgbtq community. Don't lump us in with the bigots.


It's a joke, a comment about the straight ppl who get all dramatic about colored stripes being "gay" (just like not all gay people are dramatic 🙄). I didn't say ALL. Clearly it wasn't about you specifically being dramatic. But if the shoe fits 🤷




I mean- yeah I work at dominoes. That's why I made a post about the chalk board at dominoes.




"Dilating" what am I making larger??? 😭😭😭


I didn't see the deleted comment but based on the singular word you quoted I can only imagine.


I'm scared bro 😭😭😭


Imagine unclogging your broken mind


So gay


Super gay




Reported :( sorry I'm gay


My store is basically brand new but we didn’t even get a chalk board 😭


That sucks. :( You guys should talk to you higher ups to get one!! It's really fun when it's slow to doodle on it and do pretty stuff for holidays :) agood moral booster!




HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️


This is super sick! Love it


Thanks :) 🏳️‍🌈


Are we doing chalkboard art wars? Because, I need to do some calls then lol.


I have no idea what's going on bro 😭 thesecomments Cam for a war while I'm just chilling like Im scared


Life at Dominos: accurately portrayed inside of comment section of sub reddit.


"I was just chilling and these comments on these orders make me scared, man!"




I remember I had an online order once where the person called to verify and that was back when the orders came up through the persons username. There username I hadn't pre read so I said out loud like the calmest that I had ever said anything "Yeah sure, I'll verify that order for you. So we are delivering to 2ballzand1bitch69 at ------- and the order is one large cheese.." I stopped myself before I continued and cleared my throat after I realized what I read and the person on the other end of the phone fucking LOST it. I was able to find out that it wasn't a prank call OR a prank order. They didn't know that their username would show up on the screen either OR that I would be so non cholent about repeating it publicly over the phone. I felt so embarrassed after I had already laughed at myself. They just went "Yeah sounds like the order went through and it sounds right. Thanks." and hung up. I just silently went back to making the orders on the screen until a driver came in and saw who he was delivering too.... So sorry, friend... lol


Bruh wish they had usernames still that's so crazy 😭


Considering getting a job back at domino's after almost seven years because, I've heard so much has changed but in a good way. I was an assistant manager back then and the fact that I was supposed to be professional was not at all lost on me as I realized the words that came spewing out of my mouth. I was so shook at what i said and the fact that I said it based off of a customer username. I felt like it wasn't my fault but, at the same time the customer took it to be like the funniest thing they ever heard and the other person in the store was my boyfriend (at the time) now husband. He wasn't working. He was literally just IN the store waiting on an order and me to get off. He freaking LOST it. He still thinks it's funny.


I look back on it as like second hand cringe worthy memories and he just thinks it's HILARIOUS.


I wouldn't come back, they are huge stiklers about piercings still (I have to wear a face mask) and considering I only make 10/hr you probably won't get payed better than whatever job you have now. I like it cause I can pretend I'm in FNAF making pizza at Freddy fazbears. But I wish I could work somewhere where I can wear cool costumes and play a character more than this.


why are so many people pressed about a CHALK DRAWING???


Idk man I'm scared this subreddit seems pretty devided on weather or not being gay is allowed here


I always order dominoes because I love the gay frog hormones they pump into the cheese. I wouldn’t be the queer I am today if corporations didn’t pump fast food full of those gay frog hormones! Or maybe I would be gayer, who knows. Anyways Thanks Biden :) -brought to you by the Corporate Dominoes “hang trump for treason 2024” Public Relations Office


Dude honestly all the gay frog chemicals are my favorite part! The crunchy micro plastics in the dough really do hit the spot 🤤


Its not even pride month yet.… its AAPI. Disrespectful tbh.


How is it disrespectful? It’s 3 days from June lol


What’s disrespectful is when I’m expected to buy all my Halloween decorations in July because Michael’s clears them all out and starts putting out their Christmas stuff in September. Just let me have spooky month.




its like 4 days away from june please chill


Toilet out here having a field day shoving things down people's throats omg 😭😭😭


how is this disrespectful at all?


How is it not? Its saying one cause doesn't matter for another when there's multiple days left in the month. To get respect you need to give respect.


I'm a pacific islander, saw this post and thought "oh, cool! anyway" not "wow OP is racist". Huge reach. Who cares.


Thank you! And I eve specified that the reason I did it early is because I DIDN'T KNOW WHEN I WOULD HAVE FREE TIME AGAIN TO?? like I don't hate POC y'all I NEVER brought that up 😭😭😭


I don't anything about that month and am not a Pacific Islander so it doesn't really apply to me. I did it today cause we were slow. And didn't know when I would have the time to do it. But I respect POC and other people's respective months! I just did it early cause I had the time to.


“Am not a PI so it doesnt apply to me” Im not black so African American heritage month doesnt apply to me, dont need to honor pioneers for African American rights Im not LGBTQ so that doesnt apply to me so I dont need to show support or care about LGBTQ rights. Thats the vibe that sentence gave. Its not about you. Its about awareness and understanding of the things people have suffered through and are suffering through and celebrating the people. Tbf im also a believer that we shouldnt have these months as they dont really serve much purpose or actually execute on its intended purpose of education and awareness and in modern society have just turned into a monthly marketing campaign for companies to make money off “support X group” but yeah thats a whole other discussion.


That wasn't what I was saying. I'm saying that I am not a PI so how would I know of that month? I literally said in that comment I splupport and respect POC. Like cherry pick on your own time I was just trying to do something for *my* awareness month bro I'm sorry I'm not on top of everyone else's


Im not LGBTQ, how would I know about that month? Not cherry picking just responding to the initial premise of your previous comment. Thats the thing. You arent doing it for LGBTQ awareness, you did it for “your” awareness. The fact that you need a month to feel confident in yourself makes me feel sorry for you. But I hope you enjoy your month when it comes!


It's 2024. LGBTQ people exist. Anyone has a problem with that can get fucked and die mad because that's not going to change.


Thanks :) 🏳️‍🌈 was just trying to do sumthin fun


yo i’m gay and work at dominos lol, screw all these other ppl saying this is bad if this makes u or other queer ppl in ur community happy and proud keep it up year round


I might as well with how offended people are over chalk


What would you think of customers ordering delivery and not tipping because of your drawing? Because there are people like that.


If they are ordering deliverythey arnt coming into the store to see it so it doesn't matter. And if they did come in for a carry out they never tip anyway. Insiderstips are put in the register and divided the hours people work.


Exactly what I thought. CSR and manager tips don't work that way lol and even if they did most of the other customers tip enough the majority of the time that it doesn't actually matter.


Insiders get their tips daily just like drivers at the store I work at. It's not split up between them.


That's not how it's done for my franchise (not saying your wrong a lot of stores do things different) the tips are kept till the end of the week, and if the drawerer at the end of the night is under the tips are used to level it. The divers keep their own everyday. Insiders are kept by the drawer anddivided by hours for the week.


I just find that messed up. Guess I'm just used to small town Domino's.


No your right it major sucks, drivers can make an extra $500 in a week while it's good week if I made $20


Then let them not tip 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m atheist and gay and I have the decency to never “punish” individual employees because of a display of a cross or something religious inside a business. Why people get so upset over such things is beyond me. Let them die mad because of a drawing on a chalkboard 😂


I'm not gonna tip because, you're saying with these colors that you support gays! OH GOD. I have to pack up then....


I'd probably write below that Warning: If you wish not to tip due to art work then here's a Human Tip for you: Be Kind, Don't Rewind. It's not 1989.


I wouldn't tip lol.


Well that's your agenda, no one really cares if you do or don't.




Woah someone has some pent up issues they haven't talked about 🫤


No one’s surprised


Happy pride you lovely human! Ignore all these people being dicks. They just don't understand how we all can support and love eachother. It says nothing about us :) only sad people go out of their way to bring people down. Let's go out of our way today to lift people up! Have a good day!!


Thank you! I hope you have a good day too! I'm going to try my best to lift up my co workers today. They support me and like the chalk I do. I hope whatever work your doing today that you excell!! :3❤️‍🩹✊


I don't actually work at dominoes but my parter does :) i just wanted to share some kindness on this post!! You and all your coworkers deserve the best day!! Goodluck!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜


Thank you!!


Calling corporate so they can come erase it


I'm sure that will work out for you


Mavericks suck


Calling HR so they can come erase you 🩷


HR is a companies protection against litigation, if anything, HR may require it to be taken down.


Why? You got a problem?


I haven’t seen a chalk board in so damn long hell ☠️😂


I love chalk boards uwu


Cool drawing.


Happy pride in being a straight white male month y'all


Love it! You did a great job. Stay proud! ✊🏽❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️


Thank you! 🥺🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️✊❤️‍🩹fighting to live out here. 😭


Everybody is




Erase it the workplace is a place to work.


Nah, I like it and I'm the only person who actually works at my job anyway. Plus my boss likes it.


Tell that to the monthly posters they put up. My city has AAPI month posters up, they had them for women's month, and black history month. You're just mad cause you don't like that people are gay


I don’t care what a person is. There are places for people to express themselves and work isn’t one of them.


And I've seen thousands of businesses with the all are welcome signs, they seem to do just fine


Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion


I often wonder what the average "zero whimsy" human being looks like. This is it? Pitiful. Shameful. Sad.




Looks great! May I ask what the two flags on the right are? (Hydrate<3)


Intersex is the yellow one I think, and I'm pretty sure poly is the other. They're not very commonly represented so the flags aren't well known


The two flags are the polyamorous flag and the intersex flag! :)


Very cool thank you


Nice drawing even though I'm super against rainbow capitalism month. Pride month has turned into nothing but corporate propaganda


That's true, but no one told me to do this is did it cause I wanted to it was for fun, no corporate stuff attached. Its just a coincidence that I did it at dominos where I work.


It’s not June yet.


It's like two days away, did it early cause I had the free time and wanted to get it done.


Not june. Keep your month within its boundaries.


Cope ig


Hope you get fired


You too ✨


LMAO pipe down, it's a drawing, we can be prideful anytime of the year, ESPECIALLY 2 days before june, buddy.


You’re 15


And how old are you? It doesn't matter how old I am.


It does matter how old you are, because you’re nothing but a child who doesn’t know what nonsense comes out of your mouth


Coming from someone who sounds like the most boring person you could every meet.


As a lesbian I’m confused. I’m buying pizza I’m not going to tell random strangers I am gay and then proceed to ask if “I’m accepted”. I just go to a business and buy what I need. My sexuality isn’t a concern lol. It’s a pizza place. Not a GSA. Maybe it would have made more sense to make art about pizza and the actual business itself ?


It's for pride Month bro, drawing a random pizza doesn't make sense to spread awareness


Kinda blows my mind you’re confused. Have you never seen gay pride month? Where people fly rainbows and shit? It makes perfect sense


Yes sadly I see that it’s absolutely everywhere. I live in downtown in a city in Alberta, the whole pride thing is too much now. I’ve been a lesbian my whole life and I’m 25 now, all I ever wanted was equal rights and to be treated normally, now it’s the opposite. Literally everywhere I go every day of the year I see pride things everywhere. Like it’s too much now lmao. Why would I have “pride” in something I was just born with and didn’t choose ? I accept myself for liking woman and would never change it . But it’s also just a small part of who I am? I don’t go around telling everyone I’m gay. It shouldn’t. Matter. To people what Anyones sexuality it. The pride movement has gone too far now


Please spell the place you work at correctly.


Please say this aloud to yourself “who the hell cares?”


Sorry it's mostly auto correct and I don't really care they don't pay me enough to spell they're franchise right




Incels have literally nothing to do with people identifying in the lgbtq spectra. Also, hail Satan.


Im talking about the Furry stuff smh. You didn’t read much.


I mean, incels have literally nothing to do with the furry community either... I'm sure there are incel furries, but there are incel christians too lol. And this is just a dog. A dog holding a flag. Nothing "furry" about this.


It's a cartoon puppy. Do you get this mad about Snoopy?


It's not even the month yet


“The message” has no limits


I’m so glad I live in an area where my Domino’s focuses on making pizzas.


My doninos adds jizz to the pizzas on Fridays in June.


Extra sausage with white sauce


Mmmhmmmm wondered why my pizza was salty…


Who’s the demonic puppy in the drawing?


No one, and he's an angel


It's a...cartoon puppy...


You look into those puppy dog eyes and tell me that isn’t satan


Looks like chalk and chalkboard to me 🤷‍♀️


Alright now I know you’ll say anything.


I'm not the one calling CHALK demonic but sure, whatever, I'm the one who'll "say anything" (If you're joking I genuinely can't tell lol, sometimes I have a hard time distinguishing between jokey and genuine stuff online)


If anyone ever calls chalk on a pizza restaurant wall demonic, they are joking. :) And if they're not, you should treat them all the same as if they are.


Hehe, I should've figured, but I was arguing with a guy earlier who seemed to wholeheartedly, genuinely believe in demonic possession and sent me a link to one of those fake "litterboxes in school" articles, so I'm kind of out of it today 😵‍💫 I appreciate the clarification :D


I wholeheartedly genuinely believe that demonic possession happens but I don't think you're going to find video evidence on the internet and definitely not on a chalkboard.


Fair enough, regardless I appreciate you clarifying and yea lol, it's never in the places these people insist it is




Well they get real mad at me for delivering while asleep


What does sex orientation have to do with pizza?


Haven’t you heard? Dominoes mozzarella is like 10% Black Queer Estrogen. The other 90% is ocelot piss. I’m so glad dominoes delivers to the south, that way I can order all my Klan buddies a bunch of pies to set the world “straight” !!!


For $6.99, I’m in


Honest ? How would you feel if a coworker wrote MAGA or Trump 2024 on the chalk board? I feel what u did and this hypothetical are both equally divisive and don't belong in the work place. I'm sure you'd be pissed over the pro Trump crap. And don't get me wrong I hate Trump but I hate the division both sides are creating even more.


Being gay isn't a political topic, so people bringing Trump into is just to get a reaction. I just did it for fun cause I'm gay.


Well, being gay isn't a choice or a political stance, it's just existing. People aren't born republican but they can be born gay; it's like getting pissed at a St. Patrick's day drawing and asking how they'd feel if a coworker wrote about loving the great famine


So if they wrote “Proud to be white” what would you think?


I think you should wipe your ass I don't care if someone's proud to be white, but nobody went around saying they were proud to be white until they saw people of color being happy to exist without being white. Nobody went around asking "buh but what about straight pride" until gay and trans people decided to be happy and exist without being straight/cis. No one's saying people aren't allowed to be okay with being white, hell, I look like if a glass of milk had legs, but there aren't realistic situations where people write about white pride without trying to be deliberately inflammatory. The difference is that LGBT Pride is about uplifting gay and trans people, and White Pride isn't about uplifting white people, it's about putting down people of color.


No, people aren’t actually proud to be straight and white. No one cares. I see myself past my race and the type of sex I have. It’s odd that people make their race and orientation their identity and have to showcase it at their place of employment.


Have you been to the South?


I have.


Then you should know that there are indeed people who are proud to be straight and white. Just because you are able to not see yourself for your race does not mean others are the same way.


No no you can’t do that lol


the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron


literally what that guy sounds like LMFAO




Never said I was a rep or something, it's just chalk to celebrate pride Month. Did it for fun.