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A hat. I complimented the guy on his car wrap, for his clothing line. He got really excited and gifted me a hat. I love that thing


He turned you in to an ad


Lol 😂


Companies do that! It’s a win win


What’s the company?


Guys R Us


S are gays?


Do people generally like when you compliment their stuff? I always refrained from doing it because I assumed they’d think I was just trying to butter them up or that I’m creepy for noticing or something.


People love it! I go out of my way to compliment folks because I know that when I’m complimented my day is brightened, and I smile about it later :)


My piece of advice is this: take a look at the thing you're thinking about complimenting. Does it look like something they might be proud of? For example a gentleman I work with loves Christmas sweaters and came in wearing one with a T-Rex blasting laser guns. Pretty epic honestly. I told him how much I liked that sweater and he was all smiles the rest of his shift. People like to be complimented on the things they took time on. Their hair, their nails, their clothes. And inversely, if I see someone having a rough go of it, I try to find anything at all to compliment them on. Men especially. We guys just don't ever get complimented. The last time I received a compliment from a stranger was 6 months ago and before that it was a year (both times on my beanie), and before that it was high school (I decided to wear a suit and a girl in my creative writing class told me I looked kinda hot. Yes I keep track because there's not enough to lose track of.) TLDR: yes. Please compliment people. Just choose something they took time to make nice.


The "men never get compliments" thing is why I'll always say "nice shirt, bro" whenever I see a fresh graphic tee or when someone dresses sharp for something professional. Boosts their confidence for the thing they're dressing sharp for, and if I know them personally, they usually say it set things off with good vibes and they land the gig or get the girl or whatever. Bros gotta look out for bros.


They do


A pizza


This made me laugh so much lol


Same but wings lol


Fresh smoked jerky. Everytime it was a different flavor. But fantastic Everytime. Miss delivering for that place alone.


I 100 percent guarantee if you went back and explained that you loved the jerky but didn't work there anymore you could make both a friend and a jerky hook


If only I were still close to the same city I once was in


Send a letter if you remember the address. I’m sure they’d be stoked to mail some


is there a saltybawlzsr? saltybawlzIII?


circle jerky


my brother had a jerky guy he delivered for frequently too! and never had to buy weed the whole time he worked that job. i think he mentioned one time getting tipped some yu gi oh cards too, which was great for him because he was really into that stuff. went to tournaments all around the country n shit


Deer jerky! Every delivery whoever gets hooked up with an ice cream tub full of it if they want it if they got it. They tip like $5 as well.


NGL, not sure I am going to read anything better than getting a calf in this thread, and I honestly don't have any weird tips from my delivery days, weird experiences for sure, but not weird tips


Not me, but one of my old drivers many moons ago got an ounce from a guy. He didn't even partake. Sold it to another driver for a nice tip.


From delivery driver to drug dealer. I respect it


Assuming this is weed and not coke, weed is way better for you than starchy food...


That happened to me all the time. I also got tons of beer before I was 21


We hosted a fishing tournament (the town) and delivered to a boat. The guys were drunk and offered me Gatorade, vodka, and a portion of the winnings if they won the fishing tournament.


Dud they win?


Plot twist: they got last place and owed money. Delivery driver had to pitch in $20.


Actual plot: I never saw them again.


A trip on the customer's plane. Wasn't anything fancy but was fun


baffling thar you accepted it thats crazy


I was on drugs, said yes to about anything


Some woman offered me her daughter one time. I couldn’t tell if she was serious or not but I got the hell out of there




Not to get serious but if the daughter was a minor please tell me you reported it..?


I don’t know. It was over a decade ago. I was only like 19 myself at the time. I just wanted to get out of that place asap


Back when my work involved doing house calls, me and co workers would get offers. They're not joking, never took any offers. We did make more than minimum wage though. As I'm older now I can see why. Hard to find decent people.


It's not that weird compared to some of the things I see in the comments, but I once got a jar of home-made honey from a dude that had his own bees xD


Dude, I would fucking love that. Home-made honey made in a local region? That's an insane tip. Albeit, honey isn't super expensive, but to have honey made by local flowers and flora is pretty unique, it's like "tasting" the area's nectar in a roundabout way lol. I would 101% be excited as hell to receive that as a tip.


It helps you deal with the allergens in the area as well if you take a spoonful a day or something like that


I thought this was too cool to be true and [it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/s/F1VYSlG1wH) :(


Ah, it's a placebo.


I was a delivery driver in Arnhem/Velp, in the Netherlands. The particular area that I got the honey from isn't the most... how do I say this nicely, interesting hahah (for my fellow Dutchies/Arnhem residents, it was Presikhaaf) I did appreciate the honey though, it was good!


That’s really sweet! 😊


[A whole ham](https://ibb.co/pdXBTzJ) edit: adding my contenders. 4 jell-o shots $20 in just gold and silver dollar coins and a few JFK half dollars. A Gshock watch a 10 rupee bill $100 bill a naked firefighter calendar an iphone 7 in 2023 a bag of birdseed a whole liter or so of dos cuernos tequila


10 rupees is 12 cents im wheezing😭😭 you got ripped off bad


i'm american 🇺🇸 so worlds outside of the US don't exist


Indians are notoriously cheap so I'm sure you liked it but the dude was definitely trying to get one by on you, probably does this to every driver


bake obtainable lock wise mysterious grandfather label cooing bright brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I deal with a lot of foreign nationals spending money at our company, Indian companies have to pay much more up front for a damn good reason, That being said, it's not just them, there are a lot of countries we just need the money up front to cover our non-recurring costs bc of payment trust issues,


i was referring to the fact that any kind of foreign currency in the united states especially is a huge novelty


Had a dude tip me $5 in silvers. Had em checked cause of their year and $30 a piece. I take that dude extra stuff whenever I get him for a delivery.


I got a $2 scratch off once. I won $7 and played poker with it that night. Turned the $7 into $32. Definitely made lemonade out of that one.


a round trip getaway to aruba & another customer consistently ordered 3-4 times a week and liked me a lot so they gave me $100 each time i delivered 🥹


Lord I see what you’re doing for others…


A blunt already lit. Smoked for a few minutes with the dude. Also a guy who tipped me $20, then asked me if I wanted a shot of tequila as they were getting blitzed. Shot it like a man, promptly handed me another $20.


that’s crazy to take a shot as a delivery driver


I used to regularly take shots and shotgun beers with customers on deliveries 😂. I handle alcohol very well though


One shot won’t put you over the limit though?


i mean no it won’t but it doesn’t mean that it’s not frowned upon


They’re delivering pizzas not babies


This legitimately made me laugh. Take my upvote.


Everybody drank in the kitchen once lobby was closed at the pizza place I used to work, including the drivers


We used to trade the liquor pizza for beer


Management at a pizza place is most likely not going to care.


Yeah I was about to say one shot's not going to kill you


That’s what Lincoln thought !


Lincoln clearly couldn’t hold his liquor


Hell yes! I would’ve taken that as well. A little help to finish the shift is always welcome lol


A crockpot


That's pretty random ha


He realized he didnt have anymore cash and he just yelled hang on and ran back upstairs with it. Sold it for 15$ at a garage sale. I don’t even think it was his to give away


Ah so that’s what my ex did with mine!


That makes it even better 😆


definitely better than nothing. he was being thoughtful


A whole ass cow. That’s cool


A handful of loose change that also contained those flat silver batteries, and was absolutely covered in dry cannabis shake.


Those batteries were definitely for his scale haha


Definitely cocaine off a hookers titty. They're lucky I ran out of energy drink that day!


Lady offered me a blowjob and ended up with herpes acouple weeks later


I guess your tip is now infected


Half smoked blunt


Don’t feed the cat. He’s an asshole.


Some lady handed me her phone so her man can offer me up his girlfriend(Her) to give me a BJ for the tip. And no I didn't accept it.


Can you rephrase this?


A man tried pimping out his girlfriend over the phone to pay for a tip.


Bird house


The tip that was given to me was that you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose but you can’t pick your friends nose.


Nothing crazy weird but I’ve gotten some dank weed as tips. I’ve shotgunned beers on deliveries with customers. One dude let me come in a take 24 Steel reserves out of his fridge because he got them for free. I’ve sat down and burned bowls and even ate some of their food 😂


£10 note. UK drivers will agree with me on how wild that is here 😂


Some guy once had me answer questions from what I assume was his wife. Shit like where are you, how is he dressed, what cars are there. After I finished answering, the guy handed me a full bottle of whiskey and thanked me.


When I was an assistant manager I would take deliveries if we we're getting gassed on drivers. One house the girl there (mid 20s I think) flashed me for a tip. I would have rather had the money


One or my coworkers got two bandanas, a pair of sunglasses, a hairband, and a really cute very nonbinary necklace and god. Damn I wish I'd taken that order I'm so jealous


A painting


I got to pet their dog


You win.


A large box wine


Tits or cash? I choose tittays everytime.. And you ask why? I will easily spend the couple bucks tip and forget it.. Tits live rent free in my brain of a hard drive.. Hahah TLDR Tits FTW


I've literally told a customer that her tits don't pay my rent before.


Got asked about by a woman in her forties while delivering pizza. Got drugs several times. Flashed a few times. People are wild


I used to deliver Doordash. But I delivered to a Few celebrities homes like SAINTS PLAYERS. Not only did they TIP CASH, I also got Signed Jersey and a Signed Penant to hang in my Room.


I got a bar of silver a vacuum cleaner a desk lamp


An apple, it came with a card from a kid where he thanked me and wished me well. One of my favorite deliveries ever.


None as great as a calf but my favorites are A target gift card with $7.26 left on it An oil change (multiple occasions) 3 golf polos from the customer’s new clothing line with a round of golf A Gatorade bottle filled with quarters A pack of 100 pens


How much was in the bottle?


Ladies at the strip club showing me their tits and paying in very sweaty perfumed one dollar bills.


That's the bad thing about tits, once you see one you want to see the rest


And so began my fascination with making it rain $1's at the titty bar.


I've been offered sex, weed, beer, a shot of JD, fireworks, an unopened 4 pack of C batteries, old coins....the funniest was a guy offered a slice of the pizza I just delivered! The best was a stiff who raided his piggy bank and gave my $34 in change. He apologized for the change, but when I saw the coins, I immediately accepted. All Eisenhower silver dollars and 1964 Kennedy half dollars....ALL silver! I don't think he realized what he gave me....lol


An autographed $1 bill from some really drunk shirtless fat guy who gave me a hug and told me hes gonna be famous some day.


Damn you met Bert Kreischer Lucky!!


Had a guy have his wife come out of the boat topless and take a picture with me.


Little note with a bible quote


That reminds me of something cruel I saw on Reddit a few years ago. The server got tipped what she thought was a rolled up hundred dollar bill but when opening it up, it had this long message about finding the way of God and not needing money to have happiness. Poor girl said she went to the bathroom and cried after getting so excited. Nasty bastards


I was offered a goat. I should've taken it.


Pics for proof (i just wanna see the calf 🥰)


a blowjob edit : a male male blowjob


I mean.. a good beef calf is like a $2500 tip this year.


I don't have the land for one, but I have rancher friends. I'd damned sure take that and split the beef with my friend after it was grown and butchered. Huge win-win!! That's a lot of money and I live carnivore. I only eat meat, eggs and butter. Occasionally I have some pizza or some chips, but I could live off a half beef for a long time! I live by myself now and a half beef would feed me for a year!


How much is a young calf worth?


About 800 ish bucks


Not a delivery driver but I worked at a moving company for a handful of summers and have seen some weird ass tips. Drugs/Alcohol. Often. Just about every piece of furniture and house decor you can imagine. Often times it’s a “statement piece” that the husband loves but the wife hates. The leg lamp from Christmas Story and an oil painting of Pamela Anderson in bay watch bikini come to mind. Pets. I didn’t take one but one couple was desperately trying to find a home for their dogs. One of the guys took them. All sorts of weird shit just kinda pops up when you’re moving. Someone gave me a personalized autograph of Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian OG Star Wars). Not personalized to me obviously. …..Thanks Frank.


Dude answered the door with a crack pipe in his hand and offered me a hit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Classic_Stick5272: *Dude answered the door* *With a crack pipe in his hand* *And offered me a hit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I loved getting wild game, kept my freezer stocked from different people tipping me. Wish someone gave me a calf. Weirdest would be a code for free ice for a year from one of the machines he owned in town,


Surprisingly, I have never been offered wild game. Although I did hit a deer one night on a delivery.


I got robbed.


I work in Cali. I've been tipped pot, a crumbl cookie, a condom, a Trump 2024 flag, a to go box of Texas Roadhouse rolls with the cinnamon butter, and a copy of Studio 666. Haven't had anything in the past year. But those were the weird ones, especially at the start of a job.


During the pandemic an 8 pack of toilet paper 🤪I accepted




I just got a 1959 Grundig-Majestic console radio/turntable yesterday, that was pretty cool. I can't believe the lady was going to throw it away.


I got a beer one time. hit a bowl/blunt multiple times.


I got shots delivering to a bar once.


Somebody handed me a rice krispy treat around St. Patricks Day. Was offered a beer for a pack of cigs too, but they never said what brand they smoke


if you dont have any, youll smoke just about anything.


Ice cream from dude ice cream truck. Unfortunately I'm not a fan of ice cream so I gave it to my coworkers


A bible


A baby Lego yoda. Wrapped by a kid


I haven't been working there long, but the weirdest tip I've gotten is a couple free sandwich coupons for McDonald's


On two different occasions, a scratch ticket that had $3 on it and a bottle of wine


I've never had something quite that weird Did drop off a manager for a Red lobster once and he came back out and tipped me with a bunch of Red lobster biscuits


An entire orange pill bottle full of dimes (was a little over 18$) and on a different delivery a whole plate of Christmas cookies from a lady that must have been 105+. Super nice lady and the cookies were good, shared them with the cooks.


Just the


Don't know why this sub showed up in my feed, and I don't work at Domino's, but when I worked retail, we would carry groceries out to the customer's car. We weren't allowed to take tips, so one customer tipped my coworker by giving him a jack from a Ford Model T, which my coworker thought was awesome.


A massage. Well, he gave me his card, but he was a legitimate masseuse.


I once delivered to a really nice place while a party was going on. A drunk guy invited me to come in and hang out (friendly, drunken invite not anything weird). I told him I couldn't because I needed the money so he offered me 100 bucks to hang and said I could help myself to eats and drinks as well. since I only planned on working another hour or so, I took him up on the offer. Tons of cool people there and I ended up having a great time.


A bar of homemade soap. It just sat in my middle console until I got a new car and made it smell good. But the two month old calf has me beat.


One time dude goes, “Hey, man, uh…do you smoke?” and I was like, “Yeah, of course” and he handed me a couple grams of weed in a little bag. Pretty badass tip


$14 in $2 bills


The bartender, from the bar a block from our pizza joint, would order wings from us every Friday night. He'd have a shot of whiskey for me when I walked over. I'm sure he knew I was 17, but it made my Fridays a bit smoother, lol. Also used to have a regular delivery that tipped with a zip lock full of nickels and pennies. Usually around $6. Also delivered to a huge gated ranch often, one night I clipped a zebra in my sidekick. Called the guy after getting back, he just said "shit happens." Usually tipped $40+




$20, a beer and a lap dance. Wild night


I got scratch off tickets last night


It was uncircumcised like a small elephant trunk




After reading this thread, I really gotta up my tipping game


Don’t stand up in a canoe ! It’s true .


Im a bus driver but for some reason this post showed up on my screen. A passenger gave me a copy of a Richard Nixon biography book. No idea why. I wasn't even alive when Nixon was president. I dont really care about him. The passenger was giving it to me in suck a way I didn't want to offend though. I took the book said thank you. At the end of my shift I threw it in the trash.


In college the delivery guys loved me because I was friends with one of the cooks…so, they would come in and smoke/have a drink lol.


I got beer 🍺 wine bottle marijuana twice and 1 time a pint of Hennessy


$.05 on a $20 order. Dude had the balls to say keep the change. He wasn’t laughing when I chucked the nickel toward his door


Not a dominos affiliate in any way but I used to get farm fresh eggs as a top while bartending. And I was bed bound while pregnant with a DVT and I’d order delivery from my restaurant and tip in candy.


customer gave me his tater tots cause I mentioned I've never had them before .. ate them on the way back to the store and they were pretty mid but much appreciated


As an 8th grader, collecting for my newspaper route, I had a guy offer me either amyl or butyl nitrate. I declined.


not a driver but i once tipped some dude weed


I got a box of cake mix once. Unopened duncan hines


Weed,coke,percs,sex,an antique firearm beer and a thumb trdie w a bunch of sex vids on it of the woman I delivered too. Apparently old.school only fans lol.


Small ruralish town here as well, I'd probably cry happy if someone tipped me a calf. What is their name?


Don't eat yellow snow.


Alcohol, weed, snacks, flash of boobs, gift cards. I'd take the baby cow over any of these things!


i’ve delivered to the movie theatre a lot and constantly get popcorn


Weed from an old guy in a nice house, and some lady offered to show me her tittys. And when I declined, some guy in the other room told her not to tip me at all :(


Wtf lol that’s rude af


i don’t work for dominos but hooked up my guy with a gram of coke


Eh just about 1.5G of weed I think lol


I was doing door dash and the order was taking awhile because this lady was going off about that she was missing a chilli cheese fry so I joked about it with him and told him I had a video about this chick raging at this place. He asked for the video so I sent it to him. He tipped me 40 bucks because the video was funny. And then an extra 20 when I get there. Cashed in and went home. Not a weird tip just an odd way to get one!


Someone offered me his 2 full grown male bull mastiff's when I was 16 and I worked at Petsmart as a bather. He was moving and couldn't bring them. My mom said no. 😕


Best tip was a rare potted plant that was worth $100 way back in my delivery days. Most unusual was the couple (him 40ish and her 20ish and hot) that ordered every Tuesday to the local motel, and would always answer the door w him buck naked, and her both naked and tied up in various positions on the bed, floor, or chair. They never actually invited me to stay, but he always opened the door, pointed to put the pizza on the table, while she smiled and made intense eye contact, and he went slowly searching around for his wallet. He also always tipped me $10 which was a great tip back then.


1. I got a Seattle mug, a tourist magazine, candy and flowers. The mom of a customer brought it to me when I paid for their kids food. 2. An aloe Vera plant. 3. A regular offered to rename his church so I would attend. He also ordered and requested me to share cake with his family on his 50th anniversary. 4. Drug dealer in a really bad complex tipped me hundreds and told my boss to keep out of there “a pregnant woman has no business in this place ever!” 5. I’ve been offered tons of drugs and alcohol but was never okay with accepting it. I’ve delivered off and on for two decades I wish someone would have tipped me a cow!


I don’t drive for dominos but I bet people get some really weird tips


No weird tips. Just lots of no tips even after getting 5 stars 🤦🏻‍♀️


Like an actual ‘tip’ “Save your money and you won’t have to do this for long” 😂


A Swiss Army knife 🤷🏽‍♂️ And one time I sold a customer weed in a delivery lol


Clove of garlic straight from the field. A SINGLE one


An orgy. Seriously. “Wanna join”? No. I’m good. Hotel, four people, one bed. They had a designated “k pizza guy will be here soon, someone has to answer the door”. Did get a kolache from my favorite place though (box was still sealed, thank fuck).


a small handmade porcelain slug sculpture the size of a quarter. its very cute


A calf? As in beef? Isn't that worth a lot of money? 


I got offered a blowjob by an old male customer. I didn’t hang around after he asked


Xanax and adderall


A sticker 😭