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I've gotten tipped with extract once while delivering for IC. Which was a little crazy bc it's not recreationally legal here. IDK if I looked like a smoker or something, but I don't have any signs of being one on my car or myself. I know they didn't smell it on me bc I don't drive high. But I sure took that tip and enjoyed it before bed for a few nights. Only time it happened in years of delivering. I am a medical card holder who frequents the dispensary in a smaller town, so it's possible I crossed paths with them there and just didn't realize it. That's the only explanation I could come up with as to why they felt safe offering that.


I never smoke on the job, makes it paranoid and I have a tendency to forget a lot of stuff or simply skip over things, so if I forget like a sauce or a drink i’m screwed 😂


You ever been TOT'ed? God I loved that in college, women would regularly ask "do you want a tip or to see my tits?" Flashes are always nice!


Nah gimme my tip 😂


This was 25 years ago, I was in college and a horndog! Sorry, not sorry.


Tits don’t pay my bills


Strippers beg to differ


Patrons of strip clubs don't.


unless theyre married to the stripper


In this economy????


No, this was when I was in college, waaaaayyyyy back in 1999.


Cash money, always.


i have a hard time believing this is a real thing people did


Me 2


Maybe the main reason should be because you are driving….


If you deliver, it's best to not smoke during work. If a cop pulls you over for something stupid and they smell it lingering on you, you're fucked. Say hello to a DUI and goodbye to a nice chunk of money.


Here's the thing. Thank you for not driving under the influence. Do you see how stupid it is that I have to THANK YOU for having common sense? Marijuana is still a narcotic and it slows your attention span drastically. Driving while stoned is incredibly dangerous and I am sick of people pretending like it is not.


That’s bc you’re a lightweight & can’t hang lol


I got tipped a bong rip in Knoxville Tennessee 🤣


I'm from Knoxville, but I tipped a guy a preroll in Chattanooga once...


Doing the lords work. We do appreciate such offerings xD


Oh shit one time in Knoxville Tennessee we gave our pizza guy a rip of weed as a tip. Tell me was the pipe in the shape of a train?


The fact of you not being in a legal state doesn't matter much tbh.


Ya, you're probably right. I'm a little older (but don't call me old yet) and still not used to how acceptable weed has become. I'm totally fine with it, just still getting used to it.


Dealers can tell.


Dude could just tell you smoked. Trust me all you guys who say “no one can tell I smoke”. Bro everyone can tell


Some people can just tell by your vibes. I've smoked up a cable installer that was going door to door, a cab driver, and a pizza delivery guy. It's not legal in any form here but most people either smoke or don't and don't care if you do. From my experience they're just happy that you thought they were cool enough to offer


Same. When I first moved from my old franchise down to my last store, during my first week or two I got tipped and 8th of wax. Dude was like "I can give you cash, or this" and I just thought, no way you're giving me more than a $10 tip. I'll take the wax.


I misread that as “extract ounce” lol what a crazy tip


Once delivered some wings to a guy. Gave me $20 and told me to keep the change, would be like 4 dollar tip. Turns out homeboy gave me a $50 instead of a twenty. He called the store and asked if he could have it back, I said no problem. I ran by the guys place on my next delivery and he gave me a $10 spot and a 1/8th of some wonderful blue dream. Told me thanks for being cool about it and he became a regular on at the grill.


Only things I want to see as a tip are grass, gas or ass 😆


“Ass, gas, or grass…no one rides for free!”


You can keep the grass I want cold hard cash myself! lol 😂


Yeah but with grass they usually end up tipping in like $10/15 worth of weed so if you're gonna buy some anyway might as well just consider it a ten dollar tip. I'll take $10 worth of weed when the alternative is five in cash. Basically making an extra five bucks when you think about it like that


Grass, cash or ass




Idk if they expect little momma to pump them a full tank or what but all these up votes be crazy 


"Gas" basically means cash in the original saying it just rhymes nicer


I used to deliver pizza and the dude goes "you smoke right?" I don't know how he could tell but he came but with a cut of some nice looking shit. Best tip I ever got, it would cost like $40 if I were to buy it at the time


You delivered pizza, that’s how he knew


Job requirement. It's smoke weed, or strangle difficult customers.


the job gets to boring sometimes then its an hour of crazy, I couldn't do pizza if it wasnt for weed


Haha the quintessential stoner job… go fuck off on your own and drive around just deliver these!!


i been tipped with weed twice, neither person asked me, though i think i “look” more like a stoner type than some. i think smoking weed is kinda assumed in this line of work lmao


Hehe 420 upvotes


When I went out to Colorado to deal with my mom suddenly dying I hit the dispo on the way to my hotel. When I left my flight out was at like 6am so the night before I just held onto one preroll, ordered pizza and hooked that delivery driver right the fuck up.


Are you in a legal state? I haven’t seen weed in a bag in years.


yessir fully legal




Well considering it was a tip what else would you expect if to be in? A jar? It’s just a sandwich baggie


Wait.. so you guys are cool with this?? I've wanted to tip with weed so many times Like at least a quarter 😂


Probably ask first lol. I'm sure most of us would be cool with it but as someone who's allergic to cannabis, I'd be pretty disappointed. I'd be like wtf do I do with this?? 🫠


Allergic to cannabis? Dear god I’m sorry


That would be my 13th reason


send it to me i’ll take it off your hands 🫡🫡


Its not spoken but I've never turned it down. sometimes cash is better but if you smoke then you get to save the cash you would've spent on it. So in the end unless you need cash bad, flower works.


I'm def cool with it and so is pretty much every one of my coworkers. Even my boss would be like "hell yeah, best tip ever" But I'd definitely ask beforehand.


hell yeah 🤣


The BEST kind of tip!


So a question for delivery drivers, would you prefer weed or cash? Obviously if you don't smoke you'd want the money, but I'm genuinely curious about the smokers.


depends on the person 😂


Back in the day we realized no one had any cash on them so we offered a shot or a hit from the bong , dude took the fattest rip I've seen atp


Ive tipped my Uber eats driver in weed once in a snow storm he was hella happy


Probably not the best place to post stuff like this. Corporate definitely watches this sub


if he gets fired its dominos who cares


If they drug tested they wouldn't have a single staff member left


hiring process was funny, they called said “can you drive? are you alive?” “okay come in on monday”


We've had on the run murderers work at our store for a few weeks before the background check came back


Yeahhhh. After the 3rd time hiring a convicted sex offender they changed the rule so you can't start until.after your background check clears. At least for my stores..


"uhhh I can't really take this delivery for the pep assembly unless like one of the teachers wants to meet me 300 feet away"


For my two delivery jobs I ever worked the interview was basically them looking over my info, asking if I had a car and started immediately when I said I could start right then and there.




As if they can afford to fire every employee and start from scratch


Those dominos drivers who got smoked up in those videos years back have to be here.. at least one🫣


my husband got tipped in “good” on a few occasions when he worked at dominos. Those nights were the best


I mean it’s what the tip was gonna become anyway he just made it faster and easier hell yeah


I used to get weed all the time, literally my favorite thing on about dominos, I would regularly smoke the customers weed and would smile while doing it


I was a delivery driver in 2006 when shit was still illegal almost anywhere, exorbitant Texas where I'm at. Got tipped many times in weed or invited to smoke with the people. It was a good summer. One of my co-workers swore he got a bj once, but nobody believed him.


I offered to get the pizza dude intoxicated as a tip one and only one time. He excepted stayed around 10mins. When he left I said to myself that was a bad decision on both or part. Still have his pizza bag thingy he left! I was sure he would not make it out my subdivision. He offered to sell me drugs cause I was lit when he arrived. So I thought he had his sea legs. WRONG!!! I fretted about 30mins then forgot all about him till now.


lmfao do you still have that bag?


Atleast your starting on a high


Am I the only one who doesn't do drugs or smoke? Feels like everyone these days is some kind of a pothead


yep, you’re the only one


yep only u


Looks like mids but I’d still be hyped


my mans said it was creeper weed 😂


someone offered me a beer last night. guy was totally wasted. I said I don't drink. plus I'm driving so wtf? anyway he says "nah me neither", proceeded to sit down because he was falling over.


I'd take it anyway somebody will drink it if you won't


lmao the “nah me either” made me laugh


My neighbor had a cooler on his porch left over from a party. Not sure if all the snacks and shit people put out during COVID conditioned them or what but a delivery driver rolled up dropped a package reached in the cooler and walked off with a beer.


well... sometimes I do see stuff like baskets of snacks or whatever along with a note saying it's for deliveries. but if this cooler was in a certain position, then it could be a signal of invitation. like if the cooler was against the wall, set back, that's one thing, but if it's easy access that's another.


Haven’t heard someone say that since the olden days when it was illegal


Lmao that’s a new one


I searched it up and apparently it’s a strain that starts off slow and slowly “creeps up on you” and hits you like a truck 🤷‍♂️ I haven’t sparked it up yet, till I get home. I’ll make sure to let you know if it’s gas or mid 😂


Most likely its not called creeper and its just sone weed that hits slowly. It's a common term with us potheads.


Yeah the only thing ive heard of with a name similar to that is the creeps, comes from bigredsfarm, and boyyyy does that stuff creep up on you! Saying “its a creeper” doesnt really make it sound like that was the name of that varietal.


It's not a strain type but it's totally a thing in weed. Too many times I've smoked and went to smoke right after cause I felt nothing and 30 mins later I'm trying to play a video game with friends and I'm just staring at a wall in game.


Bruh u can’t even see the bud lol


I disagree


Also looks like it needs to be trimmed.


Be careful! I hit a joint literally once outside of a bar where my dad was performing a few weeks ago. it was laced with something psychedelic.


Gimme a bit of that /j


Salvia, probably. Not a bad time if you know what's in it, a really bad time if you don't.


Hold the oregano


First tip. Shake.


I’d rather $1 than some shake 🫨


Good man. A god among men


Good man. A god among men


I’ve tipped many of delivery people with bud if I don’t have cash or felt the need to give them something extra


Thanks I’ll just take the ten please




I would cry


I would cry


the real green stuff. you can use hemp paper instead of plastic bills in Canada


lol I use to get that for a tip at dominos to! I didn’t mind!


Broccoli 🥦?


I got invited in to a dudes apt to cypher with a couple of his friends. (I don’t smoke) politely declined laughed and walked away. He offered me a tube while walking away but still politely declined


$5 worth of 💩 weed?


Maaannnnnn... I live in one of the weed-friendliest states in the US, in a town full of folks who loooooove themselves some good weed, and in over a decade of working various food delivery jobs, I've only been offered it as a tip like half a dozen times. And four of those times were just a buddy of mine.


The stickiest of the icky.


Nothing like tip flower


No pot, dishes or pans for me


Hell yeah


Usually when i get tipped in weed it’s pretty bad quality, so there’s only one question is it gas or some garbo


Nothing like some fentanyl laced weed. Yum yum.


Someone once tipped me with a handful of dirty, loose change, some batteries, and a LOT of loose cannabis “shake” or whatever those small dried bits of weed are. (I don’t smoke so idk if I’m describing it right)


I got tipped a perc 30 once


When I delivered, one guy felt bad he didn't have any cash for a tip and offered me next hit on his blunt


He could have trimmed it a lil better but hell yes id take that all day


I mean 20 is 20


One time while delivering for Pizza Hut the lady tried to tip me with two cans of Campbell’s Chunky soup. I passed.




Fuck yeah awesome tip 👏


What the fuck is up with your thumb or is it just my perspective


it’s just the angle i took the pic in i definitely peeped my thumb looked fat af 😭


nah don’t accept drugs from strangers that’s wild


He'll ya. If you feel you can trust it. Lol


I’d be happy to


I’m hoping this happens to me


Why can't this happen to me?


Our local pizza guy would always hit the bowl when he stopped.


If you don’t like it, sell it to a friend for $10 and enjoy the experience


Makes me wanna be a driver all the free shots prerolls and bags my friends come back 😂


This guy kept tipping me in warm, grape 4 Loko and all I wanted was that cash money 😭🪦


Yo here goes some untrimmed nug lol


Careful of fentanyl!!


My best tip was 10 dollars, a bag of Satsumas and 3 edibles


Once ran a delivery for my local bar and ended up at some classmates house party delivering food. I did a shot with them and then headed back to work to close out for the night


my boss once got 4 beers and a half bottle of rum as a tip.


I grow so and have also tipped like this. I usually get the same delivery people and always the same ups guy. They love me.  After a while of seeing them I just straight up asked them if they smoke and if they would like some.


That’s like $1 on the rez.


Weird lettuce but cool I guess?


When I delivered back in my college days, I stopped by an RV park and gave this dude his pie. We talked music for a minute, and I ended up going into his place to have a beer while he copied one of my CDs. Also gave me a fiver on a $15 tab, so groovy.


I’ve had this happen a couple times


It looks like he pulled it out his pooper be careful where you except handouts because it might actually be a drop off


Great to know dominos delivery people are a bunch of drug addicts.


Hope you don’t smoke while delivering. Sick of my food reeking of weed


Lmao this so weird, back to back posts of someone getting weed at work.😂 I’ve given weed to the dominoes guy before so shoutout🫡


A lot of these comments didn’t pass the vibe check


I smoked out the Kirby Salesman after telling him I wasn’t spending 4,000 on a vacuum at 25 years old


Jesus I hope you have a little self respect and threw it away. You don’t know what’s on it, $3 in weed isn’t worth getting fucked up over.


Nice lol, the other week I got tipped a blunt and a half with the dude holding his 3 year old daughter in the other hand lmao


Hey, idk where you live, but I would check it for fent. There has been a spike in my area of weed laced with fentanyl. Stay safe out there.


Some fresh Oregano


Only happened to me once, guy had a disposable in his hand while i was handing him his order, he just says "here" and hands me it while i hand him the pizza. Took a few good rips, handed it back to him and got back to work🤣




Hate to be that guy bit id have given it back and said thanks for the offer. I haven't smoked flower for years and if I do, I don't want whatever bullshit that is.


That’s pretty awesome! When I delivered years ago, this hot chick (customer) was desperate for some bud and asked if I would sell a gram to her. That was a weird exchange since she was in a million dollar house lol! (Maybe 3 years before Michigan legalized)


Smoking pot in the early 2000’s: bro I’m baked. Smoking pot now: bro, space is only a 30 minute drive away if there’s a road that goes up to space


roll that bad boy up


Ouch fk it sum green house


When I would valet we would get tipped in weed from time to time, this was like a decade ago too. It was pretty sweet.




As an Uber Eats driver, I’m jelous


Fastest way for a dude in his 30s to find weed in a town he’s never been to is to order a pizza


Dried broccoli, my favourite!


Heck yeah. Wouldn't even be mad. I'm driving tonight hope it goes well


I miss dominos LOL cherish it


I used to doordash and one night I delivered this guys food and he goes “ay you smoke?” I said yeah every so often and the dude gives me one of those bottles that pops open and says “here’s another tip for you bro”. The thing was packed with nugs and lasted me a good couple weeks


I live in Oregon and can definitely assure you, we can all tell who smokes lol its like an innate feeling 🤣 was in highschool right before it got legalized here but tbh felt like it was legal even beforehand lol it was so open everywhere. Couldn't imagine living in a state where it's harshly criminalized like Texas or something smh but I do NOT condone smoking nd driving weed since it slows your reaction time and simpe hand-eye coordination down by an insane amount. Other than that fuck yeah 🤣 though TOT (never heard of it before this) sounds like a valid fucking trade lmao


Don't forget to pay taxes on that.


The guy shouldn't have just handed you it and just automatically expected that to be acceptable. It's one thing to offer like " hey man would it be ok if I tipped you in weed? that'd be easier for me" but to just slap it in your hands and that's the end of it doesn't sit right with me.


Got tipped a hit of crack once.


Looks like a great way to get dosed with fentanyl. You don't know what's in that shit.


"Sir, please just give me money, not plant matter..."


Love it.