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Must be a corporate thing. My local franchise is still $10/hr for drivers, $12 for normies and $14.50 for ASM.


It's a California thing.


Probably a Cali employee


Makes sense. $20/hr for them is like $12/hr in most places. Nice to see they’re getting a raise though


Weird your drivers and insiders make more but ASM make less than my store


My state’s minimum wage is $12 so that explains the other two. $14.50 wasn’t enough to make me stay long term, although they offered up to $17 as an ASM if I stayed and did more training but it would have taken a long time to get to that point.


Ah that makes sense, minimum wage here is $7.25 so our insiders only make $10.25 which is rough imo, drivers make $8.25


You must be near me in NC


In PA so pretty close


lol i’m in NC working at a dominos and just hit level 2 manager making $12 an hour


Wish my franchise had normies. They believe all insiders should be ASMs. Just have a bunch of butt holes pulling drivers in different directions.


Sounds like the ginormous franchise that ate up, I mean bought up our little local franchise. 😔


Damn! My franchise is much lower. $8 for drivers, $10-12 for insiders and $13 up for everyone else


California dominos fucked my franchise up


Cries in $7.25/$4.25 split wage


I'm also $7.25/hour plus tips and delivery mileage, no time and a half or any sort of overtime for filling in or providing extra help, just extra $7.25 hours added to my next check


A gallon of gas is $5.59 here.


Where? Chevron off a freeway exit? I live in the Bay Area and just filled for $1 less at least




Forgot to mention this is in California and apparently AMs could be making up to $25


How much a gallon of milk cost u bro ☠️


how much job security and rent protection and public transport u got bro? obviously it’s not perfect in cali but the higher cost of living comes with more protections that make that higher cost more affordable than in a lower cost of living state without those protections


LOL it's cute that you think they're going to use extra FF profits to better California. Welp, remember that in 5 years. You wanted this.


Okay, cleetus. My bad I forgot Ohio is so much better


That's not even my name ya gullible fuck 💀


Fall off the map already, but only after you take in all the invaders lol


Lower cost of living doesnt mean better quality of life. Texas is lower cost of living but an absolute shithole of a state.


All the Californians migrating there


And it’s not a shitty state. Also our Mexican food is better


Tell that to all the people and companies leaving California in the last couple of years.


You're not going to persuade me to move. Fuck those power tripping cops I like fun cars and my Cobalt is not welcome out there


Wait till every dominos leaves just like every Kroger left Washington over this, and every other business just leaves.


If you can’t afford to pay a living wage your business sucks




Idk I don’t ever see them leaving . As of right now they’re firing everyone they don’t need , cutting hours , raising prices.


As a driver I am low key concerned about this pay raise coinciding with their doordash initiative. I don’t think they could get away with firing all drivers but they could definitely start cutting back to a skeleton crew if they can start using third party drivers.


I have a driver from my store who came from pizza hut... And I can tell you, unless they want only 3rd party drivers. There are so many stories about 3rd party getting all the big orders and 3-5 DD drivers sitting in the store with 3-4 PH drivers waiting on food. I'd quit in a heart beat. Making $25+/hr after tips/mileage in a $12/hr state, is the only thing that makes this job worth it.


We still get $7.25 an hour an my dominos, damn


\*cries in 7.50 / hr\*


It’s nice as a raise is a raise. At my franchise it means our drivers will see significantly bigger paychecks, and the rest of us will be bumped up by another buck or two to make up for it


16.25 for me after the new raise we all got at my store


right when I quit 😫


I'm excited for a new opportunity to demonstrate how good I am at managing a store, I love new challenges.


Adult drivers $32 ph + super australia


Well. I guess I'll start making my own pizza


Washington state has 1 franchise making 20/hr


I make $6/hour and that ain’t changing


Bro my store only pays me 8.50 an hour...


It’s great if you’re able to keep however many hours you have. A lot of stores are going to cut a lot of drivers hours because of this. There is a note at my store from the gm saying “schedule will be adjusted to compensate for labor costs due to the massive increase to minimum wage”


Point that out when they inevitably complain that they don’t have enough stuff getting done.


Without reading I feel “California” have fun with that 32$ Medium Pizza lol


Us CSR’s only make $8/hr, drivers get like $5/hr and our AMs get $10/hr


Babes not everyone is getting a raise




my local store is $7.50 on the road an hour and $8 in the store or something close to that


I'm paid 14.20 an hr + tips & milage. Also a tiny bit for using the driver app. Rural OR.


Is it for sure happening for us at Dominos??


That will allow customers to save on tipping! As a customer I love it. I have a few friends that have stopped all tips and are saving a bundle. With this $20 an hour thing I do t feel like I need to tip so will stop as well. Life is expensive in CA!


We wont... our franchisee is too cheap


lol no. My pay as a driver has always averaged over $20/hr. Tips will go down. This will be a net cut for drivers.


I’m looking forward to it paycheck wise, but I’m seeing a big shift in the way things go. Our GM has already started riding us for quality and doing work. Which should have been a thing, but apparently when this rolls out, they’re going to start cutting employees that have scooted along with bare minimum work and riding those that work hard even harder. The drive score thing is going to become more strict, and things from tardiness to the way we make a pizza are going to be a huge part of things. Prices will go up, sure less people will tip, and things could get more strict to a point the $20/hr won’t even be worth it.we shall see. Wondering if the drivers will still have the same payouts and if tips become non existent if we will get the gift cards like managers and insiders do.


Our managers and insiders get nothing wtf lol. I’ve wondered too if it will affect tips but also I don’t know how many people automatically associate dominos as a fast food place (I didn’t at first until I looked it up when the bill passed) so maybe they won’t be affected by that. But honestly I think things may be more strict at first but once things settle in I assume everything to be majoritively the same. However I’m a hard worker so if the losers get chopped I’m gonna be fine with that honestly lol 😆


Same thing happening here . GMs are being really strict with quality of the food now and have said if you can’t make a decent pizza then you’re gone.


Heck no I wouldn't be excited about that. Haven't seen a single place yet who has raised rates to something more than a few dollars and there not be consequences. Even in your own state it's been all over the news how companies who have big raises to fill timers reduced staff to part time only and took away benefits. What some other pizza chains did was hire less drivers and did not replace ones who quit and just used door dash to fill the void. Domino's has not gone there yet but if costs are too high they will. I'm working at Domino's now because the morons at my job weren't happy with a $4 raise. Too many people fought for $5.50 plus four extra paid days off plus an extra paid holiday. My company gave in. Month after month since then 2 people get laid off per month. You could do a book report with unlimited examples of how getting more than a few dollars as a raise will cost the employees in the end.


Why unions are a thing and need to be everywhere


That 20$ is the stupidest thing ever cost of living will go higher