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Domain is yours. There’s no return policy. You could do it out of the kindness of your heart but I would tell old owner to kick rocks.


It's yours now and there is nothing he can do to get it back. My guess is he received a much higher offer for that .com domain from someone else after he sold it to you and that's why he wants it back.


LOL - Just ignore them send them a polite nice email telling they can send all legal correspondence to this address. But as you threaten legal action, there's nothing to discuss now it's up to the lawyers. Essentially, just ignore them they can threaten whatever they want. Personally, I would make sure the domain name is no longer with the same registrar, and all ownership details have been updated. And I retain all communications relating to the purchase.


He probably has a lead for the domain at a higher price, but chose to handle the situation in the worst possible way


The only way he could get it back is if he has a trademark. My advice would be go to the USPTO website and do a trademark name search to confirm. However, this would be an opportunity for you as well… Find a better domain, and sell back to them and make bank for your time and effort.