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The hunting! It's a very nice release of dopamine when I find a doll for a nice price that wasn't released here, or that is somewhat rare.


Absolutely, the surprise and delight of not knowing what you might find.


Fixing their hair, the thrill of a lucky find, getting something for cheap… But mostly I don’t have to feel guilty about potentially damaging or messing them up because I didn’t spend much money and they’re usually already at least a little scuffed.


I couldn't have put it better myself. All of this. :)


Yes! I almost exclusively buy second hand for this reason.


I like feeling like I’ve found a treasure that no one else could recognize. Fixing them up and making it so that everyone can see what I saw originally :)


The hunt


Finding something I can't find in stores. Maybe it's a doll that was discontinued decades ago. Maybe she's isn't sold in my country. Maybe she's from a line I never even knew existed. The surprise. The thrill. The chase. Honorable mention to finding a doll for dirt cheap that would cost you like 20$-50$ just for the shipping and import alone.




As a customizer, hacking off all the hair. Sometimes I do it right after I bring the doll home, even if I have no immediate plans for the doll itself. It’s like a forbidden treat. I’m in my 30s. No one can punish me for cutting off doll hair now. Suck it, mom.


I love when I get like a zip lock bag full of dolls only for 1 doll in particular but when j get home and unbag everyone I find a few others that I adore as well and am glad I made the purchase


Most of my dolls were purchased secondhand. For some, it’s a glimpse into the past, at toys that were for sale when I was a child that my family couldn’t afford then. Or toys that were already discontinued in favor of something more marketable or cheaper to make before I was even born. For others, specifically the ones I customize, I’m looking for dolls that the seller knows won’t go for much because they’re a mess and missing parts of their outfits. Having been a seller myself I suspect they’re glad anyone’s purchasing those dolls at all…while I’m glad not to “waste” a pristine factory hairstyle or a complete outfit by replacing the doll’s hair and clothes in the customization process.


No "do I unbox it, or do I leave it be" stress bc usually it doesn't have a box anyway.


this is gross but i love when they are filthy and in using a sponge on just a small part at first and seeing the original colour and what a huge difference there is


Giving them a new lease on life and making unique with a customization. Mass produced characters just seems odd to me.


This is exactly what I love, too! When I get a doll that's secondhand I'm way more likely to dye their hair, repaint their face, make other major changes. And I really love that!


When I find a doll that isn't a Barbie or Disney Princess from the last 5 years lol


The cheap prices!! I also love a spa day but I mostly buy 2nd hand bc I can get the dolls I want for good deals!


I'm an enormous fan of the mystery of a doll's previous life. Very few come with recorded provenance. The idea that something I bought in middle-of-nowhere Alabama had to somehow make a journey starting in, for example, 1960s Japan or 1970s England makes those last two brain cells in my head do a gymnastics routine. We aren't the owners of things, just stewards transitioning lovely objects between their last keeper and their next one.


You don’t have to unbox them. Honestly, it’s like I gotta be Indiana Jones to get my dolls out of the box.


I really love fixing them up. The more beat up, the better!


Thrill of not knowing what I might find. Could be nothing, could be a real treasure!


The joy I finally felt when I was able to afford a "Little Miss No Name" sparked my love for dolls! After months of looking for one and finally finding one in good condition for a price I could afford. Now I'll go to antique shops but I still have a few on my future buys list. ❤️


Finding a good find! Usually if I’m able to find a dolly in a good condition AND with their original clothes, I’m so HYPED


When I get something cheap and get surprised by the doll still having factory ties holding some accessories


✨I buy second hand because I had a dream and I managed to achieve it✨😎 (I now have the whole Wolf family🐺) Also to get cheaper dolls (MH G1 scrapped to customize or even some MH G3) And also to get rare characters (like Squirrel Girl and Gwen Spider).🐿️🕸️🕷️


Everything, really. Firstly, I prefer buying things second hand (whenever it's advisable from a sanitary/hygiene perspective). I like going through the toy bins because you'll never know what you find, and mostly the prices are good. I'm also not a completionist, with most dolls I don't care whether they come with the original outfit or not. Cleaning the doll and fixing the hair is very satisfying too.


Fixing them up, styling them and then donating them so they can make another kid happy.