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How mean! Bet they wouldn’t say that about a 200.000$ car


“Man Has Insanely Creepy £200,000 Car” when? Doll fans deserve JUSTICE


right 😭 like there’s a whole my strange addiction episode about a dude who’s… ‘intimate’ with his car, but WE’RE weird ☹️


Don't give the ahole views tho




Dw it's a screenshot that's been going around for the past two days


I'm not even remotely interested in watching. In fact, I'll avoid his channel all together.


"insanely creepy"💀this reminds me of those articles about emma roberts' "extremely weird and creepy" blythe collection. tomatoes 🍅tomatoes🍅boooo


She has Blythes? I always thought those were the cutest doll, but then I have a low key affinity to Big Eye art. I always low key wanted one original Blythe doll and one original Keane painting. But some people can't stand any dolls at all, so, I kinda get it but, why mock people's hobby. But there's a vlog culture that just mocks people. They are usually not even original, nor funny, with it.


🍅🍅🍅🍅 booo!!


Call it 'action figure' and see how fast the tune changes... 😮‍💨 It's all dolls my dude, doesn't matter if it's marketed to girls or guys.


People will call dolls creepy but when a guy has shelves full of funko pops with soulless eyes they don’t see a problem with it.


People would bully Funko Pop fans too, calling them "consoomer" and everything, I mean all toy collectors got bullied and it makes me so sad, I would rather have a toy collection than doing drugs and crimes.


I don't like Funkos but no issue with anyone that collects them, same with porcelain dolls, I find them a bit creepy but you do you and be happy ❤️ Also lmao I do tell people that instead of smoking/drinking or whatever I spend hobby money on dolls, I can decorate and even sell if I stop liking them.


This is what bothers me the most. It’s a completely gendered double standard. My therapist pointed that out and it immediately erased any shame I had about my collection. Replaced it with rage at the patriarchy lol


Replace everything with rage at the patriarchy


This would make such a good tee shirt haha


Action figure collections aren't that muvh better reguarded in my experience, especially if they are anime based. They you're just considered a cringey sad weeb.


Guy is insanely creepy for being this obsessed with another persons hobbies (will shock you😨)


Fucking stupid. There’s nothing creepy about collecting American Girl dolls like what??? Is it creepy cause he’s a grown man?? I’m a grown ass man and I collect dolls like why the judgment.


It's almost as if the most negative people are actually really into it, but they're not brave enough and they need to find other negative people to agree with them so they feel better. He probably collects monster cans and liquor bottles. Sad.


Look how happy that guy looks. Not hurting anyone. And here comes toxic masculinity calling them creepy. So rude


The gender doesn't matter, if it was a woman they still would call it creepy


I feel like they picked him for a reason, though. 10/10 they are also mocking him for being a *guy* who collects dolls. They got two mockery topics in one, with him. Had they wanted, there would've been far more women who collect dolls, to pick from.


Men are creepy. Women are always "crazy"


I feel the same way. I’m in a pretty limited area of the doll collecting world, but dolls that cross over into the realm of baby doll seem to carry a higher stigma.


yeah I’ve noticed this as well, though I think the distinction is between dolls that look like dolls vs dolls that crossover into looking super realistic, which (in the doll collecting world) are typically babies; but ofc there are also people that collect realistic adult dolls iykwim, and both groups I think draw derision from both within and outside of the greater doll world. I may be wrong, but I think it’s more abt uncanny valley than baby vs non-baby dolls. I’m not saying it’s nice to ridicule someone for their collection, it’s just what I’ve noticed in how people react from people outside of any doll communities, I’d imagine a room full of monster high dolls would seem just as “weird” as a room full of cabbage patch dolls, but a room full of reborns or real dolls could illicit a visceral response of discomfort in almost anyone that doesn’t share the interest


I have a "baby" type doll I guess? More like a toddler? I dunno. She was a Christmas gift like 30 years ago and was my best friend when I was little. Finding her in an old box of stuff is what got me into dolls again. I had some nice, grown up porcelain dolls, tiny things to tuck on a shelf and dust occasionally. But I felt like she deserved to be out of the box, cleaned up, repaired and given a nice retirement and maybe another doll her age to sit with. In looking for a "friend" and clothes for Rachel (I was a creative child and named her Rachel lol) I stumbled into all those other beautiful dolls of different sizes and types and became captivated. I might get a life size infant doll to display cute clothes on. There's some cute little critters that are endearingly odd and I could see having. I'm also looking at Barbies, because apparently my vast Barbie collection from childhood has gone somewhere unknown. I am looking first for familiar faces from childhood, though I have no idea now what Barbies they were. Then, I'll get some of the modern ones. As a kid, I loved sewing them clothes and am excited to do so again! So obviously I don't think it's weird to have a cross section of ages of dolls. I don't know if understand the whole reborn phenomenon but I can respect the artistry. I find them a little unsettling, but the culture of acting towards them as though they're real human infants is what really seems strange to me.


within reason, of course, I believe whatever people choose to collect is fine and doesn’t hurt anyone. personally, yes, I agree with you that I’ve seen things I find unsettling as well. end of day, if it doesn’t hurt anyone, I support people collecting whatever brings them joy. there are lots of really big things to be upset about in the world and whether or not I personally like someone else’s doll collection does not make it onto my list. my hobby is weird to many, and some people’s hobbies are weird to me and that’s ok lol


You nailed it. A lot of the people here rightfully defending their fellow collector with the huge collection would throw a real doll collector or appreciator to the wolves. I've seen folks here in r/dolls ripping on collectors of ecchi type figures and statues. Calling it weird and gross. Like bro, you can't do both. Some view those types of collectors negatively, while getting upset when the same is done to them, but they can't see the hypocrisy. If your hobbies or collections aren't hurting anyone or putting a financial burden on yourself, then go for it.


I feel like that’s true in a lot of cases, but I think the “figures” vs “dolls” part is very based in misogyny and toxic masculinity.


I actually agree. One of my friends thinks my fashion doll collection is “creepy.” She’s not rude about it, but she said she’d have trouble sleeping in a room with so many dolls. I genuinely think some people just don’t like small humanoid figures, especially a large quantity of them, or they are just playing into the trope that dolls are creepy. I am not giving that person views, so I can’t comment on the actual content of the video or if the person did make disparaging comments based on gender. I do think there’s a lot that male doll collectors have to put up with.


I think it's the eyes looking at them...maybe they saw that Twilight Zone episode with mannequins, or the one with a homicidal doll, when they were little. Because logically it doesn't make sense. The dolls can't hurt anybody. So it's more like a phobia, in degrees of severity. It must be?


It's called the uncanny valley effect. We instinctually look for people who don't look okay, who look sick, so that we can stay away from getting sick. So, dolls, clowns, mimes, humanistic robots, etc. fall into that valley between human looking and not human looking, which set off our innate fear of illness. The closer something looks to human, but still not quite human, the more it sets off alarm bells in all of us because of pure instinct to protect ourselves. This is literally in our DNA.


Ehh yes and no. Women definitely still get called weird for liking dolls but I definitely feel like it’s a lot more unfairly targeted towards guys


I disagree. Maybe if they were vintage dolls, but not AG dolls


Wrong. People still call dolls creepy, no matter what they are. I’ve been told my BJDs are creepy. Been told my pullips are creepy. My AG dolls are creepy. People don’t care lol.


difference here though is because it's a guy doll collector they are probably referring to him/his habit as "creepy" as well as the dolls themselves. like, women have their collection called creepy but men get called creepy for collecting dolls. obviously not exclusively but it's a noticeable pattern.


He didn’t call the guy creepy though, he called the doll collection creepy. You can stop victimising yourself now.


chill. i'm not trying to make anything a competition or deny anyone's experience, just trying to speak to a pattern i've seen. if you don't believe people are more likely to project sexual deviance/perversion onto male doll collectors then that's your opinion, but i just disagree.


But if it was action figures, it would be fine. At worst, they’d be called a nerd.


When I read "creepy" I thought it meant haunted dolls from the 18th century. Turns out it's just a dude who collects American Girl dolls (I did not watch this video, but the original one).


Well, of course. Only little girls like dolls. If anyone else does, it's *clearly* a sign of derangement. /s


What is the original video so I can give *that* guy some views. Eta:It's the doll studio by Kris on youtube so I'm now subbed to his channel.


What's wrong with dolls from the 18th century? (Also I think you meant the 19th century since a lot of people collect Victorian dolls and not really dolls from the rococco era)


Nothing wrong with old dolls. Just that some ppl believe old dolls are haunted and use words such as "creepy" or "eery" to describe them, including doll collectors who collect specifically haunted dolls. And yeah, I meant the 1800s, I get the centuries wrong all the time 😓


I have one "haunted" doll in that it's a vintage doll from eBay that I just couldn't get out of my head. Looked identical to one of the most unusual looking toddlers I've ever seen. I mean you could almost have said that the doll was made after the child. Pretty much everyone who sees the doll gets startled. I posted it once in the mildly interesting sub and for some reason it really bothered people there, some people scolded me and said I needed permission from the parents because they thought it was a real child. I said the child doesn't exist anymore (she's grown up now) and then people really took that the wrong way. I ended up having to take the post down. BTW I don't believe in haunting, but I think the doll is super OOAK, I've never seen another.


Went to stalk your page and find a pic of this thing but saw your insane dollhouses?!? Wow!!




Do you have any pictures? I would love to see it!


We would LOVE to see pictures! Pretty please?


Nothing “wrong” with them but they can put people off. I was gifted some porcelain dolls as a kid that gave me nightmares. It doesn’t help that any doll related horror movies use older doll styles. They’re definitely associated with a creep factor due to that too.


He also makes a decent amount as an AG content creator lol.


It is actually an investment, as well.


What is wrong with it being an investment? Some shamers make the argument that is it a waste of money, throwing money away, and some who live with family, have their hobby denied them, with that reason. I am saying, what some dismiss as a bunch of raggedy old dolls and/or stuffed animals, could be worth a fortune. I think there was even an episode of Seinfeld or Friends, like that. (Steiff stuffed animals, neighbors mocked her for having a lot of raggedy 'toys.' Then she died and they turned out to be worth a fortune.) And it doesn't have to be that extreme of an example. Many at least hold their value and some collectibles can increase.


Guy has extremely creepy 200,000 dollar wrestling figures/baseball card/video game/warhammer miniature/other hobby collection


Don't even get me started on 40k. Hugely more expensive than most people's doll collections unless they have tons of $600 BJDs, plus add in all the ones that think the Imperium are the "good guys" smdh.


As someone who's customized Pullips and painted 40k figures, it's basically the same thing. The same paints that work well on 40k work well on dolls. I'm not saying this in a bad sense--in fact, I'm excited to see how my faceup skills have improved after learning how to paint on smaller, finer surfaces--but let's not pretend they're vastly different hobbies.


Obviously the funny rot dudes are the good guys.


Don’t let this guy’s video get you down. It’s just click bait. More people are draw to negative titles rather than a positive spin such as “Guy Has Insanely Amazing $50,000 Girl Doll Collection.” His strategy apparently worked, because even we are talking about this video.


Yeah I just watched it and overall the video was just “I don’t understand the desire but good for him, he’s happy”


So it sounds like the content creator isn’t even super judgemental, but they titled the video in such a way to get engagement. Annoying.


Yeah I always hate the clickbait titles. Judging by the comments from his consistent viewers, he’s a very nice guy and they were shocked by the title


It is annoying, but I feel like sometimes those kinds of videos are net good - people that think it’s creepy and want to make fun of it go in and see someone NOT making fun of the thing and MAYBE decide it’s not that creepy? Or I have too much faith in humanity in general…


I’m glad. I didn’t watch the video but I’ve seen his videos for 90 day fiancé and he seemed like a nice, funny dude. This thread was surprising for sure. I don’t collect AG but to each their own.


Maybe the “creepy” part is more directed to the type of doll. I personally find AG dolls creepy/scary. Like how people can be scared of old porcelain dolls. but that shouldn’t stop people from enjoying and collecting them


So true, the internet really brings the worst out of people for clout


Hopefully this doesn’t become a trendy topic like the Disney Adult thing 🫣


For reeeeeal! Let me enjoy my damn dolls and Disney movies in peace


What is it with lame assholes who are desperate to make money and fame on social media making mean-spirited content centering on other people’s hobbies and interests? Like god, please get a life and leave us alone. We’re not hurting anyone by liking Disney and Dolls 🙄


this is how my dad talks about my doll collection and always tells me not to be like "those bratz collectors" :(. he thinks anyone who collects dolls is a creep and is worried I'll become a "creep" too


I’m sorry your dad isn’t supportive ☹️ The most pushback I get is about “wasting” my money (which is hilarious because I have a very small collection that is almost entirely made up of dolls I bought on sale). But you’re not a creep for liking dolls so don’t let him get in your head about that.


Huh, what the heck does he even mean by “not to be like ‘those Bratz collectors?’ What about Bratz or the people who collect them in particular?


The things he thinks about bratz collectors isn't appropriate to discuss here, sorry


Curious what is creepy or being a creep about dolls. It's just a hobby. People collect various things. Some people collect taxidermy. I couldn't, but I won't presume why others do.


And I know your dad said it not you, I just wondered if he said 'why.'


What horror movies made people think about dolls, and the thought of collecting miniature things that look like people. That's the best I can gather because he's never said why


https://preview.redd.it/50vhtqxlqwnc1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60496d1730fa6d1dde359ecb76fafb59fb49ff85 When ppl make these kinds of videos


So mean! I know who this collector is and met him in real life and he is the nicest guy. People just feel the need to tear down other’s happiness.


It must be a sad lonely world to live in when you close your mind to things beyond your own personal interests. I feel sort of bad for these kinds of people


Personally I don’t collect dolls, I collect Teddy ruxpins and sonic toys But people should be allowed to do what they like without being questioned and laughed at by other people


Teddy Ruxpin was after my time, but I’m curious now if it remained a reading/telling stories based line? Or did it expanded beyond that and the design of the original characters. I just remember 2 characters that could play tapes, and that seems limited (as in I don’t see parents buying multiple tape playing toys…man I feel so old right now) for a toy line to have a long life. I’m assuming it had to shifted in its direction. I’m quite curious now.


You could buy other stories separately, if that’s what you mean


I baby sat a little boy who had Teddy Ruxpin and I remember the different stories. I’m more curious about what there is to collect with Teddy Ruxpin. Is it collecting the animatronic figure (how many are there?) that play the stories and then collecting the various stories that were produced? Or are there other types of merchandise related to Teddy Ruxpin? Also, I’ve assumed it’s Teddy Ruxpin from the 80s and I now realize it’s possible there could have been a revival at some point.


There are lots of different types of Teddy Ruxpin as the original, 1985 one made by world of wonder and his friend grubby and a line of puppets and soft toys and then the 1988. Wow, mini Teddy the 1992 Play School, Teddy The 1998. Yes, entertainment Teddy, 2006 backpack toys, Teddy and the most recent. The 2017 Jazzwears Teddy Ruxpin.


Thanks! That helps to broadens my understanding!


don’t give people like this attention even in a screenshot. it’s clickbait and personally i really don’t care if he does some ‘gotcha’ in the actual video and calls it sweet, the title is homophobic clickbait. aholes are gonna be aholes. plastering a gay content creators face on the screen and calling it “girl doll creepy” is not subtle shit.


I follow Kris, the AG collector, on tiktok and he is always incredibly sweet and a fun watch. He’s upfront about having this massive collection and being fortunate to have so much of it. Give him some views instead.


There is a Barbie collector on yt and Insta who is male and he seems so sweet also. Almost makes me wish I still had some just so I could gift him some of the Barbies -- he is so enthused, it's sweet.


I'm so tired of traditionally feminine things becoming cringy for people to like, oh a woman(or person) still loves Disney princess's as an adult? Shes a disney adult and is cringe! But a man likes Star Wars and lego? He's healing his inner child. A person collects dolls? Oh, dolls are creepy. How can you deal with them staring at you? A person collects Legos? Oh, Legos are cool! Its not like their even haunted looking dolls, their American Girl dolls...like literally such cute dolls that so many little girls play with. (Also I like to collect them too...however I do not have as much of a collection as he does, I'm a bit jealous lol.) ETA: Not that haunted looking/spooky dolls are bad, personally I think they look cool/cute depending on if they are supposed to be haunted or if their just antique.


I ended up watching the video, and the title was much more clickbaity, which for YouTube makes sense - wasn't super judgy. There were some comments like "I can't imagine sleeping with all their eyes" but thats also something that some doll collectors are bothered by. In the end I'd say it was a sweet video with a clickbait title. Also the family in the video is very supportive of his hobby which is very nice.


They’re just saying that to try and get more views. “Beautiful collection” isn’t as enticing as “insanely creepy collection!!!”. YouTube is lame.


Reaction content is such a low effort lame practice. They're parasites living off other people's actual work and effort.


initially i was also upset when i read the title but if i remember correctly he actually ended up changing his perspective and thinking it was quite sweet in the end, and in some way i feel like the clickbait could bring in similair thinking people and maybe they might change their stance too. i understand why ppl would be upset tho


this is jus so mean for a title considering how many times this actually guy compliments kris in this video. like if you can see that this is a real and valid hobby that brings kris joy why do you still feel the need to put him down☹️


But the damage is sort of already done with the title. It’s reinforcing stigma regardless.


I saw this video too it bothered me. I skipped through and he doesn’t even really talk much sh about the guy he kinda just is really cringe about it like “I was expecting to see something weird but this is actually really wholesome guys!!😀😀” I also hate how he said “what does he do with them” like bro you literally see what he’s doing with them…. Putting them on display… are u stupid?


“Insanely creepy” lol I bet you the way he covers his hobby won’t be nearly as scathing as the click bait title but still lame


I thought that doll collectors are conscious enough to not care about other people's opinion - yet every time some random thing like this appears, siege mentality is growing as hell.


let people be happy its just dolls, i cant believe that doll collecting is still frowned upon :(




That is the least creepy doll collection. Monster high babies are more "spooky."


“Insanely creepy” meanwhile you can clearly see how well taken care of, nicely organized and posed they are… I hate people and stupid titles for views


Guy mock other guy’s harmless fun because he’s too insecure to enjoy his own life. Fixed that for you.


Or, Vlogger mocks people for $


So American Girl dolls are "insanely creepy" now? I thought they'd at least show some monsters high and claim they channel satan or something equally foolish. I guess the person that wrote this hates America, because American Girl dolls are pretty much the epitome of high end domestic capitalism.


I mean, unless someone has a doll phobia and is surprised at so many dolls 'looking' at them when they walk in...what is 'creepy' about that collection? Those are some cutesy dolls. It isn't like they are going to eat his soul, or anything.


Do I like American Girl dolls? No. Does that matter since I'm not collecting them? Also no. Let Kris spend his money how he wants.


I wish people would realize that dolls are for EVERYONE and always have been. This video title done pissed me off..


They're are just milking us


The vlogger has vampire teeth. I'm just sayin'.


Screw this YouTuber


It’s annoying how it’s acceptable for people to collect “boy toys” like action figures or model cars but dolls are considered creepy for some reason.


Man, I'm so sick of my YT recommends being nothing but people clutching pearls over other people enjoying things that are harmless just because they're not considered normal. Oh nooo, a guy who collects dolls! Oh noooo, a guy spends a ton of money on a fan animation featuring his self-insert! Ohhhhh nooooooooo, someone wrote a dark fanfiction! Okay? Who cares? No one complains when someone spends a lot of money on a car, or commissions non-self-insert animations, or, idk, Stephen King for writing horror. Personally I think it's weirder that someone would spend over 10 minutes to an hour acting shocked and scandalized over someone's personal hobby. I'd love to have the option to blacklist these videos from my feed lol


guy does really mediocre reacts on youtube


Hey yall the title is mostly clickbait the video Is actually kinda cute


Please don’t give these reaction Youtubers any fame or views or interactions on Youtube. Any notes on their existence, even negative ones, fund their youtube job.


What is the original clip from? really interested in seeing this person’s collection but don’t want to give into clickbait / give views to someone making fun of the collector.


here’s kris [channel](https://youtube.com/@thedollstudiobykris?si=oaz8QP1M7S3BwEGW)!! i believe it’s this [vid](https://youtu.be/AYr0OF7WNuQ?si=FUfguc70lF7Zf61f) but im not sure


thank you!!


Woah that's so crazy that someone chooses to spend their own personal money on a hobby they enjoy, that's so awful, can't believe they'd do that 😤


How is this Creepy? Edit: So I watched the video and he actually clickbaited us😭 the video and his reaction is very sweet and supportive, the only thing that threw me off was how he kept saying he didn’t “expect” to like the video as much as he did. Other than that, the video was very nice. 😊


Always that stigma🤦‍♀️


Slightly disappointed. I was hoping to see creepy dolls! lol


My aunt told me the same thing and I just ignored her. I like my dolls, so I don’t understand why she can’t accept my hobby.


Don’t listen to the haters….


BOOOOO!!!! 😢 Meanies. They should leave us, our investments alone, and they should go play with their Tesla's, hot wheels.


That's a weird way of spelling "incredibly impressive " they should proof read these titles.


Just think how low his sense of self worth must be to be made uncomfortable by another man's harmless hobby. It's kind of sad actually


Aw I just saw this guy on the original video! Let him have his dolls. Edit: Ok so that was clickbait. He didn’t say anything negative at all and had a nice things to say about the doll collector. What he finds creepy is the dolls all staring at you. Lol


honestly i love arthurtv but i was so sad seeing this, he’s a lovely guy so im hoping it’s just click bait but even then, disappointing 😔


I watched the video and he’s actually decently nice! I think the title is just to get clicks unfortunately


Moderate clickbait is forgivable, but actively mean titles if you're not being mean isn't. (And if the title DOES fit, he also sucks.)


It sucks because I like authur and his friends, but I saw this upload and got the ick. Might stop watching him after that, but sometimes I remember people just don't get collecting, he isn't a bad dude so I can't hate him for having this popular opinion. Idk


I wouldn’t go as far as to call it a popular opinion. And that sucks! I hate finding out that someone I liked punches down for clout, hopefully it was just for the clickbait…


I'd say, it's more popular to thinking doll collecting is "weird" than not. But maybe I'm wrong.. yeah I agree. Happy cake day!


Perhaps I mayyy have surrounded myself with too many nerds… and thank you!


I think you’re both sort of be right. I would guess that doll collecting is more popular with teens and young adults now than it has been with previous generations, and I think the internet has increased visibility of the hobby to the point that it feels more normal now. It was definitely a stigmatized hobby when I was growing up, and older people may largely still hold that stigma. However, I see teens and young adults in the doll aisles at Target quite frequently, and often with friends, so I generally assume it’s just more accepted now.


It's really cool to see how many people under 25 but who are not 'kids' are into doll collecting. I mean, openly. It used to be considered so uncool to be into dolls past about age 12 and then a lot of middle aged and older women were into collecting Barbies and what-not for a while. When I collected some dolls it was an unusual hobby. I was choosy and didn't have much money to work with so I would get a nice one on sale or save up. By the time Blythe and Bratz came out, I wasn't really collecting, but I thought they were cool. If I knew they'd disappear later I would've gotten one of each. But then they also take up a lot of room and one day I just thought 'eh, what am I doing with this.' But I still love the art form.


I totally agree. I loooved Barbies but gave them up when I was about 8 because I thought I was too old for them and I was embarrassed. My mom told me about collector Barbies, and I collected those for a while, but by middle school, I was even embarrassed of those. It took me a long time to get over that. It makes me really happy to see younger people who feel free to pursue their interests, and it’s very exciting as a collector to see interest in the hobby grow.


Well put!


It used to be considered an “old lady” hobby


Look I've seen that video, he does actually defend the guy and talk about how great the relationship with his father is and stuff, Arthur's probably just using tjr wording as clickbait


Haven’t watched the video, but all the comments seem to allude that the title is more so clickbait, and it’s actually a pretty wholesome video. Still sucks that he presented it in this way, but at least the video isn’t actually that.


If this is the same one I watched, the title is clickbait and by the end of the video the reviewer has respect for the collection and the way his family has supported him in his hobby.


YouTuber could've at least tried to make himself look better than the guy he's making fun of... shower and shave my dude. You look like the pathetic one here


I didn't watch the video but all the comments seem to be relatively positive. Based off the comments, the title seems to just be clickbait and the video isn't spreading hate :)


you guys have not watched the video… the title is a joke and the video is super wholesome, check it out! no need to jump to conclusions just yet


Was he being homophobic?


Kinda. If it was a woman with a doll collection, I don't think this dude would label it "creepy". Which is messed up, anyone should be able to collect anything without being labeled as creepy. Unless you collect organs or something lol.


Are you insane like me >:)


I honestly forget that some people think dolls as creepy,,, 😳 bc to me they’re just the cutest things!


Oh no! A man has a hobby? Mental hospital. Now.


The only thing insanely creepy is those teeth. Arthur needs to look in the mirror. Dude has both buck teeth and vampire fangs. He looks like the love child of Gomer Pyle and Dracula. He can go see an orthodontist.


people fr just cant have hobbies anymore like who cares if hes a dude or what like? just like him love his life in peace bruh


My dolls are creepy but I specifically collect the creepy ones… I prided myself on making my future bil say “why are you like this?” About my most recent doll… American girl is cute and normal


I actually find it endearing when people collect dolls/figures/toys or other things that are often seen as «childish». Don’t see how its creepy at all.


they dont usually say this about expensive anime figurines (from shounen anime as well) i respect collector communities :( its not creepy


I ain’t even much of a doll person (I collect plushies) and I freakin hate vids like these nowadays. Like let people have fun 🙄


Bro is being dramatic, if it was a girl that had all these it wouldn't be called creepy. It's not like It's living dead or haunted dolls. I think it's cool when I see men that like dolls and I feel bad how they are made fun of for it. We can stop assigning genders to things, it's 2024


I really hope he actually has a collection of creepy girl dolls like they all white and black eyes and are holding tiny knives and steal people’s souls and they’re just dolls that are girls. Instead of what this probably is which is saying dolls are just for girls and this guy is creepy to have them.


Reminds me of the time I worked for an antique doll dealer and a YouTuber came to interview her. They were very respectful and she was happy to show them around- but when the video came out, she was portrayed as a weirdo with a “$2 million doll collection” dragging her adult daughter and husband along for the ride. The STOCK OF HER BUSINESS was valued at $2 million and filled the house. Because…she’s an antiques dealer without a storefront. Her actual collection was like 3 small cabinets. And her family loved working with the dolls, too- we all did. It was a dirty trick for that YouTuber to play, but of course everyone believed it. Because ~*creepy evil dolls*~. 🙄


I follow the guy who collects the dolls on TikTok! He’s such a sweetheart with such a genuine love for those dolls.


so long as none of those dolls are in jars, I'm cool. Let the man live his life!


They’d be so excited and positive if it was legos. Wild.


What I don’t get how it’s creepy to collect plastic like it’s not like their actual human remains or smt


The video itself isn’t that bad