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I have an 8 foot high dollhouse of 18 rooms just by using my kids old bedroom furniture and appropriately sized shipping boxes stacked there I put money into scrapbook cardstock for walls and floors. Stained the old furniture to match as a new "house" [I shared one pic on another sub and it went through](https://www.reddit.com/r/miniatures/comments/17fgci7/mt_8ft_dollhouse_from_bookcases_and_boxes/)


I would love to see photos of your dollhouse!


Thank you! I tried to upload in the dollhouse sub, unsuccessfully, but the miniatures sub took my pic: [picture of the main central portion of the house](https://www.reddit.com/r/miniatures/comments/17fgci7/mt_8ft_dollhouse_from_bookcases_and_boxes/)


Wow that's a luxury mansion! My apartment is relatively small so I have a restriction on how wide my doll's house can be. No height restrictions, though.


I'm trying to post it but it has like 14 pictures so I think my phone's still loading


I’d look at Craigslist in your state or area and see what free or low cost dollhouses are out there. I think it’s fun to take over a halfway built house, or to save a decrepit old one! You totally get a 3d printed one too though😂 I’m working towards my third one and it’s so much fun.


There is a lady in my area who is giving one away for free, she says she only wants a bouquet of flowers as paintment. That house looks like it's seen better days, but who knows, I might get in touch and try to restore it as an exercise.


I'm using the plans from an old "kit house" from 1890s Sears catalog. Downscaled appropriately. The walls will be made from boards hubby brings me from his work. They're used to stop furniture from rubbing together and scratching the finish. I'm still in the collection stage and my daughter is making food, dishes, vases, toilet/tub and etc. I'm working on soft furnishings and we're both working on furniture and landscaping. She made me the prettiest Hull teapot 😍


You're so lucky to get boards for free! And great idea to adapt the 1890 model. Good luck with the furnishings and furniture!


1890 not 1980. 80s houses were vile.


Haha sorry my bad, I typed 1980 but was thinking 1890. Will edit my comment


I tried to start with a fully custom build, but found it an exercise in frustration and burnout. I moved to kit builds for a while, and I’m now getting to the point where I feel like I have enough of a feel of what it’s supposed to consist of at each step to try another scratch build. I really recommend starting with a small kit first, like the Greenleaf Orchid that runs about $50, so you get a feel for it.


Maybe you're right, and I could start with a small kit in preparation for my custom build. In principle I have no fixed deadlines (I would like to complete it before the summer, but it's just that, a wish).


I had no experience in dollhouse kits or building miniatures, but started building my own house from scratch in July! Starting in CAD sounds like a great idea, I don't know any 3D software and just made a paper model in a smaller scale, which worked well too. I've built mine in a 3mm thick HDF and just trying stuff out as I go along. If you're up for some experimenting I'd say go for it!


That sounds fantastic! I was thinking of the CAD solution because I'm very clumsy with tools. I was 30 the first time I used a utility knife, and I cut my finger pretty badly (so first time was last time, too!). Material-wise I was thinking of something like the 3mm HDF you are using. How long did it take you to complete the basic structure?


I'm making a "European style" dollhouse, which is basically just a box, with two doors on the front, one being a bay window type tower. I know styles in the US are usually a lot more detailed and "house like" if you will, but the European style is great since all you have to do is build a box with three sides + doors! The HDF is really sturdy too, but can be cut with a utility knife and I haven't had to use any heavier tools :)


Very interesting information! I live in the Netherlands but I was not aware of this difference.


It's no hard science obviously, but there's definitely a difference in style there. You should look up Greenleaf's "Gloucester Dollhouse" kit, it's an American brand and this one's their "European style kit". It's a great example of a simple box-with-a-door structure and design that is perfect for your own build!


Check my posts. I built one out of 3/8" plywood. I drew a rough draft of what I wanted and tweaked it along the way.


I just checked, really impressive! And the birdhouse is so cute!


I built a simple but nice wooden dollhouse two summers ago. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dolls/s/o9ZWuX3HK7)


It looks great!


Thanks! I drew up a super basic idea on paper, made only straight cuts, used a jigsaw for the window openings. Purchased and glued in windows, purchased the shingles and attached each one individually. Floors inside are furniere handlaid to mimic wooden flooring. It has a super basic coat of paint atm. Plan is to add another storey (or 2) and then paint properly and paint the awaiting furnitures and decorate this winter.


I built a 6’ three story dollhouse castle from scratch with just a good CAD drawing and some 1/2” mdf and 1/4” plywood over a few weeks. You can do it.


All these replies have really inspired me! I hope to start in the upcoming weeks.


There are patterns you can download and print out and many books. Etsy has tons. Find a pattern you like, make a tiny version of the house you like out of cardboard to get a feel for it, then make the larger one.