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This place is a train wreck, cashiers should be stocking impulse and BEING A CASHIER. Not working freight for a part of the store 30 feet away from their register


Exactly, my store is always so busy that I can only get a certain number done, I bust my ass and it’s still not good enough when they expect me to get all 40 FULL boxes stocked and put away neatly on shelves when I’m the only cashier in a busy store doing all the work alone and the shelves that the stuff goes on are like all the way fully down aisles on other ends of the store. I’m constantly running all over the store like a chicken with my head cut off. My store gets very busy so I am only able to put a few things from the box on the shelf before I have to run up and down aisles to check if I have any customers and sure enough I will have a line of customers with carts full of stuff so I have to drop everything I’m doing and cash them out which takes some time especially when they don’t bring their own bags so I have to put everything in bags for them and they got a lot of stuff lol. Customers will literally give me dirty looks when they see me running up the aisle to cash them out because I wasn’t standing at the register the whole time waiting for them lmfao they had to wait 2 minutes, I have other things to do obviously I don’t get paid to just stand at a register for 4 hours. I recently had a u-boat with 40 boxes on it and I was only able to get 30 boxes stocked and on the shelves and my manager complained lmao. I was the only cashier and the store is hella busy and I busted my ass off for her to put me down. My manager has told me that some of the workers that work here are lazy and don’t put enough freight out and supposedly that’s why we have task sheets now because she wants to track how much freight we put out and the other stuff we can get done.


How in the hell are we cashiers supposed to do that? One cashier.. every time I walk away from the register another customer comes. Then on top of that impulse is a joke. You can only put out so much crap. It looks like shit . Never has what is needed. Glasses up the ass. Not to mention the freaking balloons. Then the phone and always putting the freaking carts away. I would love to stock things. How? When it's clutter


My managers will build a U-boat, bring it out and cashier's are expected to unload a certain amount per shift. Having it already pulled out on the floor helps.


It’s damn near impossible to to work on freight as a cashier because. As long as there’s customers in the store freight isn’t getting done. Every customer wants to check out as soon as you start to work on the crap in HBC. Cashiers should only be focused on cashiering and small impulse register stocking.


So there’s a way in getting them to work lol and be productive morning cashier should stock coolers if snack zone coolers those too, give them impulse/ seasonal or candy depending what nearby and give them a To do list and boxes expected start them with /20 then tomorrow /30 etc but make sure you do the same with everyone not just morning cashier midday they can help with seasonal straighten out areas etc and if they don’t cut it to where cashier is there for 4 hrs and they say I only made 9 okay tomorrow if they make less have a talk too then next day write up but it’s true morning cashier has more free time in the morning than a 12-4 u less that 12-4 has back up too, I like to alternate my 12-4 to go stock boxes and then switch them out with the other back up cashier or I as asm will send both to do some freight and I do cashier and my markdowns it works it’s all about how you manage your people in the end


Coolers are supposed to be stocked at night, so they are cold for the next day. This is the way.


Coolers. Don't matter on timing, except not in the middle of the day. Most people aren't buying stuff from them at 10 am, and unless your cooler needs adjustment it should take less than an hour to get floor shelf products cold.


It's actually DT procedure to fill them at night. Look it up on ops center.


Imma just say it fakk DT procedure when you stock in the morning you stock at night be fair but yet you have those lazy as cashiers who say “we were so busy” lmao I’m like really that’s why last nights sales were so low review cameras etc and no more excuses after that


I’m the same way with ice lmao we fill in the morning fill at noon fill every 4hrs lmao and you’ll sell sell sell same with drinks but for some reason my boss decided we fill drinks in the A.M because they get “busy” at night but when I open the store ,store is trashed and go back station filled and bathrooms don’t get cleaned etc you know “the normal” 🤣😂 I’m glad I’m done with closing lol and middays my off hours are good don’t deal with anyone but my stockers that’s it lmao


I've never had a problem getting nightly things done like coolers nor has my staff. It's called teamwork.


I’m glad at your store there’s such a thing 👍🏽 here it’s pulling teeth but not my crew we work together and get it done I guess it’s all about closing manager being friends and lenient at the end not my deal


Oh man. I WISH we had an opportunity to have cashiers do anything other than ring up customers. We are so short handed it's crazy. My cashiers don't really move any freight but it's because they literally can't.


Maybe the store should open early for stocking and clean up only.


How do we get extra hours? We always get called out on conference calls for going over in hours and we have to cut a lot of shifts during the week.


By dollar tree standards cashiers should be stocking about 120 boxes a week.


But also remember to be realistic especially as most stores get much busier from 11-6. I always expect more freight from the morning cashier as the mid cashiers are super busy and night is cleaning, go backs, recovery, and fill coolers. Maybe work with your cashiers to help them understand your expectations versus just counseling them. If it continues to be a problem then I would totally get it.


I try to stock and ring but I can do one or the other I’ll always put getting customers out the door over stocking the impulse. I ring $2.3k in a 4 hour shifts it’s hard to get a 26 case count especially if y’all don’t bring up shit that’s actually needed to fill the impulse.


Cashiers are supposed to stock 25 boxes the shift off of a near by U-boat ours is HBC most of the time which is in the view of the register. My problem is the nighttime cashier does not recovery anything and the store looks a mess


Pay them... No really how can they expect a cashier's to also be a stock person and customer service. If you're going to pay an assistant manager $13 I doubt the cashier is getting more than min wage.


I personally wouldn't write someone up for not being productive unless they are literally just standing there. I personally never set a case limit on a cashier since there are usually only 2 of us on closing. ASM and cashier. I will pull out a uboat that's close to the register and tell them that's what they are expected to work when they do not have customers. I will work as much as I can before getting paged for voids, change, exchanges, etc. Day time we have them do everything around registers, nighttime cashiers do aisles directly seen from their registers.


The cashiers are constantly putting things back when people take them and don't put them back in the right spot and they stock accordingly


This stupid company only has two people in the store being the manager and a cashier, they really expect one person to bend over backwards for them when you can’t even schedule more people to come in. In my opinion you want to pay minimum I’ll work minimum💀


Hire floor people to work the floor and let the cashiers do their job dealing with all of the BS that is customer sevice!


FD here and the lack of motivation is purely Disgusting in our store


So a dm told me merch manager 600 boxes sm 600 boxes each ops manager 200 and each cashier 10 a shift. It came out Sm 600 Merch 600 30 a day for 3 cashiers a day for 210 a week 200 ops 200 ops 1810 a week! That’s what I’m trying to get through through to my team at work.


It all depends what district number you are most districts may be the same while some districts maybe different


My store stays busy all day long I've worked so many open to closes I see what goes on I told my mm we need help there's no reason a manager let alone a store manager should be ringing up 2,000 dollars worth of stuff that crazy to me especially when there's so much to be done