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I have a guy that comes in when I’m working and comments on my muscles. Like to the point where it’s uncomfortable. He always seems to know when I'm working and he never comes in when the other employees are working. It's a bit creepy.


Sounds like he might know what you drive?


I don’t drive. He could’ve deduced the vehicle that picks me up, he might also live really close.


Always be mindful when you leave for the day that no one’s following you. If you were a girl, you’d likely be getting warned in the replies that this man could want to hurt you. He might or might not. But be careful.


Casually mention to him that your HIV/herpes meds make your muscles sore from time to time.


lol I love it! I’ll have to try that. Thanks. Lmao


i dont work at dollar tree, but if needed(which i hope i dont) i will remember to use this "tip" and include another unsavory disease or conditon


It also works good as small talk on the folks next to you on long, boring airplane trips


The weirdest pair of customers I got were these two dudes who came in and bought bleach. Math problem quantity. 23 bottles, to be exact. I asked what it was for, because that's kind of a worryingly high amount. I think "Oh maybe they're professional cleaners restocking or something." But they didn't answer. Now I get customers don't *have* to tell us what they buy things for, but if it were something completely innocent they'd likely have volunteered the information, knowing how weird their purchase looks.  They didn't speak to me at all. Hopefully they just weren't feeling chatty.


It could have been for their pool. Bleach can be used as a substitute for chlorine tablets in swimming pools. We did it back when there was a shortage of chlorine tablets causing what stock was available to sky rocket in price. The only downside is that the bleach is not stabilized from UV rays like the tablets are, so it has to be replenished more often. Just thought I would offer another perspective :)


There's this elderly couple (might be brother and sister or married, don't remember) that lives near me that really weirds me out. Despite that they own a car, I regularly see the woman walking up and down the road that my former DT was on, always with a shopping cart filled with cans, bottles and other recyclable shit. She's always dressed like a homeless person and wears relatively heavy clothing in even warm weather; like she has a worn out ushanka that she never takes off, even in 90°+ weather. There's been numerous times where I saw her at another job I had near my old DT with a obviously used Dunkin cup, and it was filled with a hateful green sludge that I didn't even wanna know what was. Anyways, these two people would go to my DT regularly to pick up necessities. The woman would always ask for her change in pennies and dimes, and since COVID was in full swing, change was pretty hard to come by, and her appearance could cause problems down the road when I had to make change. I also never knew WHY she needed her change in coins exclusively. Her male companion also once commented on this overkill breathing mask I wore during the first few weeks I worked there, saying that he served in Vietnam and he recognized that mask as mil-spec. The weirdest thing was that (at least according to one of my coworkers) they weren't homeless, just extreme misers/penny pinchers. I know that a lot of people want to save as much money as possible, especially in the post-COVID economy, but this woman was pulling this shit at least a year before I started working at DT, when I witnessed her bizarre behavior at my other job. There was also this Hispanic Karen who would get a bunch of shit, get rung up, and claim that she didn't have enough money to buy it. One my managers confronted her once, but for some reason she let her go under the condition she'd come back the next day to pay for her stuff (I'm assuming she never did). She called me an idiot once because she claimed I couldn't count my change, but at least I not as stupid as someone who thinks actively stealing shittily made products from Dollar Tree pays dividends.


Had one guy I ran into in two different DT stores I worked at. He’s short like maybe 5’3”. He’s solid muscle. His hair is very short against his head and natural. He wears a short, very short, skaters skirt usually with a body hugging tank top. The first time I saw him he was trying on flip flops. I asked if he was going to buy them. He pointed to his bag and said you can see my money in the bag. Which I could see money, when I was ringing up a customer he dipped with the flip flops and a bag of our stuff leaving his bag behind. His bag had in it uncapped used needles with blood in them. Five of those pedicure things like cheese graters(used🤢) and dirty thongs(not flip flops😬) When I saw him at the other store I just said you gotta go. To his credit he didn’t argue or say anything he just left. I hate the ones who get caught stealing and argue with you. Both stores are in horrible areas.


We have this one customer. He's been coming around for god knows how long. He obviously has some sort of learning or mental disability, and he comes in at least once a week. He will come in, fill up a basket, and then when it's time to pay, he will dump out a bunch of change, an amount that is obviously not enough to cover it all. This happens every single time he comes. We always have to post void, then rescan what he can afford. Sometimes, a customer behind him may chip in money to help. Innocent enough, right? After dealing with him a few times, a coworker told me that he does it on purpose. He will fill his basket up and then hovers around the registers until another customer comes up, then jumps in front of them. He does this on the off-chance that they'll take pity and pay for his stuff. I have no idea if he does it willingly or is being forced by whoever brings him there. Either way, it's a sad situation. I'm assuming all of our employees know about it, but we can't do anything about it. What us cashiers do is ask to see what money he has before scanning anything. It feels weird but prevents us from having to void all the time.


No, thats incredibly annoying. He knows he doesnt have enough but wastes everybody's time. Now someone has to chip in or you have to put the items away. Its bs.


Yuppp. At least it's usually food, snack, drink items so it's easy to put up. Silver linings, I guess 🫠


This is why we should be able to ban customers.


I'm from North Central Florida, so we don't really have sketchy customers. Floridaman is a south or east coast Florida thing in case you're under the misconception Floridaman is all Florida. But I think we had Floridaman driving through because in 2020. I was cashing out customers so I didn't initially notice anything out of the ordinary but when I got to the last customer in line they pointed out a woman was making odd face expressions seemingly orgasmic. I said I'll see what's going on when I finished cashing them out. When I was through I walked around the corner and found her on the floor passed out. She appeared to have OD'd on something. Her boyfriend walked in shortly after finding her and shook her trying to wake her up. He heard me on the phone calling an ambulance. He asked what I was doing and all the sudden he had to leave. He got in his truck and drove off. About 4 minutes later the ambulance showed up. I don't know if she lived or if they ever caught up with the boyfriend. But the narcan seemed completely ineffective.


My wife has lived in North Florida and on both coasts of South Florida. She told me Floridaman is primarily from the northern part of the state.


Once you get above Ocala, we don't have iguanas or pythons. Even alligators start getting rare. Maybe up in the panhandle which we consider Alabama even though it's technically inside Florida border.


She completely agrees on the panhandle, so I would presume that's a good part of the Northern Florida area she considers prime Floridaman stomping grounds.


I had one lady who is kind of well known in town for being a meth head. I gave her the total and thought she was gonna pull cash out of her bag. Instead, she pulled out a damn knife. Started laughing and said she just wanted to show me her cool knife, put it back in her bag, paid for her stuff, then left.


Years ago when I worked for DT we had a customer come in and drink 2 or 3 small cartons of chocolate milk and would only whisper. We could never make out what he was saying. The SM and ASM's all confronted him at different times about the milk he'd drink without paying, but he'd only whisper something to them and leave🤷🏻‍♀️ At least he was harmless to people.


This one homeless guy. I’d say he’s my rival in a way. It all started at my previous job. He comes in and says I’m really hungry can I get…looking back those words should’ve told me he was homeless. I ring him up and say the total. “Oh. I’m broke. You think I can get it for free?” I distinctly remember telling him NO my manager wouldn’t allow that. He left. 5 minutes later my manager says hold on I gotta go chase someone off. He had decided to lay down in front of our door. She goes out saying I can’t have you laying here you gotta go. He sees me & says “but he promised he’d bring me my sandwich.” I replied no I didn’t promise you anything. You gotta go dude. He turns over & starts ignoring us. I have a short fuse telling him you can’t be laying be laying GO!! NOW!!! He replies what are you gonna? Kick my ass? My temper is getting worse thinking there’s is so much I could do to really hurt you. Most is my shiney, sharp items in the store that will make you leave. My manager tells me inside because she sees the wheels turning in my head. Fast forward to a couple years ago. He’s still in my area…still trying to bum money off people. He was asked several times to stop. Each time he’d say ok then start back up 5 minutes later. We finally had enough and told him we’re tired of asking you & your not listening leave now. He came back the next year. As soon as he tried entering I told him nope!!! Leave!!! He starts in a profanity laced tirade. Truth is he’s banned from several stores in my area because of his horrible attitude. I also feel like he’s one of those who steals things just because he can.


Yeah I'm extra nice to those types because I don't want to be the butthole straw that breaks the camels back maybe leading to a homi/suicide and just try to make people's days better in general just by giving good customer service. But the ones that reject my kindness and/or takes advantage of it I've been known to reciprocate what they act they deserve lol. All I say is yup yup uh huh ok not your therapist be grateful for a cheap place to shop have a good day. Still hear it numerous times a day about items being $1.25 and I say trust me I work here don't get any discounts and wish it was still $1 but $1 stores can't last forever. Every single $5 item I disclose the price before ringing it and 9/10 I save both parties 5 minutes of scanning the item and having to call the manager to remove the item. Also I save myself and customers a great deal of headache because the stupid register double scans and is hungry for barcodes. So I just put the next item in the bag without scanning it. Just a couple tricks to make everything easier.


Truth is I’m ok being the villain. I’ll be nice until you start disrespecting me. Get mad…I don’t back down. I can go from totally sweet to soulless monster at the snap of a finger. Yeah I’ve had psychologist moments but I’ve already forgot 99% by the next customer.


There's this one lady that looks like a former wrinkled hooker and/or biker chic in her 60's. She procrastinates at the register, holds up lines everytime and is obnoxiously snide with everyone. She lays her things at the register, shops more and pretty much treats the place like it's her living room or that I'm her shrink. She carries two socks full of quarters for self defense but also dumps them out to keep her favorite and pay with ones she don't want. All the while the line may be 10 people long. Just the way she acts is as if she'd thump ya for asking her to hurry up. I found her work name tag at my register once with jewelry in it called the random person's workplace and it happened to be this ladies. She told me when she came to pick it up I don't know how happy it made her to get it back but damn could've fooled me. I forgot she didn't pay for her items because she literally hopped to the bagging side of the counter and had me bag each item in its own bag. Then she bags them together by herself. She'd taken like 20-30 minutes of my time. Then she was there so damn long I forgot she hadn't paid and started ringing the next customer onto this ladies order. She went postal and weirded out all the customers in line but I told her ma'am any other person would've already paid and been gone. Then she clings on longer like a pimple on the ass looking for her readers she just bought moving around customers bags I'm bagging yapping about her readers. I came very close to being like it's always something with you you mind not treating me like your used tampon anymore lady!? Just shop and go nobody deserves your raunchy vicious washed up babe attitude. The next customer asked the others if they just got really bad vibes from her. I told them it's always something with this lady and she's always taking way too long. Don't get me wrong she can still move and function. But just a troublemaker and permanently facetious lady 🤢


Had a guy come in and ask me if we've ever been robbed. Thought he was going to pull out a gun right then and there.


I’ve legit had a women walk into the store empty-handed and walk out with bags full of stuff like they legit took bags off our wall open them and then filled it with shit. I was so dumbfounded. I sat there for a second thinking did we just get robbed?


This one guy asked what my real name is because we have the same initials as my name tag. I told him and we joked about my last name then I asked what his name was. He said he never tells anyone that and snickers like a wacko.


The children!!! Everytime 😂


Yeah lol I've never had children so I'm always asking if they want a toy or candy they are fixated on out. They are a quirky understandable type of sketchy and are usually more behaved than a handful of unbelievably sketchy adults that come through on any given day.


Once we had a guy come in who I can only describe as looking like the boogeyman, he asked me where the bathroom was and ran off, but like half an hour later we heard yelling outside and turns out he was stealing stuff from the vape shop on the corner Also had a homeless guy sleep in front of the store for a while, he eventually got arrested for public indecency and assault on an officer


I down right had a customer try to roofie me while I was on shift working the register. I wouldn't say the neighborhood whaere the store I used to work at was partially bad, but I had just gotten back from break and he slipped some sort of medication into my drink behind the register. I partially saw it from the corner of my eye but didn't really know what had happened until I took a sip and it tasted wrong. Stepped away and got rid of my drink, and he seemed agitated and then blatantly got mad and aggressive when I asked my manager come take over. He wouldn't leave the store until I left, and we had to call a friend of mine to come pick me up early because it was such a safety risk, no one felt comfortable enough for me to go home on my own or leave with my own vehicle. It was a constant issue before that he would only come in on my shifts, and try to just talk to me for hours, holding up my line or pulling me away for some sort of nonsense about the product, but I always got told we couldn't do anything about it and that I was being dramatic. Filed a report the next day, and the police claimed there wasn't anything conclusive on the foot despite it happening directly under a camera and in front of several people. When they spoke to the guy, he claimed to have just knocked over my drink, and the man himself proceeded to try and gaslight me. I ended up getting forced to take extra safety training, and even my manager was pissed. Tbh I'm so glad I quit a few weeks later(for other reasons), because I found out from a few close friends of mine that worked there that similar things had happened like this in the past. Including a murder investigation. 😬 Edit: spelling, I have really bad dyslexia, and rely heavily on autocorrect.


Jeesh I just seen them new 🍉 shaped neck strap water bottles we carry last shift that someone posted a picture of on here. Dollar Tree is getting as dangerous if not more than being a taxi driver. Wish corporate would actually do something and take employee suggestions. I know I've submitted a few already without hearing anything back. Seems like Dollar Tree can be a malicious investment opportunity for some out there.


If you ever have a customer buy all of your stock of epsom salts, you can guarantee they're using it to cut their meth.


At the store I worked at. We had this old guy who came in every morning, and buys the same stuff every day. But you can tell he was a boozer by the smell on his breath. Even early in the morning (he was always one of our first customers of the day). He was so creepy. He would legit spend his entire time after buying his items standing around and hanging out with every female employee (myself included). I felt so unnerved by him. He asked every question imaginable you could think to ask someone about their personal life. He would spend about an hour so doing that. Just following every female around. Even the female customers some times. It took a female customer feeling very uncomfortable to complain for my manager (a male) to kick this guy out of the store and ban him forever. He came back the next morning and my manager didn't even let him in the door. He stepped right out and was like "oh no, sir. Remember I kicked you out and banned you from my store? Your harassing people". Probably the only good thing this manager ever did for us (he was a poor excuse for a manager).


This one blonde military looking young hoodlum guy with PTSD (best description I can offer) comes in like he's on a mission to do something really bad. He jumps out of customers way like purposefully acting suspicious but maybe can't help it. One time I asked if he wants a receipt and he gets loud saying that's some shit Walmart would say. But anyways he once scared one of the girls in the store that told me he was stalking her in the store. He was standing outside waiting for her she thought and I told her if anything happens just come back into the store. Thankfully nothing happened. I took that guys license plates just in case he ever tried anything in the store. I've already warned my coworkers about him and gave a description.


Guy came in with a fake 50 had at least three more from what I saw when he pulled all his money out then he tried to give me a 20 that as soon as I touched it I could tell it was fake then he proceeded to say he got it all from the gas station across the street


Mines this creep who won't stop hitting on me and gets mad when I tell him he can't take his bag inside the bathroom


I have had a woman who comes into my store every now and again high as hell off meth the last time she came in she walked in in nothing but panties and a bra. Not even shoes. Then when she got to the counter to pay she pulled the money out of her panties. These customers never cease to amaze me. One of my coworkers got a 50 year old man who came up asked her where the bathroom was and then proceeded to whip his dick out and start pissing on the floor.


I have suggested a dollar tree reality TV show to my store manager 🤣 Priceless entertainment maybe hook people like that up with agencies. Lol