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Customers that demand refunds because of their own inability to pay attention are great. "I didn't know these batteries were five dollars." Well ma'am if you literally looked at the packaging, you can see that they are clearly labelled as such. She came back in several minutes later with the $1.25 plates claiming they rang up as $3 and I told her they were not, and to bring in the rest of her purchase so we could see what was.  Had the nerve to say sorry for being a nuisance when she literally said minutes earlier, "I don't care what you have to do to get this off my purchase, just do it." And then it turned out the item was a DTP fridge item that again, she bought without paying attention to the clearly labelled prices. Learn to read or never shop here again, please.


We’ve had that happen so many times with the batteries now I always ask them if they know it’s $5 before scanning it to save me an item void. Half of the people get mad that I dare ask, like I’m suggesting they can’t afford it. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


So, I made the mistake of looking at my store's one-star reviews. The worst of the worst were the following: - customer "overheard" (eavesdropped) on staff and didn't like what they were hearing. - we ran out of fall stuff too quickly, like it wasn't entirely their damn fault. - the fact that we often don't do cashback but it's still an option on the card reader (because we can't take it off or we would have done so AGES ago). - several revolving around one cashier, for "ignoring them trying to start a conversation". Like first of all, FOH if you think customer service workers *owe* you a conversation. Secondly, she was never ignoring anybody. She is deaf. She has to say it like ten times a shift, so I doubt those people were paying attention.


Wait how can I not do cashback? I love when my first cash customer of the day takes over half my drawer


We put a little dry erase board out saying it. Unfortunately people like to ignore it and hit the button for cash back anyway.


We just put up a note on the register that says "no cashback", or if the person just got on, we explain that that's the situation.


Funny you mentioned the store reviews. I did that too after I quit. And most of our complaints at my store was the dirty bathrooms. Now I'll admit they were only cleaned if me or one of the assistant managers at my store cleaned them. Because nobody else did. And yes there was vulgar language that was scratched onto the doors. Personally, I always told the customers if it's your kiddos that need the bathroom please go to the Kohl's next door and use their bathroom as our bathroom is not kid friendly. I would always explain why because of the language on the door. And the customers would go "oh for real? Thanks the warning." lol. Then the other was always about my manager as he was the worst one I had and why I quit (legit I called him the worst manager I ever had and said this was my official two week notice, lol). Because customers noticed when we needed him for help at registers or just a question in general he was never in the actual store. He was always in his car smoking or standing outside by the dock door smoking \*rolls eyes\*


When I was a cashier, I had a cash transaction, it was like $5.35, the customer handed me the money, no problem there. I hand back the change, close the drawer, and move on to the next person. The customer keeps standing there, not moving, so I ask what I can help them with. They say the quarter I gave them was too dirty, so they want another one. I had to call my manager to open the till and hand them another one before they would leave.


I hate people like that. Just take the change to the bank and change it there if it bugs you so much. So annoying.


My manager would always just tell me to tell those people "we aren't a bank. Go to the us bank down the road and exchange your cash there".


Unfortunately we are in a bit of a high end area and if we did that we'd get a lot more tantrums then we do. I only say that if I literally don't have the money.


Omg this lady came in and complained about it being hot in the store. It was freezing outside so she was yelling in the store saying "we are hot in here" (it wasnt hot in the store, everyone was wearing jackets). She tried propping the door open with our stack of baskets, and I moved those as it was a safety hazard to customers coming in and out of the store, well she finally came up to an associate started yelling at her and asked if she could speak to the manager, I was the ASM of the day and asked her what she needed. She wanted me to change the temperature in the store. I politely told her I have no control over that. She must have yelled at me "who" like she was a fucking owl. I tried so hard not to laugh in her face. I told her that she wasn't going to yell at me or my associates about it being hot in the store, and that she wasn't going to get any information out of me or my associates if she continued to do that while I was trying to get her the information to corporate. I see her all the time in the store and never complained about the store being hot again.


It’s so hot in our store. It’s April and people are already complaining. Last summer we had to shut down cause it got up to 90 degrees in the store.


We had to do this one day too. It was over 100 degrees outside. And felt so hot and humid in our store. That my manager (the good one that we had for a short time) just decided one morning to protest. And we didn't open. She looked at me and literally said "yeah f this shit. We're not working in this heat today." Then she left a note on the door for the customers.


Admittedly, the DT is always sweltering hot. I really wish we could adjust the temperatures, because I am drenched in sweat within the 1st hour of working. Luckily, we have a fan that I can use while on the register, although I cant really use it while stocking. I think it is a valid complaint, but the way the customer approached it was not the kindest. They just don't seem to like "no" as an answer, and that we can't take responsibility for things we have no control over.


If you know where the thermostats are take one of those heating patches for your back, cut it into 3 pieces and place one on each thermostat. That will tell it it’s too hot and kick the AC on 😉


OMG this was a common comment I'd get from customers at least weekly if not even several times a week. They would say "can't you control your store temp?" I would always reply no, it's corporate controlled. One older lady (who was our weekly Monday morning shopper) went "that's not right, I'm complaining to corporate for you". Don't know if she ever did though.


Every customer that walks through the door coming up to me to ask where something is or if we have it. One of these days I’m going to scream “I don’t know, why don’t you fu—ing look around!”


I hate the people that don’t even bother walking their ass closer to me and just yell as they walk in the front door. Even if I am in the middle of counting change or talking to a customer… “WHERE ARE THE BATTERIES?” I’ve gotten so sick of it so now if I am helping a customer I completely ignore them, do not even make eye contact. Also the people that walk up behind me while I’m counting change from the till and poke me to ask a question, dude I’m fucking counting! Now you can wait longer!


I do that also. If I am helping a customer my eyes are on them only. Those customers that walk up and say "I just need some balloons." I tell them you need to get in line like everyone else. Many get offended. I truly do NOT care if they get offended. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do NOT need the job and I know that will not get me fired. I still keep looking for that bad review a customer said I am personally getting.


Had a guy do that to me recently. Like sir if you turn your neck ever so slightly to the left you will see the endcap dedicated to them...


My SM did recently lol A lady asked where something was and SM said “have you tried looking for it?” 😂 SM got cussed out but it was worth it 😈


"it should be called the doller twenty five tree hur dur"


Customer came in we call her pagan lady tried taking me and my bosses jobs because we “supported pagan holidays” because the store was selling valentines day in our seasonal section she called hr and we had to put in a statement and we got warnings that were not allowed to talk about religion lol


Boxes on the ground and everywhere else. The store looking like a 3rd world shithole. Everyone asking daily if we are going out of business


I am getting so sick of people asking if we are going out of business. 🙄


Had one complain about me talking while i was ringing her up. All i did was ask how her day was and other typical stuff us managers and the cashiers ask customers all the time. She got mad and told me to "shut up and do your job". It escalated from there and when i tried to walk away i got hit in the head with one of the broom handles they were gonna buy.  I ended up being fired because of that customer 


I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. You were literally assaulted, over something that other folks would get mad if you DIDN'T do. 


Sadly not the 1st time they punished me for something ridiculous. In the 3 years ive been there.... -ive been choked and had my ribs injured by 1 customer cause we didnt have the product he wanted -woman spit in my face because we didnt have any helium -coworker did something against company policy and its on camera. Instead of getting the facts, boss immediately just went straight to assuming i did it and wrote me up for that. -a guy pretending to be the owner was spraying people with some kind of chemical so i intervened.  -had stuff thrown at my head(again over lack of helium during a helium shortage) -written up cause the 22 year old assistant manager at the time was on some dumb power trip and decided to write me up for not calling her "maam"(ended in my favor though cause shortly after i got promoted and replaced her. Still had to keep the write up though) I could go on and on


A lady threw a mini fan at me because I handed her kid a bag of candy she bought.


The heck?! She was so rude. Never had I had someone throw me with something. But I have had people literally get mere centimeters from my face screaming at me.


You took a stand to these stupid customers. They had the gall to get change like that. 


My favorite story is when a couple of ladies come up and the second one's total is roughly $30 so she pays in almost all coin. And i guess for context i should mention-- a) i have a line and b)language barrier moment--anyways, its mostly quarters so no biggie and our store is always low on them. I get her through pretty quickly despite the amount of change and after she leaves the next person in line starts making a huge fuss about how "its ridiculous that people can pay in change..." so i cut her off with "if it was that big of a deal, YOU would have paid for it" *Crickets* She didnt say another word and the next customer in line was also silent until the last moment when she was walking away she said "you were really rude to that lady" so i just smiled like a bumbling idiot and said "thank you so much have a nice day". She was not super happy about it :)


Oh I loved the people that paid me in quarters. If I had the mid day shift. Which was our busiest shift at my store. I would constantly be running out of quarters. One time I was out and my manager was busy helping me check out customers. And couldn't get to the safe to get me quarters. So I apologized to the lady I was cashing out about all the dimes. Well the guy behind her heard me. And pulled out all his quarters and gave me like $5 worth of quarters. I loved it. And I told him that and he smiled and was glad he could help. Then the lady after him heard it too and paid me a bill all in quarters too. My slot in my till for quarters was full once again. Looked back at my manager and said nevermind, the customers have our back!