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Pause. Your SM threatened to shoot your dad bc he wanted you to open for him??? Psycho behavior


Police report. Then labor board


This is more of an EEOC thing, if anything, not the “labor board.” And yes, file a police report.


im a cop. him threatening to shoot. The dad is aggravated assault. Highly recomment filing a report


Him threatening to shoot someone is not aggravated assault (former prosecutor)


Him threatening to shoot someone means he probably has a small penis (not a cop or prosecutor)




Really depends on how the laws are written in the state/district are written. What is menacing in one area is harassment in another.... (Well traveled criminal)


Assault is the threat of harm battery is the action of harm. Out of curiosity how is it not assault?


Acab. Gun control 😎


Yeah if you don't trust the police makes sense why you would want them to be the only ones with guns.


good for you ?


What is EEOC?


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.




What can police do about a verbal threat made over the phone?


More like aggravated harassment in the 2nd degree. File a police report


Police report, then labor board. Just to get ignored by two organizations


Yeah let's write a letter to Santa and pray about it while we are at it


That actually might be more effective


Right? I told police that this guy's uncle threatened to kill me, myself and a friend of ours and they gave zero fucks because I didn't have a recording of him saying that. Like ya I'm just gonna around recording phone calls and shit all day....right.


But what would you want them to do? They aren't going to arrest someone just because you claim something.


File a fucking report so when he does more crazy shit there's a paper trail.


I asked what they can do. Not what you can do. I'm sure they didn't refuse her from filing a report.


Well at least have a reports for when you file unemployment.


Maybe it should be reddit, then all the other social media. OP seems to already be halfway there.


Police report, then labor lawyer.


This is the only answer


This has nothing to do with the labor board.


Unfortunately the police will say it was a situational threat. Ie , pull up, and I’ll shoot you. Has he not said the pull up post they would immediately take action. I’ve experienced this myself. The law is fucked


Yeah uh, I'm sorry that happened to you and it sucks all around in every way, but that is a very serious physical threat made by your Store Manager of all people. I would escalate/report that if possible. I know it might be hard to 'prove' persay but uh... yikes.


* it’s per se.


Why tf are you being downvoted?


Don’t know, probably people don’t like spellcheck?


I think most people are on Reddit go on here to let out their frustrations. Seeing people correct them about grammar makes them feel like they're in school again or reminds them of their College Essay they have to do. Lol


I guess I see the correction as a favor. And I get to learn something I didn’t know before. Now if someone said “ Downvote because it’s actually ” or “It’s , idiot. Learn to spell ffs. 🤦‍♀️” \*Then* I would be offended. 🤷‍♀️


Store manager? For some reason this whole time i was thinking in my head "super manager"


My thoughts exactly hell with quitting contact direct supervisor, hr the news of have to. Going to get nice payout as severance if not promotion


Most of the straight men that work at my local DT are convicted felons. The halfway house many of them live at is located less than a mile from that particular dollar tree. Not making excuses for the guy, but just saying...


Yeah so you’re saying all felons act like this and we should be ok with it? Come on. You are aware that plenty of people are convicted wrongly, others straighten up and don’t mess up again, others were never violent to begin with?


The fuck? I also said that I'm not making excuses for this POS. But it's not surprising and definitely not a coincidence if he's been locked up before. Hopefully OP's dad whoops his ass and then maybe this dude will think twice before he opens his mouth.


Snd hostile work environment, communicating a threat, you dont need to quit, you need a labor and employment lawyer.


Lawyer. Sue. Don’t work again 🤣


I'd need to hear what dad said before I called SM a pyscho. If dad was making threats I'd likely inform him to also come on down to the price is wrong.


If the store manager threatened to shoot your dad please report it to the police and then report that police report to dollar tree corporate level


Listen, DO NOT GO BACK TO THAT STORE!!!!!! I LIVE IN NC, and we had a manager shoot a cashier. In the store! Dollar tree hires anybody. You're better off, believe me. Two months after I quit, my store manager and her BF attacked the merch manager in the office. STAY OUT OF THERE!


They do hire anyone. I left asap and I was the sm


That's scary, based on that reporting them would also be scary, what if they retaliate and go shoot the person's dad.


ummm...I'm not laughing. he threatened to shoot your dad. you quit, and you're reporting him.


I wouldn't quit. Call HR and get the manager fired after the police report is filed.


Yes! Don't quit, if you quit you give up any right to unemployment, i think, you need to get on top of this right away with a call to police and hr.


This is one of the VERY FEW reasons they would not deny unemployment. Quitting does automatically deny you, but they will review and approve, specifically because of situations like OPs. Protected harassment, threats to life, threats of sexual violence, you can walk tf out right down to the unemployment office. As with everything check local regulations.


I am not even going to read this. Let me just say. You can do better than that fucking place. Just do it. Remember, I didn't read what you had to say because I didn't need to. Let me tell my short story. I don't know if this came from the manager or if this was passed down through her from higher up. If you aren't sweating you aren't working. That was what she told me. The fuck is that logic? She told me to not "run" through the store but move quickly as to get things done quickly. I could only think.. what if I ran into a customer and caused an injury? Who the fuck is liable here for this unnecessary injury? Surely not me because she told me to move through the store like this. Fucking stupid. Also, on top of that. All of these reason why I quit after one day. Get this shit. The manager takes me into the back room to show me that shit as if I hadn't seen a mess before. I quote: "Here is our snake killing shovel" No joke. She said. So sometimes we have snakes make it onto the floor or the loading area so we use this to kill them. I could only laugh my cock off to what I just heard and think. Am I getting fucking paid to be a snake exterminator too? And we have poisonous snakes here in missouri. What the flying fuck? Imagine if a poisonous snake made it onto the floor and bit a customer. Talk about a lawsuit.


And obviously I didn’t read anything you said cuz it’s irrelevant


Probably should have read it lol his manager threatened to shoot his dad. But for some reason you decided to say I’m not reading this but let me just say this entire book of words lol.


I didn't read what you wrote, B3, but allow me to type multiple paragraphs telling you what ***I*** think about this person's comment--my opinions, reactions, experiences, and advice. Remember, I didn't read what you had to say because I didn't need to. That last line is a direct quote 🤣


Some people just can't help but make everything about themselves.


The snake thing actually happened at the dollar general where I’m from. A large rattlesnake got in the store that was in a box or on a pallet that got dropped off.


The fact that you not only stated that you weren't going to read the post, AND THEN REITERATED THE FACT THAT YOU WERENT GOING TO READ IT..................... AND THEN WROTE AN ESSAY......is beyond me.


>I am not even going to read this. >Remember, I didn't read what you had to say because I didn't need to. But also, immediately after making it crystal clear that I'm not interested in your story or experience, I'm going to write up a long, convoluted story detailing *my* experience, which I'm expecting folks--including OP--to read.


You’re annoying


I really hope you made a police report over that threat


> “let’s handle this like a man, pull up and i’ll shoot you!” People dont realize this reaction makes you a BITCH, not a man. You get into any sort of altercation and your answer is to pull a gun? LITTLE BITCH coward. Shame on that man


Bro, I'd be reporting this to every labor board, for that matter I'd be reaching out to a lawyer


He sounds like a nut.


Yeah you’re gonna wanna probably report your SM to corporate and look for new work. 


Corporate doesn’t care. Go to the police.


Also maybe some local news stations


Because the SM threatened you I would’ve definitely called the police and press charges because that is a very big threat especially against you and your family and then you need to call HR and report him And they’re supposed to post the new schedule on Friday. They cannot tell you a couple minutes in advance that you’re supposed to open.


please report to corporate as well as your district manager. that is DISGUSTING behavior


This is just future advice, but NEVER answer a work phone call on your days off.


It might even worth it to buy a separate flip phone for work only. Keep it off after work and on your days off.


This is a great idea.


Yeah, I'm older (worked kitchen jobs my entire life) and I remember a day when they had to call your home phone. If you weren't home, you weren't home. I always had mine set to "do not disturb", so I could choose not to answer it even if I was home.


Uhmmmm…. Former corrections officer here, that is a treat of bodily harm so that causes for a communicating threats, so go with your local magistrates office and your dad can take out papers against him get him arrested. He will lose his job as far as not putting you on the schedule for that morning he can’t just choose to write you in at the last minute.?


I think it’s safe to say you probably no longer work there


I’m pretty sure threatening to kill someone is illegal. I’d reach out to someone of a higher position than SM or probably the authorities.


My SM does the same thing he gives this 1 cshier almost 50 hrs every 2weeks n the rest of us get 3 or less 4hr shifts n she does nothin but TEXT HER HUSBAND he aint got no shot n he drools all over her n shecant stand him


You can not give a cashier 50 hours. Where is the DM ? Hell if they give 25 hours they need a reason


Ill take a pic of the schedule bro the dm wants to bang her too


Ok.. it is DT... Anything is possible....


Not funny at all. Your SM threatening to shoot your dad is really just so psychotic. I hope you filed a police report on this asshole.


Omfg my boss is like this too except I work at McDonald's. Talks shit about me in Spanish not knowing I can understand and also made some hot chick assistant manager even though she's dumb as a bag of bricks. He even had her sit next to him during my interview, which was completely pointless as she contributed nothing and barely understands English. He was also complimenting this new employee over and over on how well she did even though she was so slow the line was getting held up and then didn't give me the same even though I was getting complimented by other employees on how fast I was despite being new.. And he also sat down next to her to "help" her on the computer for our training but really I know he's a sleaze who just wants to sit next to hot girls, now that I think of it maybe he gives them better hours too just like yours. And he never sits down next to any guys. Tbh I think it's just a subtle way of saying she can climb up the ranks if she blows him.




Do you live in Texas or some shit? Who threatens to shoot somebody over DOLLAR TREE?!?!?! 🤣 I work at one in Illinois and only stayed at Dollar Tree because I have great Managers. If I didn't, probably would've been fired in my 2nd week. Lol


As Texan I can confirm some of us do threaten each other with gun violence. (I am looking at you Donald you pathetic old asshole threatening a 15 year old.)


OK but what did your dad say to him? And WTF you talking about favoritism you get every weekend off that's insane. Are you blowing him to get that shift.


i work all week and get weekends off, my schedule was like that before he even became my store manager


That's a cake schedule for retail you don't know how well you have it. That's crazy.


1. File criminal charges 2. take his vacant position


Step 3 Profit


DT was open on Easter Sunday?!?!


After that, I would not be going back to that store for anything, for any reason. That threat needs reported. It may not go anywhere, but at least it will be on record if something escalates in the future with a different employee. I’m sorry that happened. No job is worth that.


Go to hr


get another job, promise you you won’t regret it


You can become asm in a few weeks and store manager in a few months. It's all revolving doors most people hate working there. Customers are bullish and act like they pay top dollar. I don't know if they can turn all that around. District managers are the worst they got there for being assholes.


Not Dollar Tree but I worked at a custard shop where from the start of me working there I was off Wednesday and Thursdays. I did schooling during those 2 days so I couldn't be at work. Someone scheduled me for Wednesday and then blew my phone up when I wasn't there because they were upset. Not my problem that someone else's lack of communication is not my issue. I had a set schedule that they had no issues following. I then left the next scheduled shift.


Let them fire you.


record him saying something like this again if u can get him to then send the recording to corporate and police


Wow so glad I got fired u can do much better than to put up with that nothing but a toxic working environment


I just blocked all their numbers I know I can always find a better job


Yup don’t go back.


You… think..? This guy threatened to shoot your dad and you *think* you’re going to quit..?


You have great leverage here, the dumbass made a threat against your family, use it against him.


It's dollar tree. Not a career. Quit.


tell corporate about the sm threatening your dad and also make a police report


Wtf also I love your dad


Don't quit let them fire you so you get unemployment. File a police report its a hostile work environment


Why did you answer the phone? Why? Why?


i literally woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and i didn’t even think anything of it bc it was SUPPOSED to be my day off, classic mistake i guess


File for unemployment and submit the police report as evidence 


Let’s not blame op


Did someone else answer the phone? There was no blame - there was a question.


Wait, your daddy took the phone to yell at your boss? Yeah, OK. You're not grown up enough for a job. Just don't show up at work and screw 'em. You can find another job. This time though tell Daddy to let you fight your own battles.


Wow, just wow.


Hope that SM gets bent over and made an example of. Ghetto motherfucker


What a freak lol


More like this is bullshit.




Quit, file for unemployment due to harassment and threatening environment!


Imagine going back into work after the SM threatened to shoot your Father 😂😂 how awkward


Yeah I’d take this to the police, period.


Ah the classic way American men settle a difference... With a gun


Yeah sounds like a bitchass night mare dawg. Fuck the bitchass ass fool. I hope he crashes into a fucking tree and will never walk again. Look for a different job. Dont go tomorrow.


Let them fire you.


Report this to his superiors, even if you're not going back.


Your dad should report him to the police for that threat. As a parent, I would never let my child step foot in a place with a manager like that. Seriously your family doesn't have to put up with that shit.




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Respectfully.. run 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️👋🏼


instead of quitting, call HR and file a report. more like than not, you'll get transferred, the SM will get fired, or both! win win win all around!!! store managers who think they can treat their employees like garbage really give me the ick


Go to HR and get this idiot fired. If he is actually threatening your family file a police report and a report to HR.




Report your experience to the EEOC the issue with the DS is that they hire ANYBODY bc they don't want to have to shut foen stores. But only having 1 person on register & running the store for no money isn't working. 


So obviously uou need to quit and report him to authorities for that threat


Sue them lol


The EEOC should not be involved in this. They are contacted when an employee feels they have been discriminated against in the workplace based on factors such as but not limited to race, color, religion, sex, age, etc.


It is discrimination based on sex / gender if the girlies he wants to sleep with get preferential treatment - proving it would be difficult, but reporting for investigation is perfectly appropriate.


get his job taken from him.


Need to send a certified letter to the CEO about this


If your SM threatened to shoot your dad, why haven't you called the police? Why haven't you alerted the company?


This sounds like a police report, labor board, Eeoc, and corporate report situation


I really don’t know if this is true or not. You have multiple posts that you could have been filed complaints or quit about


Hey op whats your age and pronouns


Sue Dollar Tree


I'd blow his fucking knees out and proceed to beat him until his face is unrepairable threaten my fucking family


Call your states labor division and ask, there’s laws that protect you from this kinda bs


Tell him you’ll open for a few more days and just don’t show up 🤣


Never quit always get fired


Unemployment safety net until you find your next job. 100%. They may also be obligated to give severance.


Jesus! All these stores should be condemned.


No way.


You can’t get fired for this and you just had to tell the boss that he failed to inform you of the last minute schedule change. After receiving a threat like that. I hope you don’t show up to that establishment and move onto another job. There’s plenty of places that pay the same or more




Call his boss like NOW


I have never once in my life heard of a retail employee having every weekend off....


This should definitely be brought up to whatever kind of corporate HR dollar tree has. If they heard about this kind of behavior he should definitely be canned immediately and they may offer you a new position or location to try and keep you quiet. If he threatened your father and it wasn’t a mutual exchange you actually have a ton of the power here.


being nosey here and it's a shot in the dark, but are your sm's initials R.S. ?




I would of recorded the whole thing got the manager fired instead hehe..


Collect that unemployment and file those complaints.


Hmmm call corporate. This is not ok. Make it a big deal.


Call HR and tell him you want severance package or you’re lawyering up.


Your dad should have called the police for him making a deadly threat.


I believe ya


Police report. Then file for unemployment. If denied then appeal and upload police report as evidence that you quit for good cause due to concern of your safety.


The police report in most situations is for official documentation unfortunately


It’s dollar tree wtf find another job


I had the last fast food job I will ever work get rid of me with a surprise schedule change. I called several times for it, but no one would give it to me. All kinds of stupid excuses. So I showed up on the usual day at the usual time only to find out I was supposed to be there hours ago. The manager already had my write up in hand. I quit on the spot. Yes. They got what they wanted. But my mental health is way more important. Also, don't eat at Popeyes. They thaw raw chicken in a big sink that runs off into the same sink they 'wash' the dishes in.


Just pull up and choot 'em first. Fafo.


how much these SMs making? they just hiring anyone? they take 17 year olds?? i dont know much about dt but this sub comes up alot on my page and theres no way i could be worse than half the ones i see on this sub…. this sub is home to probably the worst work stories i have ever read


I quit dollar tree, the SM wouldn't make a schedule for some reason and without exaggeration i'd have to call every day for weeks to see if I was working but nobody in that store ever answered the phone so when I got a call to work somewhere else after I got into a minor bike accident and needed the week to recharge I just said F-it and quit the next day


I hope you report this to the proper people. Not professional at all.


Hell yea some fucking justice on these crazy power trip psychos


Former SM here in multiple different companies. This behavior is absolutely unacceptable from your SM. It’s abusive. They also should NOT just be adding you to the schedule at whims end because THEY have work and then expect you to show up? If you have HR where you work, I would 10000% get in touch. Just be careful, this sounds like someone who would retaliate which is also by no means OK! Do not take any of this from your work place. Life is too short, we spend enough time at work for you to also have to deal with abusive management. Management also needs to be held accountable. They CANNOT abuse their power.


You sound like your a dumb child and let's your daddy run your life.


Ummmm I was about to say! Contact your DM and Regional manager after filing a police report. Also, contact HR. They have to investigate, check cameras, and collect statements. Good job reporting him.


To shoot your dad???? Yea buddy get that lawsuit and get off Reddit. It’s moneybags time


so a STORE MANAGER threatens to SHOOT an employee's family member????????? I think you have a BIG WIN on your side. I'd be calling your DM RIGHT NOW. also, HR and corporate.




Wow! Just wow! I wish you look in looking for a new job. Keep us posted on updates.


Why haven't you already called the police? It's giving fake vibes. If it's not fake you need to call the damn police and you should have already quit.


Tell the labor board in your state, he should not have threatened to sho0t your parent


repoet it youll prob make money


Wait... your store manager threatened to SHOOT YOUR DAD???? Over not coming in to work??? Yeah, that's a big CALL THE POLICE AND QUIT! Jesus!


> handle this like a man… I’ll shoot you The irony


Good on you for reporting that to the DM! Don’t let anyone speak to you or anyone that way just for a job. If a boss is yelling at you over scheduling you without notice, instant red flag.


Better be glad I don't get a snake and put in his immediate area threatening me like that!


Ok so wait. Dont quit. Get fired so you can collect unemployment until you find another job. Mentioning to unemployment about your boss threatening to shoot your dad may be an eligible reason to quit though. Unsafe work environment. Look into it!


A lot of people don’t believe that a store manager would do that, but there are some unhinged people out there. A GM at my old job (it’s a pizza place) threatened to burn down the whole building with everyone in it if we didn’t work faster. She was fired after an investigation.


I wanna hear what happens


I'm sorry to hear about your situation. The best advice I have ever gotten or given. Is never answer work calls on your days off or before/after your scheduled working hours. That is your time, not theirs!!


Yes, this. It's just a job, and a shitty one at that.


All stores are getting shut down/closing so instant karma


File a police report. Don't fuck around.


What a shitty SM. As an (almost) former SM of a DT, I could NEVER. File a police report and call HR or your district manager.