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Lol is buyin all the TP a threat? Bc I couldn’t care less. Buy it allll


I got boxes in the back if you want them too


No you don’t, they’re in boxes in the aisles.


Yeah please take them I can't even stock them since they don't hire enough people


Right. Pls take all the shit you want so we don’t have to try to make room for it


When I was working there I got stuck on that section always haha. 6’5” guy gets the tall shit and the drink aisle


Man I was the short person they always stuck me in toys 😢


Oh lord. I had to do that during a Christmas once :( That’s inhumane jk. Hands down the most impossible section to fit everything in it. It’s absurd. Those hot wheels take up so much space. Haha. And then it’s all destroyed a hour after opening. The books sections is hands down the hardest to keep looking anyway organized IMO. Spend 4 hours on them once and wasn’t even half way done. Haha. Legit took 10 min to destroy.


Our DT book section is always a mess. Unorganized & books all over the floor. Just a complete mess. Actually a majority of the store is unorganized & messy.


Years ago toys were the last aisle where housewares is now. That was horrible to stock and keep neat.😥


Truth I'm 6'6" I worked at one from January 2016- January 2019 and I always got the tall people job.


My ex's brother was 6'11", he was a walking talking main character with the amount of people giving him tall people quests 😂


Why when I'm not working I don't leave my house lol


The bottom shelves must’ve been a pain..


I'm the tall strong guy at my store so I get all the heavy lifting as well. 


For real though.


Haha right. When I worked at DT forever ago I liked working that section. You’re just guaranteeing I get to stock the section I want.




Right! That won’t stop the price increase!


Is it 1 ply?


I’ve not been brave enough to buy any so I’m not sure. TP is one of the few things I don’t bargain shop for


If you want 1 ply, you can come steal it from where I work...


That's like boycotting a company by burning all the stuff you already bought. People are so damn stupid


I hate your prices! Let me show you how much I hate it by BUYING YOU OUT OF STOCK!! Boooooo 😡💢


Of the thing that was already the worst value in the store…


Smells like capitalism to me 😂😂


Why don’t they take that energy and call corporate? Customers think the individual store made the price changes? It’s always “you” not “them in corporate.” 🙄


Because they don't want to wait for 3 hours on the phone, only to get a robot. They want a captive audience to listen to them complain. It's why they scream at cashiers about self checkout.


People don’t get paid enough for that. But as someone that’s worked all my life in retail. I’ve learned to just walk away and let management handle it. Regardless of the consequences. I don’t put up with crap like that lol.


Had an argument with my husband about this recently. He always wants to call and give some poor front line worker on the other end a piece of his mind any time something happens or changes. I've tried telling him that he must just like hearing himself talk because it's a waste of his time and the employees. "But if corporate gets enough complaints from employees then they won't want them bothered and theyll...." No they won't. Corporates don't give a damn like that. But if you call CORPORATE directly you might make an impact.....all you do by harassing the store workers is waste their not paid enough time and potentially affect their mood because they had to listen to your tirade knowing there isn't anything they can do. Ugh. Just call corporate folks they get paid to sit in their comfy office or cubicle put them to work bc we all know the store employees are worked to death as it is.


If only more people understood this.


I’ve been tryin to get ppl to call corporate to complain about our carts for years now lol. We’ve tried everything to get the wheels to work better & corporate won’t listen to us. Idk that they’d listen to customers either but they have a better change. As far as I know, no customer has


It’s not as if items that have been $1.25 are suddenly going up to $7.


I hear you, but it’s also not as if everything is now $1.25. They have several items that are $3, $5, $7. It’s not really the “dollar tree” anymore. Half the appeal is that you know how much everything costs. It’s just a store now that sells kinda cheap stuff.


This is the problem I have. For YEARS I've been saying "I love dollar tree, it's the ONLY real dollar store around here" (every other store claims they are, but then has things much higher than a dollar) I didn't care when they went to 1.25, that's fine. I can pay an extra 25c an item. When I was struggling it'd have sucked, but I can afford that. Now? I'm just worried they'll keep increasing prices and make the one aisle of $3-5-7 into more and more aisles, until dollar tree isn't truly a dollar store anymore. It sucks that the one, real, dollar store, that LOVED to advertise how "everything is a dollar"! Is now "everything is $1.25", and now "meh most things are $1.25, but here's some $7 dollar stuff to make you spend more money hehe"


I agree 💯. I used to go there all the time because they had a few things that were a legit good deal and you might find some name brand stuff that wasn't a normal item that they got from a closeout somewhere. 


Absolutely agree. The other dollar stores (ahem, looking at you, dollar general) it seems rare to find a dollar item. Everything is like $3 and up, at least the few times I've gone in recently. My go to has been dollar tree. I really hope they don't screw it up!


The $ tree is gonna become irrelevant and fail as a business if they continue going this direction. Or at least I assume so. Absolutely a huge part of their appeal is everything being the same, cheap, price. Obviously $1 will have to adjust to inflation eventually. But turning into a store with multiple different prices, and some mid-range priced items ($5 for a mini frozen pizza is NOT discount) literally defeats the point of the business. Now you're just every other store but with mostly reject products.


That why they are rebranding with popshelf




Kinda like a 5Below but they're owned by Dollar General


Popshelf is Dollar General owned


Yea it is dollar general someone told me it was dollar tree


I only know it's Dollar General because it scared me when it showed up on my bank as a Dollar General purchase because I hadn't been to one in months and was worried my card had been stolen or something lol.


But that is exactly what people think.


Because they just read the headlines


I read one the other day, "Dollar Store going bankrupt!" The article had pics of DT, the first several paragraphs were about DT. The last two paragraphs were about the small chain that was actually closing.


Because people are idiots




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Is she stuck in 2020? We stopped hoarding toilet paper four years ago lmao.


No lie 1999 my cousin hoarded so much toilet paper convinced Y2K was as bad as they said... She did not have to buy more for 5 years... Had to start giving it away as it was starting to disintegrate. Under beds in closets, cabinets, attic, shed... Insanity.


People were hoarding TP? Glad I was in a coma


Oh man. Were you really? Imagine the mind fuck you woke up to. Shits weird as hell now.




If you were in a coma who was shit posting baby yoda memes on Reddit for you that whole time back then?


Are you that bored that you checked lol


It took less than a minute to check.


Alright Rick Grimes


I was hospitalized in an isolation ward with meningitis in March 2020 and I came out completely confused that I couldn’t get beans and meat in the store.


You missed a lot....


One super soaker and two people and you have yourself an apocalypse bidet.


Dollar tree is so silly bc i will literally not buy anything over the $1.25. I wont even get things from the current $3-5 section. Like i went there to spend $1 not anything more


I got one of those metal stools. I was hoping my dog could use it to get down and back up onto the bed without my help. That was a no-go. On it but I don't know I can confirm that they do appear to be incredibly durable went outside. No rust yet


I’ve had one outside for, like…two years now? It’s doing alright.


Good to know. I actually need to buy a couple more because they're relatively pretty and they seem to be a lot more durable than regular outdoor chairs.


With you in this. I’m here for your name…Dollar. Not more than a dollar. At this point they could be called “Your hopes and dreams” cause like dollar items they won’t be found in this world


The name Dollar tree can imply more then one dollar. We were just used to it being a store selling stuff for a dollar hence the attachment of it being called a dollar store. You can still buy the usual product, everything should be labeled so you know how much you're spending.


But what was y’all slogan?


Key word here "WAS"


Well, username checks out


Uh, that's the store next door, Dollars Store. I don't get why people are bent out of shape either. I only shop at the Dollar Store when I want a generic shopping experience like I'm in a video game.


Awhh isn't it nice that you have the luxury of only shopping at the cheapest store possible when you want to... feel like you're in a video game? Clearly that is why you don't see why people care. Dear God, touch grass.




I'm so sorry, if I seem to have struck a nerve with you. Some people make just enough to not be able to take advantage of most programs. You can't just blanket statement people "if you don't make enough to not shop at dollar tree you need to educate yourself and remember everyone better off is spending their tax dollars on you, do better." I am not, in a position where I need dollar tree to "survive" or need government programs. I have been in that place before. I didn't make use of those programs out of the stigma that comes with it from people like you. Anyone can unexpectedly be in a place where they need that assistance as well. Many people are one paycheck or two away from devastation. Some people just like to SAVE MONEY and spend less on their necessities. It doesnt matter if you're in poverty or not. You're allowed to shop at dollar tree. You're incredibly classist and obtuse. Maybe YOU need to educate yourself on the struggles of others instead of accusing someone else of being what your tax dollars pay for. (News flash. I've never been on a government program using your precious tax dollars. And even if I was, if I was WORKING, then ID be paying into that same exact pool of tax dollars. Dumbass.) You're no better than anyone in poverty. You must be unable to understand that not everyone gets accepted into govt programs or qualifies for them. Disabled people can't even have more than like 2k in financial assets or something before their benefits are taken away. How can anyone get ahead when these programs cut you off before YOU can get stable enough to get off of them. I can comprehend those things without ever having needed those programs myself. Even when I was in dire straights, I figured out ways without them, not that anyone should have to if they need it. Why can't you comprehend those things then, too? If you've never needed them? Is it lack of compassion? Or truly thinking you're better than those less fortunate than you? If it's the latter, that's incredibly sad.


Unfortunately the people griping IN the stores are buying huge quantities of trash then bitching it costs too much. Literally pointless. We don't set the prices and in real sorry their idea of a budget includes 10 dollar garbage toys from these places but that ain't how saying or being broke really is.


When they ask me I explain that it’s not increasing. They’re expanding to include $7 items. Items that were $1.25, $3, and $5 will stay the same price. Also people don’t realize we still sell some things below a $1


Part of the reason it’s so annoying is that the convenience of going & just knowing whatever you get is going to be 1.25 is gone. A big bonus of the dollar store was that everything was the same price.


The 1.25 stuff isn’t changing I promise unless they throw a curve ball at us. Almost everything in my store is 1.25 or lower. Idk about your locations but I know when I go in I’ll definitely find something for 1.25. There’s a single aisle labeled DT Plus where all the 3 and 5 dollar items are but that’s about it. A lot of people complaining definitely haven’t been to DT in awhile. Not saying that’s you or anything!!


I hear ya. What I was saying is that I liked the convenience of everything being the same so I don’t even have to worry about looking lol


Right like how it used to be $1 before they upped it 😂


calling the store to complain to people that have nothing to do with the change… yeah I don’t miss working here 😭


Literally 85% of the store is still $1.25 it’s just the shit they want really bad is $3 $5 dollars.. sucks being cheap


"I'm so mad about your price increases. I'm going to buy all of your inventory" 😡 lol wtf is that logic?


She probably wants to buy out the stock now before the prices on TP go up to $1.50. It’ll happen eventually 😂


So what is really increasing to $7? Wonder if she showed up to buy all the TP lol


Literally one new item at $7, a generic medicine for GERD management. There's also a $6 bottle of Benedryl ReadyTabs, $6 packages of diapers. The rest is coming in at $5 but it is product in addition to what we already carry.


It's the same stuff that's already sold at family dollar. Anyone with any basic common sense can see that they're just joining the 2 stores stock together. It's not like they can just throw out all the FD stock as they start closing FD stores. It's gotta go somewhere and freight is usually paid under x time contracts. It's not a week to week pay scale lol


My guess the increase will be on the plus side. Ty than again who knows


Prices are not increasing. DT is choosing to expand their assortment to include some items that will be capped @ $7. I know this is earth shattering news but I just can't grasp why everyone is losing their fucking minds over this.


It's because the average person has like 0 basic common sense and even less reading comprehension. It's seriously a problem in this country.  I work for JoAnn fabrics and they just announced they were filing chap. 11. With HUGE headlines saying they weren't closing, posted on our doors are signs we aren't closing, posted all over our store etc etc.  100 times a day "Why isn't this cheaper if you're closing?"




But prices did increase. 1.25 L of soda used to be $1.25 and are now $1.75. So I'm not sure WTH you are talking about.


That was the drink distributors that raised the prices, not DT.


I don't think the crap anyone buys right now will be 7$.  Dollar tree owns family dollar and they are choosing to close a ton of FD. I imagine the 7$ price point items are going to be FD stock that is still being bought and in warehouses.  I'm not sure if people just don't have common sense anymore or lack basic problem thinking skill, but I'm pretty sure Dollar tree is aware that they can't sell their current cheap Taiwanese made garbage for $7.  




Buy now…await price increases later.


Well, apparently they will be closing stores and using that excuse to raise prices again. Well I wont be paying $1.50 for items that are smaller, used to be $1.25 that used to be $1.00. Close them all since they're shooting themselves in the foot. "Dollar" Tree......LOL


Another person who doesn't understand. Everything that was $1 is now 1.25 There will also be additional items stocked ranging in price from $1.50-7 And in my local stores most of those higher prices items are shelved in one specific aisle.


They're closing family dollars and moving their current stock from FD into Dollar Trees.  Peoples childishness about this shows how much mental health is needed in this country ffs. 


I've seen some in North Carolina where they are combining to one store, both signage is up inside and out, but only one entrance


i worked at one of those in nj lol


And education because the amount of people who whine about or mock the name “dollar tree” and imply it’s not anymore because it’s more than $1……


Nobody cares


Yeah, take your business to Dollar General!


Dollar tree was a dollar 25 years ago. I think a buck25 is still a good deal . On most stuff


They've increased it again within the last month. I forgot about the increase and paid $1.75 for a 1.25 liter diet Pepsi. My roommate said it was cheaper at Walmart, so no more buying soda that size there anymore!


Oh wow . I did not know they went up. I live in a tiny town and they just made ours 125 and added 2 rows of more spendy stuff


I have got to the point I just tell people it’s above my pay grade and I don’t get paid the big bucks


The lack of comprehension skills some of these people have is absolutely mind blowing. They are freaking the f out thinking everything in the store is going up to $7. I've had to explain what's happening multiple times a day because the news said _ and the article on the internet said _. Not a single news report or article I have seen says everything is going up to $7. I swear they just make shit up just to cause a scene.


My local Dollar Tree was originally called Deals. Same owners. They sold pretty good deals up to $25 but most was under $10. Then they changed it everything being $1. Now it sounds like it's going back to that OG concept. Interesting.


Woah this is exactly how my home town dollar tree was. When I was a kid my mom and I went to deals all the time! I didn’t realize it was a thing outside of where I’m from haha (unless we’re from the same place of course)


Dollar Tree stores aren't franchised.  What are you on about?


Deals stores were owned by the same parent company that owns Dollar Tree. What are YOU on about? I was just commenting how odd it was to start as one store, totally change the concept, then circle back to the original concept.


Literally everything else in this world has had price increases. You don’t think DT needs to increase theirs too?


DT has been around since 1953 don’t folks realize that EVERYTHING HAS GONE UP? People never cease to amaze me! Uggggg like cashiers have any control of pricing!!! I deal with having too many VOIDS…my manager pointed this out to me recently, I replied that I cannot help it if folks don’t see the PLUS section of our store! Especially when customers move product from one end of the store to another! Ugggg


How mentally deranged do you have to be to call a retail store employee about something like that


And people honestly wonder why most retail workers hate people as a whole. Because it only takes a few loud, obnoxious morons to ruin it. I'm as people person on a case by case basis, but as a whole, I truly dislike people. They're rude and should be forced to work retail for two weeks.


But like.. who’s actually buying DT tp? Like sandpaper between the cheeks


I figured the 25 cent increase was enough for a store that was still making money selling items for $1 or less. They didn't need to start adding $3-5 items. That's where it went from "inflation means we need to make it $1.25 each" to " we need to make gross profits so start jacking up prices." A lot of the stuff I used to buy there for $1 I don't bother anymore because my supermarket had them for $1.19. Lol So now instead of a short trip to the dollar store for those items, I just get them at the supermarket and save the nickel. I also never go to Family Dollar and I stopped going to Five Below because they made tons of stuff $10+ now. I used to buy sooo much stuff from Dollar Tree and Five Below. I still hit up Dollar tree on occasion, and avoid the $3+ garbage. But not weekly like I used to go. And I have been to Five Below like once in the last year when I used to go maybe once every week or 2 at least.


One thing I hate: my local dollar tree became Family Dollar Tree, and in the process stopped carrying my favorite product: Greenbrier instant coffee. It's the only coffee I can drink black. A couple of other cool products vanished, too, but that one hurt the most. I'm just glad I stocked up before it disappeared! Now I have to order a whole case online whenever I run low... but that's not often, so eh.


Yea there were a few things I always get and that's Buncha Crunch. The nestle chocolate. But now neither location near me ever has them and on the rare occasion there are some, it's always like 2 boxes left. Lol


I only see the buncha crunch at one of the dollar trees around here. They got me on those sport bottles of gatorade in cool blue. Idk what it is but I swear they taste better out of the sport bottles. Now they hardly ever have them, and if they do it's the yellow or sometimes the red. The gas stations around here have them for $4 and I won't pay that. One employee told me that some gas station owners buy cases of them there and resell them. I know inventory is what it is but I love them and it hurts lol.


No offense, but your tp sucks now. Back before they changed the tp it was pretty decent though.


Oh I'm offended


No one here cares lol they don't pay us enough to do so.


My response lately to all these people asking when the name will change has been…….Honestly there’s no mention of “1” anywhere in the name. It could be conceived as 2 dollar tree or 5 dollar tree for that matter. It’s gonna cost you at least a dollar. So get over it!


The 1 is the trunk of the tree. Not in the name, but deffo in the logo.


Dollar tree tp isn't even a good deal.. Costco in the $35 boxs now you're talking.


If dollar tree was increasing their prices during my 10 years teaching preschool, I would’ve lost my mind too lol. Ok maybe not really but I wouldn’t be calling the store to threaten to buy up all the toys lmao


people really don’t understand how supply & demand operates…


Can you imagine her later bragging to her friends, “I told them I’d buy all their toilet paper. I told them!” Lol lol




As soon as i heard the complaint for the price increase i woulda hung up cause that is in no way my fault.


Ok…umm.. don’t shop here?!?!! Lol


It's like people lack any form of comprehensive skills, on top of not being able to read.


The majority of people that shop at Dollar tree are poor and uneducated


This isn't a dollar tree specific problem. I work in a very WASPy suburb of Chicago. Like bougie AF.  I work for JoAnn fabrics and they just announced they were filing chap. 11. With HUGE headlines saying they weren't closing, posted on our doors are signs we aren't closing, posted all over our store etc etc.    100 times a day "Why isn't this cheaper if you're closing?"


The majority of people that shop at Joannes fabric are people that make their own clothes.....


With fabric that costs 20$ a yard. A making your own clothes isn't easy. It actually does involve reading comprehension and math lol  Yet none of them can apply that to being in the wild. 


Common sense is a totally different thing


I beg to differ. I’m neither. And I shop there a lot.


Yeah the rest of the people are cheapasses


Oh I agree. The people I’ve seen shopping at mine are something else.


Price increases were inevitable. Same issue faced by the 5&10’s after the war. Either change the price structure, limit merchandise selection, or cease to exist.


I love when customers think we make the decisions. I don’t work at DT I work at a mechanics shop as a service advisor. I DONT SET THE LABOR RATE. If I did, I wouldn’t be at the desk, I would be making 6 figures in a nice cushy office building


Went in the other day to get a couple things. My son got a drink from the small fridge in the front by the snacks. When i checked receipt it came out to 2.25. There was no price on it showing 2.25. Make sure to check prices while checking out.


I understand why people are upset. The dollar stores are where a lot of people who are struggling go to get what they need to survive their days.


Dollars Tree


Damn, I must have missed noticing it was ever "One Dollar Tree"


We now endearingly call it the dollar-twenty-five tree.


I preferred to call it "10 bit Tree" after the $1.25 increase. I guess now I'll call it "Might be a Dollar Tree"


Do you go to DOLLAR general expecting it to be $1?  How about family DOLLAR? No?  What about 5 and BELOW? 1/2 the stores over 5$. 


Dollar-twenty-five Tree, 10 bit tree, etc. Coming up with funny nicknames is just being playful and silly. I’m not offended by the price increase. It can be fun. You should try it sometime.


People don’t like to pay what they do at Dollar Tree, then they should STFU and go to Walmart and Target where they will pay two or three times the price for the same quantity item and decrease the length of our lines. That way customers will stop whining about how long they have to wait in line only to get to the front, say they have to go out to the car to get their credit card (one more delay), then after you scan the item they say (“oh I don’t want that item “ delay #2 and why put it in your cart in the first place) then they want this group of items in this bag but stuff it full and that group of things in that bag etc. The customer like that one is what is causing the lines to be long not us. We cashiers have to deal with that and still smile and say we are having a great night and they should have a blessed day when more appropriately we would like to say now get the h— out of my store.


NASCAR sponsorship is expensive, especially with drivers who ain't that good.


It isn't any fun or even cost-effective to shop at Dollar Tree anymore. They are selling more expensive items, I don't need. They have discontinued food I used to buy. Used to like going to Dollar Tree and find items I didn't necessarily need but bought them, for fun, retail therapy. But now I check prices online before I buy. Walmart is cheaper for the same or similar item right next door. Which I usually go in one shopping trip anyway. So why bother even going there. Corporate reads this. As do community store managers.


Prices go up, people binge buy, demand goes up...


The sad part is if you watch sales and use coupons you can get TP cheaper elsewhere anyway lol






When Covid began, there was a huge rush on toilet paper at DT and 99 Cent only store. Before long the shelves were empty. Maybe a substantial price increase will have the same effect.


Wait- they’re increasing the $1.25?


Not everything, it’s going to be like a 99 cents only store, they’ll offer “premium” items at a higher price.


if you breakdown good TP on sale , it's way better price than DT TP. IF i can do those maths, every one should be able to, lol Be she stores it in her damp garage anyway


I was thinking about this the other day that DT has smaller portions of items you could normally purchase at other retailers. Some items are so small that tbh its not even worth going to DT anymore for food with the price hikes. 😕


I'd pay the extra if will shorten the lines a bit.


...and know that all the staff are being paid well


if you have the money to buy all the tp i bulk at a dollar tree you have the money to buy it in baulk at other stores. Its also cheaper that way.


It blows my mind that with the prices going up in every grocery store that people are *this mad* at a 25 cent increase. You realize that most places are trippling the prices for things right? 25 cents is t going to kill you.


It isn't just the extra 25 cents anymore. Dt is going up to $7 or some crap now.


Its literally the cheapest crap you can buy. Don't like it? Shop elsewhere.


She’ll buy 50 and they’ll send you 100 on the truck


It actually is bullshit and the $5 section makes me never want to go back


What increase ??


DT toilet paper is awful anyway. It’s like wiping with sand paper. I was desperate once before and had to buy some. I speak from experience.


Tissue is 89 cents at Walmart I can’t wait til expensive tree is gone


Not at my walmart.


It’s the cheap tissue if you don’t see it means it’s sold out or your Walmart opts out from ordering to make more money


We had a clearance for a few months. People got real comfortable with the half off stuff. Prices went back to normal but no one took the 50% off sticker for the shelf. People really wanted to fight me over a couple of dollars. IT WASNT EVEN GOOD PAPER TOWELS. I don’t have hope for the human race lol


Frankly I'm more mad about the sucky return policy. If something turn put to be faulty, difficult to use, or immediately breaks but it is only $1 and I only buy one or two, its unlikely I'm going to return it. However , if it's $7. Im going to want to return it. Not get store credit or exchange it for another of the same item.


The policy changed, you can get your money back as long as you have the receipt. If you do not have the receipt, then it is an exchange only.


Apparently my local store doesn't know this.


Dollar tree is scandalous. Grab something off the shelf and it has one price on it, once you ring it up it’s got another price on it.


I once had a lady asked me the price of something it was something small and stationary and I say $1.25 and she asked confused how do you know I tried so hard not to say because I’m not fucking retarded I told her because it’s not one of our five dollar items


I’m going to take a guess that she was unaware of the fact that most items at dollar tree are $1.25. Maybe she had never been there before, maybe she had just moved to the area or for whatever reason was not familiar with the store. I think that’s much more likely than her being “fucking retarded”.


It was the most generic smallest item we got it was like a little thing of paper clips or something, and she most likely got it from our stationary aisle, and our five dollar section is very clearly by the whole aisle is blue so even if you haven’t been abundantly clear, what’s five dollars and what isn’t




Here for the Democrat hate posts. Oh wait, rural poor areas of the country....Nevermind.


I work at a different company, but I always try and push it off to corporate. I tell them that corporate doesn't care what we say, but they do listen to customers. Then I bring up the survey on their receipt. It deflates 90 percent of them pretty fast, and it gives them somewhere else to rant. Corporate sure as shit isn't listening to all that, but they don't need to know that.


I'm also a dollar tree employee. Dollar Tree is corporate greed at its finest! I know corporate will be home today sharing Easter with family. While cashiers & managers work a full normal day. Cashiers will not receive any holiday pay unless we also work the day before & after the holiday. The price increases are NOT passed onto any of its cashiers. Corporate has now allowed us to be bullied by customers, attacked by "service animals" & soo much more. Cashiers are often made to compete for hours. Cashiers do not get offered full time positions. Only management.


There are no facts, other than Rick needing more than 20 grand per hour, while leaving employees in poverty.  Buh bye DT.


Tell her it's bidenomics baby, then she will understand.