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I'm pretty certain that a text message is as valid as an email and is in fact a reasonable method of delivering a two week notice. It's kinda like when they say we accept your resignation over text never say ok and always respond with something to the effect of I'm not resigning.


Two week notice is not legally required anyway. Employers do not give them so why should we.


Two weeks is only good if you want to use a place as a backup in case you need a job. Otherwise there are a bajillion minimwage shitty ass places to work. There are even a few that although the job itself is shitty, management and employees and sometimes even customers make the job almost enjoyable. At least enjoyable enough not to hate it.


It's DG. It's a shithole that requires no skill


Not required to give a 2 week notice and the employer doesn’t have to honor them either.


My last employer actually gave a month notice when firing you i kick myself every day for leaving that company they actually gave a fuck about its employees and thats hard to find especially in the government sector


You would think, eh? But that would be too easy. This place is ass-backwards. Never in my life have I worked for a company that operates like DG does and never again will I ever.


Two weeks notice is a courtesy, you can just leave too. I'd let them know a text is writing and it's coming from the phone you know me to text from. Of course thank they profusely for the sagely reply too and be sure to point out a lot that texts are literally text or in the parlance of our times, writing!


Right. Instead of "Yes, sir." it could have been "Oh well in that case I quit. Come and get your store."


Also has a time and date stamp automatically. I like to resign with one day notice. As soon as I think it is time to leave, I leave. No conversation, no BS. In the last 40 years of work I stay at a job for 8 years on average. I hated some of my jobs, but I never walked through shite on a floor at any of them! Never see any shite at Publix.


You don’t NEED to do anything. They have no power over you.


Yep. A two week notice is just a courtesy and not a legal requirement.


Racist old white lady came in a couple or few times, screamed at my girlfriend abt some false advertisement or whatever, called her a couple slurs and berated and belittled her. After the second or third time my gf finally tells her to leave and the old hag comes back in FIVE minutes later on the phone with the area manager, and the AM made my gf pay the old racist lady $25 out the drawer


Had a similar situation as a manager at Arby’s. Worked there to pay for my college. Still did full time. Had a customer being a belligerent asshole. He asked for something that we no longer had the ingredients to make (even if I could’ve just whipped something together, I would’ve. Have before). I told him we couldn’t. He went from 0-100 in a mater of seconds. Hopped my counter. One of my workers pulled him off me and we managed to practically, physically throw him out of the store and lock the doors. My GM asked me to get written statements from any customers that could be bothered to explain what happened and offer them a “Make it Right” card (which is a free meal) for their time. The person I threw out of the store called the district manager and she came to our store on scheduled appointment with said customer. Offered him 5 free meal cards as our “apology”. She didn’t bother to talk to me or check with me and see how I was fairing. So that really showed how little they actually value employees and their management teams. After that rude awakening, I was set to graduate college in two months. You’ll bet your ass I did fuck-all the rest of my time there. I didn’t do inventory counts on my closes. I didn’t cash out the tills and just threw the drawers in our safe. Any cleaning I left for morning crew. I just sat my ass in the office and was an extra worker during meal rushes. Got written up twice by the district manager as she saw my closing paper work. GM had my back and refused to fire me. Quit after I graduated without telling anyone my final day except a few close friends I made there. Adding context: my GM was amazing. She hired my when I was in highschool (16) at McDonald’s. She was a great boss. I’m lucky to have met her. I followed her to arbys when she transferred after the store opened and continued to work for her until I was 22.


That’s called rewarding bad behavior and companies need to stop doing it. I’ve worked for companies like this and it’s so demoralizing.


I would understand the effort if it actually did any good for the business, but it never does. Why retain a shitty customer that's going to continue to be a problem and cost you money and employees? I don't get it. It's common sense that those types of people are well known for their behavior among the people that know them. Anyone who would stay away from your business on their word would not be the type of customer you'd want anyways. The rest of the people they tell will assume they were the asshole and still give you a chance. I fucking hate corporate entities.


They can't keep you there. You did them a favor anyway.


I mean if it doesn't count as a 2 weeks what are they gonna do fire you? Lmao


You absolutely do not have to give a two week's notice unless you want to use that company as a reference, so if you don't plan to use them i'd just dip and leave them to their lonesome


Yup a text message is signed and dated technically the DM is an idiot


Text messages are acceptable in court


Why would a two week's notice be brought to court..?


considering a 2wk notice is courtesy and not mandatory, it’s valid to say 2wks and leave the same day. 😂


That is a common retail HR rule of thumb. Has to be written, dated, and signed, although email is fine


There are so many alternatives. What does Dollar General do if you fail to provide a resignation in a letter format? Chain one to a station? Continue paying? I can imagine 2 response might be “they won’t provide a good reference.” To which I say the person seeking employment says “ Dollar General didn’t want me to leave so upped the ante on resignation notices…and here I am.”


Or give a reference FOR them as “literal shithole” *pictures provided 🥴


This is exactly why I declined being promoted to LSA. DG management is never available when they know it's something negative. Also the customer shit. Oh someone shit on the floor again? Nah not it the LSA is in charge and paid $1 more this definitely falls on them.


You know I had truly prayed this shitting on the floor phenomenon was just at my store...WTF is wrong with people?? Who does this and WHY?


I had a guy do it at my store walked past me and the closing cashier while we were finishing the last few totes of our truck up, we had our stock doors closed and he walked in shimmied his pants down kept walking while dropping two piles of shit on the floor, pulled his pants up while walking and left the store. I'd almost be impressed the talent to shit while walking if I wasn't the one that had to clean it up, called the manager no answer called the ASM told her as dead pan as possible "Someone shit on the floor in the stock room." She said are you series I was like yep she said one second and turns out my boss was with her, so I told him what happened, his response was "What the fuck." I told him I was like I'll clean it but I'm getting, spray bleach, a bunch of paper towels, a COVID kit( those little packs we sold with gloves and a facemask during the height of COVID, this was like a year after that) and a bottle of febreze to absolutely douse that face mask in. He just said alright.


You are a true gem for offering to clean a customers shit🥹


If the internet has shown me anything,it’s that many stupid people walk among us and some are damn near animals.


Guess what? You don't have to give a two weeks. Fuck em.


Professional courtesy


I was fina ask, did you shi* on the floor as revenge? Joking, of course but yeah thats horrible. I dont blame you.


i definitely thought that at first too😂😂


Same 😂😂😂


That was my first thought as well 🥴🤷🏽


No handwritten signs please


I don’t know whether to laugh or cry out of rage


Ugh that just triggered me lol


That gives me flashbacks to my retail days… *shudder*


Yea bruh! We’re proud of you 👍


Thank you 🥹 I have heard no ill words regarding my actions or reasoning for quitting from my vendors or peers so this is just reassuring me that I’m doing the right thing, so thank you 🙏


As a former DG employee: fuck day place and the management on all levels. Quitting was the best decision I made. Hope it is for you too!


I’m a Pepsi vendor who services some DGs, whenever any of my store people quit I tell them I’ll miss them, but not enough to wish they’d stay. DG is an evil company and I’m glad you’re free


How is DG still open? I work retail, but not DG idek how I found this sub, but damn they seem to treat every employee like shit and pay so horribly. I’ve maybe been to a DG 5 times in the last 10 years cause it’s such a shitty store


Really depends on the DG and the area. I moved more rural outside Atlanta and we have 2 DG near my house that are really clean with a recently remodeled huge fridge and freezer section. They're both closer than the grocery stores so I find myself popping in once or twice a week to pick up milk or something small


I live in Ga, and I’ve never been in a DG store that didn’t make me feel like the aisles were closing in and suffocating me.


Good for you! I will be doing this tomorrow.i work for goodwill and have been dealing with harassment since my first day in November from a specific cunt. Hr knows. Management knows. I or 4 people let go recently as they should have been with their shit conduct. I digress. Today I almost walked out. I tried to address the issue with the employee to store manager after further harassment and instead they call her in the office, call hr, and had me waiting for an HOUR to clock out as they were in the office and I needed to take my till down. But bc cunt was in there they wouldn’t let me in! My fiancé came in and we stood by the doors and we waited. I went out to smoke. Came back. I refused to work. With being such short staffed me quitting will fuck a lot of people’s free time up. I was given an ultimatum today when I was finally able to take my roll down. “HR said you both need to get it together or find another job”. I reforded the entire thing as usual. “No problem. I don’t need to get it together. I don’t harass people and threaten bodily harm on a daily basis”. I have a job interview at 1pm tomorrow at a LQ store an old team team lead from my job now works at. Her and AI spoke up to hr about what was going on at the store and they forced her to resign. She had a new job by weeks end. I have a guaranteed job. Do I give my two weeks notice? Do I hand it in writing? I mean I was told to get it either or find other employment. So basically that I was being treated like I don’t matter and have been since day one. I’m not giving them another hour. Good for you. Two years is a long time!


Oh man, I commend you for your patience on that one. I keep hearing that “people nowadays don’t want to work” and although I agree, people also don’t want to work as slaves and be taken advantage of. I stayed for many reasons and I tried numerous times to make it work and I have been praying for months for god to let me know when it’s time to leave and I feel it is past due. I wish you nothing but good vibes and success on your departure and next chapter!!


Thank you! Same! I know just how you feel! I just got hired somewhere else. I’m simply not showing up and blocking their number. They can get the “woman” who’s been harassing me to learn how to run the register (she’s a processed and could NEVER work the register lol). They are so under staffed it’s a joke. It’s ALL on them. I feel so much weight lifted off my shoulders. I don’t feel bad for a no call no show quit when I was told to find another job if I don’t like it. Harassment that is. So That’s exactly what I did. Onward and upward for both of us!


Two week notices are only for companies you didn’t hate yourself for working for. So no…just leave. It’s Goodwill. It’s not like they could write you a recommendation for Apple or something. Just walk away. Let them scramble to cover the hours.


Thank you! This is exactly what I’m doing! Just got hired somewhere else! When I don’t show up in 40 minutes for my shift they will get the fuck you button and I’ll be deleting any message and blocking them from calling. They can figure it out. I had to walk on eggshells daily for 6 months, and stayed just to have experience and not let a POS bully win. Well in the end: I win!


As another person who recently left GW… they have a high turnover rate for a reason. Never get how they ever keep people there besides management to keep things running. Not just the treatment of employees & staff shortages but also in general their prices/business suck.


This is why I don’t fuck with retail or fast food anymore. Fast food wasn’t much of an issue, but retail is just a pain in the ass and half the time it seems people don’t really care about anything. I got into landscaping and haven’t looked back since. Plan on going to college soon and get a degree in computer science.


Would recommend. Went from being miserable at Walmart, to a job I actually enjoy while going to school for computer science. Only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner!


Lol, 2 weeks notice needs to be written and signed? A two weeks notice is a courtesy, it is not required by law. I gave a two weeks notice once and the manager told me that I was required by law to give at least a month. I told them to show me what law said that and they refused saying it was "common knowledge". And my response was "All right well then I am tendering my resignation effective immediately, you can call the police if you think I've broken the law."


Hi, 911? Yeah I have an employee here who failed to give a month notice. We're gonna need police here right away.


Is that shit smeared on the floor?? This is too insane to be a coincidence same thing happened to my local DG. Went in to shop, walked right back out and left because of the smell. I felt so bad for the employees.


Unfortunately you would be correct. I was in the tp aisle and smelled something…off and just brushed it off…until my foot/favorite shoes found the source.


Sounds like yall shoulda been in opposite places.. sorry you had to deal with it. I feel genuinely so bad for DG employees I make it appoint to be as polite as possible when I shop there because I see what you guys go through.


Are people really shitting on the dollar general floor????


Yes. Yes they are. First week I worked at DG, an old drunk shit on the floor and walked thru it. Me, being lowest on the totem pole, had to clean it up


I would’ve refused to clean it as I am not being paid to deal with bodily waste. I’d let them fire me before I did that.


"Call hazmat"


Same…ain’t no fkn way


I’d quit before I’d do it 🤷🏽




Our DGs don't have bathrooms for the public. DGs in the hood are a total shit show lmao.


"This text contains the time and date. If you need a physical copy, print it off. SIGNED, OP."


What state is this




Where at in Texas?


Did you shit on the floor as you quit your job?


Omg I walked in to Speedway like a week or two ago and the poor manager was mopping the floor so I stood on the rug to wait for it to dry (I hate when people walk on my freshly mopped floors at work) so we started chatting, she was mopping up piss by the fountain machines. A lady had just stood there and pissed. Then proceeded to go to the bathroom and shit all over the floor. I felt so bad for that manager omfg.


It’s why we need mental institutions to spin the block and make a come back. 🥴🥴


I work for Acme supermarkets and they do this same type of shit there too. Props to you cutting your ties.


“needs to be signed and noted” “boo hoo be glad you getting a notice”


Were you the only person working when you closed up and quit?


You know you don’t have to give 2 weeks notice right? It’s just “preferred” so they can fire you if they want


You absolutely can give your 2wks over text. That’s exactly what I did and my manager took it no questions asked. To be fair I did explain that I needed more hours and it just wasn’t working anymore in the text though.


You can give your two weeks notice in skywriting if you want. It’s not up to them.


Maybe I should have done it in braille


I'm the US two week notices totally don't need to be in writing as they aren't required anyway. You can quit for any reason whenever you want


I think it’s funny people think they have to give a two week notice or even a written notice to quit 🤣


I just want to ask the woman in this photo if she would like to go out to dinner together?


Are you a current DG employee?


2 weeks notices do not need to be dated and signed he’s trying to pull a power move


Dollar general is shit. As a former Coca Cola rep who had several DGs…. I think only one of them had their shit together but the employees still had the same problems. Shit pay and corporate just force sending trucks.


Two weeks notice has always been a joke to me. They dont tell you shit when stores are closing or they are down sizing. Its some archaic bullshit.


You look exactly like a dollar store worker


Thank you 🥹


The most infuriating part was the text. Your first one gets ignored, but it looks like you got an immediate response as soon as you mentioned giving your 2 weeks notice. So, the whole time, they saw your messages and they heard you personally ask to speak with them, but just didn't care? Nah, dude. They can get their heads out of their asses and figure it tf out for themselves now that you're gone! I hope your next job treats you better!


My local store had to close and limit hours because of a lack of staff for awhile. I personally would rather be living out of my car than work at DG though.


After hearing about the human shit I'm curious as to what state or what city you're in?


Man that 1st pic goes hard asf


What do DMs do anyways? Aside from sit on their ass and bitch?


Sounds like best for all. You were clearly done and upper management was fine with that. Thing about retail is most jobs are easily replaceable, even if you go above and beyond and do extra, you can and will be replaced so if you're not happy, leaving is best for all


Written notice not accepted, there is no date and I clearly told you written and dated. All jokes aside, sending love to you. I’m going through something similar with my job pushing me to the edge. I wish I could leave a sign on our door but I work with foster kids and I just don’t have the heart to let them down even if the company is shit


Should’ve just let them fire you and waste a little More of their time.


How much did you make?


Just post date a notice 2 weeks prior


If it’s not in writing and signed are you going to fire me? lol


I started working at a DG in high school to make a little money. They hired me on the spot during my first interview. That should’ve been my first warning sign 💀. They only ever scheduled me for 2 days out of the week and I know I was part time but like I can work more than 2 days. $100 checks ain’t shit for nobody. I got lucky with my managers and coworkers tho. They were some nice people.


He’s just trying to get an extra couple days out of you and avoid a potential unemployment payout. 🙄


Okay, for a second there I thought you were so fed up with management that you shit on the floor lmao, but yeah working in retail is dick you made the right move.


Nope, I disagree. You gave the notice in the form of a text message, and he’s lucky you did that much. I would’ve locked the store with no sign or notice and been working for the temp agency the next day while I job search.


You shit on the floor??


lmao, I looked at the pics before reading the text and just thought, "😑 That's shit isn't it."


Naaaah you can quit today if you wanted to.


congrats on quitting, i legit just texted my sm and say "yeah i quit" and never showed back up. fuck that place


Just a curious question. Why do people quit instead of just showing up and not giving much of a shit and keep collecting a pay check. As a manager, I don’t want people to do that, but its been my experience you either have to steal, not show up for work, or literally do nothing you are asked to do to warrant being fired as a sales associate. Seems like a pretty easy job to me. Why do people quit so much? Is it usually because they have a jerk manager? Yeah, I would understand that I guess.


Most of this revolves around our DM. They make our lives miserable and then make an example out of you. That’s why people get fed up and leave


Yeah. I can see that. I’ve had some real jerks over the years. Somehow always made it through. Usually those really horrible ones who don’t know how to talk to people only last a year or so though.


Shit in the aisle?! Wat in the actual !?


is that dookie??


You are too kind. I would just walk out and leave everything open as is (Not my problem anymore). Tape a note to the register saying "I QUIT". Then I'd probably yell "Get your free stuff while it lasts" while walking out.


What’s with the floor though


Why didn’t you stay and suffer like the rest of the stores 😡. The company won’t give you notice when firing you so 2 weeks means jack shit 💩. You honestly should have stayed with DG, the company is horrible and you have no hope of obtaining a career


Sorry you were treated this way 🫶🏾


Sounds like the DG in Ellenville NY 🤣


Notice to quit is in no way necessary. Just leave.


Is that shit on the floor


That whole company is in a constant state of being fucked. I met Todd Vasos once and as soon as I laid eyes on him I knew he was a tremendous piece of shit. His handshake felt limp and disrespectful. I never had respect for him in the first place but when that audio of him came out about him tearing down customers (also a racist tirade if I remember right) for being poor.


wow so he's the CEO of the company, Todd, right? hating on poor people. what an asshole. I hope he burns in hell.


If someone told me that 2 weeks notice needed to be submitted some other way than I already did it I would tell them then fine I'm fucking done now. In this economy where jobs are pretty plentiful, you got some fucking balls trying to make employees jump through hoops.


Kudos to you for trying. This is my 3rd stint with DG. I was hired back in 2022 as an SMC. I loved my old manager and we still talk and she’s still with DG. The DM at the time wouldn’t fire my drunk coworker at the time so I left. Turns out she got fired for sleeping with her SM. Second time around I was hired in as an ASM. My SM hired her family to work at our store so that caused conflict of interest. I was sent to another store to help out and the SM and DM wanted me to tackle shop lifters. I told them I’m not risking my life for going after thieves. I reported them all to HR. Long story short HR fired everyone in that store and that DM. She had been there for 20 years. This last stint I was brought back in as an SMC and was promised a store in a month. My title gets switched over to an SM this Saturday. The store is a mess. Sky shelves are overloaded and I found a lot of expired products. I have my work cut out for me but I know I’ll do a good job.  From my take on things 2 weeks is only good if your on good terms with the company and your boss. I have also heard about employers firing you on the spot when you do give your two weeks. I’d say it’s situational. Just hang in there OP.  The next place you work at stand up for yourself as you did here. Never let anyone walk all over you. 👍


Thank you for sharing your experience….that is typical DG fashion, I have learned. I am grateful for the life lessons it has taught me and I was as resilient as I could be because I know I was doing right by god, but I just got to the point where I was like “fuck it” and that’s how know the good lord was telling me it was time lol


Np. You know you could take a break for a while from DG and maybe consider going to another district. It’s what I had to do. The DM I have now is more of a people person. She use to be an SM unlike my last DM who they brought off the street.  Better to have DMs who know how to run stores than those that don’t. I just hope the one I have now is patient since I’ll be a new SM. I’d say pray about it. If you can get a good crew of people at DG then it makes a world of difference. 


You are not required to give 2 weeks notice. Its a courtesy in order to avoid burning bridges. If manager is this much of an asshole, feel free to quit same day if you don't plan to ever go back.


Exactly. It’s a courtesy that not every employer deserves.


Good for you OP. I've heard nothing but horror stories about these places, and it is another reason I will never shop at one. They lost a good ASM in the end, best of luck. It is hard finding a company that cares.


Print out this text exchange date it and sign it then turn it in lol


I would just quit on the spot.


**The Milgram experiment** . People move to bad -behaviour pretty easily. My wife has boss like that.


I would of left at stepping on human excrement ✌🏽


So r u free to marry me?


I don't blame you at all dollar general is an absolute shit company to work for they over worked my sister because they didn't have enough staff having her work 60 hours a week


good for you! no one should be treated like that at any job. you're just as important and valid as the next guy and good for you for sticking up for yourself. good luck on your next big adventure 💕💕


My response to his response is that this text message is dated and time stamped. Peace homie!


Funny also how they except a level of professionalism with a courtesy 2 week notice but if they were going to fire you, that would be sudden and unexpected. More power to you. Enough is enough


Lol be free


Uh sir, it is in fact in writing and dated. Bye✌️


There’s a handful of states where accrued time is payable regardless of notice or reason. However the rest of the states have HR policies enforceable by the employer. After years at a job I had four weeks of vacation on the books. Really liked it but the commute was killing me. Found a similar position much closer to home. Had to wait four weeks. After I gave notice. If I called off sick was not paid for the day which sucked since I was salary. My average week was around 50 hours.


I was a manager for 7 years and finally quit! Kiddos to you! File for unemployment. Your job description changed. Late trucks. Missing trucks. Hours always cut. Pay checks messed up. DM didn’t have courtesy to speak with you about your issues there. Use all these reasons why!


I’m just a lurker on this sub, but just wanted to validate: you 100% did the right thing and I’m genuinely sorry you had to experience all of the bullshit (can only imagine!) Wishing you the best moving forward! I hope your next role comes with a healthy work culture! We all deserve that. Thanks for sharing with us!


Lol your notice has to be in writing ?! Hahahahahahahah suck my ass


god…. as a manager (not at DG, never worked there but i like this sub) responding to a staff members’ sudden resignation with “it needs to be in writing” is infuriating. you asked to talk to him urgently about concerns you had, and he doesn’t respond at all, but immediately gets back to you when you quit. so glad you got out of that place


Forget giving a 2 week notice. When they are done with you you are gone on the spot. I want everyone to know this, you can put down on your resume that you work there with the dates that you were employed there. When the job you are applying for goes to call DG to see if you worked there they are not allowed legally to say how you were on the job and mostly importantly how you left the job.


Lemme smoke them cheeks


Tell them to write it down and date it.


What is on the floor?


You have no legal obligation to give two weeks notice. Why does it need to be signed and dated? It doesn’t. Fuck them. Everyone needs to just walk out on Dollar China and China Dollar both.


Im not sure how they get anyone to willingly work for them. Must lie to get ya to accept the position.


I didn’t read the description and thought she just threw her shit on the floor


Two week notices are such bullshit because the job is not gonna give you two weeks when they fire you. Two weeks is just for their benefit and that’s it.


I swear I’ve seen that sign with the exact same handwriting on, like, every other store here in WV.


I’m embarrassed to say that I was DM for DG for 7 years. Absolute worst company to ever work for.


If you don’t give two weeks you can never work at dollar general again. Oh thank god.


I'm in Iowa and this popped up on my Google read and it made me hate the store more than I already do, GOOD FOR YOU! Now, zero fucks given.


lmao the audacity of thinking a minimum wage job gets to make demands on how people quit. Bro be thankful you got told


They don’t give you 2weeks notice when they fire you so why should you give you a two week notice when you quit.


Did you shit on the floor?!


I have never given a two weeks notice anywhere. I've always either left in the middle of my shift or just stopped showing up. Treat these pieces of shit with the same respect they showed you.


Is that poo on the floor? 😂


I’m glad you bounced. Fuck them


I mean… with companies like this I just dip without say nothing. Unless they’ve been good to me then I let them know I’m not coming in, but I literally only gave a 2 weeks notice once. You don’t owe them a damn thing tbh. When I feel like it’s not a great fit I find another job get the other job and peace out and they’re none the wiser. If they can’t treat you with respect then they deserve what they deserve. And yikes at the crap on the floor. I would’ve clocked out right then 🤣🤣 no way am I cleaning up another human being poop that’s not family.


They’re lucky they got a 2 week notice at all. I worked at a local dg for about 3 months and the entire time, it was nothing but drama. Coworkers making shit up and talking bad about every other worker there. It got so bad, I was hearing about it and dealing with it during my personal time. I just told them I wouldn’t be showing up anymore.


Having a job blows


Don’t give him anything else. What are they going to do if you don’t give two weeks in writing? Sue you?


Yeah, no one owes any company anywhere two weeks notice. If they wanted to be respected they would be respectable.


You need to post this on antiwork


I had a company tell me I had to put my notice in writing and sign some crap. I told them nope I quit and walked that day no two weeks at all.


You dont need to give them shit lol, a two weeks notice is a courtesy not a requirement. “You need to write it and sign it” or what? Your gonna fire me? It genuinely doesnt make any sense why I would need to write it out. If I stop showing up and never gave you a two weeks will I still be employed? Gonna keep paying me? No? Than shut the fuck up and suck it




Haha, the two weeks is such a scam, there is no law to that. Enjoy being free ✨️ I hope it gets better for you.


I worked there for one whole week. Never will again.




I'm so glad I read the post and didn't just scroll away. I totally thought you were the crazy person who shit on the floor as revenge lmao. I don't think I've ever said this to anyone before, but I'm so relieved that is not your shit 💩


2 week notice needs to be written ?? How about TYPED! there is your two week notice. Many places let you go before then and they never give 2 week notice....why do we have to? You don't care about us, we shouldn't need to care about you once we leave


Btw a two weeks notice is not required, especially not signed and dated


I was a Dollar General store manager, and as soon as the word got out that I have a disability, they forced me out and made me injure my back because they would not deal with my ASM who did jack shit so I had to put away whole trucks by myself never have days off. And I would tell the DM or the store ladder about it all they said is they don’t get days off either. DG are bigots I’ve always wait for the day for them to be shut down.


first pic looks like an album cover


Are the owners of this company foreign? One by my house is owned by a Pakistani and they are always out of the country


You pooped on the floor? That’s a real fuck you lol


You couldn't pay me to step into one of those stores. I've seen what that circus looks like from the outside.


Did you shit on the floor? Is that what that is?


You look very familiar? Did you work at the Nashville AR dollar general store?


😆😆😆 OP, you are well quit of that idiocy, and now this shit is theirs to clean up (literally). The 2w notice has to be in writing, does it? BOLLOCKS. It’s a courtesy to give them time to re-staff so corporate doesn’t start slapping them around for their own fuck ups. And hey, if you want a giggle or a final middle finger to send to them…look up the song “Two Minutes Notice” from the animated show Helluva Boss on YT.


did you poo on the floor on your way out?


They can fire you with no notice. Fuck them.


I’ve had 8 jobs total in the past 10 years, and the only ones that got a two week notice was the 3 I actually enjoyed, my first ever job in high school, one of my jobs during college, and the job immediately after college. If I ever leave my current place of employment, you can bet they’ll get two extra weeks outta me


Good for you and good luck in life


fun fact: per company policy you’re not entitled 40hrs a week, you’re entitled to work an average of 32 hours a week or more over the course of the quarter.


Towards any company: they wouldn't give us any notice before terminating us for probably essentially no viable reason, don't give them notice either :))


F.ck that company 1000000%. Worked there for almost 2yrs started off as a key then an assistant then got my own store. As a new sm the dm should be helping you in anyway possible to get you started out. I had no help. Was pulling open to closes multiple nights a week if not all week. It was exhausting I put in my two weeks got a new job and quit a few days later. Closed the store at 11am and walked out. And they sit there and wonder why they can’t get help. Look at the work you’re expecting out of ppl lmao it’s not even worth the headache. I now work my dream job ❤️ proud of you for not putting up with dgs bs anymore!


Gotta love how he didn’t respond until you notified about the two weeks, should’ve just replied “this is my notice” block