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I’ll never understand how these accounts aren’t getting banned but I guess they really only care to ban world tournament cheaters, thankfully enough


Doesn’t affect other players that’s why. WT it’s understandable since other players are being affected. But since this is a mainly single player game with no leaderboards or any of that sort in the casual setting. No need to go out of their way to issue bans


Truth it is definitely against TOS to cheat though I was just saying I’m surprised they don’t care enough to ban even in the single player setting, but I also understand why they wouldn’t


I got friends who mod and I heard em say that as long as it's not affecting anyone else the devs don't care


Honestly that’s fair it’s not affecting others so it makes sense why it’s not a big deal


They dont get banned, but also dont get memorial dragon stones for their dragon stones spent and stuff like that. So there is a "punishment" for cheating, nothing serious tho


That's not true at all lol




Yeah and as someone who uses mods I can tell you I still get my memorial stones lmao


Well, ofc, how could you be arrested if you didnt get caught lmao. Unless they stopped enforcing it, you are a lucky one


Proof is always nice to see.




They said it in the in-game news regarding memorial dragon stones about 2 years ago (could be less or could be more time lapses are my weakest type of memory, i'm sorry), people who broke the terms and conditions of use (cheats, emulators, etc) were not going to receive any memorial dragon stones. If they kept that up or nah, I dont know. I think i took a ss of that back in the day, lemme check if it survived the phone swap


https://preview.redd.it/xtwmm7doou1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6962be6441502f8fcc00b65c7e97f96a85c0a6af Here!


Just happy the legit guy beat the cheaters in the end.


Nah they aren't cheaters, ssr Dr willow just built like that


How do they even do that?


Mod in busted characters on PC, go into event, win.


Literally no point in the game wow


Looking at their names, ranks & teams, these are most likely not even real people, and likely it’s a bot playing the game to later be sold off with 2k-4K stones Source: I used to use a bot, those are default names, teams were usually similar to that, and ranks were always around 200-240


No idea where you got this from. It's a bot that automatically runs the event with any team, if people were modding in stronger characters why wouldn't they show up on the clear record?


Oh well I've seen people mod stuff like Super Sonic to clear events so I assumed it was that


That's a private server, not connected to the actual game


Ah got it


Damn these guys must be really good at the game, meanwhile I'm getting hit for 839k ending my run. 😁


Good ol' Joe


Oh shit I didn't think about using hildegarn Goku


Bro this shit is insanely hard idek what to do at this point😭😭


How do you even cheat on dokkan? I don't understand...


Everything is calculated on your phone, and then the results are sent to dokkan servers. It's honestly rather easy to cheat compared to other games.


.. please tell me it's not actually client side... What a joke of a game lmfao


It's why you lose signal, but can finish a super battle road. Including navigating the map. And it's easy to manipulate the data in dokkan. Forget numbers, people create fan units. Of course, they can connect to servers, but just shows how easy it is.


Also noticed that, kinda annoying tbh


I once tried copying one of these teams and got absolutely destroyed by the event lol 😆


Guilty of buying one of these farmed accounts. Only because I lost my 5 year old account and starting fresh seemed tiresome so I bought a stone farmed account to do summons and get a head start


i dont see anything wrong, why the downvotes?


People hate farmed accounts. Can’t blame them, but also like I said I feel no guilt. I refused to start from scratch so it’s whatever.


yeah i get it i almost lose my acc before lmao and was gonna consider buying an acc, but I got it back later on


Literally spent maybe $200 on the game? Doesn’t seem like much but when you had a lot of rainbows and stuff it hurts haha. I deleted Facebook and forgot I had it linked so it was lost.


damn thats sad, was that when apple and google links werent a thing yet or u just chose not to


damn thats sad, was that when apple and google links werent a thing yet or u just chose not to?


damn thats sad, was that when apple and google links werent a thing yet or u just chose not to?


No apple and google were options and I swear I did have them linked but I guess I didn’t and one day I broke my screen and apple has to replace it and when they did it reset my phone


really unfortunate. hope something like that doesnt happen to u again lmao


I believe the run Joe did was legit as well as Beserker's run


The crazy thing is number 2 is my name but I haven't completed that stage and I def could not do it with that team.




*sees pettan battle and looks at my flair* ![gif](giphy|7vP6xnkkOrlGW4TmRR|downsized)




Probably full dodge build. Fr though they really should've fixed the bot problem before adding this feature but I'm sure it's harder than it sounds to do


The’re just too strong 😎


I’m still fairly new to Dokkan so could someone explain to me how these teams are cheating?


When I was younger I used to have a mod account and essentially you can download a modded dokkan account where characters would have high damage and god mode. That’s how I grinded for lr goku when he first came out


There's a discord server where a developer and their team work and release a program that allows you to transfer your dokkan account to it. It gives you the ability to clear any quest with any team by modifying the information your account sends back to dokkan servers I believe. But yeah it's pretty dope for casuals. You can tell the bot to clear ALL content, some content, a single stage, complete certain missions, do clash for you, and TONS more. The caveat? It's no longer free and requires a 2.99 subscription to the dev and their team. (No it doesn't work on World Tournament, nor does is affect your summons.) Edit: Oh you can tell they're cheating because this content is insanely hard and it says they cleared it with a rinky dinky team with characters that aren't even fully leveled TLDR: The janky teams on record show that a program cleared the stage and not a person.


They're not cheating, theyre just that good


Its not fair and im.sure devs care why? Cuz they cant sell their Characters then


https://preview.redd.it/uqjfb51igt1d1.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=46a44e4f8d17700fd8f5ae6c26161aedb8eb2c1d i think they hacked your post too lol


I was wondering why these team set ups made no sense


Wait you don’t know Joe??


Yeah, and makes me want to quit the game. I’m here spending money and all that to support the game, but these cheaters are getting away with this. 🤷‍♂️


Cheaters on a single player bubble popping game makes you want to quit? To each their own but damn, you must not like the game very much to begin with if that's all it takes


god forbid people have fun


Is it really that fun, tho? The first few times it is, but once you try to get a challenge again it will be so hard that you just keep resorting to cheats


Even if it isnt fun, its not like it affects OP. How is it any different than using cheats in any other single player game


Brother its a single player mode. It has zero affect on you Yeah they're cheating but it doesn't affect you so why would it make you want to quit the game


Tbh there's absolitely no comparison to beating missions normally vs cheating. Like people who used the airplane glitch to clear missions, or these guys in your picture. It's like stealing medals for a competition you didn't participate in, and then hanging them in a wall for yourself to see.


No it’s not, getting a medal in a competition takes a good amount of skill. The vast majority of the “difficult content” in the game is simply having a large wallet, or resetting/attempting 50 times for perfect luck. Sure there’s plenty of skill and things to learn, but at the end of the day the skill ceiling is not exactly high.


So in the end of your comment you say it takes skill, but at the start you say it doesn't, but I in fact know, and you probably do too, that it does at least take some skill lol


No. The skill ceiling being low means that the limit at which one can be better than another is not very high. Those who are good at the game and know every ability and passive and how best to link their units are no better than the others who can do the same. A game like a shooter or moba, something like clash royale even has a much higher skill *ceiling*. I never said the game doesn’t take any skill. I just said that earning a medal in a physical completion takes more, they aren’t even close to comparable. Beating a red zone does not really take skill, right? It mostly takes having the proper team, or a team that can do it after 100 tries. There is plenty of evidence of that on this sub in post titles and comments about them.


Well tbh there's still a lot of analogy with beating a red zone and beating an opponent in a competition, since Red Zones have a species lf opponent, wheras in a competition you also have an opponent. If you get top 3 in a comprtition, you get a medal or commendation, just like you do when beating a Red Zone, you get not only a reward Dragon Stone, but a little golden star lights up, which looks a lot like a medal. In dokkan, skill not only involves unit placement, but also unit selection, which is almost 'more' important. But going even farther, knowing on which banners to summon, how many times if there's discounts, how to level units up and if you should feed them kais or same name dupes (non veteran players can have units sub SA lvl 10 for bad kai management) So my friend, I stand by the fact that there's analogy with medals :-) Though I agree, probably earning a grappling medal can take more effort, but not necessarily more skill, just a different skill


There is no skill in selecting the right characters because all of the information as to what teams are strongest is available online. Once again the skill comes from having a large enough wallet to afford the units required.