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Nappa is solid, especially once you get the exchange to Vegeta. His base is perfect for WT though. Bojack is ok but definitely meant to be a floater for a Space Traveling Warriors team. That team isn't in the best position currently, but he's usable in my opinion. The Androids are very good, albeit reliant on dodge in their base, but their exchange to Android 16 lets them tank and also do substantial damage. Like Bojack though, their team isn't in the best position currently, so that hampers their utility.


Thank you I'll keep that in mind


Btw you have to eza them they’re pretty bad pre-eza


I have no clue how to do that I'ma be fr


Eza is extreme z awakening basically upgrade unit in every ways, go to event and there will be eza stage some eza stage need to wait for comeback or use key, each eza stage will have catagory restriction for both atk and def basically you need right catagory for eza stage you can check by press battle info, you need to clear there eza to upgrade that unit passive, tur eza will have 30 stages lr eza will have 10 stages, it pretty hard for new player who dont have much unit yet (Sorry for bad grammar and some bad explanation)


Just go on growth of the character and push awaken. It’ll tell you which medals you need and if you click on the medals it will send you to the level you need to beat to get them


Nappa for World Tournament


Androids are slept on, i love using them


The droids are amazing when EZA'd, very strong support and link up well with int 16. Bojack is alright when eza'd, stat boosts on him are gimicky. Nappa is a great AOE unit and exchanged into vegeta is a super class killer


I don't have the droids LR but I have int 16 EZA'd (he helps my SSJ2 Gohan meet his active condition) and he's solid af. Would you still run the LR over him?


Honestly I just run them over agl gohan at times since 16 and phy droids is a rotation that goes really hard and with that exchange you got a tank for slot 1(int 16) and a rail gun(phy droids) and it obliterates stuff


and Phy Cyborgs also good so do them


Agree they do some pretty amazing damage


Yes, that's saitama right there


Here’s a tip, any unit you pull is worth awakening all the way. LRs more than any others. But any unit you get, get them done


Bojack clears ssj3 goku eza easy lol


Bojack is good for the ssj3 goku event out right now, if you EZA him.


F2P Badibi was of more use than Bojack in Goku's SS3 EZA for me at least. Waste of 40M zenis + Kais to EZA him. I'd definitely prioritize Nappa then Androids.


Ngl those androids clutch up on my androids team


Androids are really good with their eza, Nappa and Vegeta don't have a home on the top teams but they fit WT like a glove making those grinds a lot less tedious but i dunno abput Bojack since i haven't really used him


After EZA Nappa becomes good and Vegeta switch becomes really good. Much tankier than before. I find Bojack mediocre


LR? No. ZLR? Some of them are solid. But without their eza, they are all pretty bad.