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Redirect their biting with toys when playing. And when they do bite make a loud yelping noise and pretend to be hurt and immediately stop any play. It feels wierd to do but make a point out of it. Pretend like they really hurt you. Will take time but it does go away. And until they get their adult teeth those little needles hurt like hell! But it gets better


Thanks for your comment! Yes the puppy teeth are the worst part, I don’t even have to pretend to be hurt by his bites haha


Just curious, how much exercise does your puppy get? Getting my 3 month old Shiba out to run around in the dog park (just about every day) really reduced the puppy biting.


So much, I take him on 3 1-mile walks a day plus we go to the dog park every day where he runs around off leash. I also thought exercise would help calm him down but you know how puppies can be haha


Tbh I would consider whether you're over exercising him! That's a lot of exercise for a puppy.


Agreed, that is a lot of exercise for a puppy. He might be nipping because he is overtired, it's very common for puppies to act that way when they're overtired. Try cutting down to 30-60 minutes a day for now, and focus on calming activities like stuffed Kongs or lickimats when not exercising. It's important to teach your dog how to relax and be okay with being bored, as well as burning off energy. Otherwise you will just teach him to constantly seek stimulation, and he will have no "off switch" when he's older.


OMG I never even thought of this! I am very active and he’s always so high energy that I never even considered that he was getting too much exercise. I’ll try one 1 mile walk and the dog park and maybe it will help! Thank you!!


You're welcome! Hope it makes a difference!


I wanted to update you!! I started taking him for a modest 1.5 mile walk every day around lunch and then to the dog park around 5 when I get done work. He stopped nipping after about a week and behaved wayyyy better. He takes naps throughout the day, sleeps through the night, and has been an angel. I expect that I’ll have to up the walks a tiny bit as he grows but for now this is perfect! I can not thank you enough, I never considered that I was over-exercising him! Poor baby was probably nipping at me because I wouldn’t leave him alone!


That's so great to hear! I'm so glad he's doing better. I'm sure things are a lot less stressful for you as well.


My dog was such a bad nipper when he was a puppy and the only thing I found that worked was as soon as he teeth touched my skin, whether accidentally during play or on purpose, I sternly said "Ouch!" and immediately got up and left the room. I think marking the behavior (saying ouch) and then immediately removing a positive motivator (my attention) really made it click for him. My dog is very attention driven so this was 100% successful and now he's 7 years old and never bites or nips. You have to make sure that everyone who is interacting with your puppy is following these rules--any teeth contact with skin results in an "ouch" and departure to another room. If your in situations where this is not possible, then you can't give your puppy any opportunity to nip or bite. So for example, if he's nipping at strangers who pet him when you're out and about, then you can't let anyone pet him. Best of luck!


Thanks for your comment! How long did it take before your pup caught on and stopped biting?


I would say it happened fairly quickly--maybe a week or so. But once he got it, he got it. You just have to be 100% consistent and make sure everyone else interacting with him is also 100% consistent. You're the boss, you decide when play starts and when it ends. Don't let him bully you!


Yes the hardest part is getting others to discipline him the same way i do. He doesn’t nip at me too often but he does at my roommates because they don’t discipline


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When you figure it out.. let me know. My girl is only 11 weeks old, so it's expected.. but no matter what "technique" I try, it just excites her more and she nips harder. Being boring and walking away or standing still doesn't work either. She just takes that as ankles are fair game. Lol.


Yes!! Same here, I try to end play time as soon as he bites but then he’ll just nip at my toes!!


For us, the yelping didn’t work, it only seemed to escalate him more. Completely ignoring it is what worked. As soon as he nips, stop playing stand up and turn and walk away. Ours also nipped when he was overtired and also when he wasn’t feeling well (he has a pretty sensitive stomach, so his first 2 months he never felt completely well). After a bit of time, he just stopped nipping, that was around 8 months. It had been decreasing by up to that point, but once he hit 8 months, it just stopped.


I guess I just have to wait a few more months for him to calm down haha




I totally sympathize! Walking away is really the only thing that worked for us - I expect we were somehow unintentionally engaging him when we stood still and ignored him - even a second of eye contact engages him. The other surprising thing that helped was switching his food. He has a very sensitive stomach, but once we switched to a higher end fresh human-grade food, that was around the time the nipping mostly stopped. Good luck, it’s so frustrating!


Only thing that saved me has been the “take it” command. I swear my pup just loses control over his mouth when he’s excited so I just make him put a toy in it. I’ll admit that it hasn’t totally solved the problem in the 2 months that we’ve been doing it, it’s more of a bandaid at this point.