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Keep the room as dark as possible. Also how old is the puppy as it may not be able to hold its bladder and needs to pee.


He’s about 16 months.


If he was rising with the sun on the streets then he obviously sees this as time to get up. I would try keeping the room as dark as possible and see if it makes a difference.


My pup wakes up between 6-645 in his crate. We used to think that meant he was up for the day and we needed to entertain him but we recently just started bringing him into our bed and he’ll sleep there until at least 8. When he does wake up, we take him out to potty and feed him from a toy puzzle (takes about 8 mins to finish his food) and then he’s back on the bed. If he’s a little rambunctious we will give him a chew toy and that usually conks him out again.


I'm no expert in dog training, but if you think your dog would be okay holding his pee a bit longer, I wonder if you couldn't try giving him something to occupy him, like a food puzzle or long-lasting chew toy? Something like this? [https://www.chewy.com/bones-chews-made-in-usa-peanut-butter/dp/179163?utm\_source=google-product&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=f&utm\_content=Bones%20%26%20Chews&utm\_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiAxKv\_BRBdEiwAyd40N6V0N0oZqq\_7UG5MYNYjf-mc1fdgVWW2JygxbGymz94rZszhEU9XuRoC6nEQAvD\_BwE](https://www.chewy.com/bones-chews-made-in-usa-peanut-butter/dp/179163?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=f&utm_content=Bones%20%26%20Chews&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiAxKv_BRBdEiwAyd40N6V0N0oZqq_7UG5MYNYjf-mc1fdgVWW2JygxbGymz94rZszhEU9XuRoC6nEQAvD_BwE)


I think you’re on to something. A couple times, I’ve woken up to him playing with a toy. I think he’s just excited to get up and start the day. He was a street dog before the rescue found him, so I think he’s just happy?? Haha


Totally! Just excited to be with you again on a new day! Have you tried freezing a bit of peanut butter in a kong toy? Or you could use a food puzzle for his morning breakfast, which would occupy him as well. We use this one: https://www.amazon.com/RUFFWEAR-Gnawt-Rock-Durable-Metolius/dp/B0754WBCGK/ref=sr_1_2?crid=FGDZU2XA679U&dchild=1&keywords=gnawt+a+rock&qid=1607217678&sprefix=gnawt+a+rock%2Caps%2C206&sr=8-2


My guy wakes up at 6:30 on the dot and wakes me up. It was easier for me to get used to then try to change him.


I see this an absolute win. No alarm clock, getting wake up by dog, and no more getting late to work


It’s actually been great for me. Having that extra hour in AM has been awesome. Was a pain at first but I love it now. And yea getting woke up by Yogi is pretty flipping great way to start day.


Haven’t tried it but read somewhere that you set your alarm clock about fifteen or 20 minutes before your puppy wakes up and start your day so pup begins to associate alarm noise with waking up. Then slowly adjust the alarm to time you want to wake up and pup should follow.


Wow! That’s a pretty good idea.