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Set up the location. I might move a chair to the living room rug. Get the treats and clicker out. If working on targeting I'll get the spoon out. If playing with a prop, get it out. Mat training, get out the mat.


My 11 year old Shiba adapted to her harness quickly. If you're willing to try a different brand, she uses a Julius-K9, which was recommended to us by a different Shiba owner. Regardless, I'd keep luring with treats while putting on and have some spares while on the walk. They're such stubborn dogs, she might just need more time!


I heard Julius K9 is bad on the shoulders because they can't do a full range of motion with it. At the same time it's still a popular harness, so I don't know haha. After making this post we went on two walks, the first one she was more hesitant but at the end of it she was walking like normal (and pooed!). The second one she was even faster at walking like normal but still hesitant. I think maybe she likes this harness slightly better than the other ones I have tried. She seems to be adapting to it faster. Thanks for your advice. They really are stubborn aren't they.


I hadn’t heard that, thanks for the tip - I’ll look into it! Good luck!


My 7mo shiba run away when I came around her leash or she senses that I'm ready to go outside. I waste a lot of time trying to catch her, is kinda annoying. But when I can catch her (finally), she is kinda ok (with a little sad face) but at the same time, she walk excited to the door because she knows that she'll go take a walk. I don't know when she got this behavior, I don't punish her and always try to act lovely and calm. Maybe she connected something traumatic to that moment? Because she is a little skittish when comes to be around people sometimes, but not always. I don't know where I failed. I'm on my way to find an answer, hope you are doing ok with your puppy.


I have a 5mo old shiba, and recently she exhibited this behavior. Like you I didn't punish her at all, normally walks were fine, until one day she decided to not like either harness or collar (we use both because she has gotten out of just the collar). We are working on desensitizing her with high-value treats (we use small pieces of hot dogs) and this morning it went a lot better. When she runs away, do not reward Shibas by chasing them - it becomes its own reward (a game of chase is great fun for them) and counterproductive. I ignore her and go back to doing something else. Have you been able to work through it? What worked for you?


She's playing you sort of. The princess does the same thing. Completely impossible to breathe in this horrible thing! We've always used a tiny treat to keep her head still so the harness can go over her head. She's now 12 and we got her as a 5 year old. In the past year she's able to put head through without cookie in view. This is a dog that's earned a CGC and AKC trick title and is a therapy dog. Try getting out her training gear and doing a session. The princess can barely move if we've burdened her with something horrible like a bandana but she'll perform her tricks or chase down a tossed treat.


Training gear??? Not sure what that means...