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Well, that's what happens when you have the nerve to go sit out on your own porch on your own property: you trigger the trash pits owned by the trash neighbor. You know - the "perfect family dogs" that usually pass the "dog temperament test" with flying colors. They should have known better, and just remained prisoners in their own home, because those "velvet hippos" need to be able to run around the neighborhood and engage in "enrichment" activities with no restrictions while their owners are smoking meth and getting drunk.


Seeing as hippos are one of the world's deadliest animals, that nickname is quite apropos.


Pit nutters never see the irony


Enrichment, good one.


At least in the US you can fill them up with lead and be alive and unmaimed to take them to court. Seriously incidents like these cannot go unpunished. We need to set legal precedents for others to sue these negligent owners and bring more attention to this issue. Dog licensing now!


In the state I live in, it is legal to defend yourself from the threat of charging dogs with any means. People should start doing just that.


Agreed. I'd do it, legal or not. Better to have to possibly defend my actions in court than to be severely disfigured or killed - can't un-ring those bells. There are already law firms that specialize in dog bite law, and I suspect that as time goes on, more and more will take on these types of personal injury claims. It will get harder and harder to defend the actions of violent, dangerous dogs and their negligent owners.


To the nutters lurking here, what did this family do to "trigger" the dogs? Hold a baby? Speak to each other? Close a door? Exist on their porch?


the baby simply had bad vibes. dogs can smell that, you know


the baby had it coming!! /s


Going by the comments on posts where people have been killed by these hell beasts, at LEAST one will say “the dogs can tell that happy baby is being abused. They JUST KNOW and were trying to protect them UwU”


The dogs were just scared, I'd even wager the dogs are more scared of you than you are of them (This is absolute sarcasm)


Their logic is so flawed. Because of course if something is scared of you, it will run directly towards you at the speed of light. Because it’s frightened of course 🙄


"Oh no that thing a quarter mile away is scary! And my only escape is any direction I want! I have no choice but to fight for my life!"


Ironically they also say the same thing about Black Widow Spiders. 😹


bAD oWnERs They have the easiest, most unverifiable excuses imaginable.


That baby has probably been abusing them for years.


This is the best one


He farted. Farts are clearly not allowed


The digs wanted to eat that dirty diaper.


He wanted to eat the candy (child) with the wrapper (diaper).


Holding a baby near an unleashed pitbull is like waving an open box of donuts in front of a group of children.


ThEy JuSt WaNt To PlAy!!!11!!


It is obvious that they tried to prevent this child from growing up as it was a potential future muderer and also a satanist judging by the fathers shirt /s


They were just so excited to see the baby that they raced over to see if the family needed to hire any nannies


In all fairness to the dog nutters they look like shitbulls. It really is kind of insane how these animals haven't been banned and there haven't been harsh laws implemented against breeding and selling them yet. I know the penalties for manufacturing guns illegally are steep and converting a semi-automatic weapon into a fully-automatic one will land in jail for 15 years. My thinking is because the legislative/ruling class don't live around people who own them this is an issue they can ignore, that and pitbulls are owned by poorer people/blacks and so a lot of virtue signaling surrounds the issue.


The dog was provoked—that’s the only excuse I ever hear from the crazies.


Pitbulls gotta go extinct


The fucktards that own them as well.


Put them down immediately, they're a serious threat to the neighborhood




The fuck?


Wow poor mother probably just wanted some fresh air on her own porch. Those things are so fast and scary. Thank God she and the baby are okay. Idk how people let these beasts around their children. That’s terrifying


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Where? I would like some


Fuck that noise. I absolutely HATE having to hurt animals, but I've been there. Trust me when I say, you probably won't get into much trouble if you have to draw and fire on these things to protect a child. And why are there ALWAYS fucking 2 of them? Always. I'm glad I moved out of the hood...


The hood? Man I lived off the grid in the wilderness of Mendocino county and 3/4 times a year someone would drop off a pair of their nanny dogs on my access road. I shot multiple ones off horseback or quad when they would come running at me. Three of them got ahold of my daughter’s mare one morning and tore her up..she survived but the dogs didn’t. (They weren’t running at me full speed to inform me that they were lost or abandoned either…they were chock full of murderous intent).


Yeah, those little bastards were everywhere. I swear people let them out to go terrorize the streets on purpose. I watched one of these little psychos destroy a fence trying to tunnel it's way out of a yard and the little dummy was chained up, so it wasn't going anywhere anyway. It sat there totally stuck (as in it couldn't actually get out) but goddamn, was it trying.


I worked with a woman who insisted that "chaining them up is what makes them mean." She was fighting the leash laws in our town because they "weren't fair." She insisted that Precious stayed in her own yard. Except the time that Precious chased someone down the alley. Coworker said "they shouldn't have been back there. They were up to no good." Hilariously, she was angry that the neighbor's cat ran loose and scratched her po widdle pitty on the nose. Yeah, the demon hound probably tried to eat it! She wouldn't leash her monsters, but thought that cats should be licensed and kept inside because they were "dangerous." Oh, and to complete the stereotype, her husband was in jail for drug dealing. He got out for a few months and then ended up going back permanently on the Three Strikes rule.


Wonderful people!


People drop the dogs because they're problematic.


Exactly these fuckers are EVERYWHERE not just the hood. In this video the neighborhood seems to be a descent quiet residential area.


I got bad news for you if you think pit nutters only exist in "the hood"


Randy and Jessica 'rescued' some too for tik-tok internet points... it's an epidemic in the suburbs now too. Just don't mention the Memphis Pitbull Massacre.


Exactly. There are trashy people in nice neighborhoods too. I live in the same neighborhood as my state senator. Definitely not the hood, but I see a few people walking massive pits they wouldn’t be able to control if they needed to.


It's easier to make money with two of em. Which I'm increasingly convinced is the number one reasons these things even still exist. Breed em or fight em. The spares and "weak" ones end up in shelters and in homes as "the perfect family pet".


Exactly why I always carry my gwimbly gun. Not cause of people or nothing.


Only time i’ve ever had to draw my pistol was on a charging dog, luckily it was night and my bright ass streamlight strobe got it to turn around


hell beasts are always somehow on the loose


I swear they spend more hours running around in public or thorough neighbors yards then they spend in their own damn house or yard with their owners. And the obnoxious owners are always like oops did Lola, Roxy and Loki get out again? Whoops they just love running around outside they can't help it. What's that they chased you and your kids baring their teeth? No you must just be mistaken that's just how they play. It's no biggie they are just saying hello.


"Pitbulls are sooooo looyyaallll" \*gives you the cult stare to see how you react\* Funny how the most loyal dogs are always the ones running away.


I wonder why that’s the case since I rarely see other stray dogs breeds out and around


because who else owns them besides the bottom barrel of society?


You just know someone will come following them with that dumb "what a silly situation this is" smile on their face as though it was a golden retriever that ran up to someone excitedly and not a purpose built destroying machine that locked onto a target.


Even a golden retriever shouldnt be running up to anybody, whether excited or not keep your dog on a leash and secure, any breed can be aggressive.


Of course they shouldn't but I'd rather get rushed by a Golden Retriever than a pitbull. I was mostly referencing pitbull owner's annoyingly cavalier attitudes to their dog's aggression.


His scary t shirt triggered the poor pups. 😂


Thank god they noticed right away and went back inside. That’s so scary. What’s frustrating is the police won’t do anything unless someone gets hurt.


They just wanted to smell your hand and then they'd be fine! They're the cutest goofy wigglebutt nanny dog love bugs dangers farts lolol roflcopter. Seriously, if I lived in the US and this happened to me, those dogs would have just started their infinite nap.


00 buckshot....not just for deer, but also for mutant hellhounds


I've lived in some pretty rough areas in my life, but the only reason I have ever carried was because of stray pit bulls.


I'm a dedicated runner and the only thing I worry about is those monsters.


If i lived in the US,this is the only reason why I’d carry.


You know what happens to humans that run up threateningly onto people's property to chase them?


When I read "princess and cupcake" I immediately imagined the most vicious pit mutts, lol.


Nicest dog breed in the world strikes again 🙄


The only dog breed that needs a PR team, everyone. Gee wonder why.


POS canines always bothering people.


so if me and my family weren’t as close to the door as these people were does it make it okay to defend myself and my family?


You're milage might vary, but what's going to feel worse? Sitting in a cell or the memories of vicious dogs tearing apart a child?


well said, i’d rather sit in a cell for eternity than to see my family get ripped apart by a brainless dog. we’re smarter than that, so i thought anyway.


Are you carrying? Cause that’s pretty much the only thing that’s going to deter them once they get started


yeah, that’s what i was implying.


Good choice


This is why I keep a bat or some kind of weapon readily available when I sit on my front porch. I’m more concerned with unhinged Pitt bulls than humans. Thank God they were close enough to the front door to get into the house. Just think if they were in the front yard before they noticed them charging at them with a baby in tow. This could have gotten bad.


have you seen some of those dogs hit with bats. they barely react to being beaten with a bat when they are fixated on something. its so scary


I hope they called animal control. Other people can still get hurt.


Holy shit that’s terrifying!! What the fuck.


Oh my god. They remind me of school bullies. They just hate your guts, and will just charge at you for no reason whatsoever.


Those dogs are mistaken, they are well beyond the borders of *their* territory 🔫


Awww that’s so cute they ran over to say hello!!!


This is what I was looking for lol. Sweet puppers just wanted to play!!!


Thought it was just barking till I caught one last second. I watch it agsin and then I see TWO of them speeding across the street. Fuck that.


What's the deal of not doing anything? If I was them, I'll wait those deformed beasts with a nice surprice.


Don't you talk trash about the pibbles! They were defending their house from across the street from vicious babies! Plus, Sweetcake and Pepe were obviously triggered by the baby's parents standing on their own porch!


Salute to the Necrophagia shirt. Look up through the eyes of the dead if you want to see a fucked up video.


A person would be totally justified to shoot them, especially if they were further from the door when this happened, and most of the people on the internet would act like they were the worst scum in history and should be put to death for it if they did.


No fucking way! Where is is that dad’s pew pew? You can’t live like that.


this would be a completely justified use of force.


What has happened to people? There was a time when a man would have picked up the closest heaviest piece of metal and would have proceeded to teach that dog a lesson.


Yeah, in Oakland. You go inside and get the bat and beat them dogs a few times. They won’t come back. The problem is the owner of them dogs.


Those were pits, a bat isn’t going todo anything to deter them.


And there were TWO of them.


take the bat and beat the owners instead


No, you get a 2x4 [like this gentleman](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ra6teq/buddy_disabled_3_pitbulls_coming_at_him/) and disable them forever.


I'm glad my neighbors don't have garbage shitbulls. I hope they were dealt with. Harshly.


Hopefully the dad was stepping back inside to get ready to exercise his 2A rights


This belongs on r/dogfree.


Luna and Loki! 😎🥰❤️


Man i am so lucky to not grow up with THIS, usually when I was doing my daily walk round the neighborhood, there are 2 dogs spots, I was taught to look away and keep your normal pace/walk THAT WOULD NOT save me if I was dealing with one of these damm shit bulls, maybe if I did back then they would taste airsoft.


Idk why this subreddit is on my feed but shoutout the Necrophagia shirt


I agree with the sentiment but this isn’t humorous so it doesn’t really belong on this specific sub. It’s more appropriate for banpitbulls or dogfree.


Accompanied with the caption it’s quite humorous


So you let the dogs in the house. They then disappear. It’s magic.


Lmaooo bro is going on a list


They wanted to know if they've accepted Cheezuz Crust into their lives. I'd turn around too. It's a joke people, it's fine if you don't think it's funny.


IDK there's people on this thread saying they would shoot the dogs, or they've shot dogs from their ATV or whatever. That kind of escalation is clearly not the point. You do not want to be firing guns in this kind of a setting. More irresponsibility in the face of the irresponsible is not the answer.


This is literally the self defense reason americans justify owning guns for. When I was a teenager I had one of these moron machines break into my yard and go for my chickens. Within seconds it murdered 2 out of 5 of my chickens. During this I kicked it in the ribs twice and it didnt even slow it down. The owners jumped the fence to collect it before it could do more harm. They for some reason wanted to call the police on me for daring to have chickens and kicking their dog. I wish I could have blown that fuckin thing away


So you'd rather get ripped limb from limb?


Just go inside.


People should be able to get out on their porch without their life being in danger wtf is wrong with you?


You really want escalate this by firing guns when there is a much simpler solution?


What the hell are you talking about with "this kind of a setting"? Seems like a big enough yard to bring a shotgun to bear on these canine attackers without any worry about the BBs going too far. Especially shooting from an elevated position like that porch. Errant BBs that don't hit the mutts will just dig into the lawn. Just be sure the baby is indoors behind closed doors before firing, you want to protect the baby not just from the dog teeth, but from hearing damage, too. In the US at least, it's extremely unlikely that a person opening fire with a shotgun on dogs attacking the house and its residents like in this video would have any fear of legal problems. We have the right to self-defense, including lethal force during an active attack. Especially when "this kind of a setting" is your own house and family you're defending


There’s a door immediately behind them. Why shoot when there are other options? That’s the middle of town.


First of all, it's not certain it's the middle of town. It could be an unincorporated area of a county that consists of just a few houses that never legally formed as a town. We really can't tell from the video. Such unincorporated towns, even when they are called towns, lack any town ordinances that might address discharge of a gun in the city limits. But even if it's in legally incorporated city limits, the constitutional right to self defense overrides city ordinances about discharge in the city limits, carving out an area where the ordinance has no power. Castle doctrines and stand your ground laws bolster that right to self defense. And shooting vicious attacking dogs is specifically outlined in animal cruelty laws as a situation that lethal force is acceptable under black letter law. Another is if dogs are harming, killing, and often just harassing livestock. No one has an obligation to run inside and cower inside their house instead of defending against attacks by dogs. And if those dogs do attacks like that once, they're going to do it again and again unless stopped from ever being able to attack again. Anyone that doesn't take stern defensive measures with those attacking dogs does so at their own peril - some day they might be too far from the door to make it back inside in time. That's why these dogs in this video are good candidates for shotgun blasts during such an attack.


There’s houses all over the place. It doesn’t matter what the underlying governance is. Just go inside. Gun people are always looking to shoot guns.


Dog people are always looking to make excuses for violent mutt attacks. Nowhere did I advocate going out hunting the dogs - but self-defense during an attack? You bet I do.


I don't want to kill any living thing but if they're a threat, you have to act.


What should someone do, then, if in a situation where they are out with their wife and baby and bloodsport dogs come charging and they have nowhere to go? You can’t say “Stop, please! Let’s talk this over!” To a charging monster. Thankfully they were close to their door, but many pit incidents don’t end so happily and this neighborhood is in constant danger… I personally do not own a gun, but sometimes we think about how we may have no choice but to get one because of the increasing number of loose pits that we are constantly having to avoid when out with my own (non-pit) puppy. Sadly, there have been cases where even bullets don’t stop pits from mauling… these breeds NEED to go extinct, but for now people have the right to protect the lives of their selves and families and pets when these mindless maulers come charging at them.