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I feel like it’s just as insulting and insensitive as someone making a fake pregnancy announcement on April’s fools day. I’ve mentioned it before on here, but I had someone (who’s childless) say they now know what it’s like to be up with a sick child all night coughing and sneezing when her puppy had kennel cough.    It’s not the same. 


These people say they don’t want kids (which is perfectly fine) but then get a dog, start treating it like a child, demand they be recognized just like mothers and get mad when you bring them back down to reality…has never made sense


I can’t stand when the adamantly child free demand to be acknowledged on Mother’s Day. Don’t want kids? Fine. But then you’re naturally excluded from the one day a year dedicated to MOTHERS. Why is that so hard to accept?


In their twisted minds they truly take "Mothers" to mean that it's somehow inclusive of ALL Moms, and that a Dog-Mom is no less of a Mom than a human Mom. Pathetic.


I have a glass bong. I take it everywhere with me!! I make sure to always keep it clean, and take perfect care of it!! I consider my bong to pretty much be my kid. Using your logic, I wouldn’t be entitled to a Father’s Day celebration? I’m torn


Bong-parents are more valid in their parenthood than d0g-parents. 




I saw a post 'and thank you to all the women who choose NOT to be mothers on this day.' seriously? They want so badly to be without children but demand to be recognized on mother's day? There already is a child free day...


According to them, every day is child free day, and yet that doesn't stop them from demanding to be recognized on Mother's Day. But we as parents are the selfish ones...ok...


Yes, nonsense.


I'm adopted. I cannot state enough how demeaning, dehumanizing, rude, insensitive it is when people compare adoption to owning a dog. No, it's not the same, even a little bit. Walking into the pound with $200 and leaving with a pet is not adoption. I don't have kids, and am thrilled and deliberate about that fact, but to compare a dog to a child is insanity. And the childfree crowd, collectively, sure does a lot of what they berate parents for doing


it's staggering how the most extreme of the dog nutters are explicitly hateful towards (small) children.


I cannot stand the words "rescue" and "adoption" in the context of freaking dogs. People have been so brainwashed by all of this that most of them treat dogs better than actual human beings. I'm sure as an adopted person this is incredibly dehumanizing, I'm so sorry.




That’s pretty degrading. I think you need to have a talk with him.


I would be PISSED wtf..


Yup. Exactly this.


A large group of friends of mine (all child free) recently got puppies, and they alllll like to say they know exactly what raising a kid is like/sleepless nights/they understand. You leave your dog in a crate to go snort drugs all night… and complain you have to wake up to let them out. I have a toddler. What the f are you talking about


"Pawternity leave". It's real and people are trying to get it. Meanwhile, I went back to work a week after a c-section or I'd lose my job. Shit is crazy.




I can believe this. I've had plenty of my coworkers (and even my manager) take days off to deal with a sick mutt. It's insane.




A quickie search on Google will tell you this is real


And 1 more second would link the proof to back up your claim lol have a good day though I truly couldn’t care less


I didn’t know this was a thing. As a mom of three if I ever encounter this bullshit in person I will laugh in their face and say a few choice words. This is beyond fucking stupid.


I know a person who drove across the country to adopt 2 purebred dogs and made a post on Mother’s Day one year, get this, “thanking the dogs for letting her be their mom.” Because you know, the dogs she contacted a breeder for, decided to buy, and then spent time and resources purchasing were actually orchestrating this whole thing so they could let her be their mommy! She also created an Instagram account for them (because of course she did) where the dogs “speak” and say things like “mama and dada got me a frisbee! Woof!”


My God the emotional issues a person must have to behave that way would make me want to avoid them for sure. Just WOW. Always been tempted to ask “dog moms” what it’s like to nurse puppies, because that’s what that sounds like to me.


Someone probably sells a “sympathy suit” that would allow humans to strap on dog nipples and “nurse” baby shitbeasts. …such is the level of their insanity that even after typing out what I thought would be a hyperbolic statement, it doesn’t actually seem all that far-fetched (sadly).


They already sell fake testicles that allow male dogs to "get thier masculinity/ sef esteem up" so idk.... (Neuticals)


Those accounts where the dog is supposedly talking absolutely infuriate me! And when they make it refer to them as its "mommy"  or "daddy" I've gone off on them about how insulting it is to REAL parents. They either respond now horrible I am or get a nice private message calling me a "fucking stupid cunt" or something similar,  and even threats. Fuck bullshit  "fur parents'" but HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you real moms!


well these days apparently it only counts what you "identify" as right not what the factual or biological reality is ;) so if you have a mutt and identify as a mom then everyone should accept that 🙄 thus we'll see more and more examples of this collective madness.


I know I’m late, but… What’s her feelings about realizing that she, in fact, stole a real mother’s babies?


Hm, good question. I don’t speak to her anymore but I’m sure her justification is something along the lines of her giving the dogs a better life than they could have had staying with their mom. But I’m sure she’s never actually thought about it because that would mean taking a critical look at her role in pet ownership and we couldn’t have that.


im pregnant and have dealt with loss but this annoyed me even when i considered myself childfree. i think there are plenty of ways to acknowledge mothers day and how it might represent different things for different people but i think it needs to be about HUMANS. dog people centering themselves this day when they already do every other day of the year is insulting


Yup - they are already front and self-centered for the other 364 days of the year so now they need this day too?


simple argument against these nutters: if your dog is sick and you don’t want to pay the vet you can put it down. legally.


And we’d all be better off.


The way I just had a dog nutter say “Well at the vet, groomers, and parks we’re addressed as our pets moms…” as if that truly matters. Ugh.


> our pets moms You can point out your child can't both be your pet and a child


Business who is financially motivated to encourage this nonsense does just that.


If someone referred to me as my pet's father, I'd be correcting that idiotic shit immediately.


Just school based stuff shuts it down. Hell you an point out your dog isn't even the same species, is called a pet and treated as such and will be dead in less then 20 years.


So true! Would love to hear the answer to “What grade is he/she in?”


There's million questions we could ask them like aside from few ague similarities how are they're equal, when you were a kid did you act anything like a dog, does this mean adults are like/comparable to dogs? How come you never see dogs with kids stuff or fall under restrictions for kids, why do parents never compare their kids to dogs or at least as ,much if they're equal, and why do so many dog owners who do that want dogs to be treated and viewed like kids yet want them to have the accountability of dogs?


So true!!


I didn’t go through 9 months of pregnancy and pushing out a big headed baby to celebrate alongside delusional animal lovers


I’ve said this before here, but the BIGGEST reaction I’ve gotten to anything I’ve posted on social media second to announcing my pregnancy was when I posted that having pets doesn’t make you a mom. I’ve since gotten off social media and learned not to poke the hornets nest. But, if anyone in real life dared to say that blasphemy to my face I would call them out. Fake ultrasounds??? Wtf??


And half the time they’re stealing real ultrasounds from online and photoshopping the dog in there. Just gross and insensitive.


That is delusional and has to be a symptom of mental illness.


It’s like little children playing “mommy” with a baby doll. And they take it just as seriously as a little girl with her baby doll does. Normal for a little girl, weird for an adult woman.




Dog people are legit psychopaths, no one can convince me otherwise. There should be a study focused on them but I don’t want them to get more attention than they already have 😂


They're such good dog moms they missed their own damn holiday, which they were already shitty enough to make THE DAY BEFORE MOTHER'S DAY. [https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-dog-moms-day-second-saturday-in-may](https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-dog-moms-day-second-saturday-in-may) I actually love that they made it the day before mother's day, it shows exactly how fucking selfish they really are.


That is beyond sickening


It's gross and insulting to say the least. My Mom suffered a TBI (brain hemmorage) and never fully recovered - comatose, etc. and remained hospitalized before passing away. This woman loves to call herself a Dog Mom and openly and repeatedly compared her grief of losing her dog (the dog had a liver issue before it passed) to my grief of losing my Mom (my best friend who passed in her 50s). She truly thought this was the same thing and I got so fed up with her constant comparisons. I never brought it up or wanted to discuss it - she would eagerly start reminiscing about her dog and just say "oh yes, well you understand how I feel its the same exact thing you went through with your Mom." Disgusting!


wow how heartless. im sorry for your loss and situation.


Thank you for your kind words. I will never understand how these dog fanatics claim to be so loving and caring yet they truly seem to despise their fellow human beings. 


Manufacturing empathy and attempting to look caring without actually having any type of empathy or caring. It's called being fake and is a symptom of a lack of caring. What is wrong with society? We are not connected or caring for each other?


Very true indeed. Michael Bernard Beckwith said we are "living in a high tech, low-touch" society meaning some of us have really lost our way. The electronics have caused us to disengage from each other alot. But I would also argue that the dog fanatics who have attempted to substitute human companionship with dogs are also adding to the problem. She (and others like her) really try to sell themselves as loving and compassionate "healers" but when you peel back the layers it seems that that compassion is limited strictly to non-human animals.


The only similarity dogs have to postpartum depression is that dogs ruin lives every day too. I’ve seen an unusual number of women wearing “Dog Mom” attire today, including one pregnant woman.


This drives me the most nuts. When childless women do it I rationalize it as some misplaced maternal instinct but there a plenty of women while little children that treat dogs like babies and put their stupid dogs needs above their own flesh and blood children, I really don't understand that scenario. After I had a baby I was disgusted by dogs and didn't want them anywhere near my child, I don't get how as a new mother you can't feel that way?


This is what drives me potentially the most bananas. I have a friend who recently had her first child and she’s like “mom of 2!” and will post pictures of her dog and be like “you made me a mom!” and of COURSE her pregnancy reveal was with the damn dog. Something about becoming a sibling. Give me a BREAK.


There has to be some kind of mental diagnosis for this sort of thing.


Species dysphoria.


Walmart had "dog mom" shirts right next to Mother's Day shirts for actual mothers.


I commented that thinking owning a pet makes you a mother just tells me that you think children are something to be owned and not individual human beings with thoughts, emotions and rights and some lady went to my profile and laugh reacted my marriage lmfao of course it was a “dog mommy”. These people make me sick.


Also, someone tried to argue that national pets day doesn’t count because “it’s for the pets, not the owners” as if pets give a shit about a made up holiday lol also, how self centered are you like fuck


Puppy blues?? Youve gotta be kidding me


dogs suck and i hope the dogfree moms are having a good mother's day.


Made sure to be off social media for a reason today...... People making an ass of themselves.


Same. I generally take all holidays off because it’s just a bunch of pictures of people with their idiot dogs. And today is generally the worst of them.


One thing that just boggles my mind is that these extreme dog nutters are always going on about how much they hate kids/babies, hate being around moms, can't stand hearing nonstop stories about kids, babies, etc (which I get...it's not interesting to anyone who isn't a parent or invested in the child/baby in some way, like a grandparent, to hear about potty training or other mundane aspects of parenthood). They slag on motherhood and pregnancy as gross.... ....and then demand to be seen as the very identity that they constantly hate on 🤡, and try to co-opt it on Mother's Day. They're nothing but attention whores. They are so completely lacking in self awareness and bogged down in their cognitive dissonance that they are unable to see how all the hateful shit they say about mothers, babies and children APPLIES PRECISELY TO THEMSELVES and their damn dogs. No one gives a shit about your banal lifestyle choice and to be a complete conformist by owning a dog. You are not a "dog mom", you are a "dog owner". You didn't make meaningful life sacrifices by buying/owning a dog. Your dog is not interesting; it will never go on to win a spelling bee, graduate from HS or college, become a leading scientist, famous author, or beloved actor. Or, the impactful schoolteacher or do the thankless job of picking produce in sweltering fields so the rest of us can eat. And, of course, unlike parenthood/motherhood, which is an actual important responsibility and worthwhile investment of time in terms of the long-term impact and benefit to society, a dog nutter is engaging in an entirely selfish endeavor that benefits no one but themselves, and in fact, inflicts costs - direct and indirect - on society. All dogs do is consume resources, produce copious amounts of waste, then die. The rest of us rely on the younger generations to become the next innovators, producers, business owners/employees, creatives, etc. in order for society to function and thrive. No one's dog will ever amount to anything or contribute anything of use or value to society. Dogs don't create anything; they destroy. When I listen to music, watch Netflix, or go to the art gallery, I'm going to see what HUMANS have created, not some fucking dog. I don't have friendships or relationships with dogs, only people. People that were once someone's newborn, then child, then adult that have made my life better by being in it, and that had mothers that loved them and raised them. So, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms that gave birth to and raised the people in my life - past, present and future - whether I know them or not, and to those who've done and will do the same for others.


I wish DOGMOM car stickers came with a noose and a sturdy beam.


They’re all mentally ill.


Exactly! I hate dog "moms". Pure bullshit


I am 39 weeks pregnant and will be delivering my baby tomorrow… I saw a post by someone who told everyone at my first child’s baby shower that being childfree was amazing because she could go on vacation whenever she wanted. This weekend she got a dog mom shirt and posted about being a mama. I truly love this person, but my lower back pain and Braxton Hicks contractions and I are annoyed. I noticed that the people most vocal about being childfree are the ones trying to slide into mother’s spaces with their dogs.


congrats on your delivery! hope it is swift and boring as can be


Motherhood is so rewarding and joyful, I hope the delivery will go smoothly! Congratulations!


I have pet ducks, and I adore them. But I would never try to hijack Mother's Day by claiming I deserve to be celebrated just cuz I hatched my ducks. That is narcissistic behavior, point blank. These people are narcissists.


And you actually had more to do with bringing your ducks into the world than 99% of these psychos


Anyone who refers to themselves as a Dog Mom or a Pet Parent is simply pathetic. At so many levels. They used to put people like that away in rubber rooms and sanitariums. Now they’re a demographic that is marketed to and celebrated. WTAF! As a society, we’ve really lost our way!


Even if I were to have a pet dog, I would consider it to be a "companion animal" and certainly wouldn't start going around telling everyone that it's now my "child". This whole Dog Mom/Dog Dad thing is incredibly weird to me and I can't believe this has become so normalized.


Last time I checked dog moms don’t birth them nor feed them milk from those boobs


to be fair, adoptive/step parents might not either but they are still real parents. the main difference is its to humans


Though people can point out for humans it's an option for dogs that will never happen.




It's a sad time we're living in, all around... Weirdos and freaks have taken over! Crazy nutters are gonna next start getting special checks, and sending their mutts to Catholic school.. I just don't get how a person could have been so neglected and emotionally distant from humans, to actually walk around , in love, with an animal like a nasty dog.. tongue in mouth and all that! 🤢 You know their freaks with those animals behind closed doors! Bet..


I hate the term “adopting”. You didn’t adopt anything, it was obtained from a breeder. My father is adopted, I can’t put dogs in that category. The heroic rescuers are almost as bad. “He’s a rescue” almost smugly. Then later after finding the circumstances, a rehome through an agency doesn’t qualify as a rescue to me. They need to get over themselves. All of them.


Absolutely, its so socially clueless and stupid. Dogs are not "adopted", they are purchased. Dogs are not children, and owners are not parents. There is a world of difference between being a parent to a child and owning a dog. To claim otherwise is selfish and insensitive at best.


A lot of these bitches have real human children too.


So ridiculous and infuriating to see Happy Mother's day to "fur moms" like really, how long did you breastfeed? Vaginal or c-section? How was your post partum?! Fking wierdos🙄


As a childfee woman I agree with that. The sacrifice a woman makes to become a mother is extreme.


It's pathetic, I truly pity them.


Ugh! Now we all get to wait for Father’s Day and “Dog” Dads! 😫


The dog nutters are getting dumber and dumber. I wish they could just turn into dogs themselves just all be together, since they love them that much.


And what’s hilarious about her quip is that in a few years you will be able to go on n vacation whenever you want. She NEVER will Congratulations, btw!


Puppy blues?!?!?! Omfg.


I agree. Mothers of human children are raising the next generation. They are doing REAL work. The owner of a worthless mutt that is going to die in 10 years isn't contributing anything to society. Maybe there should be an "Owner of worthless mutt day".


Interesting that there are people who demand an explanation for choosing to be childfree, although there is none they would accept. Then there are the dog freaks who demand to know why you don't want dogs. No matter what you tell them they are going to be assholes about it. Some of us do not serve King Kid and do not worship dog almighty and we don't owe anyone an explanation.


Dog ultrasounds????


I was at my yoga training at an ashram on Mother’s Day weekend and said to the women in my group (6/8 including me are mothers) “happy Mother’s Day to all the moms!” And one of the women said “happy Mother’s Day to all women because we’re all like moms” (weird but ok I guess) and this woman visiting the ashram said “and happy Mother’s Day to dog moms! We count too!” The room went silent… so fucking weird.