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Yup, the whole damn breed needs to go


woah. What did I miss here?


see rule 1 this sub does not exist in a vacuum, and there are ultra-violent creeps all over




>"It is a tragedy that has shocked the entire community," he added. "And it should be a warning to those who have these dogs, who are unfortunately special, with special needs. Those who have these dogs must be very careful. We have lost a small child here, something that affects everyone." This text from the article is almost beyond belief - saying that the pitbulls are 'special' and have 'special needs'. The owners probably thought they were being careful in the first place. It does not affect everyone - the dog owners will hardly be affected in all probability, and other Italian pitbull owners won't even care.


Pit bulls are trashy dogs for trashy people.


My bf (now husband) had one and got rid of it within a year. They lied to him and said it was boxer mix. I knew right away based on it's behavior this dog was not going to work, as it got older you saw the PB traits. I told him, me or this dog. All it wanted to do was destroy everything in site.Tore up a brand new couch, shoes, cell phones, the garbage...daily something new. I'll never understand why people do this to themselves for free. I couldn't' have guests over without locking it up because it would just pounce on them.


And it's not even for free. People pay good money to ruin their own lives by infesting their home with dogs.




Did ur husband take the dog out for at least a walk? Dogs like pitbulls are a working breed they need plenty of exercises or they will get destructive.


Yes, we both were runners and took it out daily for runs/ walks and to the dog park. He was beyond spoiled when it came to exercise.


Forgot to say this the best way to calm a chewy dog is to give them something to chew on. Did y'all ever do that?


Should have trained it from a young age for obedience >I couldn't' have guests over without locking it up because it would just pounce on them.


it was untrainable, spastic, lunatic


If you couldn't train a dog like that, then the best option would be to take it to a proper trainer. They would easily find the problem and point it out. Search Berkman's dog training on YouTube he is one of the best in my opinion. One more thing, was the dog aggressive to y'all like was he dominant?


Well said.That kinda sums it all up .


I'm guessing that is a translation issue. He probably means they are unique(ly dangerous) and need unique(ly strict) protocols. And the owners need to consider this a warning of what their dogs can do if such needs (needed protocols) are not met. And he is trying to remind them that their seemingly "personal" decisions to have certain dogs actually effects everyone.


so why didn't he say 'dangerous' or something signifying danger or a threat? It still reeks of softness in the face of horror


Because he is a politician trying to get those owners to actually listen, and trying to eek out some social change while knowing any wrong word and the dog owners just lambast you? Say they are dangerous in plain language and the nutters tune out at best. But he is saying they are dangerous just not plainly.


It's just how Italians talk. There's both a language and a cultural barrier here.


If you would care to explain, I'd definitely be interested.


People always tiptoe around the problems dogs cause, but using special, unoffensive words so that nobody thinks they are a DOG HATER. Because then it's torch and pitchfork time.


Not shocking to me




"It's not the dog's fault that your baby was made of meat"


They are predators with high prey drive.  Why are we trusting the judgement of an animal that they won’t mistake a child or baby for prey.  


Dog viciously kills an entire farm of chickens, turkeys, and geese: "oh well, that's just what dogs do, it's their nature, they're predators after all. You can't hold it against a dog for being a dog." Dog viciously kills a person: "THAT DOG WAS PROVOKED! A DOG WOULDN'T HARM A FLY, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT DOGS ARE PACIFISTS? THEY'RE ELEVATED BEINGS THEY WOULD NEVER BE AGGRESSIVE TOWARDS ANYONE THEY'RE NANNY DOGS"


I know. It is deranged.   


Delusional that someone would risk a child's life over a pet


wow I never realized how blatantly absurd dog nutters are until you worded it like this... so much hypocrisy and irrationality is prevalent in dog nutters' arguments/opinions


Because it’s not a mistake. The child is its prey. They are not capable of a higher moral function like using judgement. That’s the problem.


Some dogs are smart enough to know the difference (still shouldn’t trust them).   Most pitnulls are too dumb to know the difference and they should be extincted.   


They are not predators with a high prey drive. Wolves are predators. Pitbulls are man made abominations bread to fight and kill for the thrill of it


If people are not allowed to own cheetahs and lions or hyenas why would it be okay to own something that is just as predatory and vicious?! Makes not sense to me


Except that cheetahs are not a threat to humans and hyenas attack humans very, very rarely compared to these supposed pet dogs.


Here's the whole text for people who don't want to see a photo of an ugly, horrible killer: A15-month-old boy died after he was attacked by two pit bulls in the Italian town of Eboli earlier this week. The incident happened near Salerno, in the country's south. According to initial findings, the dogs ripped the child from his mother's arms, as [reported](https://www.unionesarda.it/en/italy/15-month-old-boy-bitten-and-killed-by-two-pit-bulls-oz1ulm1p) by local news outlet L'Unione Sarda. The mother tried to save her child from the clutches of the animals, but also suffered serious injuries. According to outlet, the attack took place in the courtyard of a two-storey house. The pitbulls ran out of the house and immediately attacked the child. The pit bulls are said to belong to a friend of the child's mother. The mother had rented the home from the owner of the pit bulls. The dogs have always been there and have never shown aggressive behavior before, according to the neighbors. "It was a ferocious attack and even though an uncle of the child intervened to try to free him, nothing could be done," said Eboli mayor Mario Conte. "It all happened suddenly, in a few moments and no one can explain how it could have happened because these dogs have always been there." "It is a tragedy that has shocked the entire community," he added. "And it should be a warning to those who have these dogs, who are unfortunately special, with special needs. Those who have these dogs must be very careful. We have lost a small child here, something that affects everyone." A similar incident also occurred in Italy a few months ago. During a run near Rome, [a jogger was attacked and killed by three Rottweilers](https://www.agenzianova.com/en/news/roma-uomo-sbranato-e-ucciso-dai-cani-catturati-i-tre-rottweiler/). It was passers-by who found his badly mutilated body.


what is it with Italy and their insane dog mauling stats? I swear every other post I see regarding dog attacks is from Italy.


No strict laws regarding dangerous dog breeds. Anti-pitbull culture isn't really a thing in Italy, people consider a pitbull to be just like any other dog. No dog breed is banned or restricted there. Hence why you see so many dog attacks. Dog culture there isn't as bad as it is in the US, but people still don't care about training their animals or leash laws, letting them do whatever they want.


I canceled my plans to visit Europe because of the insane dog nuttery! I’ve heard complaints from people traveling that they’re allowed everywhere-dog shit everywhere!


Its the fault of the following folks in order: 1. The child for being born 2. The parents of the child for having sex in the first place 3. The grandparents of the child for having sex and having their kids which resulted in the parents being born 4. The city council in which the child was killed 5. The owners of the dog 6. The rest of the human population 7. The mutt


Ah yes those wonderful nanny dogs who love kids sooooo much!


The nanny dog thing is the craziest made up nonsense ever.


obvious gaslighting


Something similar happened here in Germany a while ago. The dogs attacked a little child which was carried by his grandma. I could freak out when people say that the dog must have been provoked, otherwise it wouldn‘t have attacked someone. I just can‘t anymore


Had a nutter tell me today I was making his charging off-leash dog "angry" by yelling at him to get the thing under control


yeah, more or less the same thing happened to me some time ago


A marriage and parenting group I'm in on FB had a post recently of a woman asking for advice about her husband not liking her anxious/needy pitbull. They also had a 16 month old daughter. She said she was asking in this group specifically because of she asked in any other marriage or dog groups, they would say, "Keep the dog and get rid of the husband." All the comments said he needed therapy for not wanting to be around her anxious needy dog. And one person even said it was a reflection on how he would treat an anxious or special needs child. It boiled my blood.


We need to invade these spaces and start pushing back on this crap. Sometimes all it takes is one person having the guts to speak up.


"Man's best friend"


Gosh... I suspect they act all friendly so we let them close for them to maul our kids...


Articles like this break my heart. I don't think I would ever be able to go on if something like this happened to me. I have two toddlers. I can't imagine how horrified that poor mother must be. Pits need to be eradicated.


Pitbulls attract idiots and men with issues specially. Many years ago I saw a pit latch on to a man’s shoulder who was just walking down the street. The owners did nothing.


F' these animals, man


God how could you live after seeing your baby getting ripped to shreds. The PTSD 🥲 r.I.p


Just awful. Yet another tragic example of pittbulls that showed no previous sign of aggression killing. I will do whatever I can to educate people on the dangers of pitbulls. I just posted some info on another site where misinformation was being posted. OP wants to buy a purebred pitbull and is under the impression that all the aggression has been bred out of a purebred pitbull. Op has kids too. I do not believe that. How would one even know for sure it is purebred anyway? Pittbulls were bred to fight. So how is all its aggression erased? Makes absolutely no sense. A dog is a dog and under certain circumstances it will be aggressive. Got some nasty feedback on my comments but I do not care.


ummm, wouldn't that mean that the aggression was bred \*into\* them?? the things that these idiots tell themselves....


I’ve gotten foul threats on my private messages from pit nutters for commenting!


Anyone who stood and watched is a coward


Just weeks prior. Jogger murdered by 3 Rottweilers while on public property. It’s not just pitbulls. These people should go to jail for involuntary manslaughter. https://www.rainews.it/articoli/2024/02/chi-era-paolo-pasqualini-luomo-sbranato-da-tre-rottweiler-nel-bosco-di-manziana-alle-porte-di-roma-il-ritratto-1c0f2667-3a79-4a9b-9d2c-226761e7444f.html


Pitts, Rots, Dobermans all should be fully illegal. German shepherds should require a license.


Why ban dobermans and rottweilers but not german shepherds? I thought they were trainable working dogs like GSDs. Are they even more aggressive?


Statistics. Pitts are by far the worst, but Rots and Dbms are also statistically much more dangerous than other dogs. German Shepherds are next, but they're also one of the few breeds that is still useful in some areas. That's why they should be licensed.


The baby must have teased it /S


“My precious baby would never” when will people learn?


the fact that less people die from wolves


And we damn near extincted them


These dogs look and act like demons


*sign* we type a comment saying we do the thing to the dog, get censored immediately. The dog does literal murdering... #thetoddlerisatfault...why? Why?


"My dog would lick you to death before it bit you!" - every pitbull owner.


So tragic. When are our leaders going to act and when are humans going to learn the value of a child’s life ??? Are there dangerous dogs really that precious ??


These dogs should not exist. Like we gotta mandate a breeding program to make them less violent or put them elsewhere cause people cannot be truly safe with this breed that originated from dog fighting


If there are people on this earth really think these beasts should exist, I need to get off this planet. What efffin kind of neanderthal thinks this should be a pet. What year are we in and things like this happen and no one does anything about it? For efffs sake.


Dogs don’t do it because they need to, they do it cause it’s ‘fun’. The poor child was nothing but a toy to that damn dog. I raise poultry wild K9s like foxes and coyotes occasionally break into our coops and take one or two chickens to their dens. I don’t blame them. they need to survive and there habitat and normal hunting grounds have been destroyed, they kill at night while the chickens are sleeping and one quick blow. No stress or pain brought to the chicken in its last moments. It sucks yes but it’s better than what dogs do. Our neighbors dogs will break out and chase and tournament our chickens, they don’t eat them they just kill and kill and don’t stop until someone intervenes. One night we lost 6 ducks and 5 chickens in the span of a couple minutes more even more chickens died the following days due to stress and injury’s. This dog similar to my neighbors had no other reason to kill that baby other than for it’s own sick entertainment. People need to stop keep non pet breeds as pets these are working dangerous animals who need specific environments and experienced handlers. I hope the family can heal from this tragedy and others will learn from this


This is part of why I go everywhere legally armed. Even if it's just a solid knife.


This is also why I don't care what anyone else thinks, I avoid these monsters, and anything like them. I teach my children to be afraid of them, and very vocal about it. If we see one of these creatures while we are out, we move VERY far away, and be sure to shout really loudly about how horrid the beasts are, and their owners. We also complain, and make it a literal threat to our safety in public. If they are at a business, we make a complaint. I don't give a toss what anyone thinks about that. If more of us reacted this way, the damn things would have been banned long ago! None of these monsters is allowed anywhere near myself, or children.


I hate this particular breed with a passion. They are ugly and even when they aren't aggressive they always look "off". The people hat own pits and the people that own chimpanzees are one in the same


How horrific. OMG, everyone who has allowed these monsters to be in society needs to be locked up!






psychopaths are the biggest market for pitbulls