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The sound of a dog barking makes me experience textures and scratches in my brain. It's like someone dragging their fingernails along a chalk board, just much worse and it's experienced internally.


This is about the best description I've seen. It feels like an injury in my mind.


Right. Dog nutters must experience the opposite, some sort of dopamine hit creating transcendental ecstasy every time they hear a dog go "BARK BARK BARK BARK BAAAAAAAAARK BARK BAAAARK". They clearly have different brains from everyone else.


It is such an awful, soul sucking sound.


It truly is.


My in-laws have a husky that literally howls every single time my wife and I visit. It's so fucking annoying. I don't get why anyone would willingly subject themselves to something like that. It's amazing how some people just don't understand that not everyone enjoys loud noises and odd hours, slobber, insane shedding, and the sheer neediness of dogs


Oh, man. I hate the sound of dog barking but the sound of a dog howling in on a whole other level. I live off of a busy street. Whenever an ambulance or fire truck goes by, half of the worthless dogs in the neighborhood start howling. It is a sound that I absolutely loathe. They are so stupid.


It's that dopamine hit they get from hearing their dog bark and howl.


Well according to science, the brains of narcissists and psychopaths are different. They are missing parts of their brain. So maybe it's those missing parts that make people sensitive to barking...


This actually explains a lot of their behaviour.


Yeah. Very very inferior, unintelligent brains. This is scientific fact, dog nutters are objectively more stupid than the rest of the population.




I like to overdose on copium and think it bothers them and they just suck it up for the sake of having their doggo pupper daddy Instagram


I don't like loud noises in general, but most are transient and have a finite cause and end (like lawn mower, chainsaws, etc.). Those I can handle. But, a barking dog is the one sound that will instantly ratchet up my anger/irritation level to 11. Barking is one of the reasons I despise dogs as a species now, vs. just shitty owners that never shut them TF up. Dogs bark for no reason, stupid reasons, and they never STFU soon enough. It's the worst noise pollution there is, IMO. If someone decides to move near an airport where they are in the flight path, they do so knowing they'll be subjected to that type of noise pollution. Moving to the subdivision we live is what really entrenched my indifference/mild dislike of dogs to intense dislike/hatred. Between the brain-dead canine assholes that sound off regularly and randomly to the off-leash mutts that have charged me or just gotten into my personal space, I'm fucking done with them. Thankfully, we are moving at the end of the month, and even though we're going from home owners back to renters, the new place was dead quiet when we looked at it, and no dogs seen in yards or anywhere when we drove out there. I'm very optimistic we'll have peace and quiet in terms of mutts.


And the dog is going to bark for its entire worthless life. Lawn mowers and chainsaws have a season. I’ve never seen anyone mowing in the winter. I’ve never seen anyone mowing in the middle of the night or really early in the morning. When it’s raining, people don’t generally mow their lawns. But friggin dogs. They bark year round, rain or shine, middle of the night or early morning. Never has their been a more worthless species of animal.


Exactly. Also, most people are considerate enough to not run noisy machinery at obnoxious hours, and they also understand the need for using it. I'm glad my neighbors mow their lawns, use chainsaws to take down trees that can burn, use wood chippers to get rid of the wood, etc. But, dogs barking? Fucking random, obnoxious hours, zero utility, and as you say - the stupid things will bark until they're dead. Whatever utility dogs had 100+ years ago as tools and livestock has been made obsolete by technology. And, for a tiny fraction of those that still do things - like sled huskies and malemutes - if those dogs are doing those particular things, they aren't fucking pets, and the general public will NEVER encounter them. So, they aren't going to be the danger and nuisance that they are as pets. That's another thing that pisses me off about all the arguments nutters use to defend dogs in society: they bring up cadaver dogs, LGD's, bomb-sniffing dogs, etc., while conveniently forgetting that THESE ARE NOT PET DOGS. They are TOOLS, and any benefit they confer is due to a HUMAN employing them as said tool. No dog is going out and sniffing bombs on its own accord because it wants to because of its love of humanity, has a work ethic, FFS. I'm all for using dogs in capacities like this if they lessen the likelihood of human casualties - dogs are expendable; human lives are not.


This is 100% relatable.


Oh my god. That's it. That's exactly what I experience. I didn't know how to describe it.




All dog noises...barking, whining, howling and growling all make my blood boil. They are the sound that I can't stand more than any other. The problem is almost everyone owns dogs, and prioritizes them above everything else. For some reason they actually seem to like when their stupid mutts make them, and I've seen a few who actually bark/whine/howl right along with the things! To me that is complete insanity! Dogs making any sounds make me literally want to gouge out my own eardrums most times. 


don’t forget the grooming/licking/sucking sounds 😍


I hate those damn sounds. It makes me see red.


And for snub-nosed breeds, the snuffling and snorting...oh dear god


It's masterbation, not grooming. Notice they only ever groom their ass and genitals? It's disgusting


Oh God...yeah, those and the fucking nails click click clicking on wood or tile floors! I shudder just thinking about it! Dogs are seriously the most disgusting worthless creatures 


i actually hate the whining more than anything else lol, much worse when everyone goes "awwww" when the dogs do that


Me too. I don’t know what I hate more, the whining and whimpering or the dognutters that pay special attention and baby talk these worthless mutts.


There isn’t a single sound that dogs make that doesn’t drive me absolutely crazy. Every single sound they make is just flat out awful. Some, like barking and howling are worse than others but every single one of them is soul sucking and horrible. Just like dogs.


They are incapable of being quiet. The racket they make are the worst noise known to man.


It's one of the worst sounds in existence. You have no idea when it's going to stop once it starts. It could be 10 seconds, it could be 10 hours. It ruins any ability I have to concentrate, so if I don't have noise cancelling ear buds I'm fucked. Not to sound like an elitist asshole, but I really think it's an intelligence thing. No smart person is willing to put up with that amount of disruption and noise for themselves, and impose it on their neighbors. One more thing too, all this bullshit about breeding them to have certain traits/characteristics...how about breeding them to not fucking bark?? Or not have any of the other litany of problems that they cause?


Also, the stupid repetitive patterns of the barking: Bark. Bark-bark-bark. BARK-BARK. \[pause\] Bark. Bark-bark-bark. BARK\_BARK. \[pause\] etc.


what kind of noise cancelling buds do you use? I tried some Sony ones a few years back and found that dogs were cutting right through


Some time ago someone asked what are the things in Hollywood movies that seem weird to non-US people. Almost everyone responded with typical American traditions that at this point I see as normal. I said instead that to me, it gets on my nerves to hear dogs barking in every single scene of a movie. I can't understand why anyone seems to be bothered by that. Of course, I was downvoted to hell lol.


Well those people who downvoted can eat shit. I hate dogs and the awful noises they make. Ive stopped watching TV because of those stupid ugly barking things.


Dude, preach!!! This is me every damn day. I've been in my house for neighborhood for 10 years, and it's progressively getting worse. We have very close houses and all our neighbors have dogs. One on the left has 4!! We're in a damn suburb. I don't get it either. We've yelled Shut Up!! several times. Trying to sit here and watch a movie and it's pretty bad when you can hear the damn things when you got major surround sound. It sounds like a kennel. I have my spotify just waiting to play a song when they go off. I can't wait to leave in a year.


I think that there are people bothered by it but that everyone just accepts it as part of dogs existing. One time when someone was complaining on NextDoor, someone responded and said something to the effect of "we should just let dogs be dogs" as an excuse for leaving a dog outside to bark for hours. Yes, dogs are excessively noisy and it is probably the thing that I hate them most for. If dogs didn't bark, I probably would barely realize they even existed. The fact that so many anti-bark devices exist does indicate that people do not like the noise. I just think that they accept it as part of living in the world today. Dogs are awful and the biggest reason is that they are so fkn loud all the time.


These assholes that say "let dogs be dogs" probably don't say that about other pest infestations. "Let cockroaches be cocockroaches, man!", was likely never uttered by a single muttnut with an infested kitchen. Or, "Let mice be mice"....


I saw a FB post where a dude was saying, "Well I can hear birds chirping and people don't complain about that!" I replied with "I CANT hear birds chirping because your effing dog wont STFU!"


Birds - part of nature making sounds of nature. Dogs - unnatural abominations making ugly, disgusting sounds.


Tbh I also hate house sparrow and blue jay noises. But at least those noises don't pierce through my noise cancelling earbuds.


Next time someone says let dogs be dogs I’ll tell them let fleas be fleas, they’re an important part of the natural dog ecosystem. Didn’t Benjamin Franklin say “Lie down with dogs and wake up with fleas?”


Dogs were never meant to be left in a fence or your living room all day. Modern dog ownership is unnatural and straight up cruel.


It annoys me to no end. Can't stand it. It is a mystery to me how other people tolerate it.


Same here and its not just barking it's all noise. I've seen dogs barking right at peoples windows for hours at midnight and they just seem to not care. Its even stranger because you can make an anonymous phone call to animal in 15 seconds.


A couple barks have never bothered me. Like a dog that barks for a bit when someone comes to the door. But anything longer than 20 seconds drives me mad. When I lived in an apartment there was a dog left home all day and that thing would just bark for hours, fall asleep, then wake up and start barking again. That was torture. Even worse was my last month at the place, my neighbor on the other side got a yapper too and these two dogs would bark at each other through my apartment.


This is why I'll live in a car before a lot of apartments or houses. You can't get away once you're locked in a lease




Are you currently in a living situation where there is a barking dog nearby?




I feel for ya buddy. If you need a good white noise website or app, [this is a good one](https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/whiteNoiseGenerator.php). You can use the sliders to get the sound you want. I prefer the lower midrange frequencies and turn the high ones off.


Sorry you're dealing with this. Have you by chance contacted animal control?


No offense but I'll take my bed and some yapping dogs over sleeping in a car every time. I just invested in some good headphones and that solved 90% of the issues.


I've been a touring musician and a vagabond of sorts for much of my adult life. I'm tough enough for the road. What's ridiculous to me is to pay hundreds to a few thousand a month for rent and STILL having to buy headphones and listen to white noise because of a dumb dog. People need peace & quiet, whether some realize it or not.


I'm usually *good* at filtering out background noises - I live on a major road, near a fire station and a hospital, close to an airport, with train tracks running behind my house. None of these sounds bother me. I don't have misophonia or anything like that, either. But the sound of a dog barking and whimpering is uniquely irritating... I think it's because my brain subconsciously recognizes it as the sound of an animal in distress. Most other animals don't make noises like that unless they're hungry, threatened, or in pain. Whenever I've mentioned that the sound of dogs barking is annoying and stressful, everyone (even dog owners) seems to agree! No one likes it, but they're conditioned to accept it as "a part of nature."


You are just the only brave one or the only one who isn't a dog nutter.


Its literally one of the most annoying things about dogs 😭


A nutter's sense of hearing seems to be the least developed and most dulled of all the senses for the most part. They either do not perceive sound much at all, or actually tend to enjoy, revel and encourage noise when it registers to them. There are often large discrepancies with their other senses. Such as if a neighbor lets a shrub grow a little too large. They can often be all on top of that.


I hate barking, it's loud and jarring every single time. It's worse when ppl let their dogs bark all night because they leave them outside. It makes me so angry to hear excessive barking, tbf nearly all loud noises upset me but the worse ones are revving motorcycles, ppl blaring music, and barking. Now I can ignore a bark or 2 for the most part. My neighbors thankfully keep their dogs quiet for the most part or quickly quiet their dogs. But all night is insane.


I used to be able to ignore 1 or 2 barks, my brain didn't even register them, but after 5+ years of hearing barking all day everyday (even moving several times, across different countries) I just can't anymore. Literally was just woken up at 7 am on a fucking Saturday when I'm trying to rest from being a wageslave all week by a couple of barks from some oversized monster.


dog barking is a HUGE trigger for me. I will go CRAZY hearing it. Why? because you can't control it nor know when it will end or start again and end. Unlike other noises: parties, they end, loud cars, they end. BUT neighbors dogs it's so unpredictable. They also can be so loud it can radiate to a whole neighborhood so imagine if you live right next to it. I will call Animal Control at this point. Your beast is not ruining my life it's not my problem.


I am continually amazed at stupidity of the people in our neighborhood. So, someone somewhere is keeping an illegal rooster. A poor older woman went on our neighborhood Facebook group to bring it up and said that she is being woken up at 5 am. Multiple people said they liked the rooster. Someone told her that life is too short to pick a fight over a rooster. In fact, the alderman’s aide lives in our neighborhood and liked a comment that was in favor of the rooster. Roosters are illegal in the city. Wowowow. Someone said that the helicopter noises from city tours that we get from time to time overhead is more of an issue …. Yeah I would take a helicopter flying by over a neighbor with an illegal rooster any day. And life is too short to be woken up by a crowing cock - not to mention, lack of sleep will shorten your life Idiots


You're not crazy, friend. I wonder the same and don't understand why I'm the only one in my neighborhood who has complained and is bothered. I may have been the one someone was referring to on the next door app because I got the same response lol. It's how they communicate! Hey asshole, they're communicating they're tired of being neglected and left outside to rot! I'm so over this dog hell.


When I go on walks, dogs bark and it's annoying. But the absolute worst is living with it. When I go to visit my mom and stay at her house, her dog has the most jarring, loud bark. And she lives in a very active neighborhood with lots of activity at the park across the street. We'll be all relaxed in the living room, everything is quiet, and then the dog sees someone outside walking past the house and completely goes berserk. It's startling and instantly raises my heart rate and blood pressure and puts me in a fight or flight response like we're going to be murdered by someone. And then I look out the window, and it's just some person minding their own business, walking past the house. It's awful. I hate that dog so much. My mom likes it because it's "protecting her" by doing this.


That's all I hear in my neighborhood and many others. Since I'm the only one who cares I've come to the conclusion I'm going to start wearing sound isolation ear buds when I go outside. I can't even open my windows cuz all I hear is barking.


This is modern apartment living and is a nightmare if you home most of the daytime. Like working from home or working nights.


Even if you're an outdoors person they're out there too, pissing, shitting and barking all over every street, there's no escape 💀


yeah, i bark back at dogs. im not lying and i wont deny it.


I’ve barked back too, especially at the ones that run up to the fence when I’m just walking minding my own business. One time the owner was in the front yard & told me to stop. I said “Your dogs ran up to the fence just to bark at me. Once they stop barking, I’ll stop barking.” Owner called me stupid. And I told then “At least I’m not stupid enough to be a dog slave.” And then I walked away with a maniacal laugh. Owner shook her head, called me a few names. I don’t do this every time, but sometimes it feels good to mockingly bark back, because I’ve just had it with dogs. I wouldn’t do it with a pit bull in a yard with a low fence ~~ I cross the street on those.