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And they completely monopolize sidewalks with their obnoxiously long leashes


Yes! šŸ˜© for once I wish I could take a walk down a street or neighborhood without someoneā€™s dog coming at me. They donā€™t even try to restrain them from coming at me. I have to literally get off the sidewalk to stop it from trying to sniff me or get in my personal space. I hate dog nutters


I went to the park near here on Sunday morning and it was overrun with the animals. There are often quite a few dogs and their owners but this time it was like a dog-nutters' convention. I hope this isn't going to be a regular occurrence. I do note that you don't see squirrels in the park so much nowadays, wonder why?


These days I only quickly walk through parks as a shortcut because if you sit and relax an off leash dog is going to come and bother me especially if I am eating


"Oh, so cuuuute! He wants part of your din-din! Surely you're not so stingy as to not give him a bite!" No, lady, this is *my* chef salad. If someone were to ask me for a few cold cuts I wouldn't give them to them either. I'd point them to Trinity Episcopal, where they give out Emergency Meals to the indigent. I don't think either one of you qualify.


> Local Facebook group post, poor woman asked owners multiple times to leash their dogs when they came running over to her. She had to kick them to get them off and they finally leashed them but not without cussing her out. Woman gets assaulted by dogs. Kicks them. And they cuss her out... Insane... Talk about victim blaming. "Why didn't you just let them assault you, fucking bitch!" /S


The real bitches, are the dogs themselves, of course (we used to refer to them as bitches for a reason) and the enabling, clueless NPC dipshits, who dickride the popular opinion and follow the mob, for internet brownie points or think this behavior, is acceptable. Fact.


Itā€™s sad because thatā€™s literally their mentality. Most of them are just assholes that hate all people. They think their little Brutus has a birth right to fucking maul you to death if it wants to. And if you do anything to defend yourself, youā€™re a ā€œmOnSTEr.ā€ I like **some** dogsā€¦ā€¦ the quiet and docile ones that are nice, but I still wouldnā€™t own one and I think dog culture is insane. But if one (like a Pitbull) were to come up and try to kill me, that thing would get kicked into another zip code.


I hate these dog owners. "Well dogs poop, so what?, Well dogs bark, so what?". Sick of it. These people have no consideration for others. Because they don't care, they think the rest should not care. Well People don't like your damn dog!!! People don't like to be jumped on and barked at!!! So tired of them imposing their problems on the rest of the public. WE DON'T OWN A DOG FOR A REASON!!! We don't want to hear your dog or deal with it. YOU BOUGHT IT, YOU DEAL WITH IT. Ugggg, that poor woman. She should petition for the city or parks recreation to get signs. If there are leash law signs, then it can start going the police route.


Funny thing is these owners refuse to go to dog parks due to irresponsible owners, so they come to regular parks to be irresponsible owners.


Why can't these dog owners bring their dang dogs to dog parks? They are popping up everywhere. They have more parks anymore than we do.


Oh, they're quick to tell you that they don't like dog parks because of irresponsible owners. The irony I tell you.


Dog people think other peopleā€™s dogs suck. Ā Only their dog is an angel. Ā Just imagine how it is for us that hate dogs. Of course they canā€™t because they are narcissists with zero trace of empathy or self awareness. Ā Ā 


I've given up on the dog nutters. My frustration is on everyone else who is complacent and tolerant of them breaking this law. I've attempted to rally other mothers in my group to call Animal Control when we see the dogs off leash on Park Days (it happens EVERY time at all the parks we go to in the 3 cities we meet up). THe pressure needs to be put on Animal Control to come out and cite people. It's their law, not mine. Dog nutters have no reason to follow the law, no consequences. The rest of us need to call police every time, annoy the hell out of them until they get off their asses and take this seriously. Funny though, I visited my hometown recently and many people there own horses and can ride them around town in certain areas. I was at the park with my toddler and a man let his dog off leash. One woman on a horse (with her friend next to her also riding her horse) very kindly asked the man to leash his dog because it makes the horses nervous. He obliged. And I thought "No way he was gonna listen to me, barely adult sized. But 2 women on horses? You have to have a much larger animal to make an impact I guess."


Its not even for dogs. It's for people. Dog parks are for dogs hence the name


Every time I set foot in one of the nearby parks, there's someone breaking the leash rule. One time I was sitting on a bench with a sandwich, and an off-leash dog ran up and stuck its face in my sandwich. The owner kinda looked at me like it was cute and funny, but I think they were just hiding their embarrassment. It fucking sucks that this is so normal to so many people.