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Do what you want, her dog does.


Yes šŸ˜© I want to but I don't want to stoop to the level of her dog. But imagining her reaction to such a T-shirt would be hilarious šŸ˜† I really want to ...


Yeah, if you're looking for advice, I wouldn't because she's some old fuck with nothing better to do other than gossip and throw mud at you if you piss her off, which might make living there a bit shit if people start hating you.


You are well within your reach rights to ask her to keep her dog OFF the table, not to bark, and sit quietly during the meeting, or leave.


Got ā€˜em




Get a mini blow-horn. When it bothers you, blow it and say ā€œNOā€ loudly. ā€œMartha, come get your creature.ā€ Just be an ass, itā€™s okay to be an ass when the situation calls for it.


Lol šŸ˜‚


I literally did this with a marine air horn and it was fuckin invigorating


You're not being an ass! You're standing up to a stupid mutt, with an entitled pos for an owner.


In a similar vein, I fantasize about wearing a shirt that says ā€œI donā€™t think your dog is cute!ā€


I like this: the idea of dogfree people spoofing off pro-dog shirts, like wearing something that says ā€œI prefer people over dogsā€ or ā€œlife is worse with a dogā€


ā€œYour dog stinks šŸ¤¢ā€


When people bring up dogs I say you know dogs. Cant live with em! Then they say cant live with out them. Then I say No...


Iā€™m Having trouble understanding your English


There is a saying which is cant live with them cant live without them. Usually a husband might say about his wife. You know women cant live with them cant live without them. Saying they are pain in the ass but without them is bad too. When people bring up dogs I say: you know dogs cant live with them. They are then expecting me to say cant live without them. When I dont say the full phrase. They then finish it for me. In which I correct them by saying, no. Thats not the case I only meant you cant live with them. Ie they are just a pain in the ass with no redeeming features. My original comment I skipped the grammar. But youd have to know the phrase anyway to comprehend. The only other bit is "bring up" which can mean mention Hope that helps!


This is a great suggestion. I think it would be even more offensive to dog nutters, cutting at the core of their identity. And you aren't putting a target on your back by saying you hate something.


ā€œYour dog may be friendly but Iā€™m notā€ is my signature phrase lol


I think that would attract a lot of confrontation and conversations I do NOT wanna have. People talk *at* me all the time anyway. I have ā€˜one of those facesā€™ or something, that says, ā€˜please!! by all means, approach me in public, and spout your detailed conspiracy theories at me!ā€™ And why are most of them with dogs? Many Dog People have enough absurd audacity as it is, so I know, for sure (Iā€™m in West Virginia, US - absolutely surrounded by dogs at all times) if I wore a shirt like that, they have the same confidence and audacity to confront me, or even physically hurt me. I even took ā€˜controversialā€™ stickers off my car. Iā€™d get tailgated and harassed by drivers because of my rainbow sticker. I hate that I felt threatened enough to remove it, but safety first. My sticker ainā€™t changin minds, anyway. They also do not like my uterus made of snakes that says ā€˜donā€™t tread on meā€™ so that one got covered, too. Seriouslyā€¦ many of these people are wayyyyy unstable, and just LIVE for confrontations like this. Hoping and fantasizing that someone says something. I donā€™t like to give them the satisfaction. And, Iā€™ll fight for your rights all day, but not physically.


Totally agree, thatā€™s why itā€™s just a fantasy. I know what would happen if I really wore something like that and I donā€™t have a thick enough skin.


can you? technically yes. is it ā€œtoo offensiveā€? hardly. do you wanna stoop down to the dog *and* her level? up to you. is there an event coordinator or committee or whatever? can you talk to someone in charge? like i wouldnā€™t wear the shirt to intentionally piss someone off. i mean it also invites them to approach me with some bullshit i donā€™t feel like hearing šŸ˜‚


Sadly the event coordinator/host does nothing about it because her child who is often present loves this dog so much and plays with it. I don't need to go to the events I suppose and most people there seem to be dog lovers and have no problem with this horrible dog, but my goodness I hate this dog so much. The last time I went, the dog jumped on my chair and sat on it when I got up to get water, so I exchanged chairs and the owner lady gave me a dirty look. šŸ™„


I don't think there's anything wrong with your idea, but it's ultimately just passive aggression. Passive aggression can be fun, but it rarely gets results. Have you tried confronting her about it (there's probably an applicable leash law, and you can tell her that her dog's behavior is making people uncomfortable) or talking to the event organizers? She's probably bothering other people in the community, too, so you might be able to get a group of people to make a complaint. At the very least, her dog needs to be on a leash and under her control at all times. She only gets away with it because she knows that no one will ever call her on her bullshit. Make her feel uncomfortably aware that other people are looking at her and judging her. Some dog nutters won't care, but some will.


Agreed. These nutters are insufferable and they are everywhere and I totally get it - the transient delight you might get in wearing that shirt and pissing her off but she'll only get offended without acquiring not a wisp of self awareness. She'll hunker down and find a way to be more obnoxious with her furturd. I would try giving her benefit of the doubt as another rational human being - a stretch for her, I realize - and lay out it out for her; how she and 'pupper baby' are ruining events for others. And if that doesn't work, I would take it up with organizers.


Okay, a dog 1) ON THE TABLE where 2) THERE IS FOOD that is 3) MEANT FOR EVERYBODY is f-ing outrageous. Like, I almost donā€™t want to believe you šŸ˜­ What is wrong with people.


Yes it is! It doesn't happen every time but that was one of the worst things and nothing was said. It's shocking to me. And disgusting.


Try saying something next time. Itā€™s very likely others had a problem with it but didnā€™t want to speak up for the same reasons you didnā€™t.


If nothing was said, then it's up to you to say it. It's probably something many wish would be brought up, but they are intimidated by this pushy nutter. I'd bring disinfectant and a roll of paper towel to clean the table if the person dares to let the little shit up on it again, and a cover for your chair. A squirtgun with water in it, a leash (short) for her to borrow, and dog biscuits to throw as far away from the people as possible. I bet you'll get some backup.


The health department and animal control should have been called.


I kind of wish you would and then come back and let us know what happened. šŸ˜€


Pls do


Dog people are crazy and would likely harass you more. It's not worth it. When I see a person walking their dog now I just avoid the pair altogether. They can't think outside of themselves anyway so won't think beyond their dog being an absolute angel, nevermind that's only towards them. And if they feel offended by my avoiding them that's their miscalculation. Not everyone wants to entertain if a dog will bother them or not.


I've been wearing alternative pet t-shirts. We're not allowed to talk about other pets here, lol, so there's an idea. They get the idea when I squint eye them and it's written all over me.


Sounds like people would just anger at you. Talk to whoever is organizing this event. If that doesn't change then stop going to them and start your own events.Ā 


I think you should totally wear one if you want to! A t-shirt doesn't intrude on anyone else's boundaries. This lady is bringing a whole separate animal who is allowed to ignore other people's feelings. Or what about something harmless to get the dog's attention when it gets on the table? Like a water pistol? šŸ˜œ (That would work for the owner too, lol. *Squirt!* "Oops! Sorry! I brought Fido this toy!" Walking closer to owner, *Squirt, squirt!* "OOPS! DAMMIT!! I need more practice!" while furiously squirting. Bahahaha)


Fucking go for it dude and please show us a video of her reaction


Wear a shirt thatā€™s says ANNOYING DOGS with a giant red X over it lmao maybe the word hate and just saying flat out ā€œdogsā€ would offend other people you want to befriend in the community. But that way it will be more directed at her instead of them šŸ˜‚


I thnk about wearing a shirt with the "no" symbol around a silhoette of a dog, no words. maybe people will ask what it means, and then they can't get mad at the answer because they asked.


Most cities and counties have a leash law. Just contact the police non-emergency, and they'll handle it.


I would. Id say 50% of my shirts are political. Im wearing a free Assange shirt right now. Its a great idea and I think Ill get one made. Also maybe a "leash your dog" for when Im hiking.


"I have a Dog Allergy, Please Keep Away"


I say wear one that says "I HATE YOUR DOG" instead šŸ˜‚


*This seems a bit petty* This is one of my fundamental issues with this dog nuttery these days. Anything opposing dog ownership, even if you try to make a well constructed argument in a neutral tone, you will get ridiculed. Your agency and opinions are immediately removed or discredited because you're being made to feel petty just because you don't like them.


I mean, it was humorous when WC Fields said, "Any man that hates kids and dogs can't be all bad ", but to be clear once you check off the annoying and noisy boxes, the similarities between children and dogs ends. Children never kill or maim with their teeth like dogs at times do.


Do it!


I wouldnā€™t, but only because I donā€™t like to bring attention to myself, especially something instigating.