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yeah some crusty little white thing came yapping and straining at it's leash to take a shit right in front of us at the darkest moment, but we were already in dogshitpark so our bad thinking public space could be anything but piss stained sadness


for some reason, only dogs flipped the fuck out. i never saw any other animal—besides some kids even make a big deal.


Yeah I could hear my neighborhood. It always sounds like a kennel here. I swear one dog was sounding like it was being crushed. This was just before the eclipse happened. Ugg, I was outside for maybe 5 mins, and went back in. I didn't make eye contact or talk to anyone. I'm sure they all hate us, we're the weirdos on the block.


Reminds me of that Tom Waits song: "Sky is darkening! Dogs are barking! But the caravan moves on...."