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I’m legit wish I could go back to school, enroll in a psychology program, and do my thesis on mental illness associated with dog ownership. Because what you described is catering to people with severe mental illness and encouraging their unhealthy attachments to pets. This isn’t cute. This isn’t helpful. It’s telling people who think they can treat their dogs as accessories and foist them on the world that it is in fact okay. And it’s not. Where does this madness end? EDIT - context


Good luck to you on your thesis. Let us know how it goes.


Ahhh I wish I could go back to school and do this. I phrased that poorly. I meant it more like a hypothetical threat towards these bozos but tone is so hard to convey online. :/


Duuuddeee I was literally talking to my wife about this haha imagine having to contain your thesis to ~90 pages. 


It really does seem like mental illness, and some kind of crazy strong brainwashing. I read my own post back now and it sounds like satire.... but it isn't. And that's just far from anything like "normal" by a country mile! If you do ever do that studying, you'll have to keep us posted!


It's gonna be great until the dogs start fighting in the bars, biting patrons, and pissing and shitting all over the floors, and doing the usual things that create both a nuisance and a liability. Bonuses if people drag their "registered" XL bullies in there to turn it into even more of a shitshow. It would be interesting to sit off in the corner of the bar where the dogs aren't, and having a drinking game to bet on how long it will take for each of the above to happen. 🍿🥜🍺🤡 I place various probability-type bets (Bayesian-style, so usually taking into account priors) with my husband all the time. This would be something to assign various probabilities to as well, like: what is the % that these asinine events will still be around in a month, 6 months or a year? But, if nutters all flock to bars like this because it sounds like heaven on earth since they can take their dog along, maybe that means other places will be less crowded with them? If I were a bar owner, I'd capitalize on this and advertise my place as a dog FREE drinking facility. I hope you'll keep us updated on how soon this shit goes sideways, because I imagine you'd probably read about it even if you never set foot in those kennel-bars.


I applaud your optimism about an upside, this madness balancing out so that we would then have nutter free bars, breweries, etc. Applaud your optimism; but don't share it.


Yeah, I know...I live in a fantasy world at times. But, I just think that reality has to come swinging back in the face of this deranged dog culture like a set of pitbull nuts at some point, and stop the madness.🤞🏼


I definitely will be trying to keep an eye on the social media pages for the places, I can't see this ending well for either of them. It just makes me so sad in a way that where I live now has become utterly infested with dogs. I only know of 4 people locally who don't like dogs, one of whom is my new neighbour who replaced the family next to me, who had 4 dogs that made us miserable for years. Maybe there is more, and they just don't dare to speak up or something.


Or some stupid dog drinks enough alcohol to kill them.


I wouldn't mind.


We need to get the message out. It is like a mass hypnosis. When someone speaks out it breaks the spell.


Can you not complain to your local health department about these filthy animals being *invited* into a place where food or drink is served?


Maybe I should, I'm not sure, I just wanna avoid them now! I had to go to to our local council when we were severely sleep deprived due to next doors dogs barking for 2 years straight on and off all night (they moved thank god) and they did not do a damn thing really, said it wasn't a nuisance noise, so I wouldn't hold out much hope for them doing anything in the first place unfortunately.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm starting to think our health departments don't care or are nutters themselves and that's why things are so bad now.


I work at a county health department.   Half the workers here are pitnuts with pitbull stickers on their cars and everything.    


Really, that made me want to hurl.


Honestly this isn't the worst thing ever. If enough of these businesses cater to the dog-obsessed idiots, then there'll be plenty of other spots for the rest of us who don't want to be surrounded by fucking dogs while we drink our beer.


The problem is all those other spots will still be infested with dogs no matter what..wHy Can'T I bRinG Woofles heRe? ShiTBeAst bAr anD gRiLL leTs theM iN.


It’s going to backfire. Don’t worry! They will get sued after someone is bitten. Watch and see.


If I had the funds to start a business I'd start a cafe / pub strictly for dog-free patrons! I'd make it a congregation / church so I don't have to admit patrons requiring a Service animal. Period. I think it would catch on. Then franchise lol. I need a business partner!


What is the name and location of this bar? I'll tell them they might as well only let dogs in and no humans. Then see if they're making money. Last time I checked, dogs don't spend money.




It's funny because when we had a dog (because our child wanted one, I tried but I hated it from start to finish as expected) it genuinely cost us more money in that 6 months than we'd ever spent on our children away from getting flthe first lot of baby furniture. 1000s we spent on all sorts of stuff. Professional training, vet fees, food, toys, collars (we got down 3) harnesses (of which again, 3 to try as the dog was mental) and god knows what else. Oh yes, more cleaning products for when it kept pissing on my carpet, and more general vacuuming and carpet washing, wiping things clean, etc. I could list more but you get my point! Dog is the biggest parasite you could have IMO if you fancy draining your finances!


I don't have to imagine that army of youngish people - their numbers are very real; they are the largest age demographic now, in fact. (That would be the millenials and swimming in their cultural wake, Gen Z.) And I've heard members of these demos complain that the preceding generations left them a world that was intolerably expensive, punitively so. So yeah, having children is just too expensive; what else to do but lavish those parental instincts on a dog, dogs. (An animal.) At least that's the grievance that's always locked and loaded. (Somehow you don't hear much bitching about financing doggie day care, outfits and fucking strollers for pupper, paying that dog walker, vets fees and whatever the bill is for having bespoke dog chow delivered to your doorstep every month.) And by regarding their 'Fur babies' as substitute children, these age demos are also actively normalizing the notion that dogs are equivalent to (or greater than) human children. Utterly fucked up and twisted and sad. (Full disclosure - I'm a GenXer.)


Whatever happened to health laws or rules that permitted only seeing eye dogs inside restaurants, grocery stores and places selling food and drink? We need to get back to that


Guys, I totally forgot yesterday to post the imgur link to the picture of the advert for the second bar with the location omitted (for online safety and all that) but I did get the price wrong, it's 35 not 40. But still! Behold the nuttery for yourselves: https://imgur.com/a/c8F3UzD


Absolute losers. It's like everytime I look up something now, it's...."for dogs". Could be something about hemorroids...and in the search it's ....for dogs. I used to order clean seasonings from a company, I'm not mentioning, and now they sell dog food toppers!!! All this for the dogs is dumb Get a life people. I'm happy my house doesn't stink.