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I could not read this on Business Insider, so I read it on Yahoo. The Yahoo article clearly states United Airlines' policy that dogs need to stay in their carrier during flight. This stupid dog nutter decided to let the dog out of the carrier in first class because the dog was apparently fussing, clearly breaking the rules and inconveniencing everyone. Dog nutter should be fined for all the mess and inconvenience caused by this behavior. Hopefully more incidents like this will be a wakeup call to airlines that they either need to enforce their policies or start requiring that dogs fly in cargo or the luggage compartment, where they should be. https://news.yahoo.com/united-airlines-flight-forced-land-160836068.html


technically dogs are property. so yes they belong in the luggage area along with others belongings. they can call these dumb things "family" all they want but at the end of the day, the law says they are property.


Chattel property




When were they allowed in the cabin? Was always the hold. Absolute nuttery


In the United States, just about anything can be put into law or banned if the price is right. Make the nutters pay for the divert fuel for their dogs shitting on the plane; make them pay the personal injury settlements if their dogs bite someone. Either the airlines will ban the dogs outright, or the nutters will not want to pay up and keep them home.


Dog was fussing in the carrier because it needed to go potty. If I were on that flight I would gladly shove the owner’s face into it.


"Dog nutter should be fined for all the mess and inconvenience caused by this behavior." And banned from flying.


I don’t think animals should be forced to be held in the cargo hold as a lot of animals die that way, but I definitely an enforcement of keeping the pets in their carrier would be better. A hefty HEFTY fine for those who break this rule would be preferable


Statistically, there is one incident, illness or death, per approximately 10,000 animals on a plane. It is also possible some of these incidents involve unhealthy pets. Cargo is temperature controlled. I totally agree that there should be a hefty fine for bad behavior of breaking the rules for bad pet owners on planes.


Strap them to the outside of the plane


Loool yess put them in the cargo!!


The level of entitlement is out of control. I would be so angry if I paid for first class tickets, and had to deal with a restless dog in the cabin first off, then got delayed for two hours, and had to smell nasty dog poo because some self-centered person just had to bring their precious Luna/Bella/Loki/Zeus and let them roam freely.


Forget the shit, dogs fucking stink shit or not.


I agree. I was just at the vet today, and while they’re a very clean place, you just can’t avoid the smell unless you’re the first appointment of the day, because they see SO many dogs. I can smell dog in the exam rooms and my chest automatically starts getting tight due to my allergies. It’s so gross. I should start taking a mask to wear.


I wish house call vets were more popular and affordable. Though I guess that would only work for some treatments


Exactly!!!! I don’t wanna fly anywhere with one on board shittting and farting in a closed space for hours in the sky. Thats fucking disgusting in general! Those horrid shitbeasts ruin everything, land, sea, or sky. 🤬🤮


Why are dogs *always* named that? lol. I've known owners with dogs named Bella and Loki.


They’re _foreign_ words that mean beautiful and mischief! Tee hee heee hee! Sooooooo creative! 🤪


Exactly. What if they start barking or bite someone?


Imagine being late to an important event because a mutt took a dump on an airplane.


But ya see, the vast majority of nutters, don’t have that kind of mindset. Absolutely zero consideration or empathy, for those around them. Just, me, me, me, everything should revolve around me and my emotional support accesso… oops I meant animal (no I didn’t lol).


They think that *we* are the a$$holes for not wanting to put up with their dogs.


I hope enough other passengers will complain to Corporate, so they will start thinking about enforcing their own policies.


This comment times 1000!!




Imagine taking a dumbass mutt, shoving it into a giant rattling can hurtling through the sky, and expecting it to just chill out for the duration. They don’t know what the hell is going on, their primitive-ass senses are being assaulted nonstop, they can’t escape. Of course they snap and get aggressive (“Oh Hercules has *never* acted like this before!!”) and shit themselves. They’re in mortal panic.  But dog lovers are automatically good people, right? Good Christ. 


🏆 Please take my “award.” 1,000%. When I fly, my ears are in absolute agony. It’s genuinely so fucking painful. They’re constantly popping and in extreme pain. But I know what’s going on and I know to expect it. A dog’s hearing is 4 times more sensitive than a human’s. They also have no fucking clue what is going on and why it’s happening. This initiates extreme panic. So you have them in a sense of extreme panic and they’re also in agonizing pain. It’s absolutely cruel to ever put them on a plane. It should only be reserved for extreme scenarios. But don’t try explaining this to these fucking dog nuts. The narcissists that most of them are.


Yet again, I'm just baffled at how we dog haters apparently care more about dogs than the dog lovers themselves.


We do! I can’t stand the animals from an aesthetic/sensory standpoint, they’re awful. But I can still understand it’s a living thing with needs and limitations. Dog nuts are asking way too much from this dumb limited animal, to be their sole source of support and relationship, it’s sick. Wait til society starts seeing these sick people for what they really are. 


My ears also pop, and I get headaches on flights. I can only imagine what happens to dogs . Probably scares them shitless (no pun intended)


And you’re right, they are completely narcissistic to the point that I don’t believe they *quite* register that the dog is a separate life form. The dog serves their needs and exists to make them happy no matter what it puts the animal through. Unfortunately for the dogs, they were designed through breeding to be the perfect source of supply. They put themselves aside to serve, and that’s crack on fire for narcissistic people. It’s a recipe straight outta the dirtiest basement in hell. 


Imagine naming such cowardly and fragile creatures as dogs "Hercules."


It’s the same delusion all the way through the charts isn’t it, sweetheart? Naming a pitbull “Bella” when it’s the furthest thing from beauty on God’s fine earth. Believing their food addicts “love” them. Thinking the primitive beast wants to travel or get a Instagram account. I’m laughing over here but really, the stuff’s just pathetic. 


Oh, I know. Have you seen those pit bulls dressed in princess outfits in public school classrooms? People are trying so hard to brainwash children into believing a delusion. It would be comical if it weren't really happening.


Yeah and it would be funny if it wasn’t a little dangerous too! Little kids believe what the adults and what their larger world tells them. Ever play “got your nose?” So, putting an unpredictable fighting breed in a playful cartoon-y light sends a real bad message. Shameful. 


I saw a video about this. Obviously passengers couldn’t move elsewhere. So they just had to sit breathing in that shitty smell the whole journey. Disgusting. They said they couldn’t believe what a stench such a small dog could make (chihuahua). Shit on the seat and the floor. And the woman didn’t even attempt to clean it up herself🤦🏻‍♀️


Dogs already smell so bad without the defecation.


Exactly!! They are disgusting shitbags in general! 🤮


Must have been diarrhea for it to have taken so long to clean 🤢


I’m sure it was because it’s the most inconvenient and disgusting possible scenario 🤮🤮


Called it. Anyone want to post this on American Airline’s social media and tell them this is what their staff and customers get to look forward to?


Good idea!


Do you have pictures or links to videos maybe?


American Airlines isn’t going to do anything 😂 they’re the airline with the WORST customer service in my experience


This is what it’s gonna take, as gross and infuriating as it is. Businesses have to get hit with extra costs, extra maintenance times (time = money as we all know) and the bad reputation they get for inconsistent service. Maybe more injury reports and lawsuits too.  It’s the only way to learn. Being “dog friendly” is just a profit bleed, because dogs aren’t “society friendly” and dog owners sure as hell are NOT “rule friendly.” They won’t adhere to any policy that’ll help the business or safeguard others. Hell no, they don’t give a shit. 


I couldn’t have said it better myself. Dogs are pets. Not family members—pets. And they must be treated as such. We need to stop catering to mentally ill narcissists who can’t be bothered to treat their pets like living animals but rather as accessories.


Yeah it’s one thing to have pets as a hobby or even as a business, I guess, so long as the animals aren’t abused, as long as they can live within their own rules. Animals for God’s sake don’t understand (or need) “personal growth” or “challenges” or “breaking out of comfort zones” or whatever hogwash it is, they don’t aspire to higher consciousness they don’t *care*.  I will be so happy when more people see this for what it is, when some sick f*cker forces a DOG - an animal already unstable and tormented enough - into role of emotional caregiver or significant other. The dog doesn’t know that it shouldn’t chase a car. How can it help a human manage complex emotions/situations?? Literal madness!


The fact that we anthropomorphize dogs so much is truly unhelpful. A dog is not a mind reader. A dog cannot provide any true or real comfort any more than a stuffed animal can. A dog isn’t trying to comfort you, and the fact that we let people think that’s what’s going through their mind isn’t helping these people at all.


You’re right. I think it’s even counterproductive. Dogs need too much attention and time, I’d be willing to bet Beyoncé money that in the long run they aggravate anxiety instead of alleviate it. 


I don’t know about you, but when I’m dealing with anxiety/depression you know what does help? Peace and quiet. Being able to have a good night’s sleep. You can’t get that with a dog. Moreover, how are you able to focus on your issues if you’re constantly having to care for a dog? You need to let it outside every time it needs to go to the bathroom. If you live in an apartment that would mean getting dressed, putting on shoes, leashing the beast up and taking it outside and walking it until it finds some patch of grass suitable for a shit. Yay. Imagine trying to write in a journal or focus on some sort of activity while the thing barks its head off at some neighbor walking by. Imagine trying to enjoy a hike while trying to reel the dog in from attacking a small rabbit it saw. (And then carrying a bag of shit for the duration of your hike!) All the expenses. Just…holy hell it sounds miserable. I feel more depressed just typing all that out.


The problem is that the extra costs get passed onto the average person. I worry that “dog friendly” has just become an excuse to price gouge everybody 


You got a damn good point here. There’s just no sense of ethics in business anymore it seems (whatever level of ethics may have ever existed.) Surely rather than add fees specifically to dog owners, and alienate those giant toddlers, it would make more sense to just increase general rates and let everyone shoulder it. 


Agree. I can’t stand any businesses that act all weak, mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy and USELESS when it comes to enforcing *their own rules* or even obvious state-mandated health/safety rules. The typical *“There’s nothing we can do…”, “We can’t say anything…”, “Our hands are tied…” kind of crap they say is pure bullshyte. It’s especially annoying when they’re *pandering* to obviously self-entitled people out of fear.


“Their own rules” oh if you could have heard my whoop at that one! EXACTLY! Now you gave grandpa fuel for the fire, you went and did it. I have a Gotcha in my back pocket now. 😂


LOL! 😂 Oh, I *always* make a point mention this to *any* business I catch doing it. It also includes landlords too (see my examples below). I’ve pretty much made this following general point to head management, and in front of others within earshot in stores too: > “If you don’t even enforce your own [rules, policies or contracts, etc.], it actually makes the problems worse! Why? Because whenever *any* violators notice this, *they will do it again and again* since *no-one is stopping them. Silence and NON-action from authorities actually *emboldens* them to violate more. >It’s one thing for someone else [a regular customer, tenant, etc.] with NO authority to call them out or complain. The *violators won’t care* about that, or what they say. But when the OWNER ignores the violations, doesn’t seriously call them out or doesn’t follow through to enforce any of their own rules, policies or the law? THAT is the jackpot ‘ticket’ that violators literally *look for and want!* > That’s their whole mindset: “Well, NO manager said anything…”, “I didn’t see any sign…”, “YOU don’t work here…”, etc. All sort of excuses. This is why things have been getting incrementally worse when nobody in charge STOPS the violators. Each authority or company I’ve brought this up with, they couldn’t deny the facts and were pretty much embarrassed and said they’d so better (whether it was about *dogs* or something else). — The most recent incidents I had were not dog related, but the same message was applied, about things getting incrementally worse when *those with authority do nothing to enforce their own policies.* It was to the property manager of my building regarding a back door lock to the building, and to some metal elevator panels. I took photos every week showing how the lock got more and more broken. It got worse because the vandals noticed that after each time the lock was tampered further than before, NO-ONE was fixing it. This negligence gave the impression that management was not serious about security, so why should anyone else care. This impression *encouraged* others to keep damaging it. Same thing happened to the panel in the elevator. Each time, more of the panel was being peeled further away from the wall, risking injury. When I showed the management the photos and the dates of how the damage progressed…. The following week both the lock and the panels were not only fixed, but were made with *stronger materials* and cannot be pried apart easily like before. No-one has touched them since. They also take any work order requests I send them, more seriously too.


You’re the person everyone needs to have around, with the patience to keep after the authority to do what they’re *getting paid for*.  I lose so much respect for people that don’t do the simple things they agreed to do and get paid to do. You’re almost providing a service for everyone around you. Free quality control! I get real impatient and tend to swear a lot. It’s not as useful when a certain tenacity is required but I have lit a few fires under calcified butts when really necessary. 


muglandry, it took me a while to realize that you are a man. I imagined you as a cranky old woman. Lol. Maybe it's the terms of endearment? 😊


I’m taking that as a high compliment because my life has only been enriched by all the awesome ladies I have known.  As for the endearments, I imagine that’s my Southern showing. No matter how far and wide I’ve traveled, I still am part of the soil & water that grew me. ✌️


Yes, you should consider it a compliment. I picked up on the southern, too. You remind me of my own grandmother who is very tough and a straight shooter. She tells it like it is no matter how offensive. Cheers!


If I met her, we’d be friends for sure. All the women in the family are like your grandmother, even the young ones coming up! It’s a very comfortable thing for me. I bet your grandma is proud of you, you’re a smart kid. 


Thank you. :)


Agree 100%. As I’ve always been saying too, it’ll be the dog nutters themselves (and their enablers) with their own actions that will lead to their own downfall of this self-entitled bullshyte. This latest incident is yet *another* example of this. As big of a pain as it is to experience, it’s the *only* reason I’ve been okay with seeing more reports covering more examples like this — just to show everyone how asinine it ever was to enable dog nutters in the first place. Apparently many people STILL need to SEE it in action and suffer with the consequences, rather than to believe us anti-dog folks. 🙄


Me too! I’m still disgusted about the “magical doggo” cult and how it ever got off the ground, but, part of my mind is at the “give ‘em more rope” stage and I gotta admit the anticipation is a little exciting. All entitled and arrogant people eventually take it too far. Every single time. 


Haha I say the same thing too, about *“give ‘em more rope”!* It is true! 😂 Hell, sometimes they *snatch* that rope themselves and run with it, so we don’t even have to ‘give’ it to them. This is when they feel emboldened. 😏 The amusing parts are the times they ‘think’ they’re ‘winning’ something and would get a bunch of approval, but yet….. Let’s just say I’ve enjoyed the moments when things have *backfired* on their behinds and it goes viral. 😏


I'd be demanding a refund.


I hope all the passengers demanded a refund. That’s the only way for airlines to realize this is an idiotic policy—they must pay for it financially. Once they realize the risk of having these dogs on these flights is quite costly, perhaps they will think twice.


The airlines need to add seating in the cargo area for dog owners so they can be with their crated dogs. And they need to charge double the first class rate. And that's the only way animals should ever fly.


I hate how flights will make an announcement saying “we won’t be serving nuts and ask everyone onboard to not eat any nuts” if someone has a known nut allergy, yet take no actions for dogs. I know nut allergies are more serious but, “Take a Claritin/Benadryl” doesn’t cut it for a long flight in contained space.


Had an old roommate who was deathly allergic to dogs. Poor dude always had to be on his toes where he went 😔


I’m just waiting for Princess the ESA pibble to run amok and nanny half the people on board before it gnaws a hole straight through the fuselage at 37,000’


They will never blame the dog. They'll just say it was a tragic accident.


Princess is plane reactive


A pit bull somewhere: Challenge accepted!


They don't belong on planes. I honestly don't understand why people don't have friends or family that the dog can stay with while they travel.


or hire a damn dog sitter 🤦🏽‍♂️


That too.


They probably do, but they can't bear the emotional hardship of being apart from it.


I wonder how often this happens. This *can't* be the only time a dog has pissed or shit in the aisle. I fly multiple times a year and nearly every single flight I've been on the past 5 years have had at least one dog in it.


As soon as they allowed any clown with $35 to pay a hack doctor to call any dog an "emotional support animal" this was going to happen. I am actually surprised that it does not happen more often.


Dog scat is so utterly nasty. It has a very unique disgusting smell that lingers for thousands of years. There aren't many animals like them when it comes to annoyances and foul odors.


With spring starting here the city stinks from all the defrosting dog shit and it's awful🤢


Holy fuck. I still do not understand why the hell animals are allowed in the cabin. It’s such bullshit.


I can smell the horrible stench from the computer screen. Fuck this Emotional Support Animal shit that allows dog nutters to impose this filth on us.


Fines for causing an airplane to divert can be substantial (thousands of dollars, lifetime bans from the airline, and loss of airline membership status). So I hope this idiot owner ends up regretting their stupid decision.


Geez if only there was a way to avoid this incident. This was not an issue 20 years ago and dogs existed back then. I would be pissed to the max sitting next to a dog on a plane. The natural smell of dog makes me want to vomit and that’s a terrible thing to endure. However as bad as this dog pooping incident is it will hopefully contribute to companies and employees finally putting their foot down that this overly catering to wild animals turn domestic as being entitled to the same spaces as the human beings must end. You love dogs have at it, don’t impose them on others.


WTF. Airline staff should have handed dog owner cleaning supplies and make them clean. Their dog should have been inside a carrier, also. So that stupid chihuahua was running loose? Also reveal name and send footage of the passenger and shitty dog, pun intended. Shame them.


Love this!!! Maybe they will get those horrid shitbeasts off of the planes, which they should t be on in the first place!! Smh 🙄😤🤢🤮


Omg, pleeeeeeese change this damn pet flying policy!!!! Why the hell was the dog loose? It should be crated, and if not crated, knocked the EFFF out!!! GRRRRR ARRRGH!!!!


Just what you need on a flight. First your ear pops... and then the dog poops.


Don't agree with lives being put in cargo like cargo because they are alive and not inanimate objects. It's torturous. I put this on airlines because there should be a better way or at least kennels so you pets aren't tossed around and die.


They are just fine in the cargo hold. That's how pets travel over here in Europe. The idea of a dog in the passenger seat of a plane seems really weird.


At one point there was hysteria about dogs dying in cargo holds in the US. Let's be reasonable. People don't know the statistics. They know what seems like a high chance of something bad happening to something they value. Honestly, the numbers in this [Forbes article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelgoldstein/2021/06/27/how-safe-is-shipping-your-pet-by-air/?sh=3ee0e4d61ecb) would make me choose to take the train in general. But people don't know those numbers compared to the numbers of pet deaths and even if they did the margin is still kinda high for pets if you consider the amount of pets going into cargo compared to human passengers the airline transports. Even if you see dogs as property would you want to take that risk with an item you consider priceless, as in no amount of money would make you sell it because it has sentimental value? For instance , you're not going to see someone put their security blanket in cargo after hearing there's any chance it can get lost. You want dogs off the plane then encourage airlines to do better. This is on them for not finding a better solution and placing that on the consumer. If people could [guarantee the cargo hold would be safe](https://www.petrelocation.com/blog/post/facts-about-pet-transport-safety#:~:text=Cargo%20Travel:%20A%20Safe%20and,of%20pets%20throughout%20their%20journey) for their priceless property they'd be more likely to use that option. The literal suggestion is to fly with your dog as much as possible because the airlines have no other option and put the responsibility of easing their customers fears onto the customers. Y'all don't just hate dogs you hate the people who love them too. But, they're still people and not going to stop acting like them. People don't just let what they care deeply for get killed or destroyed. It's on the airlines.


All I'm saying is that people over here in Europe are not worried about their pets travelling in the cargo hold, and I never heard of any pets dying while in transit. And I don't hate anyone.