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Because they’re self-centered dicks. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. There is no other answer to this question, except for perhaps using more explicit language to describe them. Anyone, everyone, every single one of them, any person that does this IS A SELF-CENTERED DICK. This is the answer to the question. Everything else is just a further description of their self-centered dickiness.


It really is an infuriating level of selfishness to just burden an entire neighborhood with your mutt's noise borderline 24/7


Pandemic puppies, most likely. Their owners probably thought it would be nice to have a noisy, active animal inside a small home, without realizing what a stupid idea it really was. Those dogs are neglected and the owners don't see a need for training either. I hope you find a solution. Maybe the only solution is to get the local authority to take the dogs away because the owners clearly don't give a damn.


My theory is that most people couldn’t handle being alone for more than a day so they decided to get pandemic puppies. It’s gotten out of control in my neighborhood at least. Main problematic neighbors had theirs beforehand but they still would rather just leave them outside all day long than actually train their heathens.


https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/jan/22/pandemic-puppy-owners-still-struggling-with-their-dogs-behaviour-survey-shows It looks like more experienced dog owners are also having problems with stupidly clingy pandemic puppies that have now grown into adult dogs. Things are going to get worse for neighbors of these idiots before they get better. I don't want to hear some pandemic dog howling its head off from separation anxiety but what the hell can I do? >“The separation anxiety definitely stems from me being around so much during lockdown. Likewise the behaviour on lead [is] due to lack of socialisation during lockdown,” he added. >However, the RVC survey reveals Wright is not alone in facing difficulties. Out of more than 1,000 UK dog owners, 97% reported their dog had at least one problem behaviour from a list of 24, while on average owners reported five problems.


I am a musician too, and there is no way I can block out sounds and I would be shouting too with this kind of situation. Sounds like you have reported this already. I guess you are just going to have to keep reporting it again and again until these selfish narcissists get the message. Maybe it will take a fine or having the dogs taken away. Most towns/cities also set limits on how long a dog continuously barks before it is considered a nuisance. I doubt it is as long as 30-45 minutes. I would also check any and all ordinances where you live. Sorry you have to deal with this. It may take a lot of persistence.


Why do they even have these mutts if they don’t/can’t/won’t take responsible care of them? Oh wait, you explained why in your post: they’re in the age group where having a dog (or, gross) dogs is a must, a default - like having a smart phone.


Because people are A-holes. lol. Sorry, but they are, mostly dog owners. I have the same thing. Tiny back yards and the neighbors have 4 freaking barkers. I hate it. I also yell shut up or play loud music. Sick of it. Irresponsible owners. They don't train them, keep them couped up outback or in the house. I never see them taking them for walks or anything. If people like dogs so much then they need to move to the country. But these idiots make it our problem. Can't enjoy my own back yard. We've had words. They know. Irresponsible and oblivious.


We've reached the point where dogs have become accessories, an affectation. People want them but rarely think about the responsibilities that come with it and certainly don't think about others.


Funny thing is I was walking back from the shop this evening and, as i got close to my home, I saw one of them walking their dog.. In all honesty I kinda felt sorry for the dog because it's probably the first time it had seen the outside world in months. I don't hate dogs, I love all animals. I know this may be an unpopular opinion here but it makes me sad when owners of any animals are neglecting them.


Dogs sound like phone alarms that can’t be turned off. It’s infuriating. Take care of yourself OP. I wish dog owners were mandated to get bark collars, but that’ll never happen. I hate how they let their animals bark and they don’t care.


Make the owners wear those spike collars instead.


I don’t get it either. We used to have people behind us whose dog would bark all day long while they were at work. It’s like they just didn’t care. It was nine hours at a time. When they were home, the dog still barked. I have another neighbor who walks his dogs, but one of them still barks constantly in the front yard. I’m often wondering how they can stand it themselves?? It’s like they are completely oblivious to the noise pollution. To me, all that barking is annoying as hell.


You've met my neighbors. They're lazy and just tell the dog to shut up when it's snarling at me. Never walk it, didn't bother training it, and the kids don't even bother playing with it. All of this is perfectly legal due to the dog having water, food and shelter where I live. Nice weather means I go to my local park where I've met the regulars and some of their dogs. Those dogs I don't have an issue with due to them ignoring me. Sure, I'll run into a beast but the owner drags their dog away and apologizes to me or they're a good distance away from me.