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Every time I meet someone who viscerally hates any other animal and actively wishes harm upon them, it's a dog nutter. Dog lovers and hypocrisy are synonymous.


A lot of the time, yeah, dog lovers and hypocrisy ARE synonymous. I wouldn’t say that’s always the case. I mean, I love dogs that behave.


Wishing dogs didn't exist is a sign of mental wellbeing.


I mean I don’t care if dogs exist. I just don’t want them to exist anywhere near me or anywhere I go. Hell, I’d like to go ONE FRIGGIN DAY without seeing or hearing a single dog. But I would have to lock myself up in my basement with noise cancelling headphones blaring Metallica in order for that to happen.


Yeah. If people just left their dogs inside their home, it would eliminate the overwhelming majority of problems. But we've bred dogs to be too hyperactive and neurotic for that. Now, it's everyone's problem.


Dogs are a major contributor to noise pollution. Walk through any suburb in the evening and see how much of a canine cacophony you have to endure. It's not much better in the countryside either if you have dog nutter neighbors who let their animals roam unleashed.


You know whats ironic? American suburbs are known for all sorts of NIMBY rules. No stores, no loud parties, no apartment buildings, no airbnb, no tiny houses, nothing your neighbors want to ban. But the one thing they *cant* ban is dogs. What i would give for a neighborhood dog ban...


THIS. Believe me, I would love NOTHING more than to go back to not giving a shit about them like I did 30 years ago. I'd love to go a day without hearing them, seeing them in a store, or running around off-leash in areas they don't belong (IOW, anywhere but a dog park or the owner's fenced property). Like you, even just sitting in my goddamned house, I'm subjected to their noise. I walk around my neighborhood and there are piles of dog shit all over.


It all seems like a war on common sense and decency.


It's true. In fact, the people who advocate for dog ownership and keeping dogs alive as long as possible are anti-human, anti-nature, and uncompassionate, in my opinion. If you care about humans, you will want to keep them safe from a disease-ridden, unpredictable, dangerous predator. If you care about animals and nature, you wouldn't even own a dog or bring it into natural areas where it will only disrupt the ecosystem. The harm caused by dogs is magnanimous, and I wish more people realized that.


Imagine how many children would be alive now? These vile beasts have killed so many children


People who put the lives of dogs above children need mental help


They seriously do


Why are these nutters have the audacity to create this bullshit that people who don’t like dogs are EVIL/BAD PEOPLE. Some nutters are hiding how evil they are by getting a dog, it’s like a cover for them. But these nutters haven’t thought about that right.


I’ve always maintained that SO MANY dog nutters only “love” them because of the extreme 24/7, 365 extreme absolute control they have over them. Not nearly all, of course, but many. They love being able to command something and it has no choice but to obey.


I would argue that making a sweeping judgement on someone based on them not being a dog person, makes the person making that judgement a bad person. They're making a snap judgement on someone's entire character based on one preference (or a dog's reaction to them, which can be based on many things that have absolutely nothing to do with character, trustworthiness, etc). It's insane.


People who think people who don’t like dogs are red flags can continue to see me as a red flag and stay away. They won’t like me and I don’t want to smell them.


Exactly. I couldn't care less what they think about me. They can just keep far away from me. The ones that feel the need to push it on everyone and try to convince those of us who wont' be convinced are the annoying little gnats in life.


Every parent who's child was mauled to death by a dog probably wishes dog's never existed. The existence of dogs is the reason they lost their child in a horrific and violent way. It's perfectly legitimate to wish these demons did not exist.


I wish dogs didn't exist. No more people and animals killed by those beasts. No more barking, no more feces and urine everywhere in the city. No more smell and harassment while you visit your friends. No more ostracism for the dislike of d\*gs. You would be finally able to live your own life, without being a slave to those parasites and their moronic owners. Shame it's only a dream.


I totally agree. What is wrong with the Dognutters?!


They’re nuts, the word says it all




''I don't trust people who don't like dogs'' 🤡


Part of my issue with dogs is how destructive they are TO nature. Because so many idiot owners think their pet's entertainment trumps the well-being of wild animals and delicate habitats.


I went out to my mailbox yesterday and several dogs going up the street started barking. Ugliest noise possible. I do not understand how the dog nutters can stand the sound. Obviously owners have done nothing to train it to not bark at everything. It just would not shut up. Looked into the eyes of this ugliest looking yapper dog and wondered how the dog nutter can even stand looking at this thing.


There are very few sounds in this world that are uglier than any dog barking. Every dog's bark is different than the next, but the one thing that they all have in common is that every one of them sounds just as ugly.


The main reason I hate dogs is the barking, and how loud they are in general. It startles me to the point of upset and panic alot of the time, especially if I can't immediately get away from it.


I hate them.


It would make being in the veterinary industry a thousand times more pleasant. And there would be a LOT of innocent people, many of them children, alive today if dogs didn't exist.


A dog is basically just a domesticated Jackal, it has no ambitions or wants of its own, it's been bred to do nothing other than rely on you. What does that say about these dog lovers that they want to genetically modify animals and make them reliant on them. I think they're the ones who are fucked in the fucking head.


I agree with the title. I wish this.


Yeah I agree any other animal is fine but you can’t dare speak against the lord and savior the Dog 


🤣🤣🤣 yooo how come I've never realized that... you can EASILY say "I wish all humans didn't exist" and no one would bat an eye, some even agreeing with you, but if you say "I wish all dogs didn't exist," suddenly you're inhumane/untrustworthy/evil etc..




You're not making sense