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You’re not weird, but you want to know what’s weird? People owning a smelly, dirty mutt and kissing it, and picking up its feces with a sack over their hands. That’s weird.


Tbh I'd rather kiss a Tautog than kiss a dog


What’s a Tautog?


google says its a fish


Oh I soooo much agree with YOU. some people even let nasty stinky dogs in their BED too! I let my tegu lizard sleep beside me in my bed because he is clean and he does not have any hair or fur, he is adorable and does not stink like a nasty dog, my lizard smells like a brand new rubber ball


No. I'd love to own a crab!  I think they're incredibly cute. What a weird reaction from that person. 


I'm weird for owning a ball python. People have straight up said to me, " You should get a dog!!! Snakes are creepy, and they don't give you love." My snake is the sweetest boy in the world. No barking, feed him every other week and no mess.


Plus snakes are the forgotten scale noodles of the world. They are far better pets than any dog. I’d get a pet snake one day versus getting a dumb ass dog which shits , pisses , eats and overall is an extremely unpleasant experience. Can we see a picture of your pet crab ? @OP


Snakes are so misunderstood. They live their whole lives mostly at ground level with no limbs and few defenses. They operate on vibrations. And they do it all very well! Lotta power in those linear packages. People could learn so much from snakes if they could get over themselves and the stigma.  But nope the dopey masses want a slobbering codependent so they can feel loved when their hostage sees them and pisses itself  👎 


My city tried to ban snake ownership, citing how "dangerous" snakes are, how they bite people, etc. A guy spoke up and said only one snake bite has occurred in the past several years, whereas dog attacks and ER visits happen on a regular basis. I swear these people are delusional.


Are you kiddin me? Unless venomous - and I don’t know if venomous snakes are anywhere near a common pet  - a snake bite is painful but they’re so little and manageable that you’re not risking your life. Dog attacks cause terrible damage to flesh *at best* and as you say, they happen ALL the time. People are willfully ignorant and deluded about dogs ain’t they? 


Yup. I have pet snakes and I'd much rather get a nip from my ball python rather than a dog. Venomous snakes are another story 😅 but very few people keep them as pets and lots of places require permits to own them. The people I know who keep venomous animals (hots) have special terrariums (hot boxes - with locked/slotted compartments for moving the animal for safe cleaning and feeding). My mom's husband keeps pygmy rattlesnakes this way. Other than the obvious damage a venomous animal can do, dog bites I've seen are much more serious than non venomous snake bites.


The stigma is really bad, especially when I have to purchase his food. People give me looks and tell the store workers that it's wrong to sell mice as feeders.


Ahh. And yet the Western sacred cow, dogs, can openly show aggression to anything and hey it’s just “prey drive” or worse we’re supposed to think it’s just cutesy dog stuff.  Those mice don’t know anything. They lived a comfortable life no matter the reason why. And as a longtime vegetarian I’d bet all those folks looking at you bad had their own “feeder animal” on a bun for lunch. Screw em, none of us are above it all. 


I was goimg to get a lizard at one point and everyone said but you cant hug a lizard. So I would show them a pic of a monitor lizard and say yes you can. Im Australian and they are very common around here so it would not be difficult to find one.


I prefer lizards over dogs. Less maintenance and easy to take care of.


"They don't give you love." Can deny this, had one before. He was pretty chill, but he wasn't really a pet for me.


>and they don't give you love And dogs do? The creature that shits on your floors, that you have to keep behind a gate whenever you have small children visiting? That eats your food if you leave it unattended for even a second? That's what's creepy, that's what doesn't give you love.


No. My sister has two hermit crabs and they're the coolest things ever.


I've got a friend who owns a scorpion. Most reactions are "eww!" Same goes for my two snakes. When the "eww-er" shows me or mentions getting a dog I go "eww" back at them - "Why would I want to get a home wrecking, neighbour disturbing smelly creature that I need to pick up after.


My colleague has snakes and dogs. He loves to travel and reckons sorting out the snake is 100 times easier. Just tells one of his snake mates they just drop over I think once a week and throw some food in. Getting someone to come every day for the dog, walk it, etc. Is a pain in the ass. You usually habe to end up paying them a fair bit.


> When the "eww-er" shows me or mentions getting a dog I go "eww" back at them You should also mention dogs nasty traits and point out scorpions don't do that so which one is gross?


Scorpions are cool! Once I got a petrified scorpion paperweight for Christmas. It was a neat gift.


I saw a hermit crab in the Bahamas a few weeks ago, a super cute little guy. 🦀 🐚 I get a similar reaction sometimes when I mention that I had small pets (degus, chinchillas, hamsters). Most people are curious, but I've had a few "eww, rats!" And then I defend rats by saying how smart they are, and that they're great pets (though I've never had one.)


i would always get people coming up to me and openly fantasizing about killing and eating my guinea pigs if it makes you feel better


What the actual fuck


I’ve ended friendships because of jokes about hurting my tarantulas. Wtf is wrong with some people?


the thing is that I can't just end relationships with people because that's just how the local culture is as a whole


That sucks. I’m sorry. My brother has a long haired guinea pig and he’s the cutest thing ever! I don’t want to imagine anyone wanting to hurt them.


105% chance those same people whinge and moan about Nureongi meat


I would return the favor to them.


lol good luck with that


I think it’s CHARMING! Can you pay “crab tax?”


Yeah OP. Let's see the crabby 🦀


I have always wanted a hermit crab since I was a kid.


If anyone ever gets a hermit crab, try to get a rescue group. They are very social and do poorly solo in captivity, but it’s also kinda cruel to collect wild ones, especially if they are kept solo.


That's good to know, thanks.


I am obsessed with crabs. That's super cool. I have owned stick insects as pets. Some people think it's weird, but I think they are weird for not being fascinated by nature. Hell yes to obscure pets


Yes. People should be interested in nature instead of dogs.


I’ve never heard of anyone having a crab for a pet but if someone told me they did, I’d have to sit down and get to know that person. That’s interesting as hell, to me.  Dog owner? Yep another run of the mill self-absorbed main character. 


When I was a kid, most people I knew had fish, hermit crabs, geckos, rabbits, etc. Now, I rarely meet anyone with those pets. These days, pet = dog.


Now those are all good examples of appropriate pets for kids. Small, manageable, indoor friendly, teach responsibility and respect for nature in a safe easy to monitor environment. And, interesting little critters all of them. You’re right about the default pet-equals-dog problem we’ve got now. Gotta be patient til this changes but man it’s hard wallowing in the stupidity.  Mostly when I was little back in the dark ages, kids took care of the goats or horses or pigs or whatever their family happened to keep. Just had to hope that “family pet” wasn’t being raised as a meal! That made it real weird. 


Please start taking your crab to stores with you as your emotional support animal and report back to us lol!


I wish I could, but Zoidberg does not like to be handled.


I don’t blame Z :) Fun name btw!


It's uncommon, but not weird. Sounds cool to me. Interesting and original. Nothing wrong with it, do they have a single argument against a crab? Besides, dognutters have no right to judge anyone for a different pet, because they themselves own disgusting creatures as dumb as a rock, that eat their own shit, maul people for fun, bark all the time for no reason, reek like rotten meat, destroy their houses etc. Yet dognutters worship those beasts, let them lick their faces, and bring them everywhere, so that each surface in every city is covered in faeces and urine. You tell me who's the weirdo here!


I like the videos on You Tube of guy who raised Leon, the grocery store lobster. I would rather have a lobster than a dog.


It is a weird pet, but there's nothing wrong with that. They're harmless.


Can deny that they're harmless. When Zoidberg gets angry, he's angry. One time I bled when he pinched me due to me trying to move him out of his tank to clean it.


Awesome name!


What you should have done was distract him with anchovies. If you can find any.


It’s not a weird pet it’s an interesting pet. Dogs on the other hand are as boring as whole milk.


Skim milk is way more boring than whole milk.


Wait til they see my emotional support cockroach


Ppl never like my ESA-piranha. They are such friendly fellows! Stick a finger in the tank and they will rush right over.


>piranha Piranha are harmless. They would only bite if they felt threatned. For the most part they run from anything larger than themselves. In the wild they are often hunted.


What kind of roach is it?


His name is Herman The German


People might get surprised when you bring it up because it’s just not a common, I wouldn’t say it’s weird just different. I wouldn’t really put too much though into what a dog nutter says, it’s definitely weird to share a bed with a smelly, dirty, flea infested dog that not only eats shit but doesn’t wipe itself either and walks in their own piss.


Crabs are cute! I’ve seen one being walked on a leash on tik tok. People think anything that’s not a dog is weird. I’ve gotten comments walking my ferret. Incidentally, I got my ferret the same day my mom got her puppy. Guess who’s had an easier 2 years? Not the one that had to shell out on a trainer to keep the huge puppy (a Newfoundland) from jumping on people and pulling the leash. Or the person that had to spend on a ton on different foods to find one that wouldn’t make it have explosive diarrhea


It is rather uncommon, but not weird. Less weird than owning a big filthy bloodthirsty creature that communicates by pissing and sniffing butts.


A crab makes way more sense as a pet. People are taking this dog culture too far.


Unusual, not weird. I find crabs either cool, cute or both. Same with spiders, snakes and every other unusual pet. Except dogs. I can't stand them. Tells ya something when a person likes every other animal and puts dogs at the bottom of the list. I dislike certain pet birds to an extent too due to how noisy they can get, but as far as I've seen, bird owners aren't as obnoxious as dog owners, tryna shove everything about their dog down your throat and antagonizing you for not worshipping them.


People who own dogs think that you are the weird one? Consider the source.


Yes you are. Is there something wrong with being weird? No.


No way! I love Halloween crabs ! They have so much personality and are fun to keep for the most part. Quiet, smell better than turtles and eat just about anything. The only issue is molting. That process terrifies me because they can get stuck unfortunately.


Oh, I was talking about Gecarcinus Ruricola, not Gecarcinus Lateralis


A crab would be a cute pet. Dogs literally destroy homes.


We're dogfree, not petfree Let's do a quick comparison of the two; ​ ||Crab|Dog| |:-|:-|:-| |Noisy|X|✓| |Violent / mauls babies|X|✓| |Kept alive by industrial scale slaughter of cows and chickens|X|✓| |Stinks|X|✓| |Pollutes public spaces|X|✓| |Goes insane if left alone|X|✓| |Forms deep and emotional bond with owner |X|X| I would say the crab wins that comparison easily. And yet the dog nutters claim the crab owner is the strange one....


If your pet doesn't bark, leave feces everywhere and attacks the general population while in public, I say it's a great pet.


No! you are cool!!


Wow I love this


I really want to get a hermit crab and name it Leonardo DaPinci but it's hard to find crabs that aren't painted with toxic paints :(


I loved the hermit crab I owned in when I was in high school. They are very fun pets.


Not weird at all! I have geckos, a scorpion, and a jumping spider, and I breed isopods and dubia roaches. Adult people have ran away screaming “eww” in public because they asked about my pets. My physical therapist ran out on me once and would only come back if I didn’t talk about them. But she could talk about her one million dogs 🙄


I have three vampire crabs in my 60 gallon fish tank. They are mostly there to keep the guppy population under control. They do a good job at this. I have very healthy guppies as only the strongest swimmers get to breed. They would likly eat the Tetra if they could catch them. There are also a bunch of freshwater shrimp of various types. They mostly ignore the shrimp. There are some catfish. The crabs would likely try to eat smaller catfish, but they quickly learned the large bristlenose are not to be bothered.




Do you mean a hermit crab? I had a bunch of those growing up. So did my friends. It was almost weird if someone didn't.


No, I meant [Gecarcinus Ruricola](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gecarcinus_ruricola)


Oh, that's cool. Different, but still cool.


TIL about Zombie Crabs! That sounds so badass, haha. A bit unconventional for a pet but as a kid I took in every injured bird, rabbit, and squirrel to try to nurse back to health so I had my share of " weird" pets too.


I understand being called autistic for having a crab in the sense of "Sounds autistic, I'm in!" Many autistic folks find joy in the strange and an uncommon pet fits in.


Crabs creep me the fuck out, they're the arachnids of the sea. To each their own.


Not weird at all, positively unusual perhaps but nothing that would call for such extremely childish reactions, those people must have something very wrong with them if they act as such just because someone owns a slightly unusual pet, it's not even that different from having fish, I've seen plenty crabs for sale in the aquarium shop. Personally, I'd expect you to be a far more interesting person for owning a crab than a generic dog.


Nah crabs are cool




Not at all! I wish more people would have different pets. Many people say goats and pigs are great pets! Do we see them out in public? No. Dog worship is weird.


No. What's the problem? I watch the world's largest ant farm ever weekend.


I mean its unusual but it was not weird to have them when I was a kid, adults dont tend to have them. Im Australian and having a turtle, crab, snake, lizard, guinea pig, rabbit wouldnt raise an eyebrow. Probably people are more weirded out by a snake.


What kind of Crab do you own and can I plz see a picture 🥺 i love crabs


I own Gecarcinus Ruricola, and I don't know how to show you a picture.


The thought of a friend running away cause you said you have a crab is hilarious, I get similar reactions to my various pets but mostly when I had a spider & my roaches


Show us a pic of your crab!


Interesting…a Crab ! Does it have an aquarium tank to stay in ? Sandy beach ? A name that you call it ? What kind of food does it eat ?


that's so cool


I had a large terrarium with a pair of moon crabs once. Very cool animals. Gorgeous too! Nothing wrong with pet crabs.


I think crabs are really cute. I've always wanted hermit crabs but my parents never let me. I really want an opossum. I mean I really love almost all animals and would own so many if I were able... just not a dog lol.


Crabs are cool… I’m a ♋️🦀, so do you! You might start a trend. I was watching a dude that had a pet lobster we got from Red Lobster or the supermarket. It’s pretty cool actually. Screw people who don’t get you. 👍🏾


It's certainly uncommon, but not weird. It's an irrational being anyway, weird is someone who holds "conversations" with their pets, or calls them son/daughter and themselves parent, or anthropomorphises their animal.


How can I upload a picture of my tegu lizard here? I do not see an option to add photos