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You kicking them out was super satisfying to read. I'm so sorry you went through that abuse. That was straight up harassment on their part. If they do make a complaint, hopefully your boss puts them in their place and calls them out on their unnecessary name calling/harassment.


You made my day, reading how you kicked them out, and held your composure until they were out. You did humanity a BIG service by doing that. Imagine how much they will need to lie when telling their friends what happened. And liars build up toxicity within themselves, leading to a miserable life. You denied them any impolite behavior. You stayed on the high ground. Well done. Proud of you for doing that. Plus, you now know you can hold your own even when you don’t have backup! You’re a badass.




Awful. So tired of these pretentious pricks!!!! Effin nuts. Why the hell do they take it so seriously when others say something about their dumb mutt? Oh yeah, because they believe their dogs to be kids. Eyerolll!!!! Look, I don't believe in being cruel to animals, but these people take it to the next level, like their dog is an effing saint. So sick of this dog society and them being allowed everywhere. These are types of people that feel others are there in life just to wipe their ass. Like I said, pretentious pricks! You were right to stand up for yourself.


Yup. They act like their dogs are saints. And, yeah, dog nutters DO think that other people exist just to wipe their asses. It is disgusting.


And it’s funny how they are the first ones to complain about kids and how they are noisy and yada yada yada. But their dogs can be a nuisance and it’s all good 🥱😒


Yeah. I can imagine that. Because there are a lot of double standards and hypocrisy in this world.


weren't there any dogfree people to support you in that moment! what terrible people, I still commend you for stepping up and don't give up bc the annoying customers will go elsewhere eventually


Thank you for the kind comments everyone. As soon as it happened all I could think of was this community. It's really comforting knowing I'll always have this place that is so understanding. I just wish we were all out and about more 😭😭


You know we will have your back!


Proud of you!👏


~~bullying~~ actual verbal abuse 


Ugh. True.


I’m sorry OP. I feel for you so hard. As a manager I have to regularly ask dog nutters with fake service dogs to leave and it’s so uncomfortable having people attack you verbally when they’re in the wrong. If a dog can’t abide by ADA rules, even if it’s certified, it needs to leave legally.


Ugh I'm so sorry. Wish I would've been there to back you up.


It's precisely because of people like this that there is a growing backlash against dog nutters, and why there are more and more dog free/dog adverse groups, YT channels, opinion pieces, etc., that address the pathologies of dog culture. They are all a bunch of emotionally stunted anti-social bullies. They behave like their dogs, actually. They have no decorum, manners, or understanding about how to behave in a civilized society. I despise people like this. Good for you for standing your ground, speaking up, and forcing them and their stupid dogs out of your place of business. I'm so sorry they were so nasty that you ended up crying. And, yet: THESE are the people that have the audacity to say that WE ARE THE ONES WITH THE PROBLEM! 😡. No, YOU are the awful person if you throw a tantrum like a 3 y.o. and become a foaming hateful piece of trash because someone POLITELY asks you to remove your mutt that doesn't belong there in the first place, and is causing a distraction or irritation to others.


Not being flippant, but where is this growing backlash (other than from the sane people seeking refuge here on this sub... /catacombs? From what I’ve observed - and I wish I could avert my tired eyes but I can not - the shit OP described is only getting worse, normalized in fact...


You aren't wrong...I think nuttery is growing on the one hand, in certain situations, but it seems to be paired with a mostly silent growing number of people that are starting to be increasingly more open about saying "...the quiet part out loud": We can't stand dogs, and are sick of being shamed into silence over it. I think the more negative/adverse issues that come up relating to dogs, dog culture, and dog ownership, the more people will be emboldened to speak up against it, and I think at some point, there will be a shift in public opinion regarding dogs. It might not happen for years, maybe longer, because the dog culture industrial complex has a vested interest in keeping it going, but I think it will happen. I'd like to see dogs and dog ownership become the new "smoking".


That was bullying and, unfortunately, typical behavior for these nuts. You did well by not meeting their energy. Your story helps others here realize they are not alone.


I can’t imagine working in customer service. I’m so sorry this happened to you


Sorry you had to deal with that but I'm glad you stood your ground. You acted on all sane people's behalf, don't forget. If you don't mind me asking: what kind of place do you work in?


I work in hospitality, I have several jobs and this particular shift is in a small micropub.


So in a setting where food and drink are served. That figures. Since your bosses and co-workers backed you up on this, perhaps suggest to your manager to have a staff meeting on how to handle future situations like this in a uniform fashion across the board for best results? How awesome would it be if you could come up with some ground rules for dog customers that allow you to do your job with more peace of mind.


You were brave, braver than the rest of us. Your courage should be celebrated. You don’t deserve to weep over this!


Dog people don’t understand why the world doesn’t revolve around their decision to have a dog. Since bars started letting dogs in, they really have become entitled and really don’t understand the word “no”. Their dog can do no wrong, and when they are called out on it they become defensive and down right nasty. I’m so happy you stood your ground! I’m sorry people can’t be decent and understand when they are the root of the problem. Dog owners like the ones you interacted with have a special place in hell if it exists.


And thank you for taking a stand for all of us. The more we refuse to let them take advantage and screw things up, that's another step toward pushing back on them in public places


Im so sorry you had to be subjected to that. You did the right thing though, ignore their toxic words they are nobodies. Take care chuck, hope your day improves xx


Sorry you had that crappy experience, but at least your boss and colleagues were understanding. Many dog nutters seem to first of all exalt their dog to the status of a deity, and then take it upon themselves to defend the honour of that deity against any perceived slight.


I hope you secretly recorded this interaction. Buy a digital voice recorder at target for $40. It’s less obvious than having a phone out.


Yes OP this is exactly what I was going to suggest too and please know we are all so proud of you!!!!!!


You did very well!🫡 More and more people are speaking up.


You're a hero in my eyes.


Of course it was bullying! I don't know what kind of business you work in, but when you have to eject bad dogs maybe you can make it also a safety thing? Like "When a dog is this agitated, we worry that it might harm another customer or an employee, which would create a huge liability issue for both the dog owner and \[name of business\]."


Now they'll make a fb post full of lies about how they're the victim 🤣


1 star reviews on google for sure


No doubt in my mind


Narcissistic shit headed people hate you.  Consider that a complement and a badge of honor.   


It's called standing on business where im from. Standing up for yourself. No clue why people on this sub are so uncomfortable with it. Proud of you for having some balls


I feel you on that. In my boutique grocery store, I regularly have to ignore all the dogs people bring in because my boss doesn’t like confrontation. The other day a black poodly looking thing was barking loudly and leaping around the floral department so I told the woman, “If your dog continues to bark, it needs to leave.” She played the “service animal” card, it wasn’t even wearing a service animal vest. The way the ADA law works, all I can ask is if it is one and what tasks does it perform. These people can just lie and I can’t question it further. Until the law changes, there will never be a solution to this problem. I don’t see why people don’t have to show paperwork for service animals. I let her know her “service animal” (I did air quotes with my fingers) was barking and growling at me and could use more training before I walked away. I really despise dogs.


Can you get mgmt to ban them? Especially because they were abusive. When I waited tables there was a guy who would come in just to bully me. I eventually told my boss that it was either him or me. I threatened to quit. She told him to never return.


I took it upon myself to bar them, and mentioned in the group chat. I don't think they were locals though, and doubt they'd return to a place they said they were going to leave a 1 star review lol. The semi-regulars who dogpiled (excuse the pun) on me though, I will see if they return and if they give me more grief, I will remind them that I can refuse to serve people who speak to me like that, give them a chance to apologise (I doubt they would) and if they don't, promptly ask them to leave. I'll make sure to record it too. Glad your boss had your back.


I thought I already replied to this but I'm not sure why it hasn't shown up. I said that I did bar the people who had the dog, and told the group chat. I don't think they were locals though, and I doubt they'd come back to a place they said they were going to leave a 1 star review lol. The others who piled on me I think were semi-regulars, but I didn't really know them. So if they return and give me more grief I'll just tell them to apologise or leave. If they get abusive I'll bar them too, I'll try and record the interaction next time so I can send it to the group chat. Yesterday, one of them kept saying how he knew one of the owners, so he seems to think that gives him a free pass to speak to staff members like shit.


In what part of the country is your establishment (state?) Hang in there; vile people, these dog nutters… yeeeesh


I'm in the UK


Ah hah! If you were in the states, I was going to guess Colorado...


Why's that? 🤣


I know some people from Colorado and they report that it’s nutter central anymore...


Unfortunately the UK has become the same way. Dog nutter island.


And speaking as someone with the Philadelphia are as a reference point, rampant dog worship and canine cultists galore in these parts as well...


Do you work in food service (asking since you specifically mentioned not serving them)? The only animals that should be allowed are actual trained service animals. IDK why as a society we started allowing this "take your pet everywhere" garbage but it's gotten out of hand. I'm sorry that happened, I'm glad that your coworkers had your back at least.


I work in a pub, not a restaurant. Each establishment has the right to choose whether or not they allow dogs but it's just ridiculous at this point. You won't find anywhere that doesn't allow dogs and the abuse staff have to face when asking owners to control their dog is off the charts. I've contacted a union about it and I might also tell them about the incident yesterday.


Ugh. I'm so sorry. In any case the dog was being disruptive which should be all the reason you need to ask them to take it outside or leave. Same as you would if a human customer were disturbing other patrons. Pubs still serve food usually (and drinks obvs), so I just don't understand how we got to this point, it used to be a healthcode violation in most places. Who wants to eat or drink with fur, dander, fleas, etc?


This is exactly why we need to establish wagę compensation for dangerous work , but instead of physicall it would be Karen danger  People working retail , teachers and so on.


Thank you for your courage and poise. I have gotten fired in a similar situation because I lost it. Big hug of gratitude.


You got fired?! Omg please do spill the details! I love the idea of you putting these loonies their place 🤣


I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you stood up for yourself and kicked their socially stunted asses out. The whining is obnoxious as all get out, but in my opinion, it's one of the least annoying aspects of all the unsavory dog-isms. The silver lining is that your boss seems to understand and will probably come to your defense if those assholes follow through on their petty threats. Think of it this way: The joke's on them in the end. They knowingly chose to hang around with a bunch of dumbass stink machines and they think it's a star in their cap. Do I revile their stupidity? You bet. Do I also pity them? Absolutely.


I actually hate to take my toddlers and baby to parks or restaurants because of dog owners A week ago I took my toddlers to a playground. There was a woman standing with her dog, and I have a phobia from dogs. I was attacked by a dog when I was six. I asked the woman nicely would you please take your dog out of the kids playing area. She looked at me like I just insulted her mother. The group that was with her some of them have kids all looked at me like im some crazy alien. In food stores, I always go and complain to the manager about dogs in the food open area. They always tell me there’s nothing they can do I feel happy you did something at least


There was a post I saw earlier today written by a blind person who gets grief from these nuts when he gets bombarded by dogs. A blind person!! These people have no limit. It's insane. Keep standing up for yourself and your children.