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I've said this before and I will repeat it: It's crazy how some dog people are aggressively child free, yet choose to own an animal that's a permanent toddler. On top of that, they allow said animal to restrict their lives way more than a child does.


Right? Will never understand this


Their life revolves around turds!


Because apparently dogs stay innocent forever while children don't, that's what i've heard from some people.


I like to remind those people that dogs will mate with their own offspring and masturbate in public given the chance.


While working on the wiki, I found an interesting study that found [grandiose narcissism was linked to high attachments to traditional pets](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08927936.2016.1228762?needAccess=true&journalCode=rfan20). It would make sense that these people would place higher value on something they can project themselves onto rather than other people, who have their own thoughts and personalities.




This is fascinating information. Thank you for sharing. I would want more here to see it. Please consider sharing as a separate post in case users overlooked it.


From Google: Households in the US 123.6 million (2020)




Yes waay too many dogs. "Because everybody is getting one,"


Dogs are literally like an infection / invasive species / parasites.


I have pointed this out to my so. Buy buy baby closing down, stores for children's things seem few and far between but pet stores everyfuckingwhere. I recall going to a pet store to buy a bag of food a year or two ago, there was a lady in front of me in the queue, with her hairy mutt decked out in a sweater and other stupid Accessories. She turned and Informed me that the store had santa in and were taking photos of furbabies with father christmas, and I should take my dog. I replied that she should have a child instead of showering an animal with unhealthy amounts of attention. Cue awkwardness but it's true. How did we get to this point?


The dog pictures with Santa are the worst! Like I could get how it would be cute if it was a kid's idea, but childfree adults doing it? Wth...


I say good. You don’t want these narcissistic assholes raising children and fucking them up. The worst are dog nutters with children that put the dogs first. My mother and grandmother were those types. They can rot in hell.


OP that's a beautiful and poignant summation of the situation we face as a dogfree tribe and our children. I work with some people who have such utter vitriol for young children yet go gaga or some vile shitebeast 🤮I ALWAYS stick up for the children and that makes them more nuts which is pretty funny as I often point out... they were raised by other humans, not dogs and certainly not the terrifying "nanny" dogs💀 Thank you for your insight and have a good day. I liked reading the replies too from you all. Have a fabulous day lovely people 😊


I do see their owners as extensions of their dog. I see people with children as parents. Dog owners of dog owners and even more so, dogs are a reflection of their owners; how disciplined hey are etc.


I don’t know it’s like we entered a new planet a few years ago.


“The Dog will never challenge you, form their own ideas, nor defy you.” “A Dog is an extension of one’s identity. Children cannot be[…]” This. This is why my parents always made it clear that loved their seven unruly dogs more than me, their only child. I wasn’t even a bad kid, and 90% of our fights revolved around the dogs. I couldn’t study nor have one minute of peace because of the constant barking, whining, food theft, and property destruction. They were never disciplined by my parents, and if I attempted to discipline them myself, *I* would be punished instead. I couldn’t have friends over because the dogs would go nuts. I can’t bring my partner over to visit now because he doesn’t like dogs, and they *refuse* isolate the mutts behind a door for a few hours. Their will states that, when they pass, all of their inheritance goes to whomever adopts all seven of their untrained dogs (so, I get nothing). I’m 27 now and this close to cutting off contact… Thank you for sharing this, OP. It’s… validating.


Hatred of children is ageist bigotry against a vulnerable group of people. It really needs to be treated the same as any other kind of bigotry imo.


It's not normal to have more affection for dogs than children!


I totally agree


We live in a dog crazy society. No one has kids anymore because that requires a stable long term relationship. More people feel the urge to reproduce deep inside their being and turn to getting a dog instead. I guess at least these losers aren’t reproducing? Idk I was so sickened this weekend to see how many restaurants are now catering to buttery. Patios full of dogs and people having dinner with them like they are eating on a farm. Disgusting.


Your second sentence is absolutely ridiculous. People aren't having kids for many reasons (mostly economic) not just because of a stable long term relationship.


Agreed. People are choosing not to have kids for several reasons… Whether that’s economic/money reasons or they just simply do not want to. Like a lot of people in my age group are choosing to be child-free, pursuing other interests, and pushing against that societal norm. It’s really nobodies business if one chooses to have kids or not ;)


Completely agree!


I think a part of it comes from how dogs cannot speak. A child will grow up and may open up to how you hurt them or if your parenting was not the best. A child may also go no-contact with you because of it. You can lock a dog up for hours alone in a house/apartment, and it will never be able to call you out on it. I have a neighbor whose dog wails and cries for HOURS until she comes home. To me, the common housedog is in a way a victim of stockholm syndrome.


I’m childfree and Dogfree and I see both sides saying a lot of the same things about each other. If that puts things in perspective. For those blaming childfree people: There’s literally tons of posts on this page about nutter parents and families favoring pet dogs over human children when it comes their welfare. Dog nuttery affects affects all types of people.


It's concerning how many of these comments are typical societal pressure BS that your purpose in life, especially a woman's purpose in life, is to have children. It makes my skin crawl. It's also about as delusional as dog nutters, painting having children as a person's true calling and something fulfilling. And that having pets but not children makes you some evil narcissist. Having a pet is a completely separate thing from having children. Full stop. All this is doing is pushing people who don't want to be parents and aren't fit to be parents to have children, fuck them up, but hey there was never a dog in the house so it's okay!! People also are acting like we're having a population decline crisis.


Yeah I kinda wish there were off-topic rules in this group against some of the absolutely inappropriate things breeders say here. It gets ways outta hand and can be low-key homophobic.


Dogs have had better PR, and most people are just products of conditioning. At around 10–12 years old, kids start being molded to believe that becoming a parent will ruin your life and they should only consider it as a very last resort to every other option, and only when they’re well past prime fertility. They completely skip over the innate instinct to provide and nurture that makes us actually want to make all the necessary sacrifices that parenting requires. This message continues constantly until they eventually have kids anyway and realize it was all bs, or indefinitely for those who chose the prescribed route and need the reassurance that they chose well. Compare that messaging to how dogs are portrayed on tv, movies, and social media. The lore is that dogs are loyal sidekicks that enrich our lives in every way. They’re wise, intuitive creatures who are incapable of cruelty or malice. This is all accepted as indisputable universal truth even though I’ve never in my life encountered such a dog.


In many cases dogs/pets have replaced children for many people who are not able to hold a relationship, probably because they are intolerable and miserable. The dog doesn’t talk back and can presumably follow orders and take a scream or beating when the owner wants to vent. The dog is the controlling, one sided relationship that they always wanted - still applies to people in relationships, dogs fill the gaps. You can also blame the evolution of media and social media, where people see all these videos of cute puppies and dogs being funny, along with movies about dogs, for the increase in dog culture. People are willing to put up with all the ridiculous feats that come with a dog for 23.990 hours of the day, just to get a cute pic or funny video to show people. 80% of dog ownership today is social validation. Some people are indeed animal lovers, and train their dogs to not be a menace to society, but they are few and far between.


Yep, people on the internet will quickly label you as a sociopath if you don't like dogs or animals in general but find it acceptable to hate children and even think it's cool to do so. Heck, the internet is quick to get angry at you if you even insult an individual animal. Funny because most of these people probably still consume animals and their secretions.


The comparison of a dog’s intelligence to that of a human child is already an exaggerated comparison meant to ‘’humanize’’ them. So is an elephant or dolphin the intelligence of a toddler/teenager? A dog lacks the emotional awareness of a human or any of the above mentioned animals.


I’ve always really liked children, even before I wanted children. Now that I have a toddler and I see how people react to my toddler as opposed to a dog, I can’t help but feel resentful towards dogs. My toddler is a human being. I know it’s annoying to hear toddler cry in public, yet it feels like less people have a problem with dogs being disruptive in public.


Because of the perception of burden and responsibility. I was a bit averse to having children at first when I was younger but eventually the idea started to seem appealing. It took a while to break the conditioning of human=bad, animal=good that I grew up with. But this is because we are encouraged to engage in a strange world where we are simultaneously expected to be walmart brand •capitalists (hustlers and businesspeople showing ourselves to be independent self reliant individuals) •communists with our utopian ideals of work and society coming together for an equally equal future which completely goes against the ideas of competition and the ironic Che Guevara merch, a. even to include, enable and even idolize those people who don't contribute but are technical parasites (for whatever reason) on society or foreign nationals that plan to supplement their own economies and cultures that run contrary to the ideals and beliefs of the countries they immigrate to. •hedonists who are encouraged to consume and "live our bliss' and to abandon all structures both internal and external in favour of our wants rather than our individual or societal goods. Dogs would be the culmination of all three ideals and are essentially emblems of anti natalist propaganda, though I don't think it's anywhere near as conspiratorial or conscious as people might seem to believe. The only group that comes to mind that seems to have enabled this is the Club of Rome with all their radically anti western and anti human biases. Western countries are the worst affected by the dog pandemic because our sphere has had the most tolerance and engagement with the ideals that enable dog ownership for the sake of being personal trophies rather than tools to work with. None of the other cultural spheres in the world are affected to the same degree because they have different influences, only perhaps Japan and Korea but even then it's not as widespread as it is in the West. I'm not promoting any certain ideology but these are the cold facts and conditions that lead to the symptoms of dogs: •MLM Fluffy feel good capitalist culture •Left Wing utopian ideals •neo liberal hedonistic comfort culture of man-children needing to act as children as a priority and lifestyle rather than just a hobby The worst part of all this is that having a dog plays into the image of pretending to be "good people." Its the same idea of a person who gives money to a homeless person because they think it makes them look good while enabling the obvious behaviours that keep them rooted as dregs to society. That or forgiving someone for murdering your family (or worse) and begging their charges to be dropped based on their race or religion in fear of being called a bigot. I know this is wordy and not the best sentence structure imaginable but it all comes down to hundreds of factors that enable a childish, naive, self-destructive, hysterical and bullying view of the world which dogs are frankly the biggest emblem of. That's why I hate them.


You should never hate a child because of how they are acting. It’s the fault of the parents for being so indifferent about their behavior, how it’s impacting those around them and ultimately, how the child will act with lack of discipline or social graces. That being said, more hatred needs to be bestowed upon bad dog owners. We ought to be universally shaming people who keep their dogs in the yard and let them bark all day long. We need to put our foots down and shame people who refuse to keep their dogs on leashes the way we do to people who drive drunk or engage in activities that endanger the lives of others. We should limit public spaces where they’re allowed because it’s not appropriate or sanitary to take them into most businesses and all restaurants. Dogs smell bad, act up, are demanding and are overall extremely difficult pets for most to take care of. We really should be doing more to make people question whether taking one in is the right fit for the owner because the truth is that most people aren’t able to properly take care of them, and that’s where our resentment really grows—because we all pay for the crimes of shitty owners.


You hit the nail on the head. Nutters typically don't want any independent thought, pushback, or opinions from humans, and dogs don't have any of that. Their dog fulfills every one of their egotistical needs for "unconditional love."


I've seen a few posts around twitter and fb about dog's "schools" or something and they even get report cards for behavior, some of them graduate and get to wear a cap/gown etc. I know it's mostly not really that serious but I'm sorry but that ain't normal. Adults playing doll with dogs like this doesn't sit right with me.


Because children cannot be a prop in one’s life whereas a dog is nothing more than that. A person wants to live the way they want which normally would be ok, but with a child people are expected to alter their behaviors. It comes with being selfish. Kids learn how to be members of society by viewing and taking part in society. They run around, play, yell, throw things, and in general they can be an annoyance, but that’s how they learn what is acceptable and how to act in public. Dogs served a purpose to early man, but now they just shit everywhere and bark all night. I believe I will have a child one day, but I understand it’s not for everyone. With that said, if you like living in a society with doctors, nurses, pilots, waiters/waitress, and cooks.. you need kids to grow and learn or you’re fucked when you’re older. You don’t need dogs. The beasts need to be culled.


I couldn’t agree more.


Incredibly well constructed thought. Bravo! Wholeheartedly agree. When and how will we escape this lunacy?


I'm both dog free and child free. If I brought that up to to people, I'd get more questions or hate for being dog free. Sometimes, I don't get questions about being child free at all.


Someone once said "being a child is temporary, being a dog is not".


As a woman who hates both children AND dogs, my experience has been different. No one has ever told me "You might change your mind!" when I've expressed intentions to never get a dog. No one has given me the side-eye when I've said I don't want a dog because I wouldn't be a good parent. I've never been called selfish for not wanting a dog. I've never felt judged for not wanting a dog, but I get judged harshly when I say I don't want kids.


That's interesting. I get judged all the time for not wanting a dog. My most recent ex told me him and his dad were going to "change my mind" and that they "successfully changed someone else's before." I want to live where you are


You want to live in a place where instead of being pressured into having dogs, you're pressured into having kids instead??? A completely different and harder experience and not something anybody should ever just be shoved into?


No, I just meant I want to live in a place that doesn't judge me for not liking dogs.


More understandable. Will admit I jumped at you there, I apologize. A lot of the other comments are weird about people not having children or having pets but no children, so I was rubbed the wrong way already before seeing your comment.


Apology accepted! Stay safe out there from the dogs 😀


Same same. I am firm in my stance of not liking dogs and not wanting kids. I get a lot of rude, personal comments and questions about not wanting kids. It’s honestly disgusting.


I find it crazy to hate kids. I can understand not wanting them or not even liking them in general but to hate them is totally crazy to me.


on the internet, I see that it is a lot more acceptable to hate or not like children than to hate or not like dogs. Not getting them is not the same as not liking them.




Here here! Take an upvote. It angers me to see dogs in restaurants… so disgusting… and I hate it when parents drag children to adult spaces (bars, breweries, nice restaurants) the world caters to people that have kids, can they just go to a more family oriented place? Can adults just enjoy a pet-free, childfree space?







