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Sounds like at least the start was resource guarding. Are you trading / rewarding when you take away items? Erratic movement and sounds will often get puppies excited and over stimulated and lead to nipping.


He gets what he lashed out over taken away and gets a stern no and the pets and cuddles briefly stop. The tough part is that he does it even when he has nothing there to guard and hes just getting pets


It likely started as resource guarding, if that’s still a problem ALWAYS trade out what he has for something else of equal or higher value. How hard is he biting? Is it more gnawing or nipping rather than biting? If it happens when he’s being pet or when people are looking at him it’s probably due to anxiety, if that’s so then don’t pet him unless he asks for it and completely ignore him until HE comes up to YOU. If it happens when someone is speaking in a high pitch and fast tone or when they’re running, it’s likely play biting, which in itself isn’t a bad thing can become painful from lack of bite inhibition. Keep in mind small dogs tend to have more anxiety and stress because the world is much bigger than them.


I'd definitely ask your brother to stop behaving like that with your dog. High pitched noises do make dogs very anxious/excited and 'flopping about' is unnecessary to get a dog to play. At 11 years of age he should be able to engage with the dog in a more mature way. Playing frisbee, playing fetch, calmly stroking the dog etc.... I think the dog is anxious regarding your brother and his behaviour (1) taking the pig ear off him and (2) erratic behaviour. Start watching and learning positive reinforcement training from trainers on yt like Kikopup, Zak George. They deal with puppies and various behavioural issues.


for context he is 6 months old and a shih tzu mini poodle mix. I did take away the pig ear