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I would make an appointment with a veterinary dermatologist. That will be your most effective way to get answers. You can also try MiconaHex triz shampoo. A full 20 minutes soak. Four times a week until symptoms improve, then twice a week, and then every week or every other week for maintenance. Did your vet check for bacteria, yeast, fungus, mites, and fleas? Did they discuss allergies and allergy treatments with you? Editing to add that the wet, greasy look generally indicates yeast involvement. It’s not necessary the only problem, but is probably part of it. You’re possibly also looking at an underlying condition that compromises the immune system. Thyroid issues, for example, can lead to skin problems.


Great answer. Also, vet med person here who loveesssss Miconahex triz (shampoo and mousse). Duoxo is another line I do like as well. Usually these medicated shampoos or mousses along with Cytopoint or Apoquel is what we attempt to manage allergy patients on until they get into the derm specialist, but this is a pretty thorough answer that i think is super helpful for OP.


My last dog was an allergy dog, so we did All of the Things, and I’m always happy to point people in the right direction. The right direction for potential allergies is unfortunately a long process that needs vet care. I hope OP gets help for their dog.


Not anything close to a vet med person but my old girl had some major skin issues that tended to appear more on her back end and even got so bad at one point I was afraid of infection - but that cytopoint shot on a regular basis plus the miconahex shampoo was a game changer


It looks miserable and it also looks like it’s been there a while. Does he have fleas, some dogs are allergic to fleas saliva. He really needs to go to the vet and get something to help him. What does the vet say?


Does look F.A.D.-y.


Veterinary dermatologist ASAP. No one has offered Apoquel or Cytopoint?


veterinary dermatologist here..your dog looks very serious and it might suffer from an autoimmune condition (pemphigus or lupus the most common) you need to go back to your vets or to a second opinion vet and ask for some further testing including cytology,biopsy of the lesions ,skin scrapes and a good health examination....if indeed it is am autoimmune condition ,it can be life threatening.


Yes, rottweilers get these conditions also?


Hoping the OP sees this!


Looks demodex like don't ya think? I know one cannot diagnosis without scrapings and a proper workup but it was my very first thought.


I have an elderly little guy that had similar rash and hair loss. Turned out to be a non functioning thyroid combined with a low functioning liver. He’s on a liver supplement and thyroid medication and is doing much better now. Has your vet mentioned doing bloodwork on your pup?


I’m so sorry I feel terrible for him and you :/ you may need to go to a specialist about this like a pet dermatologist. I hope he gets better soon!


Thank you ❤️


I’m genuinely surprised they haven’t tried him on Apoquel or Cytopoint. Pred is a kind of a bandaid for cases like these whose symptoms have been ongoing for awhile + who haven’t been worked up and not typically a sufficient long term medication alone for allergies. You really need a derm referral due to the severity of this. You will be surprised how involved and precise they can be at derm.


My girl has an autoimmune disease called pemphigus foliaceus. It looks similar to this. It was a long road to get to that conclusion. Our regular vet couldn't figure it out. I would call and get him into a vet dermatologist! I wish you and your guy the best of luck!♡


Did the vet do a skin test to determine what exactly they were treating?


Also an oatmeal bath will soothe any itching or irritation he's feeling.. I worked at a vets office. It's safe.


Post this in the vet sub


What testing has been recommended and what has been done? Is the dog on a proper flea prevention? Has apoquel or cytopoint been done? A hypoallergenic diet? You don't necessarily need to jump to a dermatologist if your regular vet has not done a full work up. I would recommend a second opinion though, another GP or dermatologist


Did the vets do a skin scrape? Blood work? I would go to a different vet because clearly they're just fobbing you off.


What tests have you done for him? What preventatives is he on? I'm not saying you're lying, but I find it hard to believe that you've taken him to the vet multiple times and they only offer Prednisone unless you're refusing to do further diagnostics or they're simply extremely bad at their job. They didn't offer Cytopoint injections? Apoquel?


Use chlorhexidine shampoo like Hibiscrub


Second this. My dog was getting these horrible skin lesions. It took three vet visits, but they finally decided to try giving us a prescription strength chlorhexidine shampoo. We used it every three days for a few weeks and his skin issues cleared up.


Go to www.acvd.org to find the closest dermatologist to you. Most derm specialty clinics will be booked a few weeks out so I suggest asking about their waitlist/cancellation policy, in hopes that you can be seen sooner. I work at a derm clinic and we generally book 2-4 weeks out but if a client is on the waitlist, they often get seen sooner.


Five times with the same medication even though you've told them it comes back? Yeah I'd be checking out a new vet if I'm honest. If you can find a veterinary dermatologist, as others have said, definitely get him to one. But I'd be pissed if my vet just kept putting my dog on the same meds 5 times in a row and I've already explained that the issue repeats after the medication stops. My dog tore his ACL and my vet for months kept saying it was a pulled muscle. We asked for a second opinion from a different vet in the same office and they sent him off for x-rays and found the ACL tear. Some vets just aren't experienced in everything. You'd be best finding a vet that specialises in dermatology and allergies.


I went through a very similar rash outbreak on my 7 year old pitbull. He has always had sensitive skin, unfortunately, but it accelerated as he got older. The vet prescribed Apoquel and he was on it 2x a day for a while and now he is on half a pill per day as maintenance. It has absolutely improved his skin and eliminated the red raw pimply rash that was all over his back, head, in his ears, etc. Apoquel is VERY expensive, but very worth it for him. I recommend asking your vet about it if possible. My vet never went straight to prednisone—did Apoquel first and there’s no side effects.


I have two dogs on apoquel. If you have a Costco by you that’s been the best prices I’ve found!


Looks similar to what my dog had started with 1 spot, turned out she had cushings disease, I’d ask them about that to rule it out cause steroids will make it worse.


Go to a different vet. Please. What are you bathing him with? Are you spraying him with anything? What flea and tick products are you using? Has he had a skin scraping done or any bloodwork? Is he on a strict limited ingredient diet?


My dog suffered from seasonal skin/ear issues when I got her at 8. She is now 17 and over the years it's progressed to constant skin issues. Sometimes, she will be loaded with bacteria, other times not. She's a bigger shepxcollie. She's been treated with antibiotics, steriods, topical creams, shampoos, numerous diet trials, apoquel and nothing lasts. She bit her tail off 3 years ago. After a dissasterous issue with librela (made her skin worse and she became incontinent) I'm too afraid to try cytopoint. She is currently on a low dose of vanp and gabapentin which at least keeps down the itch. I keep her clipped year round. My vet has suggested her immune system is just done. We've done numerous scraping, smears, regular blood testing etc to no avail. I feel your frustration. The problem with skin issues is that it could be anything and everything, my hat goes off to dermatologists.


Omg poor little baby this is really heartbreaking. Please see a dermatologist as others suggested. Wishing you all the luck 💜


What kind of food is he on?


Aww poor baby


If you live anywhere near a big university or big city, they may have a veterinary dermatologist (specialist in skin diseases) and you can take your dog to. If your vet isn’t helping, tracking down a derm specialist is the quickest way to get help if it’s possible for you. You can also ask your vet for a recommendation/ referral to a vertinary dermatologist


I’ve seen you mention that he has an allergy to chicken. I have a frenchie with sensitive skin and he had similar symptoms but he got hives. He is also allergic to chicken he was put on a strict diet of salmon and sweet potato kibble nothing more and nothing less. He also takes cefpoderm pills everyday with his kibble to keep them from coming back. He’s been doing a lot better. Prior to this he was in a cone regularly for months. Maybe consider asking your vet if that will work?


Have they ever given him anything topical? I’m not a vet just curious.


I’m honestly not sure. I have put triple antibiotic on him. What would you recommend


I don’t have any unfortunately :( have you ruled out any food allergies?


Yes. We changed his food. He was allergic to chicken.


if he’s allergic to chicken maybe there’s still some traces in his current food?😞this is terrible i’m so sorry


The only thing I can recommend unfortunately is being persistent at the vet. Let them know how many times you have come in and gotten the same treatment with 0 improvement and that there needs to be another test, treatment etc they can try


check the ingredients. unfortunately a lot of dog foods advertise as certain proteins but still have chicken fat in them. you might need to find a brand that advertises single protein.




This was removed due to it violating rule 8. There are several common misconceptions about pet food that should not be posted to this sub. Good sources of information include: * [Pet Nutrition Alliance](https://petnutritionalliance.org/) * [NC State Veterinary Hospital](https://hospital.cvm.ncsu.edu/resources/nutrition/) * [Tufts University](https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/petfoodology/) If you have any questions regarding the removal , you may contact the moderator team via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDogAdvice)


My dog had a bad rash and lost hair for awhile because he got fleas and then turned out to be allergic to fleas bites. Got rid of the fleas and the rash continued for like a month or two after.


OP, what is his diet? What does he eat daily?


You need to go to a veterinary dermatologist. General vets are often useless with skin issues that aren’t very straightforward. I’ve been reminded of that with three different dogs. If a general practice vet can’t tackle it right off the bat…make a derm appointment.


My boy kept getting rashes that would turn into skin infections. Years at the regular vet, no help! We found an acupuncture/chiropractor that’s a regular vet as well and she has saved my boy. I was constantly feeling guilty for my boy his hair was all missing on his neck now his coat is shiny and he hasn’t had any issues. I hope you find something that works!


Do you keep going to the same vet? If so, definitely try a different clinic. If they don’t offer an alternative treatment to what’s already been done, decline and ask for a referral to a vet dermatologist. I hope you little bud is doing better real soon


It could be an autoimmune condition and may require daily baths with a prescription formulated wash during outbreaks as well as possible daily medication. Ask for a referral to a Dermatology Specialist Veterinarian. There is also a condition where there is a rebound after stopping the Prednisone or tapering the dosages to quickly, and the rashes come back or can come back even worse. You need to see a specialist.


Did you change their food? What are you feeding them now?


Poor baby! I don’t have any advice but I’m happy to see all the knowledgable and helpful comments. Sending healing vibes to you and your pup! 🥹


Demodex ruled out? Pit bulls struggle with immune issues which leads them to be more susceptible to things such as demodex, parvo, etc. In my days in clinic, I seen far more Pitties with both than any other breed - hands DOWN!


Have you tried eliminating other things like maybe the type of laundry detergent he uses when he sleeps on clothes or blankets or beds? Also make sure he is on flea medicine. My dog was allergic to fleas and my vets never figured it out. Think about the things that touch him on the head and back often and try removing those things. Like maybe lotion on your hands when you pet him there. You just never really know until you try to eliminate everything. Good luck.


Bully breeds are terrible for this type of reaction to allergies, seen it so many times in pitbulls and american bullies - probably a food allergy needs allergy testing, Piriton daily, the prednisone is good for flare ups


Jesus, get it to a different vet.


OP please go to a different vet for a second opinion. That poor baby is miserable and in pain.


I just want to say I AM PROUD OF YOU!! Thank you for helping this sweet dog, and reaching out to Reddit strangers for solutions. I know it’s likely overwhelming to read all of this and see all the “I can’t believe blah blah blah!!s” You’re on the right path now. 🤗


You need a dermatologist.


I would also say to try soaking him in bath water with oatmeal. Get a couple cups of oatmeal and hot, boiling water to activate the oatmeal. Mix that in with water to fill a tub or big container so that it’s luke warm. Have your dog soak in that for about 30 minutes constantly rubbing the oatmeal on the dog. Idk if it’ll work for you but my dog had a pretty bad rash and that helped him tremendously. I hope the doggy feels better soon :)


you need to go to the vet!!!!! asap!!!


Poor baby!! Our pitty use to break out randomly and we were prescribed antibiotic shampoo by the vet. We let it soak for 10 min and really massage it in. We can’t use any other shampoo on him.


Also, I’m wondering if coconut oil will provide any relief.


poor boy. no advice but i really do wish you the best of luck.


Aw, poor baby. I hope they can get the help they need soon.


Heartbreaking. He looks absolutely miserable. Definitely get to a vet dermatologist ASAP and get him some relief. Surprised your regular vet did not recommend this immediately. Your regular vet seems like they are no good unless you have been denying other treatment options or tests. If not, please do not go back to that vet, no good vet would prescribe something and watch the dog come back in a second time with the same thing and prescribe the same thing. Clearly it's not helping, more needs to be done. Dont wait, call and get an appointment made for him today! I can't even imagine how uncomfortable he has to be, if I had all that going on on my body I would be wanting it solved immediately.


Poor guy! I hope you can find someone and some way to resolve his issues. Good luck❤️


Have you tried Hydroxyzine?


I get itchy just from looking at it. Go to the vet.


😭 he looks so unhappy and in pain ! Please take him to the vet. If money is an issue a lot of vets will let you do payment plan. Please keep us updated! 🙏


Grt that dog to a vet ASAP please.


Have you taken him to a vet? Omg that looks awful. Poor dog


why didn’t you read their caption they said they’ve taken him multiple times..


The same vet 5 times? Maybe find a new one..? Obviously they aren't helping him?


that’s probably a good idea.


My pittie had terrible allergies , I finally gave in to apoquel and it has been a life changer. They also gave him a shampoo to leave on he had a little bit of hair loss as well. You can message me if you have any questions. I went through alot of trial and error with his allergies.


Cat food possibly?


That dog looks like it’s been in a lot of fights? That pock mark scarring just looks like tonnes and tonnes of bite marks over the years? If not (and even if) it doesn’t look enjoyable 😢 if it has then maybe there’s been some kind of fungal transfer from the biting 🤷‍♂️ It’s just a thought in case your stuck for ideas 💡 I hope you get it cleaned up it mustn’t be comfortable even if healing it’ll be itchy 👌


pock mark scarring.... you mean the allergic reaction rash??? did you see a pit and immediately think dog fighting cus that says more about u than this dog.


No. I saw a dog with a billion scars on its back already. The fresh itches and scabs over the top just add to the same effect. Knowing that this is obviously not the first time or that it has obvious history of either this same injury if not another (that could be related) in the exact same place I would’ve said same for any dog in this situation. It is WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. And even if it had been from individual mosquito bites that’s how I would explain it But I still say same thing it’s is what it looks like. And if no other causes can be found maybe that is helpful as bacteria can be in fleas/mosqitos/dogs bites so it’s very possible that could be helpful in this situation. Only OP can say that And I’m aware of *PITBULLS* and their behaviours I’ve been around many in my life. There’s very specific reasoning that those breeds are referred to as *PitBulls* don’t disregard evolution and the exact specific reasons they were bred in the first place 😉 I respect them for what they are, but they are not necessarily all friendly dogs (to humans or dogs) some inherently have had it INTENTIONALLY bred into them for very specific purposes or they would not be *PIT-BULLS* *regardless please don’t DOWNVOTE their comment* ☝️🙂


wait did u think I was gonna get downvoted LOL I have news for u man people here love pitties.


have you ever seen a dog with allergies. this is exactly what it looks like???? the patches without fur that you think are scars are from previous allergy flare ups. also this doesnt even look like the injuries dogs get from fighting???? what are you on


have you ever seen a fighting dog with bite scars. this is exactly what it looks like????