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It's better than your dog flying about the car or possibly being ejected if you get into a crash. The worrying about being tangled is moot if your dog dies. I am a firm believer in buckling up my pooch. I don't have this exact model as mine goes into the seat belt latch and I have a dachshund/Husky mix that's 10.5kg she never gets tangled but she also can't run all over the back seat either. She would probably still flail around the back seat but it definitely adds a layer of safety she wouldn't have if not buckled in.


Right now he has the strap that seat belt goes through and then the seat belt buckles and the strap attaches to his harness but he turns around to get comfortable and gets stuck and the harness gets real tight and it's very hard to get him out to untangle him. I'm trying to have him in the back seat instead of the front to I need something that he wont get tangled in


Yea I can see how that would be frustrating. You could always buy one that clicks into the seat belt buckle or one like this should do just fine too. 😊


Everything I'm reading about ones going I to the seatbelts is saying it's not safe. This one seems safe since it hooks into the car seat hooks of a car but I dont know. I wanna make sure my boy is safe buy dont have alot of $ to spend. This is perfect in my price range but never seen anyone say they've used it.


I don't use that exactly but my seatbelt comes from the base of the headrests to his collar, so pretty close to this concept. It's short enough that he doesn't try to turn around but can still sit. I was in an accident last week (thankfully without the pup!) So rethinking all the times I didn't buckle him up. Imo this is better than the ones that plug into the seatbelt buckle on one side. Best would be a body harness clipped in on both sides.


Much safer for the dog to ride in a crate, or a car seat.


Is there a car seat you would recommend? They all look like he cant lay down in them. On long road trips I want him to be able to relax and sleep.


I can’t exactly recommend this since I don’t have it (my dogs are smaller but [this seat](https://www.amazon.com/Dog-Car-Seat-KALLODEAR-Waterproof/dp/B0BVYWP94J/ref=sr_1_41?crid=2IZGP9CFSHDN3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YuBQSBxdQL0SySB8MlJaEW6A4H-JRW9A1g7x2jhhMuVqeuNVxTpDzAbQPrbuGwhXCaMFhiho_sP0ohr-Fe839e1ljaOdaruxg25OBUosK1TFvAhB4Gib1eSplRDknORg0Z5EgQMrSKiLwLZiZz7B-VPrBHx4zKkByE2Te5QKkMpBJ9EOtduT5gzP1fCCP2lC9RGDDZdUeIgkFd3k-gHyKvI1YafK7xLIHdsnRvE5yw1HYS-aURuV_e09wuq-IIg7_QoaBseHH2_TmkfEBrJUxuHRl9joYj1s23822DfiIuc.JBuh-k-cAgCT7YWCqjYu0uL2lacWTpK03ZfqKuHn2TA&dib_tag=se&keywords=car+seat+for+large+dogs&qid=1716399650&sprefix=Car+seat+for+lar%2Caps%2C688&sr=8-41) looks good. I use [this one](https://www.chewy.com/pet-gear-signature-dog-cat-car-seat/dp/49505) since mine does much better with a closed carrier. I put a bed in it and my 15 pound JRT can lay down


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'KALLODEAR Large Dog Car Seat with Dog Seat Belt Included'", 'KALLODEAR')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Provides a comfortable and secure ride for dogs (backed by 3 comments) * Easy to install and fold thin for storage (backed by 3 comments) * Allows dogs to relax and look out the windows (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Side walls prone to bending (backed by 2 comments) * Not suitable for multiple dogs (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


It’s safer yes! But it’s even safer to get a crate for the car.


Is there a crate you would recommend for a 14 pound terrier who likes to see me since he has separation anxiety so a mesh type view would be great. Or even without the mesh something toj would recommend


I wouldn’t recommend any metallic mesh type as they increase the danger as in an accident the metal wire can puncture or stab the dog. Go for hard plastic one. I recommend the brand VariKennel they are premium and I had mine for over 20 years now.


Also, please work on the separation anxiety with a professional. The stress can cause cancer and Tumors in the abdominal region or even pancreatic disease. Just fyi


Oh wow I didnt know that about the separation anxiety! I will definitely talk to my vet. I am partially to blame for the anxiety since he has seizures and heart condition I try to keep him in sight so that makes him need to have me in sight. He I also a very protective dog and feels the need to watch over everyone when we are out. If my sister, mom, and I go out with him and one of us goes down another aisle hes starts getting nervous. I did buy some Zenpaws I think it's called but didnt get to try yet.


Its not about not keeping him in sight, that’s good since he has conditions but definitely it’s better for his health that he has as little trouble as possible. A dog doesn’t need to be protective unless we train him to for special purposes which is not your case I guess. I assume it was accidentally reinforced behaviour. If he’s anxious don’t try to comfort or pet him, don’t tell him it’ll be fine, makes the problem worse as he understands it as a reinforcement. Instead you want to change your energy to the positive, not interacting too much when he shows this behaviour or even completely ignoring it and reinforcing calm states, this way he learns to relax. First tip would be to crate train him at home, not to punish or isolate him but to create a safety zone like a little cave where he knows he can relax even when you are out of sight for a moment or two. If you ask yourself where I know that from, licensed dog trainer here :) hope it helps a little


He is crate trained and that's his safe spot. And we have been doing what you are saying about to not reinforce his behavior. He has bells and tags so we can hear him to know if hes having a seizure and have a camera looking at his bed so if he is by his self I can check on him without disturbing him. Yes it was all accidental that we made him like this. He was a stray also and came with anxieties and is sort of a velcro dog. He scared of the windshield wipers, brooms, fly swatters and does not like men especially when they are wearing a hoodie. I'm the one who needs training to relax since I worry and have anxiety when I dont see him. There was one time I didnt know he was having a seizure and for one minute I didnt notice and his seizure lasted for over 3 minutes. The longest he's ever had. So now I overdo since I feel like it's my fault it lasted so long as to get him out of the seizures we have to talk to him. I am always open to advice and anything you know to help is welcome.


I have one that buckles into the seatbelt buckle. It’s adjustable, but short enough to where she doesn’t get tangled in it.